Wednesday 20 July 2011

Edinburra Words


Stolen bare-faced from a 'must see' site Day by Day Photos

Recently the Heart of Midlothian forum 'Kickback,' often referred to by other terms, had a thread concentrating on old Edinburgh words. Most of these are still in use today, however language is a 
constantly evolving activity and words fall out of use and others take their place. Words used in towns and cities often differ from those used in smaller places, hence in Edinburgh the citizens are happy to announce they possess no accent of any type at all while in mining villages s was a mere mile or so outside of the city accents can be very strong indeed. Tourists, in their usual tiring manner, claim they can tell no difference, and English TV channels have been known to use subtitles on occasion for the citizens of Edinburgh, must to the chagrin of the population!  Clearly this would be acceptable in Glasgow, Aberdeen or a wee place like Dumbarton, but not at all required in Scotland's capital city, ken whit a mean like pal, you know?

Here is the list of words and other bits that I have compiled from the thread mentioned, most of  
them are easily understood but those dwelling in the colonies may well have difficulties. Let's face it they do not understand the difference between Lallans and English for crying out loud, there again neither do the English!  

'Bag off.' -   A term referring to meeting a young lass and having a good snog! 
'Bam.'     -   An individual who appears mentally unbalanced, e.g. Hibernian supporter. 
'Barrie' or 'Barry.'  -  This means 'Good,' 'Excellent.'      
'Basher.'  -   Ice cream slider with a tunnocks snowball inside. Much missed by me.
'Ben the'  -  'As in 'Ben the hoose' meaning 'Through to another part of the house.  
'Bogging'  -  'Horrible,' as in 'Horrible.'
'Bucket.'  -  'An Edinburgh term for 'dustbin.' I suspect 'Wheelie buns have led to the demise of this term.
'Choob'    -   'Idiot.'  As in Hibernian supporter.
'Choreying' - 'Thieving.' 
'Clarty.'   -    'Dirty,' 'unclean,' as in 'Old Firm Fan.' 
'Dreep.'   -    A method of getting down from a height, such as a window or a wall.
'Dreich.'   -   Bad weather, drizzle like cold rain. 
'Eejit.'     -   Another word for idiot. 
'Filly.'      -   The brown leather football used until the late 50's. 
'Gadgie.'  -    Person.
'Gardyloo.'  - The phrase used when emptying the loo pot out the window.
'Glaikit.'  -    'Gormless,'  as in 'Hibernian fan.' 
'Glaur.'   -    'Meaning 'mud,' as in my boots were covered in glaur. (Never heard of this myself.
'Gawkin.'  -  'Looking.'
A 'Guider' -  A homemade go-kart usually comprising wheels from an old pram and spare wood.  
'Loupin.'  -   Meaning 'sickening.'  Never heard of this!
'Loused,' -   Meaning 'finished work.'
'Messages.'  - As in going 'shopping' for the house groceries. 
'Mince.'  -   An derogatory opinion.
'Minging.' -  'Filthy,' 'Unclean,' 'smelling,' as in Hibernian or Old Firm supporter. 
'Peeve.'  -   'Drink alcohol.'  Not used in my day!

'Peevers.' -  Hopscotch' to some.
'Piece.'  -   'Sandwiches made for work.'
'Puff.'    -   'Meaning lifespan as 'Never in your puff'.
'Puggled.' - 'Tired,' 'worn out.'  As in me.

'Radge,' or Raj.' - See 'Bam.'

'Scud.'   -  'Naked.'
'Scullery.' - 'Kitchen.'  (National word surely? 

'Shottie.'  -  As in 'Give me a shot.' 'Let me have a go.' (Aberdeen term surely?) 
'Siver.'   -  'Drain,' 'gully,' or 'that grill thing' depending on where you come from, at side of road.
'Slider.'  -  An ice cream wafer. (national surely.)
'Sloppy Joe.'  - T-shirt
'Spraf.'  - Chat.  Never heard this.
The 'Store.' - the Co-Operative Shop.
'Square go.' - fight
'Sybies.'   - Spring onions.
'Wee hairy.'  - Adolescent girl. (Not used in polite company.) 

Some other regularly used terms 

"How no?"  -  "Why not?"
"The morn."  - 'Tomorrow.' As in "The morn's morn"
"Whot fur no?"  -  "Why not?"
"The back o' ten."  - "The time is just after ten."

There are many more, and others will come to mind later. Some words go back into the midst of time, some were brought in from far away by immigrants in times long past, some were made up by drunks in Dalkeith, language as I have said 'evolves.'  Different parts of the country speak with different accents and have been influenced by ancient contacts. For instance in Aberdeen and the North East they speak the 'Doric.'  while in Edinburgh and the central Lowlands, as you know, we speak Lallans.  In Glasgow they just speak violence!  It is important to realise that 'Blogger' is of course guided by the 'American' spelling of what they term 'English,' and it has been most upset by some of the words used here. That is of course just typical of American imperialism isn't it?


