Sunday, 13 July 2014


Stolen from Jerry as this is brilliant 
and I am watching the World Cup Final, so go away! 



Lee said...

Hahahahaha! That is good...and so true!

Is the World Cup still going??? If they don't get it over and done with soon, it'll be time for the next one! ;)

the fly in the web said...

I see that Germany beat the descendents of their post WWII clones...

Unknown said...

You really are an evil little man. For how can I say something nasty about you after you have called me brilliant? Don't worry, I will endeavor to persevere with this problem until a solution is found.

Lee said...

Uh-oh! Mr. Ad-Man is either all caught up in his chain-mai, and got his head stuck in that metal helmet and can't move, or he's still asleep catching up on all his sleep now that the World Cup is finally, finally over. It is over....isn't it???

Adullamite said...

Lee, cat's are the same worldwide.

Fly, The Germans took their chances.

Jerry, Evil? How nice to be recognised at last.

Lee, Bah

Mike Smith said...

All I get is an error message and to 'please try again later'...