Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Orange Balloon

The madman liveth!
I had to laugh the other day, the tragedy where a military helicopter crashed into a commercial airline landing at Washington opened the door to Trump to spew stupidity.  He did not respond with the gravitas expected of any leader, oh no, he immediately claimed it was caused by DEI, the 'inclusivity' deals at air traffic control.  
He took this further a day later, claiming the helicopter pilot was a 'transgender' who deliberately crashed into the place.  The next day that particular individual appeared in the press stating 'I am alive, here I am!'  Which kind of goes against what Trump was pushing.  I expect another day in court for the orange balloon.
I do not disagree with his ending the encouraging of deviant lifestyles, except he must consider them as people requiring help, an idea that has never crossed his mind regarding anyone anywhere.  
N one is trans, you are either male or female, however, life brings problems, and we react in different ways.  Those with such tendencies, or indeed any other tendency, there are many available, require our care and help, not to be targets for vote catching amongst the less well-educated, which is what got him elected in the first place.
Certainly there is no room for special days for gays or any other deviant behaviour, there is nothing to be proud about here, but we ought to be stating truth to people, not encouraging the lowest common denominator which in the end destroys them.
oops, I forgot to finish this today, I got caught up in the football.  Still, we won 6-0!  Hooray!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025


The USA lost a reasonably decent and efficient President the other day when Jimmy Carter passed away.  Now, with Biden standing down and heading for the lounge where he has wished to be for the past 4 years we have the orange balloon Donald Trump in charge.
I sat through part of his inaugural speech while having my dinner but I found both hard to swallow.  
Here again was all the absurd conspiracy theories being played out in front of us.  Here again was all the nonsense offered during the election.  Here again he had the power to put some of this into practise.  
Already he has begun sacking those around him who do not toe the line, just like Adolf did in 1933. Already he has begun calling the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America!  Already he has passed absurd policies too many to mention, all of which, such as leaving the WHO will endanger thousands of US citizens.  He has also ended the protection on drug prices that benefit the less well off in the USA!  Already he has left the agreement that is intended to prevent tax dodging across over 100 countries.
We see where his heart lies, money!
The American people, those especially who voted for him, will be the ones losing out.
However, he has claimed there are only two genders, and is now imposing this on the USA.  I must say I agree with him there, though sexes is the word, not gender.  It will take a while before Keir receives instructions to do the same.  
I see nothing else positive, only trouble and strife for all normal people around the world.  The US was considered a batshit nation under Trump before, the world laughed at what they had done, and now he is back because they voted for him!  Unless of course we can have a word re those electronic machines that Musk has interfered with.
It is a long 4 years ahead, but we can rejoice that Jesus remains in control.  He rules the world, not these rich men.  Their time will come and there will be nothing too see once where they stood. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

High Sunday, Low Monday

Here we are, the contributing members before the service with a short prayer before beginning.  It's the usual short prayer, 'HELP!' which is offered.  We then retire to our positions, breath deeply and pray it all works.  
It usually does.  The man leads, songs are sung, the book is opened and read, a sermon is given, and one intercedes for the masses.  This time it was me.
I took my place quite relaxed.  I had a thumping heart all week, I was very tired, and found many were in similar but different situations.  These bugs are affecting so many people these days I wondered if we would all make it.  I clambered up to the rostrum, took out my script and as we had been reading Jesus at the wedding in Cana, where he turned water into wine, I mentioned my friend from long ago.  When the church was going through a charismatic change he read this story and decided to act.  He placed several glasses half filled with water around the flat so that as he passed he would command them to turn into wine.  Sadly, this did not occur.  However, this is always something we ought to keep in mind next time the shops are shut.
I blethered on, joking about the vicar taking a week in the tropical paradise of Oxford which went down well. Prayer is often full of respect and almost fear among some, I think being ourselves and straight talking to the Father is best.
Some appreciated this, so it was OK.  I felt this Sunday relaxed and 'at home' as it were.  Very good indeed.