Tuesday 19 July 2011

Red Sky at Night





Well the Murdoch's faced the committee and discussion will continue for a while as to whether they passed the test or not. I did not catch it all, it does get boring, but I was interested to see Rupert clearly upset that he was not in control. He did not like the idea of giving account for his papers, and he did not accept responsibility at any time, no shock there!  I could not help seeing both as guilty men, good job I am not on a jury trying them, to me they appeared as second hand car salesmen. Rupert can see his empire collapsing. That is the trouble of building something so that you can control the world, it unravels eventually, especially when you are built on lies and half truths and dirt digging. I did laugh when he claimed the majority of his employees worldwide were 'ethical!' Ethical when sticking your nose into peoples private life? Ethical when holding members of parliament under your control by threatening to reveal their dirty deeds? Ethical in a paper built on sex and scandal?  The gloating of the other papers is worth noting, especially when they are just as bad. 


Monday 18 July 2011

Worn Out Monday


The problem with leaving the 'To-do' list is that it grows as each day goes by. There is always something else 'to-do' to add to the list. I solved that problem at the end of last week by binning the list and starting again.  Today I realised what women were made for!  Everything is done, mostly. The shirts are ironed, sort off, the cooking cooked, the place dusted and polished, and things in the wrong place have been returned to home, well mostly anyway. 
OK I admit there was a bit of cheating occurred, and the main repairs to the bits either broken or falling down are still on the list, that the tea breaks did endure longer than a woman's gossip over the fence and that rain above all kept me from venturing out, but at least an impression has been made. 
That will not need done for at least another two months anyway.


Sunday 17 July 2011

The Lazy Sunday Post

A man was just waking up from anaesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, 'You're beautiful.'  Then he fell asleep again.
His wife had  never heard him say that before, so she stayed by his side. A few  minutes later his eyes fluttered open and he said, 'You're cute..' The  wife was disappointed because instead of 'beautiful,' it was now  'cute.'

She asked,  'What happened to beautiful?'

The man  replied, 'The drugs are wearing off.' 

 Muldoon  lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog for company..  One day the dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked,  'Father, my dog is dead... Could ya' be saying' a mass for the poor  creature?'

Father  Patrick replied, 'I'm afraid not; we cannot have services for an  animal in the church.... But there are some Baptists down the lane,  and there's no tellin' what they believe. Maybe they'll do something  for the creature.'

Muldoon  said, 'I'll go right away Father. Do ya' think £5,000 is enough to  donate to them for the service?'

Father  Patrick exclaimed, "Why didn't ya tell me  the dog was Catholic?" 


 Father  O'Malley answers the phone. 'Hello, is this Father O'Malley?'

'It  is!'

'This is the Inland Revenue. Can you help us?'

'I  can!'

'Do you  know a Ted Houlihan?'

'I do!'

'Is he a  member of your congregation?'

'He  is!'

'Did he  donate £10,000 to the church?'

'He  will.' 

Wife: 'What are you  doing?'
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: 'Nothing....?  You've been reading our marriage certificate for an  hour.'
Husband: 'I was  looking for the expiration date.'
Wife : 'Do  you want dinner?'
Husband: 'Sure!  What are my choices?'
Wife: 'Yes  or no.'
Girl: 'When  we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten  your burden.'
Boy: 'It's  very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or  troubles.'
Girl: 'Well  that's because we aren't married yet.'
------------------------------ Son: 'Mum,  when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my  seat to a lady.'
Mom: 'Well,  you have done the right thing.'
Son: 'But  mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.'
A  newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my  father hadn't left me a fortune?'
'Honey,'  the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT  YOU A FORTUNE!'
A wife asked  her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy  body?'
He looked at  her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humour!'


Saturday 16 July 2011

More Doors


The late Victorians and Edwardian's knew how to make an attractive doorway. In Edwards day there appeared to b an abundance of red brick which was used in houses like the one shown. 'Up north' in Manchester and other northern towns red brick was more abundant and appears to have been seen as something special by the architect, or builder, of 'Hillcrest' in 1904.  Of course then he would have had fewer houses around him and any photographer of the day may well have been more used to cycling up the hill and would not have been seen hanging on to the lampost as he considered how to photograph the doorway. He would also have avoided the car driver making rude noises as he past by.  

John Brown built his house much earlier and with bricks made in his own works. Several houses around here have similar layouts and I think are quite typical reflection of well to do businessmen's houses of their day. Brown used his own bricks and additions to the plan however like almost all such homes they now are occupied by offices or split into several flats. All rather sad really however if they were in a better area they would be worth going on about half a million. The doorway has a Greek influence in the pillars which has gone by Edwardian times. The rounded doorway has become square and fashions change every few years, especially if people have money to throw around. It goes without saying that my fashion has not changed for some time.....

Friday 15 July 2011

Cogitating Friday


Cogitating Friday is just another way of saying 'nothing happened.'  That ought to read, 'nothing happened again' actually.  I cycled slowly up the old railway in the early morning sunshine, I attempted to photograph beasties breakfasting on bright yellow wild flowers but the camera is not up to this, and I shopped at three supermarkets in a bid to save cash (but not while on the bike) and I failed to save cash!

