Another boring Saturday night. Nothing to say and nothing in my mind. The football was poor today, the baddies won and we don't play till tomorrow when the Rangers ref cheats us. I had no need to rummage through the shops as I had no needs and no money to meet them. TV is rotten, and the radio is not much better. There is no-one around, and my cooking today was rubbish! My knees ache after the short cycle today, the muscles are stiff, and, for reasons I will not go into, I am now scared stiff of spider bites! Now I find I can't get help from the 'Thai Massage and Takeaway Curry House' as some interfering immigration officials, with the help of several large police officers have deported them back home! I also had several very unlikely jobs to write pleading letters to, but just could not be bothered! I an spend a good while writing
However as I wandered around town
Now as you know I am not one to complain, as you must know by now, but having the desire to post, and having nothing to write about can be wearying, as I'm sure you realise. However I am annoyed that i know nobody! You see, a form has arrived from the bank, concerning my mothers money. Simple enough except that we need to sign it. That too is simple, I can do joined up writing now. However it also requires a witness to sign claiming they have seen you sign this form. This week I have had no contact with anyone here! I have met several out there in the world, but not one here who could sign this form! Is that not just typical? It is a confederation of spite against me I tell you. 'They' have it in for me, in similar manner to the way the SFA/SPL/Glasgow Mafia have it in for the Heart of Midlothian, which will clearly be seen tomorrow during the game! Only today I went for the dinner I had placed in the fridge last night to discover it was in fact still in the freezer! Not for the first time this has happened. The other day I was up town and noticed my phone, which I never use, was not in my pocket, where it always is. 'They' had done it again, proof indeed that clearly 'they' are out to get me!
I must close now as I suspect 'they' will be rewriting this as gobbledegook the finish I brethren minute cobber, you watch!
I must admit (begrudgedly) that I owe you a bit of thanks. For I have never really understood just what gobbledegook was until I read, ...the finish I brethren minute cobbler... Did one of the lovely lasses you like to ogle waddle by about then?
Nothing to say....next time you are in Glasgow why don't you strip buck naked, don a pair of blue fluffy ear muffs and get yourself down to Gallowgate. Burst into Bairds Bar singing 'Blue is the colour, football is our game.' When months later you can speak again you will have plenty to say. Just an idea.
Aaah spiders, gotta love em.
And driving license? Well done! I must have missed your post mentioning that you passed the test.. this explains why drivers in your area have all been seen wearing crash helmets these days!
"The football was poor today, the baddies won and we don't play till tomorrow when the Rangers ref cheats us..."
Spot on again auld fella!
Fishy you are so kind.
Martyn I would never again visit a Glasgow pub without a police escort!
1st Lady the drivers are safe - I've no car!
Mike, spot on indeed!
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