Showing posts with label Labour Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour Party. Show all posts

Friday, 21 March 2025

Rank Keir

The 'Labour List' has listed the Labour members favourite MPs.  A 'Survation Poll' found that while Ed Milliband topped the list with +68.6% and Angela Rayner followed closely with +62.75 the Prime Minister himself was rated at only +13.83.  This is not good for a PM I say.
Worse is to come however, Lisa Nandy is next on only +38.87 with several other close behind.  The big names are however, losing out.  David Lammy comes in at +21.46 & Ian Murray the Quisling Scots Governor at +13.04, while the Health Sec Wes Streeting is an appalling +9.55, so much for his chances of taking Keir's job.  
Who are the lowest in the eyes of the members?  Well Liz Kendall is a mere -7.49 is second last spot, and it is no surprise to find the Tory Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, now takes bottom spot with a miserable -11.19.  The future is not bright here is it?
The over 45s appear to favour Keir, youth disagrees, his support strongest in London and Wales, well the English speaking part no doubt.  A third wish Starmer to stand down before the next election, if he lasts that long, but most still wish him to stay.  What is wrong with people?  Most wished Andy Burnham to take his place, and he is not an MP, though he is good at PR mind.
Will this make any difference?  No, the advisors behind the scene have pushed forward their agenda and Keir is obeying.  Let the old, the sick, the disabled, the mental all die and save us money, why should my taxes pay for them?  That is the attitude of today, and one they are pushing through the media.  Clem Attlee would not approve and people such as these advisors would soon be out of office, and out of the party.  Bring Clem back!

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Labour Tories


The Labour Prime Minister, note the word 'Labour' no longer represents the 'Labour Party' of old, this Labour Prime Minister held a secret meeting with Labour MPs to indoctrinate them into hating the disabled.  He explained there was a strong feeling in the nation against paying unproductive people, namely the long time sick, disabled, or indeed anyone he is now targeting.  I note he did not give evidence of who urges this feeling against the unproductive, possibly the tax dodging billionaires who pay for the Labour PM I expect.  
Rachel makes clear her contempt for the disabled and unproductive people, she is urging us to believe Labour represents only the 'workers,' not the non workers.  Notice also while this continues the Unions, once strongly in favour of supporting the sick, keep quiet and do not disobey their Party leader.   What would Keir Hardie say?
The 'class war' is upon us, and once more the upper class elites, those who own toolmaking factories for instance, and attempting to turn the workers against themselves.  This time blaming those using benefits of many sorts.  It has to be said that many workers are claiming benefits because their wages are too low.  Any suggestion for calling on companies to pay higher wages is ignored.  Keir's bosses don't like that.  Nor do they like paying tax, notice this is never mentioned except when Rachel from accounts is increasing the rich folks benefits! 
One Labour MP at the secret meeting asked the noble PM a question as to how his disabled daughter would fare.  His question was ignored.

A couple of days ago they celebrated 135 years of the Forth Bridge.  I used to cross this marvellous creation annually as we sped towards the luxury dwellings in Dunfermline or Cowdenbeath.  They have good memories for me and the trip by steam train was always something to look forward to.
Umpteen million rivets, at least 100 deaths, including the man in the wee boat who collected the bodies that fell from the bridge as it was being built, something fell on him and took him out!  Probably more died as those who fell on the road and died in hospital were not recorded by the bridge builders as bridge deaths.   
As we crossed some threw pennies, the old round brutes, out the window for luck, though the passengers on the ferries beneath thought other than luck awaited them.  The view towards the wide expanse of Firth west included many Royal Navy boats on both sides, Rosyth to the north full of large ships, many small on the south bank.  After the war the RN had far too many ships and if not sold to other nations there was an inlet just after the bridge where we could see large naval vessels being dismantled.  Some very big ones amongst them.  
Workmen was often noted clambering about, no high-viz then, just the normal wear, a waistcoat and a flat cap for protection from the weather, which could be strong here.  To the east we can see for miles as the Firth widens out and meets the North Sea way down there.  In those days fishing villages were along both sides but today large oil carriers can be seen loading.  No doubt this Labour government will soon put a stop to that.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

The Lawman and the Lawless.


