Monday, 8 April 2024
Transistor Radio
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Broken People
The 'British' intellect is a simple one. The press understand this and follow, or is it lead, that intellect to a degree of profit for themselves. For days we have been offered sensational warnings regarding 'Storm Dennis' which was about to blow us away and destroy the nation. It didn't. The warnings were in every paper, TV and radio also blasting out threats of suffering in 90 mph winds and heavy rainstorms. In the end they were not much worse than what we usually receive.
However as this was vitally important information nothing but the most urgent news could shift it from top spot, especially as it was being used to hide tales regarding our inept Prime Minister and his dog Dominic Cummings.
The heart of the nation is revealed (as the headlines would say) to be centred not on obtaining the 'Russian Report,' not on worrying about the Budget, not on questioning serious dodgy dealings in No 10 but instead on the death of an unknown women at 40 years of age.
Apparently this woman took part in a programme I would have thought unworthy of broadcast, but there you go. As I did not watch 'Love Island' I cannot comment on the content, well I can as I know just enough to make me switch off, and I can say it is something that the death of such a woman is considered fit to splash over all front pages. What sort of a society watches 'Love Island?'
There are court cases involved which concerned this woman, there was pressure from the media, there was her unstable mind, all these things contribute to her death.
The court case I did not concern myself with, apparently she bashed a boyfriend and the media lived on this for a while. The media make use of her story and she and others complain she was used. Hmmm. These people seek attention and when it comes they cannot cope with it. Those who participate in such programmes will be hassled without mercy by the tabloids who are clearly out of control.
Nothing will be done.
Much may be made of her unstable mental condition, however I suggest anyone who wishes to be famous' in such a way, or indeed by being a 'Pop or Film Star' is clearly unstable. The world is filled with broken people seeking attention. Possibly they just require proper 'Love' and 'Care.'
It is very sad that a pretty woman should be killing herself at 40, or indeed at any time. It is disgraceful that the media will live on this for days. It is inevitable that the pother broken people out there will 'read all about it' and see no wrong in their desire to peer into another's broke life.
The storm appears to have abated, many flooded in the usual places, less articles about them now. I wonder what the media will distract our attention with next week in between using another young broken woman, and hopefully they say, breaking others for a story?
I was very impressed this morning as I walked to church. Just before 8 am the rain came down in torrents, it was like looking at a gray mist. I began to plan remaining indoors. However I was doing the reading this morning, Genesis Chapter 1 and a bit of 2. This is quite long and the Rev thought it funny! So I had to be there for that at least. No offers of transport arrived, I waited for one of my women to offer, none did. All those Valentine's cards wasted again. However by the time I left it was dry. I almost got to the door before any rain developed though I had the pleasure of walking home in heavy rain later. My big jacket is still wet.
On the corner near the church was an enormous puddle reaching out into the road, blocked drains must be doing this everywhere. A BMW rounding the corner almost drove into it until he saw me walking by and moved out to avoid drowning me, thank you sir, but he almost hit a small car coming the other way. I wonder how many people would have driven through the puddle? I wonder how many accidents we do not hear about are caused by such?
I look forward to the end of the great storm, or at least the great headlines regarding the storm. Daily winter weather is upon us.
Monday, 7 August 2017
The Benefits of the Wireless
Now OK, I realise most folks call it a 'radio' today but I always find the word 'wireless' appearing in my head and so I might as well use it. When young we did indeed have a 'wirelss,' a great big box with an aerial that looked like a bent birds cage which hung outside the window do obtain a good reception. I wonder if this was obtained second hand or possibly through my aunt who worked in 'Jenners' Edinburgh's principal shop, the one where all the rich women spent much time drinking tea with their pinkie sticking out and discussing the merits of other women's lives. My mother did not have the cash for that pleasure and merely gossipped with the neighbours.
Anyway I recall, possibly before I began school, a large 'Radiogram' appearing in the corner. This vast cupboard had a lid which when lifted exposed the large dial for the wireless on one side and a record layer (ten '45's at one go!) on the other. This my elder brother and sisters much enjoyed though I also took happily to their choice of 'Rock & Roll.'