Other than that the day has slipped by without me doing anything - again!  This whole week has been a waste. I don't know why I got up on Monday, and I had so many plans.

One plan included winning the Euro Lottery and the £16,653,000 pounds on offer. However a couple in Largs decided that not only would they win this money but they would then come on to the telly and wave the cheque in our faces. I am sorry to say that this is not a good idea in my opinion. Had I won you would not know, although my paying my debts and buying a new pair of socks might have given some folks an inkling about my wealth. Some say the Lottery people give good advice and few end up depressed or in trouble because of their big win. Occasionally you read of one who will have lost the wife, family squabbles, duped by conmen, or suicide because the money has wrecked relationships, but most appear to have survived OK.
The interest on this money is 0ver £9000 daily, not counting tax obviously, but if 'Vodafone' can avoid paying almost £6 Billion in tax and pay a mere £1.25 billion and with time to pay then this couple could work something with someone.  

The man next door has not emerged, or at least I have heard no sound from him. I have discovered he owes rent going back months. Isn't life sad when someone falls apart like this? Is he having a breakdown I wonder, what can be done?  Well nothing to be honest. He will either come to himself and seek help or end up forced to find help. "There but for the grace of God" and all that. 


Wednesday 13 July 2011

Wasted Wednesday


Up at twenty to six this morning to get the best of the day and enjoy the sunshine.  Out on the bike within minutes and forced to remember that bright sun does not mean warmth! My knees ached and I had no energy so quickly made it home again.  Around seven I saw the boys in the park sipping cans of cheap beer.  Quite why they gather there to drink amazes me. They harm no-one but it appears to me to be a downward slope when you start that. We also have one man in the town centre who stands shouting at nobody most of the day. I don't think he actually sees anyone outside of his head. Nothing to be done for such folks I reckon. Those living in big towns and cities would be happy to have only one such man around.

My neighbour appeared at around ten last night as I went to my kip. I saw him coming in and no police around today so they must have contacted him.  As the landlord has also been enquiring I wonder if my friend (and he is a good man) may end up with the park drinkers early in the morning?
No appearance today however.

Someone, and it was one ticket only, won £161, 650,000 on the lottery last night and it wasn't me.
Now I am not one to complain, but if the winner is not a very poor person with a huge number of unpaid bills, a landlord threatening them with eviction and a family suffering malnutrition, at the very least, then I am going to be annoyed! Why did they win MY money? I wish I hadn't started spending it now.....


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Tuesday Disturbed


Yesterday I had planned a day of action. The 'to-do' list was sitting on the desk ready to go, so I went.  Naturally my fat, weary body failed me and the day was ruined.

 Today I rose early, avoided the bike and started on the 'To-do' list.
Soon the police were knocking on my door. They wished to meet my neighbour, not me and I let them in and I left them to it, although I thought he was out.
He was.
As he has been declared a 'Missing Person' the police must find and identify him before they drop the enquiry, so they smashed down the door, just in case he was dead. Have you tried to concentrate while two hulking big coppers shake the house with a battering ram? It is very difficult I can tell you.
Later, having bribed them 'News International' style with tea and half price chocolate biscuits I learned something of the tale.  He isn't missing, they just cannot find him.  He has been spotted in a public house this morning, for breakfast, but had roved on his way.
He did look scruffy when I saw him last right enough, but I thought he was off to work, it was around seven in the morning, and it appears he has no work.
He has still not returned home tonight and while the police (who keep knocking on my door) may have found and identified him in one of his watering holes, I fear he may be lying in a ditch somewhere! Surely not?  Mind you when he gets back and sees the state his door is in he may go off and find a river then!
But more, as the door was open two Jehovah's Witnesses walked in as the security conscious police had left the door open. I normally say 'Push of heretic' in a friendly sort of fashion but had began to read about them the other day (was I led into this). The was the usual twosome from the JW's, who are very active around here, one who was well trained in their 'theology' and a quiet newcomer. So I 'debated' against my better judgement in the hope of getting the quiet one to hear something different from their thoughts. This was not a good argument (and it bored the polis next door) as I failed to read all the info all the way through and relied on my memory of reading it years ago. This is not a good idea! I suspect however they will not knock on this door again. There are lots of them around here, and two Mormons walking around. These guys always cry "Hello!" being American and I always cry "Goodbye!" being me. Such chaps are forced to go 'on a mission' as if they don't there are fallouts back home. All very sad really. Mormons stand out as they insist on dressing the same as each other, very Mid West American and stand out in their blue suits, shirt and tie, among the scruffy English like a poppy in a wheat field.    

This unsettled my day, nothing has been done, or at least very little, and most of it has to be done tomorrow, police willing!

Good job I am not one to complain.....


Monday 11 July 2011



I have done little cycling for a while and went hurtling up the old railway early this morning.  That was fine, although the bridge crossing the dual carriageway has grown considerably since the other week! Foolishly I decided to go looking for interesting pictures. This however meant heading up a new road for me, and UP is the operative word. This is supposed to be a flat county so how come everytime I find a new road it goes upwards? Not just upwards but upwards right to the top!  It was better coming down I must say.  How do the boys in the 'Tour de France' go up hills at thirty miles an hour? Who said "Drugs?"  Paracetamol doesn't help I can tell you! And the only thing worth photographing was this rickety old house. I say rickety but it probably costs around £700,000!  