Denis Law 20th February 1940 - 17th January 2025

Scotland has lost one of her greats, Denis Law, one of the finest footballers to come out of Scotland has passed away.  A loss to his family and to his nation.
Law's professional football career began as a 15 year old with Huddersfield Town in 1955.  He suffered from a squint which was fixed while there greatly improving his game.  A man called Bill Shankly, later famous at Liverpool was manager at the time.   Four years later he went to Manchester City for a then record fee of £55,000.  However, one year later Torino in Italy paid £110,000 for him.  Italian life was good but difficulties arose for Scots and English players there at that time, the style of play was far too  defensive at the time, soon Denis Law went back to Manchester, this time Manchester United paying £115,000 for his services, services which he duly repaid with outstanding football.  These appeared to be enormous sums of cash in the 1960s, however, if he played today he would outrank Lionel Messi when it came to transfer fees and weekly wage, his ability was greater than the Argentinians.
Denis Law became a Scotland regular at a time when some great Scottish footballers could be found, Jim Baxter and Dave MacKay played in most games alongside him for one.  Law scored 30 goals in a mere 55 games, other player may score more however, Scotland play many more internationals today.
Born in a poor area of Aberdeen during the war poverty was to be found in a home with 7 children.  He endured the same struggles many others had at the time and later in life was happy to receive the 'Freedom of the City Aberdeen.'  In 2012 a statue to Denis Law was unveiled at the Aberdeen Sports Village, in his famous pose having scored against England, his favourite hobby!  
Sadly Denis endured a type of dementia in his last years.  I recall him speaking of this a few years ago.   Many great players suffered this way in their last years, especially those where heading the ball was featured, and Denis Law was famous for his heading ability.  Whether this was part of the cause must be unclear for now.  
A great player and a great man, much missed by all Scots and lovers of football everywhere. 

The Conservative Disability Bill, not passed before the election, will be passed by the so called 'Labour Government.'  This Bill takes billions from the disabled with little care if they live or die.  This from a  Labour Government!  
We no longer have Labour and Tories these days, today we have class warfare between the very rich and everyone else.  The unemployed, the disabled, those badly paid, and pensioners are all targets for the elite who now run the UK, and indeed the USA and other western nations.  These are bankrolled by rich Billionaires, corporates who seek to end all benefits, and the NHS is a benefit to them, and force the masses to pay through the nose while they sit back and reap all dividends.  
Therefore Freeports and SEZs have become the norm, and soon they will begin reducing workers rights, attacking benefits of all sorts is now normal, and only the upper levels of society, that is those who have now bought all politicians on all sides, will benefit.
And the people have let this occur.
Where are the Keir Hardies' of today?
Where are the men standing up for the workers?
Where is the outrage from the workers?
They do not appear to exist.
Media propaganda has many looking at migrants in boats as the enemy.  Pointing 'over there' to an enemy that can be seen but in reality does not exist.  All the while the rights of the 'Farage Rioters' are being eroded before their very eyes and they cannot see it because of propaganda. 
Energy companies, supermarkets, Freeports and SEZs laugh at the people who sit back and take the price increases and vote for the people who are encouraging such increases!  The people were warned Labour was no more, the people ignored this.  We are now owned by billionaires and few realise this or how it will end.  Law is a fickle thing, any opposition will soon fall under a new Law, easily enacted by a parliament looking only to self interest.  The future is bleak and the lower orders and the middle classes will be paying for it while blaming everyone else!

Monday, 23 September 2024


Sleep used to be fun.
I would lay my weary head on the aged pillow and soon drift off into slumber.  Between 6 or 7 I would begin to rise and greet the day with a smile.  Well, I would greet the day.  This does not happen much just now.  I drift off listening to something interesting, well usually, on the 'BBC iPlayer' which we must call 'Sounds' these days, and sleep.  The thing is I am awake by 12:10 am.  I struggle back to sleep and it is now 01:37, then it is 02:45, then again 03:16.  This continues until 06:15 am when I awake, decide to give it one more go and next thing it is 07:50 and I am now running late!
Now before cynics start claiming the half pint of brandy I swallowed while watching that football which required it, I can tell you that cannot be the reason.  Sometimes that puts me to sleep when watching! 
It is rare to sleep for 5 hours at a stretch.  It does happen, but rare these days.  I went to sleep content and relaxed last night yet the hourly waking continued.  This results in being half asleep all morning.  I may try eating something late on to see if that helps.  

The conference is on, no-one is allowed to mention the Winter fuel debacle, or indeed those backhanders, however, that is all the Tory press are asking, and any objectors are flung out.  
Expect more meaningless Tory lies this week.
And is it not time these conferences were held over a weekend?

Friday, 30 August 2024

Tory Women

This is Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, the woman in charge of the money.  She is standing there surrounded by the 'Three word slogan,' which is a 'must have' for politicians today as they know voters prefer a slogan to facts.  People, especially today, do not want long explanations they want an understandable slogan they can gather around,  'Fixing the Foundations,' is the one the Labour Party have chosen to lie to the people with.
Now, after 14 years of Tory corruption it is to be expected the foundations are indeed adrift.  Corruption, nepotism, graft, and incompetence have all led to the nations' downfall, let alone thousands of deaths for which they can just walk away freely.  However, the way to fix foundations is to tax the rich, change the Law concerning lies in the press, stop money being hidden abroad as a tax dodge, and spend on the NHS, prisons, probation service, social security, and housing, all this will generate wealth and improve the individual's life.  
But not Rachel.
She has bowed to the corporate and private equity world, her own world as it happens.  The world where they make money and you, the peasant, die!   So, she takes heating cash from those with little money, taxes rich pensioners, reduces payments to the unemployed, the disabled and of course the NHS.  The desire to kill off the NHS is clear, doctors are not being employed, just badly taught incompetents, probably all from Tory houses, in a move to force people into private health and kill of the NHS, all this for the corporate and private equity wealthy.  
You do not matter.
Just wait until all these 'Freeport's' and 'SEZs' get going, just wait until they see the whites of your eyes and steal everything they can from you without recourse to the courts.  
This from the Labour Party, once a party seeking the best for the lowest, now totally sold out to the wealthy.  How easily political elite own the rest of us.

