Indeed for the last few days life has been good, my moods have been positive and life's little trauma's were kept in their place. I wandered abroad with a benevolent smile on my fat puss and carried with me an aura of freedom from concern. There were of course difficulties, as there is in everyday experience but those I sailed through wafting a perfume of peace and love (Hippy style) to one and all. Not even the queue in Tesco on a Saturday morning could make me bring out the hatchet and place it where it was required. First off all on the two women who thought that splitting the goods in two, and then arguing over who ought to pay for what, should be discussed, at great length, at the checkout. Nor did the old man who took for ever to produce his cash, gave no thought to putting his good in the bag, and instead spent half a lifetime placing his change where it should be, then began, slowly oh so slowly, to bag up, not even he made me buy a combine harvester and test out its various capacities on him! Certainly the lass at the checkout and I did discuss whether he actually had died while standing there or not. I am still unsure as to whether his was thoughtlessness or a mental problem, it certainly was not conducive to fun.
So I have been beaming at children and
However today normality returned.
Maybe it was the coffee, strong and dark like I like my women, maybe it was tiredness, maybe it was just me leaking out again (I often do that these days) but something niggled me and I wanted to spit! It was a small thing in itself but I have spent much of the day carrying an imaginary baseball bat in the hope, which cannot be fulfilled, of meeting someone who annoyed me. Instead of allowing this to pass I have allowed it to fester and ruin the day, which was a bit boring anyway, and in spite of watching Houston Dynamos beat DC United 4-3, (a good (proper football) match at that) I still feel miffed. So if you hear of a smart ass, who pushed his luck too far with one comment to many, being found abandoned in a skip somewhere, possibly laid up in one or two different hospitals, or floating down some river trussed up and heading for the open sea, don't mention my name, I have an alibi.
I was on here talking to you while wearing a self satisfied smug grin!
Good to have the auld Adullamite back. I was getting worried for a while...
Alas, highs never last long enough, and when you come down, there you find yourself sitting on the couch watching some insipid sport (of sorts). Of course, I have never personally experienced such, myself, but I have heard of many a sad account. In fact, I just got through reading one.
Good things just don't last, huh? :(
Geez' I'm a bit worried now, you and your ax murderer ways... tsk. tsk. (that sounds so odd) ;D
Anyhow, you made me chuckle a bit, so I suppose I will stick around and read your cantankerous blog posts. :D
I have never been away Mike, I am always with me!
SG, ax is spelt AXE! You read Fishy too much!
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