This keffuffle deepens. Nick Clegg (He is actually the 'Deputy Prime Minister!) has said Murdoch should think again about buying into BSKYB.  This is like asking a drunk not to drink!  Murdoch must by this company as the paper media is losing cash hand over fist.  TV advertising is the way ahead and everyone knows it.  The fact that his people have been buying Gordon Brown's children's health information, buying info from the Queens protection officers, indeed buying the top men at the Metropolitan Police, and thousands of as yet undiscovered dirty deeds will not stop Dave Cameron giving in to Murdoch. It may be delayed, it may go undercover, but folk like Rupert tend to get what they want, and I wonder if 'Dave' is big enough to stop him?


Sunday 10 July 2011



The 'News of the World' died today.
How long before the 'Sunday Sun' hits the streets?


Thursday 7 July 2011

Phone Spam


One of the most useful things in my miserable existence is my ansafone! This stopped people in the past claiming "I called you" when they were clearly lying, and enables me to avoid answering the phone when one you wish to avoid is calling.  At the present time there are a few of those going around. The beauty of the ansafone is the ability to ignore the call and just dial 1471 here in the UK and often, but not always, obtain the callers number. Some withhold this of course.  

Mostly these are marketing call centres offering a variety 'home improvements' of one sort or another. One such is 0845 1113111. This I know is a call centre as I checked on 'Phone Spam Filter' and 'Who Calls Me?'   Both give similar results from unhappy recipients of these unwanted calls.  'Who Calls Me? also identifies 01235884270 as being a scammer claiming to represent Microsoft. The story is they have identified a fault on your PC and can help fix this. Lies, all lies!  Both these callers attempt to calls several times a day, and as these calls are usually computer generated shouting as the plumb on the other end does little to stop it. Mind you that can please some folk. 
'Pipex' my ISP was recently taken over by 'Talk Talk.'  This did not please me as the latter company has already sent a 'questionaire' indicating they will change the price range. Then I will be off as I pay enough and this service was good enough until they took over. The recent change has seen the connection cut several times and slowed to a halt almost yesterday. Top this I ask, well they did. Three time in 15 minutes I received a call via a Text message. BT pass these on adding lots of useful info, and after the message add the same again, and again! All in all far too long for me. The message said "Call this number urgently." That will be right! You call me you speak or buzz off I say. Again 'Who Calls Me' identifies the caller number  08712226608 as being from Pipex. What a way to treat your customers I ask!

01614 777778 is an Asian attempting to scam insurance of one sort or another. Would anyone be daft enough to believe them? But I think the last number is the best one. They called and rang off as the ansafone message began, and I dialed 1471 and traced the number, which I think may be false! The number was :- 02538020308441235884270!


Wednesday 6 July 2011

Cynic? Me?


Now call me cynical if you must but I find the 'outrage' filling the media and spouted by politicians somewhat spurious.  Feigned shock and outrage fill the air as all sides of the House and even Rupert Murdock's 'News International' staff condemn the action of the man who 'hacked' into the phone of a young murdered girl.
What rubbish!
We all know that such 'hacking' has gone on for years, indeed must be standard practice in many news rooms.  The recent hacking of celebrities phones made that clear, so ought we to be surprised that a murdered girl or relatives of those killed in 7/7 are listened in to in this manner? Of course not. The press, and the Tabloid press in particular, have no scruples when dealing with their 'journalism.'  Intrusion is part of the deal, consideration for others doesn't happen. Just ask why there as so many close up pictures of weeping women on TV or in the papers? Because they consider this a 'good shot!'  Her pain is irrelevant and if they do not like the misuse of their tears who cares, not the media. The story is all, no matter what.
I do laugh at David Cameron. This man jumps from one bandwagon to another, each time showing less integrity than before, and he had too little to begin with. Today the intrusion into the girls phone is called 'Disgusting' yet his first meeting as Premier was to listen to Rupert Murdoch owner of the 'News of the World,' the paper at the centre of the intrusion. The influence Rupert has over all politicians means that his organisation, and any individual he wishes to protect, will escape censure here. 
Worldwide Rupert Murdoch had produced papers that aim for the lowest common denominator, or 'trash' if you prefer. Anything that sells is what matters, no matter who is attacked, no matter whether the story is true or not, any half truth will do if it sells! Even those papers considered to be among the 'quality' press have gone downhill.  'The Times' journalists for instance will not put fact before Rupert's bidding. Robert Fisk left that paper when he discovered that decent men would not print his Middle East story as it went against Rupert's wishes.  Quality journalism is hard to find these days, and if this man is involved it will never be seen in his press. 
The PM may well order an 'inquiry,' however I wonder who will lead it, what will be the limits and who can be called to account?  The word 'whitewash' comes to mind.