On the large dial, over a foot in length and several inches wide, there was a list of foreign places from far away. I cannot mind now but I suppose both Long, Short and Medium wave were available on their however if we listened to the radio we most probably only had three stations at that time, the BBC 'Home Service, the BBC 'Light' programme and Radio Luxembourg which in those days played music young people wished to listen to, the BBC remained rather stuffy until the pirate radio ships gave them a shove in the 60's. I spent many a Sunday afternoon with my head up against the speaker listening to the 'Billy Cotton Band Show,' 'The Goons' with their 'pictures in the mind' and other comedy shows that abounded in the afternoons. During the week the 'Tony Hancock Show' brought in an audience of 25 million! This of course before TV was common and then did similar when transferred to the telly later on. Those days have long gone and even the dreadful 'soaps' only get 13 million by adding the two showing of the programmes together.
The Internet has been a blessing regarding listening to the wireless as the BBC iplayer allows me to catch programmes I usually miss and indeed many of those programmes once hear while munching mums salad rolls on Summer Sunday afternoons. Now we possess the updated (though the names do need updating once again) Radio's 1,2,3,4, plus 5Live, the rather juvenile station, plus the World Service once the best of them all now dumbed down and as PC as the rest of the BBC and Radio 4 Extra, a station that plays old programmes, mostly sad to say dramas, stories and pap. However via the iplayer I can catch some wonderful programmes and today I have been working my way through the Radio 3 excellent 'Essay' series. In particular I have been enjoying some of the 'Free Thinking' programmes, I listened to the 15 minute ones where one person spouted their opinion on a topic (many wide and varied) and dis so in an intelligent and thoughtful manner. I did not always agree, some were spectacularly wrong, but I had to listen and wanted to hear more. There are so many talk shows on Radio 4 that are decidedly middle calls and usually aimed at women with problems that when you hear grown up women talk on Radio 3 you wonder if it is not time for a change in the programming layout somewhere. Maybe the Radio 3 audience is more open to reason?
I must confess that I have had a fill of thinking talk for a while and may well retire to the West Wing and place my dull ear to the speaker again and listen out for something that either takes me out from this box or makes me laugh, I don't as yet now which. Either way it will be better for me that glueing my face to the box in the corner where 50 channels, when they work, offer me little of value. Once again there I must reach for the TV iplayer and seek something worthy.
Monday, 17 April 2017
Easter Monday
Being the Easter Monday holiday almost everything was shut. Thankfully Tesco still opened to feed those who almost starved over the past few days. I had to go there as I found a sink was blocked and while I managed to clear it last night found my bank holiday beginning with pouring smelly stuff down the plughole. It seems to work but it does annoy when that happens, especially late in the day.
For the rest of the day I sat at this laptop trying to finish updating the WW2 memorial that collapsed. The problem is that while I have basic info on all the men I have not got the links to hand for further information so I have to trawl through the sites to find that again. That takes time and working at the speed to which I have become accustomed it took lots of time. It is getting there but slowly and what slows me down is finding interesting bits of info which I must read and then forget what I was looking for in the first place. Bah!
On the other hand as there was nothing on the TV and I found less on the radio I suppose this kept me out of mischief. The question is why are TV programmes on holiday periods so poor? Do they save up the rubbish to fill space or is it the programmes they have are all poor and they show them hour after hour? For instance 'Who do you think you are,' the series where famous people I have never heard of seek their ancestors, has been running for four days now. While the idea of this programme is good the outworking is poor. The whole point is less about finding the empty headed starlets great granny it is about finding a story about great granny in a workhouse so they can add sentimental music and force tears from said starlet. That is not seeking ancestors that is a reflection of the small minded TV we have dumped on us by the Islington set today. Certainly finding granddad in a lunatic asylum might produce a reaction but why force tears about someone born a hundred years before you were born? My granddad's first wife ended in such a place but ought I to be weeping? He might have done, the children might but really this is just a reflection of the loss of the 'stiff upper lip.' Whatever it is it is not history.