Listening to Trump as he was sworn in, this was what came to my mind.  I do not think he will prove me wrong.  I also regret eating while watching this, I ought to know better not to listen to US politicians at such time.  

Monday, 25 November 2024

Monday Shopping


You will have heard of the petition, signed by 2 million apparently, for a General Election now!
Clearly this is Musk inspired, a quick look at the readout here reveals who exactly is signing this petition!  Musk will have his goons, and their bots working to sign up, and it is possible some of the Farage rioters, at least those not 'inside,' will also have signed.  Somewhat tersely Mr Starmer has said they will have to wait 5 years for one.   Musk has not yet commented.  However, this does indicate what outside interference in the UK will be like under Trump and his beloved.  All sorts of daft ideas, many online, most absurd, will soon be appearing and demanding answers.  I suspect they too will fall on deaf ears.

I've been browsing for Christmas presents and obtained one or two for myself.  This, I think, is good going.  I am looking for a wee camera like this one among the cheap sites, and have found a possible which is lacking a battery.  This is OK as I can obtain one cheap, or reuse an old one I have here from this broken one.  One fault is the lens jams, and while I now have info on fixing it I am not technical enough to give it a go at present.  The complicated insides means I will have a thousand wee bits all over the place and the thing worse off!
So, money is spent.
I did buy one thing for one of the kids though...

So, amongst other things I obtained a few cards online, some of which are Christmas cards, while huge gaps remain on the list.  I was glad to sit here browsing as I had been taking what is laughingly called 'exercise,' then running about Sainsbury's, struggling down into the basement for the electric meter reading (having, in block capitals informed the online query regarding 'Smart Meters' as to why they cannot work here as their engineer reported to them years ago.)  I may have been tense at the time.  I then visited the wee corner shop full of odds and sods to browse and buy cheap tins of chopped tomatoes.  After which my knees made me sit and spend vast amounts of cash through 'PayPal.'  
Christmas has only begun and already I am going out to play Bob Dylan in the High Street!   

Wednesday, 6 November 2024


In spite of humanities best efforts Donald Trump has once again won the vote to be President of the United States of America.  The world stares at this with disbelief!  How could anyone vote for s demagogue, a liar, a cheat, an abuser of woman, and a man who is mentally ill?  Though when you consider some of the presidents from past times he fits in well there.  
So, how are we to react when he takes office?  The absurd political system takes until January before he becomes President, do you think Biden will lead a revolt, just for spite perhaps?  No doubt he will be seeking to put many of his plans into action, especially the ones Putin pays for, and many daft ideas he broadcast will in fact be seen to be his wishes in real life.  God bless America, even though they have left him behind.
There is a rise in inept right-wing governments, democracy as we have known it has been thrust aside, the world we grew up in is no more.  
The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.

Saturday, 10 June 2023

Boris Heads for the Door! Rejoice!

Boris has been shown the door!
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Instead of facing a by-election in his constituency and the response of the House, Boris has cut and run!  The coward would not face the people.  Of course, this means a by-election and Boris will leave this so things go badly for Rishi Sunak.  Sunak is to take the blame for the mess Boris has created by his life of selfishness.  Add to this it is no surprise Nadine Dorries, a Boris adherent, has also stepped down from the MP job she has not been working at for several months.  This also is to cause trouble for Sunak.  
This petty, schoolboy arguing has meant little to the electorate, it has however, lined the pockets of many who do not require the handouts, and reduced the money for those, if they are still living, who require such aid.
At the same time Trump, the orange coloured Boris impersonator, is also heading for a fall.  Keeping stacks of White House documents illegally may bring an actual jail time for the crook.  We can but rejoice that justice may well be catching up on those who have robbed us for many years.
The Boris press is having a breakdown, they fear they may be next, and this on top of Prince Harry having them exposed in court as underhand crooks.  The nation, well the majority, will however, be saying Rejoice!
Here is a clip of Boris' resignation letter. 