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Monday 4 July 2011



Now I am not one to complain but why should people dump their unwanted bronze in our parks? This heap of metal now adorns a park in central London and is remarkably more lifelike than the original was. Mind you this statue is more awake after all. Quite why anyone would dump this here after what this man did to the world is difficult to fathom. This 'B' actor cheerfully delayed the release of the US hostages from Iran so he could get the glory rather than Jimmy Carter who had won their release, he used the mentally subnormal Col. Oliver North to buy weapons from Iran to support a murderous far right regime attacking the democratically elected government in Nicaragua, (Democracy you will recall is one of the things the US wishes to thrust on the world, unless Hamas win of course). Reagan also claimed credit for ending the Cold War while we all know that Gorbachev ended this by renewing the Communist Party in the USSR, and while claiming credit where not due he allowed the IRA to collect money freely in the US and turn this into guns bought from Libya to kill British troops and police. A true friend to the UK indeed! He stands alongside FDR and Eisenhower. One man who knew he must support Britain while the Reagan's of this world traded with Hitler's nasty party, and the other who as a 'political general'  led the allies to victory in Europe (as long as he did what AlanBrook said).  There are hundreds of good Americans around today, dozens of famous and useful leaders in their fields both past and present, and we erect Thatcher's boyfriend ( though he often forgot her name).  I suspect this will no doubt be defaced before long.

Talking of political numpties I came across this cartoon in the Edinburgh Evening News today. Brian Adcock sums up Dave Cameron's approach to the governing of this country very well indeed! Cameron would have attended the ceremony today himself  but probably did not know who 'Ronnie' was I suspect.


Friday 1 July 2011

1st July 1916

On the first day of July in the year 1916, after several days of heavy bombardment British troops advanced over open ground to attack the German defences on the Somme. A million and a half shells had fallen, their intention to break the wire and damage the defences clearing the way for the men following. The wire was rarely broken, the shells badly made and difficult to set were also of the wrong type for the job. Howitzers were insufficient in numbers but effective in damaging dugouts but as most of these were 40 or so feet underground this was to prove an impossible job with so few.

At 7:28 several mines were blown along the line, however Jerry knew this would happen as foolishly one was blown at 7:20 at Hawthorn Ridge and gave warning the attack was about to commence. At 7:30 officers whistles blew along mile after mile of trench and the British attacking force climbed out of their trenches into a hail of machine gun, rifle and artillery fire. Within minutes thousands lay dead, dying or wounded, many having failed to clear their own parapet or make it through their own defensive wire. Only in the southern section of the line was a clear advance made, elsewhere determined attackers continued, heads bowed as though facing heavy rain and not bullets, and a few gains were made in the enemy line. 

McCrae's Battalion, the 16th Royal Scots, along with their sister battalion the 15th, plus the Cambridge and the Grimsby Chums, remnants though they were, fought on in an attempt to keep hold of their part of the line. Defying flame throwers and repeated heavy counter attacks they succeeded, a few continuing and even making it to their final destination at Contalmaison, where they found themselves outnumbered and soon were made prisoner.   

Around 60,000 British men became casualties, approximately 20,000 were dead. 

General Haig had strongly opposed the idea of fighting in such an impossible theatre as the Somme region but had been overruled by London. "Do as the French say," was the command, in spite of the military opposition. The same had occurred a year earlier at Loos when Sir John French had been forced to fight there against his wishes. That too was needlessly costly. Blame is easy to offer, especially from this distance and the book 'First Day on the Somme' by Martin Middlebrook is the place to begin when researching what actually happened that day. This book is regarded as a 'classic' of its type and comes well recommended. 


An official cameraman was on hand to record the 'Big Push' and the Imperial War Museum has made this film available, excerpts of which are online. I have this video and while it is of course a silent movie it nevertheless conveys something of the attitudes of the day. When shown in cinemas later in the year women would faint, men weep, and occasionally one would cry out in recognition of an individual. Unlike today that generation had no idea of front line reporting and many refused to believe the tales told by returning soldiers. It is not difficult to understand why the United Kingdom became a very different place after 1918, society changed in a way unimaginable in 1914, and we do well to ponder how this war, and this battle in particular, has an effect on us even today. 

Some soldiers asked whether the losses were worth it, and it is difficult not to sympathise with them.  However had we not fought the French would have been defeated and we would have a Germany dominating Europe, and this would have caused a war between Britain and Germany sooner or later in any case.  That would have been a more difficult fight for us had that been the case. In that way it was worth it, however with 750,000 dead British troops, plus the 'Empire forces of India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the rest losing another 250,000, plus about three times as many wounded it is hard to comprehend today whether this really was a war worth fighting. 

The last fighting men have gone now, only a few relatives and their memories remain. As I research the names on the local war memorial I am surprised by how difficult it is to find a record of many of them online. Not being a native of this town  doesn't help, as does not having the money to pay for research, yet I am still surprised how quickly these men have been forgotten.  Their houses have often been swept away, their relatives move on, and later generations are too involved in life today to remember them. Village memorials do not gather large crowds on Armistice Day each November as the village has been taken over by incomers and the families of the day have often gone into towns and cities for a better life. Few now remember those named on the memorial, even those from a later war. That all seems rather sad to me. 