Fuss has arisen because Keir has done something most thoughtful people would do, he has removed the portrait of Thatcher from Downing Street.  The fascist rags are up in arms, full of faux anger.  The woman who took away employment security, reduced the NHS budget and disorganised the whole enterprise, cut cash for schools, social security, prisons, police, and public libraries, and began the whole make the rich richer by starving the lower orders way of government, is their hero, as long as they are making money.  Today her children are continuing to destroy the nation by following her selfish policies.  Now, they fuss about her picture. A suggestion has been made that putting the portrait to auction and selling it off would fit her policies and must be tried.  I hope Keir considers this.

Monday, 29 July 2024

Red Tories


The red Tories are in.  
First thing they do, after allowing third children to suffer, is to remove the 'Winter Payment' from old people.  After all the 'Boomers' are all rich are they not?  Well no actually.  In fact, those in Scotland, where winter is colder and lasts longer, are mostly not rich, as if a woman who struggled with her shadow cabinet pay alongside her husbands £170,000 would care.  She could not make ends meet with that cash!  Another gas and electric rise on the way and no windfall tax on energy companies, why?
I did not bother to listen, most of the bull makes me mad anyway, so I watch the twitterati  as they argue to and fro over the details.  It's all too much for me now.  I wonder if there is any Brandy left...?

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Are all 'Toffs' Bad?

This appeared on Twitter today, not quite hidden among the masses of posts dwelling on the election result.  Much has been made re the 'Toffs' in cabinet with little idea of real life in the nation today, so it was interesting to look at the totals of 'Toffs' in each parliament since 1945.
Atlee of course was himself a 'Toff,'  his school followed the Victorian habit of sending 'schoolboys' into rough areas to improve education needs and other aspects of life in what was often real slum like conditions.  Clem found his life there.  He remained in the East End of London, becoming a local councillor, then MP for the area, and before the war leader of the Labour Party.  Of course during the Great War he served, as an officer, at Gallipoli and elsewhere.  When the war came he remained in charge of the Labour Party, and took the role of Deputy Prime minister when Churchill was touring the world.  Many enjoyed this as his manner was that of an efficient manager, with no monologues to offer the cabinet!  After the war he led the greatest improvement in UK life that there has been in a short, and bankrupt, time.  If only he was around today!
Few 'Toffs' in his cabinet, many had come from the factory floor through the unions, and quite a few had reached university.  The attitudes at the time are revealed in the 'Toffs' actions after Labour lost power.  Churchill, an excellent war leader, was at heart a Liberal, and did not reverse much that the 'socialists' had introduced.  Indeed, he sent one 'Toff,' Harold MacMillan the housing secretary, to build 3 million houses between 1951 and 1953.  This he completed!  I see no chance of the Tory leaders after 2010 considering this action.  
Many see the 1950s as a glory period, and in some ways they are correct.  For a start I was born (cheer loudly at the back), and in 1953 we moved into a brand new corporation flat at a rate of £1 7/1d a week.  To the parents this was not just expensive but also luxury!  
The 'Toffs' of the 1950s remained 'Toffs.'  They did not pretend to be working class, they remained themselves, and until MacMillan was ridiculed, by privately educated comedians on 'That Was The Week That Was,' little changed.  After these 'Toffs' came the pretend working class Harold Wilson.  I'm not sure which was more honest.     
Comparing the attitudes to the 1950s 'Toffs' with those from 2010 reveals men who fought in one war, supported the nation during a second, with a long period of depressions in between.  The Boris cabinet contained men who while young did not wear uniform, instead they played 'Punk' records and trashed Oxford restaurants while laughing at the plebs.  Social conscience, an understanding of what their policies led to, and an understanding of human nature and life itself was absent from the majority of Conservative Cabinet members during this time.  Self and money was all, and now kicked out by the people, a people that did not rush to support Labour, they run off to find high paid jobs still unaware of real life.  Look out for all sorts of ex-Tory MPs appearing in well paid quangos near you soon.  Their appreciation of public need will have not developed any by the time they float off with another fat pension from that job.
As for Keir's mob we wait and see.