Monday, 15 May 2023

Trump, Tech and Spring!

Once Joe managed to get his aged head in the White House it was hoped the end would come for the fat, orange blob.  However, in spite of insurrection, rape allegations, court decisions and obvious mental health problems, Trump once again heads the count for the Republicans as Presidential candidate.  We think the UK parliament is in a mess?  
How does a man who supports the Russians in Ukraine, use and abuse women so openly, talk like a 14 year old taking his first drugs, and lie so obviously retain this position?  Uncle Joe is no hero and some of his statements are somewhat dubious, but with a choice between a semi dementia man with some decency, and a Nut Job who considers, and probably believes, that the world is there for him and him alone, which would you choose?  Joe would not lead the US into a war, against the Ukraine, Trump might!  Trump, with the monetary understanding of Liz Truss, could demolish the worlds economy in less than her 43 days.  Yet, many US citizens will vote for him!
The west has been morally degraded by the policies of great wealth and false liberalism.  The 'Stonewall' type freedoms have deluded many, the creation of wealth and the removal of that wealth has left many distressed, and Covid did play its part here.  It is interesting how immoral governments and economic distress go together.  The stability built up since 1945 has been gradually eroded.  The west has nothing to hold it together now.   And a return of both Trump and Johnson is on the cards.
Sleep well.

In the real world Spring has produced a lively concoction for the wee beasties.  Buttercups and these white things that I can never recall the name off, these abound round the park.  Yesterday, my body failed to make Kirk, so I wondered across the park enjoying the greenery.  The council cut down the dead daffodils and allow the space to be filled with all this beastie attracting growth.  They do manage it well, and this replaces the areas killed off by front gardens being turned into car parks.  No wonder the number of sparrows is diminishing.  

I love technology, I really do!
I love how technology enables my laptop to manipulate the anti-virus in such a way as it logs itself out, logs itself in, all unasked, and then slows everything down while it contemplates what it is doing.  This, I only understood after uninstalling 'Avast,' and then re-installing the thing this afternoon.  Why did it do this?  Was it attacked by a virus?  Anyway, all is now well, apparently, but every day, and in everyway, we are being driven mad by the technology that was discovered to aid us and make our life easier!   

Tuesday, 9 August 2022

Greasy Trump

Being the 'silly season,' the holiday time when politics and politicians are unusually quiet, the media has been desperate for something to fill the spaces.  Editors everywhere are glad Olivia Newton-John has died, now they have something to say.
Twitter was full of men of a certain age informing us of their first love, things like that I have no wish to know personally, but many who ought to have known better were in tears.  
For myself, a music lover, I was not a fan.  Having seen 'Saturday Night Fever,' when it came out, announced as they all are as a 'film not to miss,' and in my opinion 'with a rifle,' ought to have been added, I had no desire to watch a film full of 'pop' music and meaningless acting.   Naturally, we were all told it was one 'not to miss.'  Again I suggest the rifle.
The disease which took the lass is indeed unfortunate, sad to see a woman of 73 years dying like this.
The music, in my humble view, ought to have died in 1973, long before it came to the screen!

The good news today, also taking up some space, is that the FBI have raided the orange liar in his Florida house.  The hope, and it seems likely, is that they will find stolen documents, items to connect him to 'suspicious activities,' and something to land him in jail.  Whooppee!
Naturally the right-wing press have launched a support drive for him.  Nigel Farage threw in the 'Deep state' word, implying something is amiss.  He is correct, though of course he is the one amiss, and if they come for Trump, they will come for Farage soon.  That is something I look forward to.
'Deep State,' is another of these none existing phrases thrown out by those causing problems.  The implication is that secret organisations are doing them down.  This is true, but Trump and Farage are behind any such organisation, although we know there is in fact no 'Deep State.'  Just like the word 'Woke,' when you ask them to explain what it means there is silence.  Just point over there and say 'woke,' and the sheep will be happy.  This is an old trick going back into prehistory, nothing new in lying.  
Trump is determined to get re-elected, even though most of the US government will oppose this.  Our Donald, Boris Johnson, thinks he too can make a come back.  Both need to as they wish to avoid jail.
Personally I hope they fail and end up inside.  These men have deceived their nations, and the world, caused misery to millions, broken every law, opposed democracy, and unless stopped those paying for them will cause economic disaster to us all.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Thursday Blether