Tuesday 28 June 2011



As a male voice forced its way through 'Summertime' with all the grace of a cannonball through a shop window the thunder died away and the rain came straight down. The thermometer may read 78 degrees in here but outside the rain in overflowing the gutters and making me very glad I am inside. This may please the farmers but does nothing for me. This sort of weather may be well enough in Malaysia or Aberdeen but it does not fit in well in the wilderness of Essex. Bring back the sun I say!

Maggie Thatchers handbag was sold at auction today and raised £25,000 from a Cypriot who studied in London during her reign of terror. She, like all good politicians and actors, used this bag as a prop enabling cartoonists to also use it , showing her wielding it like a club over all that stood in her way. Now it has gone, and soon so shall she.  I suppose none of the three million she put out of work, many of whom never worked again, would have gone to the auction and made a bid?  Probably couldn't afford the bus fare.....  

The 'Scottish Sun,' that bastion of morality and honest journalism, has yet more on Mr Thomson. Another girl talks of him pestering her (how much was she paid) and claims 'dozens,' or should that be 'DOZENS,' of others (unnamed) were also 'sickened' by his actions. These have not yet come forward nor informed the police it appears. He is called a 'SEX PERVERT' yet once again I ask how many homosexuals or lesbians work for the 'Sun?'  What defines a 'pervert' anyway? Who decides? Not the 'Sun' that's for sure. Just because the girls were young does not equal perverse, perversion occurs in adults also. This paper will lose interest in the sensational story the minute Rangers announce the signing of another European nonentity and will return to pandering to the sectarian duo. The lynch mob howling at his door however, gays included, will be happy the club have bowed to pressure and suspended the man. This was the very least action the club could take, and should have taken earlier. However I wonder how many of the screaming banshees have looked at porn recently? That at least is normal for some men, even if unwise, but what exactly do they look at, and is it all really either 'helpful or 'decent?'  Talk about 'throwing the first stone....'


Sunday 26 June 2011


In recent days the Heart of Midlothian have endured a rough time. The SFA has decided to invoke a fine for players bad behaviour, ignoring the clear improvement shown in the last twelve months. This of course is to be expected form the Glasgow based old firm leaning organisation.  Several players have however brought problems on to the club by their offield activities. Not that long ago Lee Wallace, an international class left back, was fined for waving an air gun about in public. A 'minor' crime but one which brings much heart searching in the media these days. Two players were discovered in a public house in possession of Class 'A' drugs, and recently Craig Thomson has been fined and put on the sex offenders list for grooming a 12 year old on the internet 

The Wallace affair was a minor one in that it appears unlikely anyone was either threatened or likely to be hurt. This was the actions of a daft young man not a serious crime. Would anyone notice if another young man was involved. He was it must be said brought up as a supporter of Hibernian football club, so blame that. The two in the pub may well have mitigating circumstances, however as the court case has been delayed for a few weeks nothing more can be said at this time. Any professional footballer taking a controlled substance ought to be fired!  Not only is drug taking killing and destroying many, just like alcohol abuse does, it he could affect his career badly this way. Certainly the press would never let him forget this. While I always wish to give a second chance it must be made clear that this action would be unacceptable and wrong and I would sack them.  It is as I say unclear what these two players were up to and the circumstances have as yet to be revealed.  They both would be a great loss to this club but would have to go if guilty!

Craig Thomson is a very different case.  The facts appear somewhat muddled as publication in the tabloids emphasises the worst and never gives a balanced view. Shock and scandal sells while mature judgement does not.  The Glasgow media like to display the Heart of Midlothian in a bad light of course. 20 year old Thomson has been found guilty of 'grooming' a 12 year old of his acquaintance for almost a year.  He is now on the sex offenders registrar, for five years, and has been fined £4000. The Heart of Midlothian have not sacked him and the chairman, Vladimir Romanov, issued a statement in his own inimitable style, claiming, more or less, that some are out to injure the club and this is somehow part of that. They also talk of 'mitigating circumstances,' which lead them to keep the player on the books, these of course are not stated. Many fans are not happy that the player has not been sacked and naturally the Glasgow press has a story from the girls mother, a story that does not make he player look good at all.  Allowing for tabloid exaggeration and a Mum paid cash for her story, it does put this lad in a very bad light.     

So the Wallace situation may be placed into the past, the two awaiting a full trial may well have understandable 'mitigating circumstance' which will appear later. However if they indulge in white powder they must leave, no matter how important they are to the club! The Thomson situation leaves me pondering however. Clearly this is a boy with a problem. When I was 19 or 20 I was chasing girls of my age, they did move fast however, and for a lad in his late teens to be involved with young teens does reveal a problem. Now There is the inevitable witch hunt of course, fans baying for blood, media scramble, and 'leading people' asked to comment. Most should be rightly ignored but the opinion of the fans has to be heeded here. Craig is a boy with a problem and the club ought to offer him help but in the wider world there is no doubt he must at least be removed from the playing squad. There is no choice here, his playing days are over. 