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

The Difficult Choice

I woke this morning to be greeted on Twitter with many more Tory Party bots, Labour promises, SNP Stonewall love in, and ALBA promising real independence.  It was a bit much for early morning. 
However, 'change' is indeed needed, though I do not see this from Labour.  For 14 years the Conservative Party has deliberately run down social services, the NHS, the probation service, including a failed privatisation, the prison service, no wonder it is overcrowded, sold of the magistrates courts, and refused to increase the lawyers wages at that level, alongside wages everywhere else.  
All the while vast amounts of money has been taken out of the country to Tory donors be they big business or private health care, or in the case of PPE requirements merely friends of a Tory MP.  Corruption on an international scale, and this on top of Brexit, the stupidest thing any nation has ever done.
What chance Labour will change this?  
Clem Attlee, our greatest Prime Minister, would ensure the poor were considered before anything else. Taxing the rich, of which he was one, and doing his best to see housing, medical, and schooling needs were met.  Will this Labour do this?  I doubt it.
Starmer has taken almost £200,000 from private health companies, Wes Streeting much the same, all are paid for by big business and all support the Freeports and SEZs which will dominate the nation for the next ten years.  
Do they care about society?
A shadow chancellor who 'struggles to pay bills' while earning over £100,000 and has a husband on £170,000 struggles?  What chance then has the public.  It is clear there is no desire to amend the Tory attack on the poorest, benefits will be attacked once again, while the new MPs collect their winnings from Israeli lobby groups and private health companies.  The people do not matter.
Then on top of this the entire Labour Party will enforce men dressed as women making use of women's spaces while the entire nation opposes this.  Drag acts before primary schools kids will be encouraged, and any perversion will be regarded as normal under Labour.
Christians and Muslim who oppose, well certainly Christians, they are too scared of Muslims, those who oppose these things will become criminals in this deranged world.  Schoolteachers, ministers, vicars, any who follow truth will be attacked while confusion is allowed free reign.
The future is not bright under Labour, one set of Tories will go and another will take over.  The people will still suffer social deprivation while they fill their pockets.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Truth and Trauma


Azhar Ali, the prospective Labour candidate for the Rochdale by-election, has been 'disowned' by the Labour Party.  This comes after he spoke the truth re Israel and Gaza, and frightened Keir into running away from the Tory press.
The problem here is that Ali spoke the truth and upset the Israeli propagandists.  He made clear that Israel knew the Hamas attack was coming, that the defence force was instructed to do nothing, and that this allowed Netanyahu to attack Gaza, something he had long wished to do.  
Nothing wrong here.  Nothing anti-Semitic here either.
So, 'outrage,' and 'fury,' appears in the Tory press attacking this man and his 'lies.'
But he spoke the truth.
Keir, aware of real anti-Semitic leanings amongst some in the Labour Party, though whether this was anti-Semitic or anti Israeli government policies is arguable, Keir decided to act, slowly.  He has withdrawn support for Azhar Ali, however, as it is too late to amend the election list Ali must stand anyway.  No official Labour candidate will no be available, and this means Ali will win with a whopping majority in a place Labour hoped to use to attack Sunak.  What a mess from Labour.  I note the 'Daily Mail' do not allow my comments to appear on their report...

Amidst all the press glorying in the murder of Brianna Ghey, and the press loved this story, there was one interesting point that was, deliberately, missed.
We heard a lot about the two who decided to commit murder, but little about their reasoning, nor what caused this desire.  The media enjoyed splurging space on the 'evil' twosome, using the word 'shame' without any sense of irony.  There has now been considerable comment from Brianna's mother, especially after Sunak make a joke about Starmer not knowing what a woman is, and setting off a bandwagon of faux anguish.  The gay/trans lobby supporters in prominent places rushed to express their concern and outrage, and to ensure their voters and the media heard their opinions.  Loud voices condemned the inept PM, many of them Tories hoping for a position under whoever replaces him, and the Labour Party urged the bandwagon on, considering this was the publics desire.
Votes mean votes!
Brianna's father, Peter Spooner, was loud in his condemnation of the PM, demanding apologies and heads rolling.  No answer came the reply.
This brings me to my point.  
Why was the father commenting separately from the mother?
Because they are not married to one another, both appear to have other partners.
It would be easy to jump to conclusions here.
So, jump I will.
Why did this young boy decide he was female?
A young boy with several problems finds his parents splitting up.  Was this the trauma that led to his desire to be female?  This has occurred in many cases.  The media do not wish this to be mentioned, they are off one mind that such 'transitions' are normal, possibly because so many in the media or their friends are heading that way.  Of course the liberal society does not wish to believe that such sex changes are not normal, this is because this allows them to live life their way, whatever that entails, and we are not allowed to indicate how wrong this is, for them and others.  
Did this boy go through a transition without any hindrance?  Did no-one indicate that this was a wrong move?  Or was he encouraged to 'be himself,' when he was not 'being himself' at all.
Divorce, parents splitting up, new step-parents arriving, can be very difficult for a child, especially one who is autistic or has ADHD, and can lead to confusion and problems.  Was this the case here?  Was there no-one who could stop this boy changing sex, by a piece of paper?  
We are born male or female, we cannot change sex, and we cannot be born in the wrong body.  All this comes from a traumatised mind, nothing else.  God created us male and female, this cannot change.  Jesus demands our repentance so he can make us fully what we really are, we cannot become what we  really are by a slip of paper and self identification. 
The police quickly established the 'trans' was not responsible for the killing.  That was the equally troubled lassie from elsewhere who befriended the child and soon decided to commit murder.  Quite what went through her mind, what caused her to enjoy torture and murder we might not understand, though similar things are happening right now across the world by men in uniform 'protecting their people,' while torturing and killing others.  Such attitudes to be truthful, lie deep within all human nature.  The nature we all carry.
So, one is dead, two are imprisoned, many more hurt and traumatised both near and far. 
I am just glad the police worked quickly and successfully to bring this sad tale of woe to court.  Where would we be without a police service as good as ours?  But that is another story.