Possibly I misjudge the attitudes. I am constantly finding poignant information when researching people. For instance this lass here, a member of the ATS who died far from home in Coventry during the war. Her little band were supporting heavy anti-aircraft guns, either firing the things or working searchlights alongside possibly, either way from action or disease she died aged 19 only. That is tear jerking especially if there were no more children in the family. I can find no other information on this lassie, who knows the situation, but can we weep for people we never met?
While I sat in here in the gloom with only the starlings banging away at the feeders for company I know you lot were still stuffing chocolate eggs down your throat. I am not jealous, just as I am not the one running to the dentist asking why there are no teeth left.
No I enjoyed the gruel which was all I could afford, the bit of stale bread left in the wooden box, and washed this down with stale water to avoid using electricity and spending cash. No don't feel sorry for me, you enjoy being overweight....
Saturday, 28 September 2013
The Web!
Surely that is what they mean by 'the web...?'
Quite how the spiders connect via an ISP I know not. However as several have made their home on the telegraph pole it appears there must be some method available. Note also we refer to a 'telegraph pole' yet the 'telegraph' as such no longer exists. What do we call these things now I wonder?
During the last week I have made use of the web, mostly to listen to the 'wireless,' although that today must be called the 'radio.' There again as many listen to the 'radio' via their mobile phone can we call it 'radio' any more? I am getting confused now. When I use the laptop to listen to the radio, via a wireless connection, am I using a 'radio' or a 'wireless?' I am beginning to blow a valve, bring back the old certainties I say!
The radio I listen to mostly is BBC Radio 4, Radio 4 Extra or Factual, BBC World Service, or even Murdoch's TalkSport (who's link doesn't work for me!). World Service News until recently has been the best in the world. The cutbacks have reduced this somewhat, especially early in the morning when 'Daybreak,' an African 5Live style offering appears instead of the proper news programmes that once held sway. Still some news programmes run during the day and have proper journalists most of the time. The usual liberal BBC policy drives the choice of subjects and narrows the spread of news somewhat I find. I have tried other nations radio stations, in English as my Finnish, Russian and Serbo-Croat is somewhat lacking, but not as much as my command of English of course, some offer a good news service but usually at limited and awkward times. In days of old I often spent hours listening to the Eastern European stations under Communist control. The slanted viewpoints, boasting of successful agriculture, factory output (how many tractors we made today) and diplomatic successes, came over as interesting in comparison to the views expressed by western media. I suspect their radio stations are better these days, at least the newsreaders will not have rumbling stomachs like the Romanians and Bulgarians used to suffer! Some US local news stations, the type named after leftover 'Scrabble' letters, offer five minutes of screeching adverts followed by one minute of extremely fast 'news,' then it returns to the ads. I heard several like this, mostly in New York and the like, and wondered what the point was? If you cannot make out the words because the speech is so fast and the majority of the hour is adverts i have to ask why bother? Better US stations always begin by asking you for money, something you cannot do in the UK. It would never work!
Radio 4 is filled as you know with Middle aged, Middle class females telling us their many problems, which reflects greatly on the women who arrive on here, they always appear so normal so why does the Beeb look for this particular hung up type I ask? However in amongst this we can find a great many decent programmes, especially if we use the 'Programmes A-Z bit. I often do this and the documentaries on radio have as you know better pictures than those on the telly. History is very well covered alongside a wide variety of topics, I particularly like those many short 15 minute programmes that have appeared in recent years. This week I discovered the story of a female Chinese Emperor, some things about Henry VIII and a tale regarding H.V. Morton the travel writer. Some are available for a week only, others hang around for a year! Radio 4 Extra and the Factual stations also offer past titles, 'Extra' dealing in Comedy where I find 'Hancock' and 'The Goons,' regularly offered. All such making a change from the drivel that fills the majority of daytime TV and Radio. So many radio channels offer nothing but music, and usually at a time when I wish to hear something spoken. It is most irritating that these people do not appear to cater for me specifically which is disappointing, although the web now makes a better choice available through searching.