It has not taken the Tories long to respond to last nights outrages in the USA.  Boris (who once suggested the Nobel Peace Prize for Donald) offered a mumbling statement condemning violence, possibly written by Donald.  Priti Patel managed not to condemn Donald and muttered away, Michael Gove, Donalds friend, said nothing, Rees-Mogg, once delighted to work with Donald, has not posted on his Twitter feed, possibly he has not seen the news.  At best the insurrection is played down, while most laugh and cheer off camera and hope it happens here also.
A Welsh Tory suggested that those opposing Brexit could riot in such manner, on Twitter, Unionists, possibly Tory members, are claiming similar actions will occur if Scotland seeks independence, others claim SNP independence seekers will behave this way (make up your mind).   
It is clear to all, bar those who thought this was a genuine revolution under way, that Trump has done this just to keep a grasp of power.  When he loses power he can then be brought to account for his crimes, mostly dating back to long before 2016.  No wonder he lies in a desparate manner.
Soon Boris it will be your turn surely?
'Lock Down' will have an effect similar to the last ones.  My hair needs cut, this may not happen until March, Priti Patel wishes people to be ordered off the streets by Police, fined if they do not obey, and shops will run out of so many things under Brexit that soon panic buying will return.  
I have avoided going out, not that I wished to go anywhere, but in the dark, before 7:30 I wandered round to Tesco, coughing all the way and scaring several people heading for work as I passed.  This gave me a laugh and forced them to walk well over 6 feet away from me.  The early morning cough is just that, but they don't know!
Once again I thought I am here choosing bread, once more I collect milk, not the out of date stuff going cheap, once more I ransack the same shelves as before, almost always choosing the same items with only an occasional bright experiment attempted.  
When at school I was jealous of those wandering the streets while I was locked up not learning anything.  It seemed good to be outside wandering to and fro whenever you liked, I looked forward to the time I could join them.  However, I was disappointed greatly to discover that such freedom as I had imagined was brief if it actually existed, work, wages and a hundred other things imprison all of us daily.  
When young life is bright, the future tempts with excitement and pleasures, travel, strange places, new temptations, new pleasures, new people, and adventure moulded to the individuals needs, or so I thought.  Reality was not the same.  Being an adult did not bring much bar wondering what was for tea that night?  What shall I eat tomorrow?  Where can I buy cheap the required clothes?  And so on.  Living in London people spoke of the many wonderful places to visit, the shows to see, the stars, the pleasures available, yes indeed some were tasted, however, travel across London takes time, pleasures are expensive, work tiring and most do not spend their time enjoying the city, they are too busy just living.
Then, suddenly, one day you are a grandfather.  Not that you are a grandfather, it is just that you are old!  In your mind you are 25, in the body 30 years have been added.  The need for distant pleasures fades somewhat, those you once laughed at sitting, possibly in the car, staring out at sea, you no longer laugh at because you are one of them, chomping on sandwiches while staring at the sea suddenly is fun.  The bright lights are faded in your eyes, the joys empty, the pleasures too expensive and not worth much.  Rather the smile of a child in the family, a dogs wagging tail or a cat sitting on the laptop appear more interesting and the joy longer lasting.
This of course does not mean you are dead!  Indeed no, programmes like 'Last of the Summer Wine' which many disliked as the humour was stinted, reflect many a gang of elderly statesmen who, in one way or another, behave in similar style.  The potential for trouble, as any wife will inform you, from the men seeking excitement can suddenly appear.  Those who volunteer in some capacity will always find ways to have fun.  Before the virus many groups aimed at the elderly abounded for those who cared to try them, not me, and aged adventure could be attended to.  Especially if there were three or four silly men involved.  Most such men must be bored now.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Saturday Cogitation