However it does appear that there is an eagerness to 'hate' this man.  Society today has been influenced by political correctness to such an effect that when a paedophile is found a 'lynch mob mentality' arises, just because this is possibly the only type of human we are 'allowed' to hate! PC fashion goes further. I was struck by one comment from a fan, he complained he would not take his son to the football in case he sat near this 'pervert.'  However it struck me hat his son probably gets his education from at least one lesbian and possibly a homosexual also, is this acceptable but Thomson is not? Which sexual deviation is to be hated and which accepted? Who decides?  'Hating either is wrong but honesty is required, even if 'society' has decided otherwise. How easily influenced we are!  Only thirty years ago homosexuals would not have been encouraged teaching,  now it is a 'hate crime' to be unhappy with this!  The fashion in morals has changed almost overnight and the only people that the nation is free to hate are 'paedophiles.'  I wonder if in thirty years even this will become acceptable?  Hopefully, as most still care for their children, it will not!

Sadly there is a possibility that three good quality players will have to leave the club. For one it may be the end of his career, the others will be picked up elsewhere. Many fans will defend drug abuse, as they happily kill themselves slowly this way, but attack Thomson. It's a funny old world, and made worse when the directors of the Heart of Midlothian have taken the wrong approach in the situation.  You cannot blame either the SFA, the old firm or the players agent for these situations. Personal responsibility is involved, and the clubs responsibility has been lacking here.


Friday 24 June 2011

Night falls


Sadly I cannot remember where this picture originated, but I suspect I found it on the NASA site, but I post it as I like it a lot. A few days ago we enjoyed the longest day of the year, although much of it was hidden behind cloud, and this picture sums that up, the good times are over, the nights are drawing in!  A most disagreeable situation in my mind but one we must endure with our usual cheerfulness. Do at least try to be cheerful about this, I always do. Of course had the shuttle taken that picture a hundred years ago it would have been very different indeed. Gas would have supplied most of the town lighting in big towns and cities, and many would still use oil lamps in more rural area. The cities lighting would not have been as efficient as the masses of amber lights that line our roads, nor would shop fronts, well lit though they were, be as efficient as the neon tubes that scream out at passers-by. Africa may well have been almost unlit, although bush fires can be seen from space they say and the Europeans who dominated in that 'humble' manner would have found some way of lightening their path in the evening, at least in the main centres. Much of the world would have been a black ball with occasional small outbreaks of light, while today that black reveals huge areas of brightly lit life and only much of Africa and the furthest reaches of Russia, and I suspect, Motherwell, miss out. The big ball may well turn black again soon as the energy runs out, it certainly will be dimmer soon when the hiked up prices start falling through our doors in the Autumn. As from tomorrow I switch everything off unless needed, except this PC of course.  

I am annoyed that this Blogger system uses such a bad spellchecker.  This brute uses American English, and the world and his Grannie knows that Americans canny spell!  Several times I have been stopped because this dictionary does not know the correct spelling for everyday words, like 'Motherwell,' or ' realise.'  It appears to think that a 'z' is required, and who in their right minds would think that?  Worse still is the imperialist manner in which the spellchecker operates.  Those of us who believe that the world needs to hear our ignorant rantings on newspaper comment columns have found that all are using American spellcheckers!  Surely this is a disgrace and the imperialist English press ought to stand up to this rather than submit meekly.  I suspect however most of the dozy trainees who appear to be running the media today have yet to realise that their spelling is incorrect.  Facts and getting things right is a lost art in the press today.  (I can talk!!!)   I also note that on 'Word' even if you change the font default to 'UK English' it still wishes to return to the 'American Way.'  Bah! Imperialists!  Good job I am not one to complain that's all I can say!


Tuesday 21 June 2011

Lord Snooty


How long before Cameron falls apart? Once again he is offering a 'U' Turn on shorter sentences, forcing his struggling 'Justice Minister' to sack other lower orders to save a few million pounds, this after the dotty bald guy at the DWP forced to do a 'U' Turn on pensions because this upset a few ageing women!  The fact that men suffer sexism regarding pensions makes no odds here, women work for less time (and do less at work) get all the benefits in law, and now whine because a few might lose a little while most men lose much! This PC PM spends to much time on PR instead of leading the country. Is this the fiftieth 'U' Turn of his year or have we long past that mark?  

Our friend BIG RAB has a wonderful post regarding Cameron's abuse of the RAF and his costly needless war for Libya's oil.. His abuse of the RAF follows on from his abuse of the Navy only the other day. Having sold all the ships and their aircraft he wants the Navy to work beyond their capabilities and shut up about it. He even brought the First Lord in to shout him down, probably with a 'Fag' to stand nearby in case the Admiral got rough. Clegg needs to show his support somehow. Sir Simon Bryant, Air Chief Marshall of the RAF, is now informing the poor rich boy that they don't have the pilots to cover two wars! Not enough pilots, not enough planes, not enough spare parts or mechanics and 5000 to lose their jobs!  "We are all in this together says the man in a thousand pound suit!"  He needs to change that to "You are all in a dole queue, but I'm all right Jack!"  The RAF are claiming we cannot go on much longer. Gaddafi must be removed in three months as we fall apart then.  I await this brave man's redundancy notice coming through the post.  