When lying in bed I usually listen to the wireless. Radio 4 may offer the 'Shipping Forecast,' which can lull one to sleep after the midnight news or wake you gently just after five in the morning. Many non sailors are keen to see how 'Forties,' or 'Cromarty,' will do today. "Easterly 5, Moderate, Rain, Poor," are just the words required to delight or terrify those who go down to the sea in ships. Usually we struggle to comprehend what they mean but the chaps in small craft, fishing boats and the light still listen in spite of all their modern equipment so it clearly serves a purpose still. Alvar Lidell was a famous BBC announcer who spoke the Kings English properly as you should, he I think it was, would end the shipping forecast with "Good fishing gentlemen," or some such phrase, as in those days vast numbers of trawlers worked the seas. Such niceties are less common today, as indeed are the fishing boats. Often I switch this off and turn to 'TalkSport.' As the laptop cannot offer this it means the radio, or is that a wireless I wonder? This station offers 'Sport,' usually football with occasional other things thrown in at quiet times. Owned by that nice Rupert Murdoch I find that whenever I switch it on the adverts are running. The adverts, always loud and bolshie and often with an English working class voice' to sell it to the people, take up so much space because it means the presenters don't have more time to fill I suspect. After the ads come the ads for the stations programmes themselves in the usual Murdoch loud and empty boastful manner. The major topic is always the top four football sides, the rest not counting to hacks, and the main story of the day, whether real or imaginary, will be discussed in urgent fashion for hours, long after those involved have forgotten it. 'White van man' is a regular contributor, calling from his mobile phone on an unintelligible line at three in the morning to make his point concerning a player or club. His knowledge is lacking, he clearly knows nothing, and yet he makes more sense than the presenters, possibly because the line keeps going down!
Cultural folks like you and me will turn to the BBC iPlayer and search BBC 3's site where music abundant is found as well as sensible (?) programmes on the Arts. My favourite is 'The Essay,' where fifteen minute programmes discuss various subjects. The Anglo Saxons offered many worthy fifteen minutes which I enjoyed thoroughly, most are still available and well worth a listen. Since this quality station has so few listeners, it has a certain (deserved) snob approach to classical music and life in general, many despise it, however again a little digging brings success. One day I hope to hear my clever musical niece playing in an orchestra here. She is playing a part in Messiaen - Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum, making a noise on Tubular bells I believe. At least I hope that is the same thing that she is involved with,
I would bore you with more but instead I am off to bed to listen to a variety of foreign stations in an attempt to find something I like.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Morning Radio News Programmes
Thursday, 31 May 2012
During the Great War the papers were the only news media and the sole means of informing the nation of the progress of the war. The press barons worked ceaselessly, to their own advantage, to support the nation by offering the propaganda that began with the war cabinet. Writers tirelessly informed the nation to enlist and serve, and question those who don’t. Many writers spent a great deal of their time writing in the American press in a desperate struggle to gain support, the French and Germans doing likewise. It was one of these men, H.G.Wells, who came up with the phrase ‘The war to end wars.’ A notable but nonsensical phrase which has stuck in our minds to our detriment ever since. Much quoted it represents nothing about how the war was viewed at the time, but propaganda at its best keeps the phrase alive. Lies and half truths stay with us, probably because we wish them to stay as we wish them to be true; even though we are well aware they are absurd. Famously Lord Beaverbrook produced the ‘John Bull’ magazine. This was well named as it was full of ‘Bull,’ while intended to inspire the men in their cause and stir the nation to work for victory it was detested by the men as it bore no relation to the war they knew. On a trip to the ‘front,’ the press baron himself was photographed looking over a trench. The noble Lord claimed to have “Been at the front line,” and “Looked over the top.” Beaverbrook was in fact far back in what represented the third line of a quiet area, and even then was afraid to put his head over the top when encouraged to do so by the photographer, although this was regarded as quite safe at the time. He passed an officer and corporal as he took up his position and alas did not hear the corporal ask “Shall I bayonet him now sir?” Nor did he hear the reply, “No, that’s my job.” Propaganda does not work among those who see reality.
