Thursday 28 April 2022

Thursday Blah!


Been affected by a bit of a bug this week.  This meant little was done, so today was spent catching up.  Tesco for foodstuffs, including eggs which I forgot.  Sainsburys for eggs and other things only they have.
I forgot eggs!
Still, washing done, house tidy again, new oven still clean, emails sent, new second hand books delivered, and exhaustion has set in once again.  Though I did forget to eat properly I have just realised.  Tsk!
I just could not stomach watching Boris lying at the House on Wednesday, it infuriates me how he continues to blatantly lie and his party support him.  On Twitter, several who ought to know better give him support.  These use spurious biblical readings to do so, they also do not like the replies offered.  This is because these men, while educated, knowledgeable, and scripture educated, are xenophobic English who do not wish asylum seekers to come to their England.  The Archbishop of Canterbury makes clear the biblical message to 'welcome the alien,' and 'welcome the stranger,' but they use 'Daily Mail' reasoning to oppose this.  There are many 'far-right' Christians it appears in the UK.  Politics has ruined their faith.  I am, by the way, not popular...
With Twitter now becoming Trumps home once again I am looking for a free twitter world to join.  There must be one out there somewhere open to debate without numpties allowed to spue forth Trump nonsense.

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