I've finished a book!
This is the first book I have got through in ages.  This is not from having ceased trying to read, I just could not be bothered with all the big words.  The effort to read was too much, possibly 'Lock Down' having an effect, but few words other than those required to identify items on supermarket shelves or football results were asked for by me.  This obviously did not stop me buying books!  The shelf is creaking with unread words, none in cuneiform but some dealing with that sort of thing, others just cheap, old books, that were a sudden desire.  They are now collecting dust until the right time to read them.  One lass sent me the wrong book, they all look the same don't they?  When I pointed this out and offered to keep the wrong, but perfectly acceptable book, and happily pay for it she allowed me to keep it for free.  I doubt she paid much in the first place, it is quite aged.  That was good.  I think she may be working for home for 'pin money' selling books she has collected from all around.  Good luck to her.  'Be Inspired' is the name she goes under on Amazon, though the rest of the books in her bookshop did not inspire me today.   I will however keep a look out.
Paiul Theroux's book is a condensed version of his travels.  I like his books, well written and honest. The tales do occur some time ago but allow us a glimpse into the lives of many in far flung places often in difficult times.  'The Great Railway Bazaar,' 'The Old Patagonian Express,' 'The Kingdom by the Sea,' where they miss Edinburgh for no good reason, and other travels are detailed.  These are shortened versions of his books put together in 1991 so a bit dated but still worth a read I say.  
I of course paid little for it.  

Did you know that there is an election occuring in the USA?  They kept that quiet didn't they?
It appears that the present President, a madman by all accounts who suggested first that the Coronvirus did not exist, even though he was informed about this in January, and then told his subjects to take Bleach to cure it!  Two did and died apparently.  He also caught the virus, he says, and recovered informing his people not to be afraid of the virus.  He ignored the 200,000 dead and millions till suffering while it appears he tries to stifle free health care in the US.  
Joe Biden is the other man.
That's all we need to know to vote for him, whoever he is.
As I look up from this monotonous Celtic v Rangers game I note the traffic has not lessened this Saturday in spite of the county being in a tighter 'lock down' from today.  Nothing appears to have changed, most here obey the rules and Saturday shoppers are ignoring them as much as usual.  To many football matches to watch for me to stir outside but as the death rate is higher I suspect the care homes are suffering a bit once again.  That is, both patients and staff!

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Update on Update...

To amend an old army joke re adjutants:

'Is it lawful to kill anyone connected to Microsoft?' 

'Yes, as there will always be extenuating circumstances.'

Things were going as well as can be expected today, Tesco had been visited, the self service machine and I fell out and had to be rescued by the young lady almost wearing a mask.  I had wandered home, decided there was nothing to do but watch the boring cricket, which was quite good in the end, and settled down to eat and sleep through the day.

Microsoft interrupted!  

As I put the brute onto 'sleep mode' they offered an update.  I took this and waited.  Naturally when this finished, quite soon compared to last time, I fond things missing.  'Avast' anti-virus had gone, other things were closed down, and 'Edge' filled the page and would not let me remove it!  This took time and several restarts before their blasted new browser was removed from my screen.  They do not half push their luck when they push their browsers!  

Eventually all was well and then I watched cricket in the heat.  At least 28 degrees in here all day, I hate to imagine what is was like for those working outside, and the site of em in shorts led to the mirror being placed elsewhere, for my sake, I also avoided windows.

Of course watching cricket only happened because there was no football.  Aberdeen ought to have been playing St Johnstone in Perth but some players went on a night out in 'Locked Down' Aberdeen, two tested for the virus and the others have to isolate for 10 days.  This led to an almighty row, rude words from the First Minister, and even ruder words from their manager when the game was put off.  They almost had to play with 8 players missing!  Good job it was postponed.  Such events may well happen more often during this season.