However the ‘spirit of the age’ permeates the BBC. The programmes are full of today’s opinions and these are often following fashion rather than a cross section of public opinion. Several themes are seen to be offered at all times. A ‘liberal’ view of the world is taken for granted; this is not surprising as media people tend to be liberal, as is the entertainment industry. Programmes therefore push forward their liberal agenda. For instance, ’Great Lives,’ once an interesting programme on ‘great lives,’ now appears to be concerned only with homosexuals and lesbians, either as a ‘great’ or someone choosing to offer such an individual as ‘great.’ Maybe ‘Gay Lives’ would be a better name for this show, a preferable name to the well known gayboy presenter, and one time Tory Member of Parliament, Matthew Parris.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Another Dreich Day
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Trash! I'm sick of trash! Everywhere I look the world is full of it! I sit through thirty minutes of the pretence that is Prime Ministers Question TIme, watching the stooges play out their game with no thought for the public. What matters to them is point scoring and discussing with their aids how to improve the image, while doing little about the subjects involved. It's all a game for the cameras and worthless for the nation. Power is to be grabbed, as it always has been, but at the present time it is being fought over by people empty of a belief system other than 'ME!' I turn over to the other side and find an antiques programme, one of many that fill the screen daily. While 'Bargain Hunt' may well be one of the few worth watching it sits amongst the dumbed down morning telly that fills the screen. Turning to ITV I find worse! 'Loose Women!' Good grief! This programme has for several years now featured ageing women all dressed up and with nowhere to go, and no wonder! Talk is all about themselves, men, themselves and, well, men! The limited world knowledge is at variance with the number of years these crones have spent in it. Trash indeed yet it appears five days a week! Then we have the cooks. Every channel requires its cookery show, all with a 'celebrity' who nobody knows. Add the desperate need for 'competition' into every programme and we have the 9 year old level satisfied.Just why there is such a need to find out who will be first I do not know, but it is everywhere these days. Trash! There is around forty channels available to some in this country and almost 95% of what is on offer is trash! I can understand having such programmes as part of a daily offering but they are the predominate type.
I turn to the 'Independent' newspaper for news. I find 'Fergie' the 'Duchess of York' living on her title on yet another American TV programme telling us how hard her life is. Apart from the fact she is a chancer on the make, apart from the fact that Oprah is worse, apart from the vast amount of cash she gets for appearing I have to ask why this occurrence is in the press? A so called 'serious' newspaper needs such stories? Surely this belongs in the 'Express' or the 'Mail?' News is not selling, possibly because of radio and TV's 24 hour a day coverage, however it leaves much space for deep thought which is not found in TV and rarely in radio these days. Thought ought to be found in such papers yet the 'celebrity' is what is selling instead. Trash! The 'entertainment' business is full of trash. Whatever film, whatever special effects are used, in the end it is a man in a white hat beating a man in a black hat, with sex added. TV is full of soaps and dramas that are just soaps. The media is empty and bereft for the most part and I am heartily sick of it all!
Getting old is no fun when you see what is good drowned out by trash!
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Radio Voices
Listening to the radio you can tell much about the person speaking. You can recognise their class, if they possess any, their age is often easy to guess and it is possible to even tell their colour and nationality to some extent from their voice. However the picture of the person that comes to mind is never that which exists. When I was a lad, in the days of the BBC Home Service, the early morning news programme 'Today' was led by one Jack De Manio, a man famous in his day, usually for giving out the wrong time and various other gaffes! This highly popular presenter led this programme single handed from 1958 until 1970 when he was joined by a fellow presenter, soon after he left as the situation did not suit him and presented 'Jack de Manio Precisely on Radio 4 in the afternoons. Although I heard his voice on many occasions as I stuffed toast in my big mouth preparing for the long trek to school and another day of ghastly misery I had an image of this man in my head. One day, much to my shock, I came across a picture of him and discovered he was nothing at all like the image my mind had offered me! Now, a short time since those days, I can no longer remember what my original image happened to be but it was nothing like the man himself. It is strange how we can identify so much about a speaker on the wireless but no matter how much information we gather we cannot tell what they actually look like, they never fit our image of them. Many benefit from this of course, and there are numerous folks who have the face fit for radio walking the streets today.
I popped into the library to get
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Army Cuts

I must say the cuts in the British Army do go quite deep. While we are dragged into Afghanistan to fight Americas wars for them I suggest they ought to be paying for the equipment used there. Look closely and see just what 'our boys' are being forced to 'make do' with against a force armed with rocket propelled grenades and Kalashnikovs! It's a disgrace!

