What an image!
Who can fail to be impressed when a steam train comes hurtling along the line? A living machine, full of character and with sounds and smells that cannot be forgotten. A steam train is an experience, an event, not just a machine to get people from one place to another!
Many more pictures here for people with a heart! Free Foto Preserved Rail

Is that not fantastic? I was never one of those anoraks who stood there with a notebook taking down the train numbers, that never crossed my little mind. However when in Cowdenbeath or Dunfermline I would hang around the station, there was nothing else to do, and watch the trains go by. In Cowdenbeath we were at the bridge and down below would thunder expresses from Aberdeen to all points south, goods trains with dozens of trucks, and a wide variety of local services, also the coal trains coming from the many pits around there. Marvellous to see and, being young, every driver and his mate responded to our waving! Just like our arrival at Waverley Station, we would offer the drivers sweets and it was never known for them to refuse! It was possible on occasions to see a queue waiting to feed the driver, and they always accepted. They must have had rotten teeth!

This is the famous 'Mallard' on one of it's 'special' runs. It will never again reach the fastest speed but still holds the world record. Gresley, the designer, produced several of these 'streamlined Pacific's' and I was once drawn back to Edinburgh from Cowdenbeath behind one of these, possibly 'The Union of South Africa' which did indeed run up to Aberdeen. It was twilight as the train entered the station and in the distance it looked great. However by the time it reached the platform and I heard the noise and saw the red hot cinders leap out the chimney at the front I took fright and ran behind everybody and hid! I was a bit younger then......
I have also always had a fascination with steam-powered trains--especially the ones from the late 1800's. Oh how I would love taking an extended trip on one, but a scenic trip on a more modern train would also do quite nicely.
Graham I wasted many an hour near the main North South railway line in Newark as a kid watching all manner of steam locos fly by (speed record set by A4 on this stretch of line).
The pictures and post bring back many happy memories-thanks.
Trains hit at the heart don't they?
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