Dutch Boat in a Gale - 1801 Turner

Monday, 12 December 2022

A Trudge to Get Bread

As expected we rose to a white landscape this morning.  Slow traffic edged its was along the highway, occasional workers coughed and muttered as they slipped their way past.  Occasional dogwalkers muttered also while trying to find a clear spot for the dog.  Clearly, not all succeeded.  

Much against my better judgement I joined the cheery throng, once the schoolkids had passed by.  Whether they were off to school or off school I knew not, but I let them go first.  By the time I got fed, dressed and had my boots on, the traffic was beginning to flow normally.  Clearly the majority had remained indoors and only the workers and the desperate went out.  I needed bread... 

To get bread I trudged through the snow, being reminded of how hard this could be.  A few inches lay there, pathways already clear down the middle of the path, and at the side areas where children had sought to be the first to leave their footprints in the large white expanse in front of them.  Who can blame them?  Did we all not wish to do that?  And some of you still do!

One man, dressed for the front room, hurried across the park, pulled out his phone, took a quick picture, and ran away back from whence had had come somewhat guiltily.  The rest of us, warmly wrapped and slow moving, ignored him.  Most offered a rueful remark as we passed one another, one woman annoyed at being 'called in' to work when she wanted to take pictures also.  How cruel life is.  I bet her pictures would be better thought out than mine.

At the far end I snapped a shot from an area dominated by the early, and frozen, dog walkers.  I have taken such shots for years yet little changes.  To think that once this was a school ground, and before that a rich man's house?  Before that it appears to have been a field, an old painting shows this in the 1800s with a cow happily wandering about.  All things must change.

I had hoped to see the birds behind the church but clearly they were struggling for food at the moment.  None bar an occasional wood pigeon flew by, and they were not stopping.  I wondered how they would feed themselves today, though I suspect peoples gardens would be places to find free offerings in this weather.  Not much I can do to help these days.

My route took me past the freezing Town Hall and the old water fountain, it no longer works of course, but there are less horses, pigs, sheep, cows and buyers these days.  Bottled water appears uppermost today.  Council workers were spreading grit around the area, clearing a safe path, and working up a sweat.  Sadly, we have no equipment that allows me to do this here, just an old stiff brush which merely spreads the stuff and makes it slippier!  I will not tell you how I know this.

The only splash of colour comes from the Post Box.  Note the 'Sat' for Saturday tag, indicating nothing was collected that day.  I suspect it was not collected today either.  Vast quantities of mail fills the Royal Mail offices, little of it finds its way to me however!  I am all in support of the striking workers, however, Royal Mail and this grubby government are not willing to do the deal, the failing attempt to turn the people against the strikers has not yet led to a climbdown by government or their men.  I note however, the nurse will not strike in Scotland as the government their has found a solution to the problem.  Why can the English not do the same?  Simple answer, they do not want a solution, they wish to sell off the NHS to their American friends, line their pockets, and care nothing for the people.

Keir Starmer and the 'Tory Two' Party has failed the workers by refusing to back them, calling for an end to strikes, and even claiming it is impossible to pay the NHS staff more.  This is no longer the Labour Party, this is a man desperate for the top job and he will say anything to get it.  It is time for Starmer to go, he could do nothing when the failing Boris was PM, he failed to remove Liz, and now fails with the latest failing PM, it is time for Keir to leave the show and allow a member of the Labour Party to take over.