So no football, cricket takes all day, and now I am trying to find something stimulating for my mind, 'Pointless Celebrities' perhaps?  However I have no idea who any off them are!  Nothing else appeals, maybe the radio or better an old radio programme from the iplayer?  I will avoid entertaining myself by doing anything approaching work.

Venus!  These things have been hanging around the night sky for a few days.  I am glad that I can see them but why in the middle of the night?  That reminds me of Trump suggesting sending a man to the sun.  Angela Merkel indicates this is not wise and so Trump suggests 'Send him at night?'  Something about that appeals to me...

A friend has been made redundant as his company is suffering losses.  I passed a coffee shop today that has closed down, at the time I thought that this was the first of many.  My friends loss is an indication that many more jobs will go, not just because of the Virus but also because of Brexit.  In Sunderland 'Nissan' workers cheered the Brexit vote, several hundred have been made redundant and soon Nissan will go to Holland I suspect.  Today 'JCB,' who encouraged their people to vote Brexit have announced the paperwork is too long and expensive so they are off to Germany!  

What did people expect?

We are about to see thousands of job losses, redundancies and sackings, the rich will rise above it and the poor will remain the mass who suffer.  We have seen it before many time.  Pick up your Old Testament and read the Prophet Amos, he spoke of this concerning Samaria, similar causes and in the end destruction.  Somewhat different today, but not for those who are at the bottom, they will suffer most, and indeed worldwide!

Have a nice day...

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Slow Sabbath...

Been a slow day.  Made slower by having to drop everything and watch Newcastle United beating Sheffield United by 3 - 0 this afternoon.  Other things had to be put aside while I gaped at the Newcastle side in a vast empty stadium.  This did not spoil the game however, I enjoyed it and was pleased at the result.  Last night the BBC gave us Bournemouth v Crystal Palace just to indicate that Bournemouth are finished and will go down.  The only hope they have is that West Ham are also chronic and may fare even worse!  

This means I have wasted no time in seeking parades or protests to pretend I care about.  In Glasgow and Edinburgh (pronounced 'Edinburra') Rangers fans act out 'British Loyalism,' which in Glasgow means attacking peaceful asylum seekers meetings and of course the police.  'Unionists' are always violent, it i the English part of their imperialistic make up.  The Glasgow police (pronounced 'Polis') often appear somewhat right wing and 'loyalist also, at least those visiting Ibrox Park, Rangers home, often find.  This time however too many punches have been thrown, too many assaults have strained the officers and I think there will be many doors 'knocked on' at 6 am soon in various 'Loyal' districts.

I did notice the weather man claiming hot weather was in the offing.  It is summer I suppose, and this means the numpties will be racing to the beaches to collect virii from close packed sun lovers. I have watched them well behaved and well spaced out on Bournemouth's well cared for beaches but others may be less disciplined.  The NHS will be looking forward to the week...

Well he tried his best but failed to rouse much in Tulsa.  He managed to enable Nigel Farage, the attention seeking Hedge Fund chancer to visit him to swell the crowds.  Nigel was barred but allowed into the US as because of 'National Interest!'  Possibly he was interested in a 19,000 seater arena in which only 6200 bothered to come and listen to Trumps lies?  

In major news it appears the Heart of Midlothian have ended their time with Daniel Stendal and replaced him with ex-manager Robbie Neilson.  I wonder if Craig offered any advice here?  With court cases ongoing, league placing uncertain, this is a bright move that will please many and annoy others.  We await with interest further developments.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Fret Not!

A Psalm of David.