I came across Radio Set the other day. It plays Gregorian Chant 24 hours a day, daily.
Gregorian Chant is, and I quote their blurb :-
"Plainsong with melodic contours which are closely tied to the spoken rhythms and inflections of the text. Introduced in the liturgy by pope Gregory I (540-604), this strictly calm and soothing music spread throughout Europe having today hundreds of melodies known."
Calming, enjoyable, emotive and well worth a listen, if those around you will hold their wheesht!
Click this link RADIO SET and enjoy!
(One point, it is VERY slow to load, and there are long Radio 3 type pauses in between tracks.)

Have I posted this before? Taken from south of the Thames some years ago, heading out east through what once were bustling dockyards full of poorly paid dockers nicking everything they could get their hands on! My first job at the whisky bond in Leith brought me in contact with lorry drivers who often took our whisky to these docks for expert. Men used to the rough side of the docks yet few of them enjoyed a trip here. Glasgow, and worse Liverpool were bad, but they disliked London docks greatly. Today however the ex dockers speak of it as if this place was somewhat romantic! Indeed the pay and conditions were poor, but the people were no saints!
This pic was taken in a refurbished area and the sculpted cat caught my eye. This is art I thought, but this will win few prizes! Mind you, some lout has probably broken it and chucked it in the water by now!
Friday, 7 August 2009
I'm Bored!

I'm bored! It's Friday night and I am bored!
The sky is blue,
And I, poor soul
Have nothing to do!
I have no energy, mental or physical today so I cannot be bothered thinking of anything bright, clever, worthwhile or grumbling. Even playing 'Techtris' means little, while reading anything more than simple sentences wears me out. Even watching 'Top Gear' makes me boak as the cars go too fast, although that is normal to be honest. Every time I turn this programme on, and it is always on with 'Dave TV,' there are screeching tyres and clouds of tyre smoke. Why? If you have seen one grossly overpriced car racing along at 150 m.p.h. you have seen them all, yet each week they wax lyrical about something costing £200,000 and expect to get plaudits for it! Not from me pal! Maybe it's because I am no longer 20 years old, or maybe it's because I don't have a small willie (I'm excused shorts girls!) or maybe I have seen too many men trundling past my window in cars they obtained for the image not the usefulness, and here I omit the one who bought a MacLaren willie extender and then smashed it, and himself, into a tree not far from here. That was £200,000 wasted in my view. Of course the programme has some good bits, and occasionally actually informs and entertains at the same time, although while 'entertaining,' driving a car across the English Channel only informed us of the stupidity of attempting this act in the busiest sea lane in the world! But I digress, I was mentioning my boredom which comes from having no friends, no money, no life, and worse, no football to watch!
It never ceases to amaze me that when there is a (proper) football match to watch I need not be bored! It may be boring (Like watching Hibernian) or it may keep me on the edge of the seat, but at least if it is on I am part of the real world and something of importance is happening around me! I even watched Halifax play some unknown side in the 'Blue Square Premiership' once' and felt alive. Where is Halifax exactly? Television you see, while often offensive, insulting to the intelligence (like 'As Seen on TV' for instance! or '
Even the wireless is boring tonight. At the moment Radio 4, the middle class intellectual (they say) channel airs 'Any Questions?' One of these programmes where four people are asked to lie in their teeth if they are MP's, push themselves or their daft ideas on everyone else (If they are not) or as tonight four nobodies which means no-one cares any which way. Radio 1 meanwhile is being ignored by normal people, Radio 2 has 'Friday Night is Music Night,' a programme that was first aired I think when the Luftwaffe were passing overhead. Listening tonight I can assure you they would be welcomed back with open arms if they make an appearance any time soon! Radio 3 (the real intellectual station (I listen)) covers the 'BBC Proms!' They are now in the middle of the interlude so a stimulating talk regarding the Influence of Fascism on Italian music during Mussolini's time is pontificating in a dry fashion. Radio 5Live (can it air when dead?) has some hope as it covers the first match of the English Championship season, and Radio Scotland is playing music, again! When in Edinburgh I was amazed at the number of stations playing music! There appeared to be little attempt at all, except during the News broadcasts and that was very insular, especially if you were from Glasgow! There is a need for sensible talk and that seemed to me to be unobtainable there! It was so bad I had to listen to my sister at one point!
