Have you ever wondered why it took several thousand years before we 'discovered' photography? I have. I just thought I would mention this. Taking pictures is one of the great, and simple, events in life. OK when I say simple I realise there is a big difference from the lass taking a snap of her wee boy covering himself in mud and a professional with thousands of pounds worth of camera producing an advert that could make a company millions, but basically it is simple. You see something, point the camera and shoot! All photographers know that it can take hundreds of shots before you get the 'one' that matters, but for most of us we take a handful of shots and usually find a decent enough shot to impress someone somewhere.
Photography has such uses. Advertising is with us everywhere, so much so we don't notice it, family history, just spend an hour going through old albums and see what you learn of folks from the past, identity at work and in some countries in the street. Try getting on a plane in the UK without any ID! However the best pictures are those you take yourself and rediscover years later. Memories, both good and bad, places and people long forgotten, and a realisation regarding just how good, or bad, some of your photography actually can be!
I like portrait photography and have taking hundred in days gone by, and I have at least three that have come out real well! Not that the one pictured liked their picture, especially when it really is them! "To see ourselves as others see us...."
So I demand that from now on you lot take more pictures and post them. The digital camera such as my cheap little thing here, has made posting pics so easy. It is fun and enlightening for the world. But mostly taking pictures is actually just fun!
Taking pictures of someone like Elizabeth Hurley would be a lot of fun, but not so much with others. Just look in a mirror if you need an example.
I think I'll just wait and see how things develop...
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