What could be more heart warming to anyone, especially an Englishman, than the sight of God's own country looming up ahead? The nation that has produced more genius's than any other, the most humble people on earth, those most friendly and generous of people - the Scots, await all who enter here!
Just think what is left behind! Miserable grumbling people. Back to back red brick houses full of people with their hands deep in their pockets. A land overcrowded with dole scroungers on one street (Liverpool) and 'Daily Mail' Fascists on the next (any suburb). A capital city in which the word 'Smile' has been outlawed, honesty is banned and the sun is not allowed to shine.
The rest of the whole wide world flocks to Scotland because of the hills, the fishing, the whisky, the history, the ancestors (was the Garden of Eden in Edinburgh I ask?) and the people! The come from the States, Germany, Africa and the Far East, all seeking to wash away the world and spend a few days where life is better and everything is right!
(Please do not read Mikes post after reading this!)
Graham of course an alternative photograph might feature Hadrian's Wall and a write up on why it was built by our Roman cousins.
That said I agree about the Land of No Smiles!!
You claim that the Scots are the most friendly and generous of people, and yet you also claim to be a Scot yourself. Curious, most curious indeed.
I think you two are somewhat cynical.
;D (It's fun to read your banter)
Ah, yes, Graham, that sign did do my heart good. I dearly do want to come to Scotland, I'm happy you posted this. ;D
Scotland awaits you SG!
Mike is desperate to buy you a drink and share a haggis!
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