Monday 11 October 2021

Monday Mope

An early morning visit from the air ambulance, an orange one instead of the usual red one, as someone somewhere was clearly in trouble.  Not the best thing to hear before 8 in the morning, especially as he hovered above me waiting for the dog owners to clear the way so he could land in the park.  Deperately nosey, I wanted to know what this was all about, however, being desperately lazy I finished breakfast instead of enquiring.

Nothing else happened.
I ventured out only to visit the surgery for the anti-cholesterol prescription where a busy woman with a short queue awaiting service aided me, and naturally had no note of my prescription.  Soon, she had remedied this and I was on emy way to the pharmacy across the way where a sour young thing served me efficiently though with all the joy of a depressive.   I reckon it's my bright shining personality that brings out the worst in women...
Tonight however, is SPAM night!
Soon, the men of the Kirk will gather to put the world to right, discuss matters women do not understand, enjoy one anothers company, and be bullied by the barmaid!
Theological subjects are never raised, as the vicar may feel left out.


the fly in the web said...

SPAM sound worth looking forward to!Don't let the vicar get over excited.

Dave said...

Is beer part of the calorie controlled diet?

Adullamite said...

Fly, The vicar was not overexcited Too few of us for that. I blabbed too much, which may surprise you...

Dave, Beer, as Martin Luther often remarked, is good for the soul. Well he was German so he probably said that. And anyway a pint is only equal to a Mars Bar, and that heps you work, rest and play...