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

The Labour of Hermes


Today Keir Starmer delivered his first speech to the Labour Party conference.  I didn't bother to notice it. I expected little and it appears that is what we have been offered.  He did not say anything revolutionary, offering some leadership, or suggestions to take the nation out of the mess into which it has sunk.  My reading of the far from enthusiastic responses to his speech indicates no changes from Labour regarding opposing the Tories.  The nation will continue under this inept government for some time, another, possibly 'snap' election is possible soon, and after that Boris victory the Tories will reign supreme for some time because Labour have failed to oppose him or offer solutions.
What a mess.
What should he have said?
Had Keir made clear Labour would return to the EU, nationalise the main society supports, the buses, railways, NHS, gas, electric and water, for a start, he would have found a strong support from millions fed up with private profit while their fares and costs soar under any excuse that fits.  This however, is not something he would ever contemplate.  I understand there were no references to Clement Attlee in his speech.
Clearly supported by Lord Mandleson of disrepute, he instead just wishes to continue as a 'Red Tory,' teaching the youth to learn 'how to live with it,' and 'make the best of it.'  Super!  Nothing planned to change the way things work or find a better way for the future?  Get used to Boris, he will be around for ever if Keir remains in charge of Labour.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Wednesday Wittering


Just on Nine I slogged my weary way to Sainsburys this morning in 67%F of heat (that's about 19C to foreigners).  Three days in a row the sun has shone, this, as you will realise, is a clear indication of a storm to follow.
At the supermarket I took a basket as always and perused the shop for the few items I needed.  The picture above claims to be representative of the most popular trolley in supermarkets.  I always take a basket, partly because these days I can only carry so much but also because it makes progress around the store much easier and quicker.  To pass aged men with no idea what they are doing, bar obeying orders of 'she who must be obeyed,' and women with trolleys packed with expensive shopping most of which they could easily avoid, you require a basket.  For many years this has speeded up the shopping trip.  Certainly it can get heavy, but a well organised basket can carry a fair amount, at least that is what the cost at the checkout indicates to me!  £20:18 for that lot?  There again this is cheaper today because of the diet, without the cakes, beer and other fattening items omitted once again I am saving money.
Once again I noted the indifference to the checkout operators from those pedalling vaccines.  There ought to have been an urgent requirement for such as these to be vaccinated first.  These people meet the public daily, as indeed do postmen, bus drivers (several of whom died from the virus) and dustbin collectors alongside other council workers.  We realise NHS workers and care staff ought to have been offered the 'jab' first, but how many received it?  In Scotland they did do the care homes first, one good thing from Nicola, but how many missed out?  It is 'unfortunate' that these other front line workers, who face us daily, are considered so unimportant.

We can ask here how many missed out taking the 'Jab' because they believed the anti-vax nonsense spouted by many who fell for conspiracy movements?  Why do people think a virus would contain a bug that transmits your details to Bill Gates?  He already has all your details through Microsoft, as indeed has Google, Facebook, and all sorts of other organisations, let alone those 'official' government departments that can look you up if required.  Why believe the Bill Gates lie?  Do you really think he needs to know about your boring life?  
This I suppose belongs to the politicians need to polarise the world to advance their personal position.  One of the oldest political motives, 'divide and rule,' this has been around since the dawn of time.   How many have died by avoiding the 'jab' because of such polarisation? 

One of the most obvious examples of 'Divide & Rule' is found here, with Rupert Murdoch.  He, in all his grubby papers, along with the 'Daily Mail' and 'Daily Express,' have encouraged their readers to believe the country was flooded with immigrants, all the fault of the Labour Party, and that such immigrants were given priority over housing, benefits, and opportunites, all of which were being denied to the indigenous white 'working class' population.  
This has worked.  
In similar fashion lies re the EU has led to many Labour people voting to 'Leave' because they felt hard done by.  However, the benefits regarding tax dodging for the owners of such papers was not made clear, or ign ored altogether.  Now, a collapse of the UK economy which will hit the white, and indeed immigrant, population very hard indeed has arrived, will the Brexiteer white understand why he is laid off?  Or will he blame the pandemic?
We see how successful 'Divide & Rule' has been.  The areas of northern England, once industrial heartlands, now desert like places, has seen the Labour voting population not just die off but change their voting habits and support the new incoming Conservative member, why?  Do they agree with Tory policies?  Do they know what those policies are?  This is highly unlikely, however, they have heard that the Tories will 'Control immigration,' and protect the local natives from a Muslim takeover.  
That is all that was required.  
Lies about Muslims, frequent in the 'Yellow Press,' re immigrants, mostly black, and the EU citizens flooding in also, (no comment ever made re the 3 million UK citizens in the EU by the way) all added up to a fear campaign that benfits the Tory party but not the voter. 
The result of this lie, added to the inept situation in both the Conservative and Labour Parties has led to a feeble government since 2010.  With no opposition bar the SNP who cannot have sufficient influence in the Hosue, and the dead Labour Party, there is nothing to stop the Tories doing whatever they wish.  Add also the instability withing the party producing Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and we are left with a chaotic situation unsurpassed in UK history.  It times of strife in the past serious politicians came to the fore, today none can be found.    
I have just discovered what the amendments to the constituencies will mean if allowed to go through, a vast number of increased Tory seats, and Boris and his mob ruling for ever!


