Friday 15 October 2021

A Nothing Day but then a Murder.

For several days now an idleness has awoken in me.  To be honest this began not long after I was born, about five minutes after I would suggest, however, it keeps returning and now, just a few years on, I have been besieged by it.  For three days I have fought this, I have attempted exercise and found this did not relieve it, I walked to the shops and back, this did not relieve it, and wandered slowly around town breathing deeply of the late Autumn air and a great deal of stour from the building site round the corner.  This did not bring freshness to me.  They are building a council white elephant costing millions!  
Today I filled the washing machine again, just how many times do I use it, just to keep my world turning, however, that wore me out so I have avoided strain elsewhere by returning to stare out of the window.
There was no football two nights running!  Shocking!  This was so bad I almost went out to the Club and spent money.  However, when the time came I just could not be bothered... I just sat here and moped, this was cheaper.
Sir David Amess, not an MP who appeared much on TV or in the media, was stabbed to death while condcuting a surgery in his constituency today.  A 25 year old gentleman rushed in, stabbed him repeatedly and was caught by the police a short while later.  So far no motive has been mentioned.
Amess (69) was a Conservative, a Brexiteer, a Catholic, and an anti-hunt animal lover.  He opposed abortion and same-sex marriage but supported most Tory policies.  It does seem strange that he would be attacked at this time, he would not be an obvious target. There may be a personal motive, terrorism, or a far left loon, but so far we do not know who or why.
Five years ago Jo Cox, a female Labour MP was killed by a Right-Wing mental case, much hand wringing but little action.  To be fair spending on MPs security did rise, from £170,000 to £4.5 million, but one-off attacks do happen and little can be done, especially when MPs have to meet their people.  What could be the cause?
One cause is the deliberate encouragement of a 'Divide'a 'Them and Us' mentality, sponsored mostly by this PM and his media.  Encouraging cries of 'Unpatriotic' upon anyone who disagreed with them, encouraging Brexiteers lies, and lying about the EU, especially France.  And now the attack is on the overstretched NHS, overstretched as it has lost 125 A&E departments, 22,000 beds, 1500 GPs, and has 86,000 vacancies, since 2010 yet the media blame the GPs and the staff!  This has led to many atacks on staff and some serious injuries.  
The government is entirely to blame.  
Regarding Jo Cox's death, I just saw a clip of how Boris answered those female MPs at the time who informed him his attitudes were to blame for her death.  "Humbug," he called it, and went on to say the best answer was "To get Brexit done."  That reveals much about the man and his cabal's attitudes.
Maybe now his people are dying might bring it home to him, although I expect he will remain on holiday to avoid any stress...

1 comment:

the fly in the web said...

A decent man trying to do the job for which he was elected. No chance of some madman attacking the real villains - they have security! I remember P.C. Palmer, who died because the gates to the Houses of Parliament had to be kept open so that ministers, etc., would not be held up on their way to park.