As I scribble this the House of Commons, the tea rooms, library and individual office spaces are filled with backbiting Tory MPs promising each and every candidate for tonight's 'No Confidence' vote that they are on their side! Loud assurances to the media confirm MPs position either for or against the present PM. Of course this reminds me of the last time Kenneth Clark stood for the leadership, after the vote (the numbers may be slightly out here) over a hundred Tory MPs shook his hand and said "I voted for you Ken." He received around 87 votes! Never trust an MP at such a time. Tonight the votes will be cast either for or against Theresa May, this would lead to a leadership election in which several totally unsuitable candidates will be put forward, none of whom will put the country before their own personal ambition. It might of course, if May loses, lead to a general election, possibly a hindering of Brexit and maybe even the desired second referendum, this time without foreign money. By the time you read this the result will be known and the UKs future will remain as clear as mud! Glory!
Having waddled down to the church for the morning advent prayer time it was lunch when I got back. This meant I had no time to do anything else except fiddle about with chocs I bought for the kids and sort them out, the chocs not the kids. A few tokens for Christmas just in case they don't get enough! The Dove squatting upon the aerial has little info regarding Theresa's troubles yet he appears not too worried about this. This is a good sign as it indicates problems that fill the media may not alter the fact that the world keeps turning whoever is in charge. We spoke to the man who is in charge this morning and left all this fuss with him, he has seen worse. Tomorrow in spite of it all I will visit Sainsburys early just the same, though I might stock up on medicines, corned beef and beans just in case!
As we are about to leave the EU its interesting that the EU and Japan have just signed a huge tariff free trade deal. This deal covers about 600 million people.
And friends thought we were moving to a banana republic....
Fly, Would you care to buy some English grown bananas...?
As we are about to leave the EU its interesting that the EU and Japan have just signed a huge tariff free trade deal. This deal covers about 600 million people.
'Yes, we have no bananas...'
what dismays me is that "I don't give a damn about the people" attitude of Rees Mogg, Boris and pals, when it comes to getting their own way.
Dave, If we leave the EU. Either 'No Deal' or 'No Brexit.' It may yet not happen. If she goes for a vote who knows what will be the result?
Jenny, Selfish ambition, greed and being a Tory go together. The plebs don't count.
Fly, I have two Costa Rica bananas going black on my desk, do you wish them returned..?
Rotting bananas attract toucans....put them on your windowsill and see what happens...
Fly, Where did all these Toucans come from...?
I hope they brought you some Guinness.
Fly, It's good for me...
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