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Thought's Occasioned by a Magazine

'The Oldie' is a magazine I have been reading most of the year.  It is well laid out, attractive design, with many items, some regular some occasional, they are all accompanied by astounding cartoons, relevant to life today.
However, this morning filling time reading a page or two I was once more aware of how limited many items were.  'Middle Class Angst' replaced with 'Middle Class Hero's.'  The 'heroic' stature given to long dead drunks, perverts or scoundrels, becomes a wee bit boring after a while.  People who the author would not allow through their front door are raised up as some sort of role model and we are expected to laugh at their doings as if they were worthwhile.  Usually these 'doings' just reflect an empty life.
In my mind several things can be said here, the most obvious is that the mostly middle class readership (who can afford the mag) want to identify with such individuals.  They desire to live lives that are 'free' from society objection, ignoring the cost, broken marriage, lost and confused children, sickness, death and other minor hindrences.  
One cause that often appears is lack of parental care.   
Boarding School: Such schools at eight years old is not, in my experience, something that binds a family, even if dad is in the forces or diplomatic service or some form of business.  Dumping kids at a distance, with no family contact, especially in the days before mobile phones such as we now possess, is cruel in my mind.  I am not surprised to find so many gay folks informing us of their situation often began in such circumstances.  How many 'celebs' have similar broken family lives behind them?
Public School:  The Public school ethos, whatever that is, where future leaders of power, church, media, government, get together to form friends or enemies for life and encourage 'The Old School Tie.'  This is the manner Boris has been making use off to run the country.  The attitudes encouraged at such schools do not encourage care for others, they certainly do not encourage 'socialism' in any form, instead it has become 'Look after number one,' us!
Bad Parents:  Whether sending kids to far off schools or just having too much money in the end, bad parents are responsible for bad children.  Fathers who have no intention of loyalty, mothers who play around, those who use the other for class, money or position reasons and make no effort at a real marriage will not produce contented children.  The lack of assurance, the lack of love will always show.  'Love' of course is not a feeling here, it is an action.  A daily action, often in difficult circumstances, a costly action, that is why so many fail!  When the wealthy fail it is not through lack of cash, it is lack of many other things.  Children are thus taught selfishness, lack of concern for others and indeed many spend their lives looking for the missing parental care elsewhere. 
Money:  Those who can afford Public Schools have no knowledge or understanding of how the people live, whether those of what we call 'working class' or indeed 'middle class.'  Their world is far removed from the daily life of most.  
It is clear Boris and his kind wish to keep it that way.  The moneyed class, and where did that cash come from? The moneyed class care little beyond themselves.  It is true that in the past some have taken action to change the world for the better.  Well educated Clement Atlee took to looking after those in London's East End, eventually leading the most radical government the UK has known.   Harold MacMillan, Eton boy at that, was far to the left of Tony Blair and that guy who is now the Labour leader.  He met the lower orders during the Great War, respected them and served them in the 1930's in Stockton to the extent of running soup kitchens for them, and depised Thatcher and all she stood for.  Thatcher of course was Lower middle class, the daughter of a shopkeeper.     
War:  Of course many mentioned in the magazine pages were born before or during the war.  This affected the entire nation and while all suffered a reaction the upper section of society had the privelage of being able to move about and spread their problems in a less stressful fashion.  Money was available, better jobs also, the rest of us just had to 'get on with it' and make the most of their lives.

Reading about some cad this morning brought Boris to mind as many mentioned in the mag are very Boris like.  Indeed one individual rather scathingly mentioned parents of today's cabinet members in passing, and I am left wondering if the failures of school,lack of parents care and having too much cash has led to the Boris we see today?  His cheeky personality wins him many fans though udnerneath he is a scheming brat, very schoolboyish.  His battle for power with Eton Boy Dave Cameron saw him win, though honesty and integrity played no part.  It is difficult to consider what went on behind the scenes!  He now has power, without the ability or drive to make it work.  Where will it all end?  
His latest policies, declared by the queen, who managed not to spit even once, include Bills to cut the number of Labour voters, hinder judges from stopping parliament wrongs, both attempts to oppose anyone who might disagree with his decisions.  
This is the actions of a man afraid to debate, a man who needs control, a man who is afraid of the consequences when he loses that control, not the sort of man to be called democratic.  Boris has learned a lot from Fascist Steve Bannon, these are actions copied from Adolf during the 30's, although the press was already on Boris's side and only the BBC was to be taken over.  The nation has suffered a coup and does not see it.  Soon, the 'Red Wall' will realise they have been had, then what?


Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Wednesday Waffle

This delight was awaiting me as I came home the other day.  Only the Tories and Labour bother with our house.  Clearly they do not know the people within.  It was the phrase 'Conservative Action' that grabbed my attention.  With three years of Brexit inaction, Theresa going back and forth on her knees and the ERG knifing one another in the back there appears to be either no 'action' or too much of the wrong type of 'action' within the Conservative Party.
This area is of course very much a Tory stronghold and always has been, the 'Daily Express' sells well to people in big houses who ought to know better as well as to the 'Working Class Tory' who clearly doesn't!  UKIP made a big mark a few years ago and the people returned to the Tory vote only after an anti-EU showing, many here are not upset with them and with the MP seeking his fortune by keeping in (successfully) with the big names and ignoring his constituents his large majority will soon take a beating.  The upset voter may not bother to vote in this local election, too few do anyway, and with feelings high there is a possibility changes might occur.  
This however may fail as it is impossible to discover any information regarding the few who have put their names down as candidates.  These Tories and the usual losing Labour types apart we know nothing about the independents, it appears 'social media' is beyond them, the 'Green' candidate I have discovered works in some form of environmental work but otherwise nothing, even their very poor website did not mention him!  I say we must vote however with such a choice and such small minded voters it appears the 'democratic' election is going to be a farce.  
Funny how those who don't vote do complain mind.

I was sitting here idly watching some rubbish on the laptop when I realised I had one of these flea things chomping away at my hand.  Where did he come from?  No pets in here, I have not ventured out, so where did this brown beastie come from?  Indeed where did he go?  I flicked him away and ought to have killed him but I am now wondering where he is hiding, I may meet him again, he will not find fodder anywhere else in here.  How exciting, I have never been bitten by fleas before and now I have the chance to obtain Bubonic Plague, how historically interesting!  But stupid!


Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Autumn Mists

Autumn, the season of 'Mists and mellow fruitfulness' said he poet, I'm not sure about the mellow fruitfulness but last night there was plenty of mist.  This contrasted sharply with the warmth found in the middle of the day today where people walked about shirt sleeved, they must be mad!  

The aged bandstand in the gardens has been in attendance at almost 140 such seasons.  The trees around have cheerfully deposited their leaves for someone else to gather over a similar time.  The gardens once were the sole property of one of the Courtauld's, George I think, who had the big hoose over the road.  He also had a huge area of fields there also which now form the park l and in a spirit of generosity donated the gardens to the town.  This was received with much pomp and display.  The townspeople marched through the town in celebration and a picnic in a local field was held at the end with a bonfire and carousing no doubt at night.  People made their own fun in the late 19th century.  The gardens are now run by a trust and a Courtauld is one of the leading men attempting to keep the gardens running.

Apparently the Labour party have been having a conference this week, only listening to the news headlines means I miss out many tales and yet miss out nothing important.  It appears Jeremy Corbyn thinks he could win an election but there are two problems here: we are not having one and stopping Brexit is more important.  The election one is fun as this is three years away I guess and the Tories will have gone through about three Prime Ministers by then and while it is possible Jeremy might be acceptable to many by then I suspect he also may have followed them into the abyss.
If however Brexit is not stopped, and Jeremy is all for it, then in three years time Scotland will be independent, England broke taking Wales and Northern Ireland with them and the world will be a different place.  In the meantime we struggle on with the worst government we have ever had, sometimes I wish David Cameron would come back at least you knew where you were with the ignorant toff.

There has been much cheering in the realms of the easily led by the radical news from Saudi Arabia that from next June women will be allowed to drive cars in that country.  Cue much cheering from feminists, media women and others with little intellect.  Women being allowed to drive gets a round of applause yet not one word is asked re stopping the crucifixion of 16 year olds, the decapitation of offenders nor the chopping off of hands and other bits and the stoning for adultery, these are less important than a woman driving!
Questions must be asked why this decision has been made?  Could this reflect the new young rulers intention to 'modernise' his nation?  Could it be a lessening of the influence of the Wahhabi imams? Or could it be a distraction taking our minds of the proxy wars on Yemen and Syria?  Or is this to hide something else we are not being informed off?  We wait and see.

The Autumn sun peeked out between the large misty cloud formations time and again today indicating that more such weather awaits us.  Rain clouds form as we speak, the residue from those US hurricanes make their way east and affect our nation, typical Yankees!  Not only do their money loving Boeing attempt to kill of 4000 jobs in Northern Ireland they dump their old storms on us also.  We can hit back concerning the aero companies but sending our weather to them is not so easy.
I expect Mrs May, when not taking the knives out of her back, will call that nice Donal Trump and inform him handbag style what she thinks of it all.  He can attempt to hold her hand but I suspect this will not work again.  Not sure it worked last time right enough.  
Mrs May is still PM but there are rumours of a coup approaching.  However all rumours are just that, rumours.  Who plants them?  The Russians, The Tories, a Tory bigwig unsettling other bigwigs, the CIA or 77 Brigade?  Who knows?  So many false items on Twitter and Facebook and so little truth among the whole thing.  I am cutting down on both social media and lessening my search for information to more reliable informants, who are possible lying I must admit.  
Just imagine, a British government with a divided cabinet, backstabbing ministers and no opposition, no matter what Jeremy says, is this possible?