Psalm 37

 Fret not yourself because of the wicked,
    be not envious of wrongdoers!
For they will soon fade like the grass,
    and wither like the green herb.
Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security.
Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
    trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your vindication as the light,
    and your right as the noonday.
Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him;
    fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way,
    over the man who carries out evil devices!
Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!
    Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.
For the wicked shall be cut off;
    but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land.
Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more;
    though you look well at his place, he will not be there.
But the meek shall possess the land,
    and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.
The wicked plots against the righteous,
    and gnashes his teeth at him;
but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
    for he sees that his day is coming.
The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows,
    to bring down the poor and needy,
    to slay those who walk uprightly;
their sword shall enter their own heart,
    and their bows shall be broken.
Better is a little that the righteous has
    than the abundance of many wicked.
For the arms of the wicked shall be broken;
    but the Lord upholds the righteous.
The Lord knows the days of the blameless,
    and their heritage will abide for ever;
they are not put to shame in evil times,
    in the days of famine they have abundance.
But the wicked perish;
    the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures,
    they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.
The wicked borrows, and cannot pay back,
    but the righteous is generous and gives;
for those blessed by the Lord shall possess the land,
    but those cursed by him shall be cut off.
The steps of a man are from the Lord,
    and he establishes him in whose way he delights;
though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
    for the Lord is the stay of his hand.
I have been young, and now am old;
    yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
    or his children begging bread.
He is ever giving liberally and lending,
    and his children become a blessing.
Depart from evil, and do good;
    so shall you abide for ever.
For the Lord loves justice;
    he will not forsake his saints.
The righteous shall be preserved for ever,
    but the children of the wicked shall be cut off.
The righteous shall possess the land,
    and dwell upon it for ever.
The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom,
    and his tongue speaks justice.
The law of his God is in his heart;
    his steps do not slip.
The wicked watches the righteous,
    and seeks to slay him.
The Lord will not abandon him to his power,
    or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial.
Wait for the Lord, and keep to his way,
    and he will exalt you to possess the land;
    you will look on the destruction of the wicked.
I have seen a wicked man overbearing,
    and towering like a cedar of Lebanon.
Again I passed by, and lo, he was no more;
    though I sought him, he could not be found.
Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright,
    for there is posterity for the man of peace.
But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed;
    the posterity of the wicked shall be cut off.
The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
    he is their refuge in the time of trouble.
The Lord helps them and delivers them;
    he delivers them from the wicked, and saves them,
    because they take refuge in him.

Bible Gateway

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Hypocrisy, Books and Parliament.

Donald Trump last night insulted insulted Christians everywhere by making use, without informing the church authorities, of St Johns Church for a photo opportunity.  Not only did he not inform the church authorities his police fired tear gas at them as they provided refreshments to the peaceful demonstrators. 
For a cheap election stunt he abused the church itself, physically assaulted the clergy and then had the audacity to stand with a bible in his hand in front of the building!  What hypocrisy! 
For myself I doubt there has been a 'regeneration' within him since his many 'prayer meetings.'  I am not keen on his 'spiritual advisor's as the main woman appears to be more concerned with raising money than Jesus.  It appears Trump merely wishes the 'evangelicals in the Mid West' to come out and vote for him, he is unafraid to make use of the church building or the good book itself in and effort to obtain votes.  You have to wonder what goes through his mind sometimes, he appears to have so little understanding of the real world.    

No-one who has read the bible can ever vote for this man.
Trump has taken advantage of the natural response to an 'out of order' police force running amok not to bring order but to create a divide, a 'them and us' situation, so he can pretend to be on the  side of right, whether it is 'right' or not does not matter as long as he gets votes.  His voters sadly will understand and follow his lead.
Adolf Hitler used similar tactics.  Pointing the finger to the Jews and anyone else believed to be responsible for Germany's failure he obtained success.  This is an old rabble-rousing trick, Boris Johnson was also doing the same thing with his absurd 'Get Brexit Done' call recently, we now know he was not capable of getting anything done bar creating children for others to rear for him.
St Johns Clergy have immediately indicated their disgust at this man's cheek.  None wished Trump to make use off and abuse their building, it is clear no Christian can support such a man walking far from God yet here we see him abusing the Bible for his own ends.
What a disgrace.