What was I saying? Oh yes, bored! Well I am and if my knees did not ache after my cycle ride today, why is the wind always against you when you head for home I ask, I would wander the streets looking for dropped coins. It is true, the wind is always against the cyclist! Before I leave I look to the sky and if the winds are from the west I head in that direction, however, when I head back the wind is from the east, blowing strongly and full of Siberian promise! Does this happen to others, or are the weather girls still upset at the letters I write them I wonder?
Oh I'm bored with this, as most of you are as you stopped reading long ago. I'm off to put my head in the gas oven!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
I've got nothing to say.

I have looked at the world around me, considered the weather, the news, the furniture, the records and all things that ought to be bursting into my mind, and I have found nothing worth posting. I could once again mention my aching knees, caused by the long walk to the far away Tesco's. Quite how I imagine this will aid my fitness regime when I come back aching, worn out and end up with stiff knees for days, I do not know but there it is. The walk in the sun, with the passing clouds lowering the temperature needlessly, was indeed enjoyable. The pathway past the old oak trees especially jolly when the birds are gathered in the branches singing away. I stood and attempted to find one such which had a particularly lovely song today, but when I stood still he shut up, and once I moved on he began again, spoilsport. The bird at the checkout didn't give the impression she ever sang sweetly that's for sure.
However you don't want to know about my knees and would rather read something of importance, something interesting, and something humorous. Looks therefore like you are dwelling in a world of fantasy folks. I suppose I could discuss my habit of taping radio programmes and playing them back to myself when I attempt to enter slumberland. This is a habit I started many years ago and remains with me today. So many radio progs are broadcast at the wrong time. The idea, especially on Radio 4, appears to be that folk can stop work whenever they wish and listen in. This is not so! It may be for the middle aged, middle class females who have never worked in their lives, yet spend all day on the radio telling us about their hardship (and earning vast sums of cash while doing so) but it is not like that for normal folk, like me! Anyway, I am going through a few that have been used but I have not heard, usually because I fell asleep and missed the lot! I am amazed at some of the subjects covered by the radio. Politics, Army spies in the days of the Cold War, humour made out of quotes, humour from silly games, the Black Death alone gave me five fifteen minute programmes that was very enjoyable, although I would not like to pass it on as it were. I have a few still to listen too but who knows what I have taped there, especially as my memory is so bad I forget what I have just written sometimes,especially as my memory is so bad I forget what I have just written sometimes.
So having nothing to say I will wander off and consider cleaning that cupboard under the sink. I usually make a point of cleaning this every five or six years and judging by the pong that time may soon be up. This will help my knees readjust, the smell to ease, the neighbours to stop complaining, and will stop me looking up jobs on the web as I will not have time before I eat some foul tasting evening meal. I cannot guarantee this will be foul tasting but going on previous experience I think it's a sure bet.
I remember now that I was going to comment on my time in 'The Goblet.' You see I had this dream I was back there, sitting in my usual seat opposite the bar, with Gordon Brown and his mates in the seat immediately to the left of the door. Naturally we did not realise that Gordon Brown was Gordon Brown in those days, when there he was just one of 'those student types.' However there he certainly attended and when the pubs closed at ten, as they did then, he would wander back to his shared flat at type away till all hours working himself into a future. His mates just worked themselves onto the floor. At the appropriate time I will drop him a note and let him know I still have the photographs. If that is not worth a lifetimes tax refund I don't know what is! Drop me a line Gordon pal. However I will not mention this as the dream started well and appeared to be going fabulously especially when Lady Muck and her daughter wandered in. There immediately was a lightening of the atmosphere, a brightening in every ones eye and a lifting all round of spirits, although that was quite common in that place, being a pub and all. Just then a fat ageing bloke wandered in also, he looked the type we need in such places as he wore a stained Heart of Midlothian polo shirt, a Hearts scarf round his neck, and carried a bundle of books which he offered for sale at an 'advantageous price,' or so he said. Looking at the bright young things he cried 'Drinks all round' and the two molls immediately rushed to his side, along with all the contents of the hostelry. Pints were pulled, whiskies were poured and the glamour girls beamed happily. 'That will be £478 please,' muttered the barmaid, 'Who's paying?' 'Adullamite is,' muttered Mike from the middle of a pint glass.
