Thursday 24 December 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

The dreichness lessened for a while today tempting me to cross the park to seek what dim sunshine was available.  Leaping in and out of the clouds the sun tried to brighten the place, which was hard as the clouds all came from the north, driven by a bitter wind.  
Nice however, to see the world outside of Tesco, but not so nice when the cold wind crashes through the cracks in the window frames.  Walking into it across the park was great fun if you are preparing for an Arctic adventure, not so good if you just wish to see daylight.  
Christmas cheer enabled one or two to acknowledge you were alive, but not all.  A nod here, a glance there, was all the cheer available.  There again most were wrapped up in winter outfits, with face masks on, as they had been at the shops 'Click & Collect' doors.  
Argos have been doing OK in spite of LockDown.  There were several freezing poutside awaiting permission from the Stasi to enter.  One or two other shops had similar administrations ongoing.  However, that said the streets were comparatively empty.  Traffic slow, supermarkets reasonably busy but most following Tier 4 orders.
All freezing cold.

Christmas joy is found in the media also.  Not just the needless screaming empty headlines lying about Boris and his so-called 'Deal,' but the routine joy of someone who dies from a sudden heart attack, the child in hospital, the robbery, the mugging, the drunks in cars and so on.  Today, the thing to do if you get sick is report this in the tabloids.  Why anyone whould wish to know you are sick, knocked-down/ill/having a fit/ pregnant/dead, I am not sure as most folk have never heard of you before and will have forgotten you by tonight.  However, there it is, any skin disease can be advertised in the paper, with picture, any illness, anything in fact bar news!   
Not that the days headlines are news.  The media acclaim Boris when it would be better hanging him upside down from a lamppost!  Brexiteers rejoice, except for the pouting ERG ones who shout 'Traitor' because he has not satisfied them.  We all know who the 'traitors' are!
One day soon however all these papers will be dead and gone, news will come digitally, and these media will not be missed.


the fly in the web said...

They must think we are daft...well, yes, they do...going through this farce of will there, won't there before producing the cat from the hat on Christmas Eve.
And what have they missed in this wonderful deal? The financial services sector which successive governmenta have permitted to be the be all and end all of the U.K. passporting from the EU who can do to the City what they have done to Switzerland with thirty days'notice.
A child could do better....

Adullamite said...

Fly, It's all a lie. It always is with Johnson.

Jenny Woolf said...

Anyone who was taking all that posturing seriously must have been nuts. I am still however glad that Johnson was not actually foaming at the mouth mad enough to get out without a deal even though it is an absolutely miserable one.