How much longer will we have to put up with this boy in charge?  He has so many failings and there is no opposition to him anywhere. What an Attlee or indeed any other Labour leader could do to him! Instead sitting opposite is ....whatsisname?  Both front benches are full of middle class liberals who have never worked in their lives. The 'Punk' generation have arrived and that generation had nothing to say at the time and shows it today. 'Me first,' 'my needs are what counts,'  is the attitude.  We had leaders who had fought through war, Callaghan and Heath, this was followed by 'Baby Boomers' few of whom reached power in the UK it must be said. "Make love not war," was the chant as that generation attempted a better society, much of which was lost to VD and drug addiction. Clinton in the US got to the top and tried to be another JFK but this time the media would not keep quiet. Now we have those brought up with a 'silver spoon' in their gobs with no concern for anyone but their advancement telling real people how to live. At least the mad baroness had run a shop at one time, overcharging her customers and blaming everyone but herself for the faults I suspect, and those were attitudes the bitch never lost. 

A shocking mob we have of public school louts looking down at us these days. Bring back Attlee I say! Public school educated maybe but non pretentious, considerate for others, with a 'can do' attitude, and don't let the powerful run over the rest, that's what we need today. Although someone running a government Jag, or perhaps a Centurion Tank over 'Dave' would be of benefit to us all.

It started yesterday, Wimbledon I mean. "Will Andy win?" "Will it rain?" "Do I care?" Well NO! is the answer to that!  Wimbledon means two weeks of total coverage of this middle class game, fawning over Andy until he gets knocked out, then girning about the 'miserable Scot.' He will be 'British' until he loses when, as you will understand, he becomes a 'Scot' once again. English racism, ingrained in the media, knows no end. Can he actually win Wimbledon? I suspect this is the one major he does have a chance of winning,but with Nadal and Ferarer or whatever his name is I doubt he will. These two, and the unpronounceable other fellow are a step higher than 'Our Andy.'  He may get to a semi final, possibly the final, but I cannot see him win. 

It might make better television if this slab of grass down Church Road was to be sold off and turned into 'social housing.' 'Social Housing' in Wimbledon? More chance of Maggie Thatcher having pictures of Che Guevara on the wall!  For two weeks every year we are subject to this monotony. Incessant babble, rain covered tennis courts, replays of past tennis, banal talk from ex players, and Sue Barker who at least we can look at.  Tennis is dominated by women of course, they tend top prefer games which are one v one rather than team games and turn out in their thousands for this. In the early eighties we delivered around Wimbledon, as early as possible due to the crowds and the alteration to the roads, and up Church Road were several thousand fans, mostly young females, who had been there all night awaiting the doors opening. We had one question, what did they do for the loo?  There was no obvious answer to that!  There was a suggestion that to save money the Formula 1 and Wimbledon may be dumped! Wooppeee! I say. Now if we can just get the BBC to spend the cash on football and take it from ITV we are on a winner!  


Sunday 19 June 2011



I walked out to the edge of town this morning and wandered slowly (I don't do fast) along gazing at the fields of Barley growing far too slowly for the farmers liking, and watched the Swifts cavort over my head. What a lovely way to spend the early morn. I suppose the Barley is headed for beer or whisky use although some goes into foodstuffs and other uses. Rabbie Burns often called whisky 'John Barleycorn,' as I am sure the literary amongst you would realise.  Barley was the first grain to be domesticated and was known around ten thousand years ago. When Jesus taught his men to pray, "Give us our daily bread," most would have considered he meant Barley Bread as this was the cheap staple of most people. Wheat Bread cost around three times as much! It is fair to say that as a staple it was worth much more than the bread so many of us eat today. Most white bread and a great deal of brown stuff bought from supermarkets is so bad for us. The requirement for shelf life has led to a manipulation of bread to make it dangerous for us to keep eating. Some doctors are beginning to believe that this is a major cause of much illness!  The bread of Jesus day would not have anything taken out, and better still nothing put in!  There are many additives in bread that the producers do not have to identify on the label. Can this be good for us?  It is time to review what we are stuffing into ourselves, and I know for a fact that this government will do nothing to hinder big business, will they?

As I walked, still chewing the breakfast toast that lingered, I looked skywards and attempted to count the host of fast moving Swifts that gamboled in the sky. At first there was twelve, or was it twenty, the brutes kept moving, left and right, up and down, swooping at high speed past my ear and racing to the far reaches of the field and returning high above. It was like untangling a ball of string, it just cannot be done!  I decided there was forty or more birds, then looked higher and found a cloud of them over the By-Pass. Maybe fifty, let's, let's move on as watching the birds I have just walked into a youthful oak tree and knocked my cap off. Who put that there at the side off the pathway? Returning the branches to where they belonged I moved on, always looking for a better picture than the one shown, amazed that these birds kept going without any break. They appeared not to contact one another, no two chased one another, they were all happily running about madly in the sky, I think just having fun! Imagine coming all the way from Central Africa to cavort in southern England? Would you?