I then woke up in a very cold sweat.
Therefore I am not going to mention this dream as it has made me weak at my aching knees........
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
It's Driving me to Drink!

Every time I switch a radio or TV on I find adverts!
Now I have turned the thing on for the football and they go off for 'a break.' ITV spend more time on 'Breaks' than they do football. In the few minutes the programme has run nothing sensible has been said, and what was was uttered at pace because a 'break' was coming up!
I put 'Talksport' on this morning, a Rupert Murdoch station which gives us all the intellect a fan of Jeremy Kyle requires, and was confronted by adverts. Adverts which assume you are male, white, drink too much, waste money on the horses and are a 'white van driver!' I tuned into the World Service of the BBC because it gives good news coverage, and it was some boring science talk. I returned to 'Talksport' and it was still adverts, so I went to Radio 5. Here they were, once again, droning on about the house price situation. Off to Radio 4 - House prices, on to Radio 3 and it was opera! I went back to 'Talksport' and found they had another break!
Liverpool and Chelsea have just walked out onto the pitch. ITV have gone off for adverts! I think I need 'textspeak' for what I want to say now.......
And I don't have a bottle of 'Black Bottle.' Just Tesco's 17p fizzy water.
Rejoice rejoice.....
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Web Radio is a great idea. I find I listen into CHRI from Ottawa quite often, and that is a good station I must say. It is interesting to hear the news from another country's point of view. There is a world out there worth shoving our nose into. Of course it helps if they speak an understandable language, like English or Scots, and it is even more helpful if the link works. Some fail, and some are difficult to find on their web pages.

In days of yore I used to spend a lot of time listening to short wave radio from Eastern Europe. Once communism fell I also fell, out of the habit of tuning in. Most of the stations underwent a tremendous change of course, as did the news they reported. I always thought The East German radio from Berlin was worth a listen, as was the couple from Bulgaria (or was it Romania?) who attempted a routine similar to that seen on countless mediocre TV and Radio stations in the west. One would read one line, always scripted, and in a staccato, manner the other would respond. It was all so badly done, and they tried their best, mind you, if they were in Romania they would have to try their best, or else! their stations may still broadcast in English, but I wonder if they have improved their technique?
One day I will seek if they are available online in English.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Sunday, A Day For Seeking God
So it was back home in due course, and meditate in the bath. Well, doze was more like it as the exercise had failed to stimulate the mental capacities that once resided in the cranium. It took only a short while to decide that protein was required. Salmon and assorted fruits and veg saw to that, and it helped. The theory that a good breakfast is required to survive the day is clearly correct. if there is time of course....
However, by tuning into Premier Radio,
and listening to the noon worship time life changed. While I was struggling to read the book, and finding my head filled with despair at my unbelief and lack of God there the presenter read a psalm that meant a lot to me. Don't ask which one as I forget, but the words spoke of Gods care and I was lifted suddenly out of the pit! As the bland inconsequential praise so loved of Premier continued, I found myself crying out to God as I had once before in the distant past! Emotion or Spirit? I do not know or care, but this has carried me through the day.
I wandered out later and accidentally came across Sunday football in the park. As the rain slanted sown and the adolescent players struggled with the hill and weather, I found myself just enjoying the rain and the game. I took this as from God and stood happily in the rain for a good while before deciding prayer was what I was supposed to be doing. Back home I read while listening to Premier. Tiring of the blandness of the music I searched out other Internet radio stations and found one in Ottawa playing worship music with a bit more bite. CHRI FM is worth a listen.
It done me a lot of good today. I found one or two others that had good thumping music, but this made reading while listening easier.
I find myself tonight wondering where I am after today. Am I nearer God? Have I given myself through the cross? Am I letting him in? I am loner, I always want to be in control and have always resisted letting go, am I nearer that, and have I done enough? Lord please say.
Whatever, today has had many positives. I am glad for it.