An interesting note regarding the past.
1968, LBJ, besieged in the White House by over 100,000 peaceful protestors objecting to the Vietnam War.
1969. Nixon, besieged in the White House by more than 500,000 peaceful protestors similarly.
2020.  The man claiming, "I am your President of Law and Order." Encourages the use of tear gas on peaceful protesters, threatens to bring in the Military to clear the streets, and suggests shooting protestors.
Some 'President for Law and Order,' the previous two, professional politicians of course, did not call on the guard to use tear gas on ether occasion.

The difficulty discovered after finishing a good book is finding one, on a differing subject, that will take a similar hold.  This is not easy.  Several books which have been opened are full of words, words that require to be read slowly.  Others are somewhat slow in themselves and picking up the book is not easy.   Some find time to waste during Lock Down to tidy up their bookcases.  The media is full of those arguing whether books ought to be in alphabetical order, subject order, authors name and such like.  The really stupid file all their books in colour order greens, blues, reds...I am left wondering if any have actually been read?  However while adjusting the space for the Great War books I did wonder if I need a new house, one with a library possibly?  
Now, how to get rich quick...?

At first sight Rees-Moggs idea that all MPs must attend parliament in person to ensure proper voting appears somewhat foolish.  Indeed as many MPs will be unable to attend due to Lock Down keeping them in because they or a relative has the symptoms or have been advised, by this government, to remain indoors due to a disability, it certainly appears stupid.  Long queues nearly a mile long, waiting to vote, all 6 ft apart, will certainly induce ridicule from the public.
Hold on though, Rees-Mogg does not have 'ideas.'  Rees-Mogg did not come up with this, so who did?  I venture to suggest that the famous bald man who, 'for the sake of his children,' spends time driving them up and down the nation is responsible.  Not only will this ensure Boris has support at PMQs and therefore appear less foolish, but parliament itself will be made to look stupid, turning the attention off Boris and elsewhere.
Brilliant!  Now when the Leader of the Opposition tears Boris apart the sheep behind him will be able to drown out his embarrassment by whooping and cheering as if they meant it.  Boris will still look unfit for the job however, but at least he can try and hide by appealing to his sheep.  

Monday, 27 April 2020

Monday Mumping

So, Boris returns, the media are ecstatic, 'The Boss is Back' they proclaim.
They fail to question why he was not around when people were dying and why he failed to take appropriate action to prevent such deaths.  The 'Nightingale' Hospital, and all similar ventures, have proved to be yet again empty gestures.  No patients admitted there unless they bring the staff to work on the also.  Along with imitation 'Churchillian' phraseology we have empty hospitals and no equipment nor staff.  Very typical Johnson.
He has however made it clear there will be no quick end of the Lock Down, this is good, however we know he speaks out of both sides of his mouth and I expect his paymasters will be getting some money opportunities very soon indeed.  
I wonder if he will take PMQs on Wednesday or avoid it through a doctors appointment perhaps?
I wonder of Keith has the ability to actually oppose him if he does take the stand.  This will be interesting, even though I am not sure I wish to sit through 30 minutes of disappointment.

There is a blindness in many people these days.  I found it clearly in those who voted for Brexit, there was no room for an alternative, Brexit was all, no-one wished to debate, Brexit or nothing was the idea.  In the US we see similar happenings.  Crowds gather to oppose Lock Down as they do not want the government telling them what to do.  They gather because the usual suspects, the anti- climate change, anti-Vaccination, and anti- whatever is popular people tell them to gather.  Obeying them is OK, especially when the President tells them to oppose the local Governor.  
The President himself, not renown for intellectual offerings, has in recent days Tweeted many confusing Tweets, including revealing a desire to find a new TV station to replace 'Fox TV' because it no longer appears to believe him.  Having told people to inject disinfectant to cure a virus, his friends say it worked, and now appears to have tipped over the edge finally will it be possible that he can be removed and sectioned before the November Presidential vote?  Possibly his daughter might bump him off and take his place, she would like that...