Saturday 22 December 2018

Flying Saturday

As I scribble high above me, at around 17000 feet a large aircraft heads towards China.  The many passengers have avoided delays by eco warriors (it now appears), passed through security checks, customs, many uniformed rude staff and now settle down gladly for the long trip across the world to the cheery despot now playing Emperor in Peking, sorry Beijing.  Another at similar height heads gracefully, I hope, towards Poland.  This reflects the air traffic above us as aircraft head for or leave Stansted airport or Luton just a wee bit down the road.  Those leaving Heathrow after mush airport stress pass over also.  At 35,000 feet we can occasionally note travellers from China, Canada, or further away above us as they seek a landing somewhere in Europe, Paris or Berlin perhaps.  This explains why our skies are filled with vapour trails daily, bright and clear against the blue above but unhealthy to eco warriors of various types. 

I wonder how many MP's are up there heading of to exotic (paid for) holidays?  I wonder also who is paying for them and what questions will they ask during the next parliament, if we have another one in this Tory rich kid dictatorship.  Hmmm... maybe going to China would not be so bad after all?  
Possibly Michael Gove and that Raab fellow will be aboard the plane looking for ideas?  
The 'Daily Mail' which can be trusted (note the sarcasm) has named two people as responsible for the drone attack without actually blaming them.  There is something about 'guilty until proved innocent' that does not appear to matter to the hacks, I wonder why?  Of course if this couple are indeed the people who have delayed 140,000 souls from flying off they deserve ten years no matter the cause.  Better that than being dragged into the airport concourse and greeted by those you have delayed I suspect.

Another Saturday, another pre Christmas show in the town.  Here an all male choir (are these allowed by screaming feminists?) entertained, although when I suggested to the security guard that he joined in he refused steadily.  Possibly he did not know the words of 'Little Donkey?'
I did not join in either having fruit and veg to collect...

Friday 21 December 2018

Friday Fussing

The idea that the drone flying above Gatwick was a government sponsored scam to take peoples minds of the House closing down for Christmas while the Brexit disaster looms above keeps coming to mind.  The 'eco-warrior' the police claim they are looking for may well be a member of her majesties forces following orders, or is it just me?  I am tempted to think that if this drone was a nuisance it would be easy enough to bring in an army 'Apache' helicopter, many of them pass over us here, and I am convinced these guys would quickly and efficiently dispose of the bad by, this was not done you will note.  If it is ISIS or one of their followers you would expect it to drop bombs and they to make a claim of some sort by now, they have not done this.  It could indeed be a middle class 'eco-warrior' playing games and thinking himself clever no matter how distraught those who lose vast sums of money or miss out on Christmas trips abroad suffer.  Protest that causes such problems is not to aid the people it is merely to make a name for the drone pilot.  I wonder if hanging him upside down from lampposts is legal...?

It looks a lot like sausages for Xmas dinner this year.  I went to the proper butcher in town and obtain £15 worth and am about to put some in the freezer.  The idea is that these expensive sausages will contain meat, taste hopefully added to them also.  On Monday I will visit the shops again for the last bits.  I mean we have one day where all shops close and if I don't stock up I will starve like so many other people appear to be afraid of doing at the moment.  Maybe I ought to buy yet another dozen bottles of beer just in case I have a visitor...

While looking at this tree through tired eyes I could see a face in there, can you?
I am wondering whether to send it to the 'Daily Mail' and see if the new editor will print this?  He has been trying to take his readers minds of his support for remain' by filling the paper with royal or celeb clickbait, the girls and Beckham appearing to be among his favourites, or he thinks his readerships favourites.  It seems to be working.  The fascist fraternity are gnashing their teeth at him while threatening all and sundry, the royal followers are revealing their dark hearts and in many a sad longing for a dead princess which calls them to hate people whom they do not know of whom some are jealous and others just inadequate.  It's all very depressing really. 

The shortest day is upon us.  Spring will be around the corner from tomorrow, weather permitting.  The nights will get shorter, the sun be seen more often and life will be brighter for us all, hopefully.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Thursday Fun.....

Judging by the absence of slow moving traffic tonight many have already hopped it for their Christmas holidays.  I notice the House of Commons has departed for 17 days off (99 days to Brexit!) and the schools are out as many dear sweet children are filling the shops to their parents delight.  
I had the pleasure of an early morning trip to Sainsburys, then filling the washing machine for the last wash before Xmas and forgetting to switch it on, having a lunch date cancelled as the other was sick (before Xmas!) and then going to B&M for bird seed (again) and then switching on the machine while ironing the last few shirts, with another now hanging up drying slowly.  Does it ever stop I ask?

On top of this I realise the mouse had returned so I was there again shifting furniture and poking steel wool into holes (which he had pushed aside) and hoping to stop his reappearance.  I will know tomorrow if I have succeeded or not.  It is at times like this you realise how much stuff there is in the house.  At least I managed to get the postman and other deliveries when they arrived, unusual for me, and yet another bottle of whisky has been granted me, 'Highland Park,' same as last years.  The previous bottle is not yet finished so I am attempting to do so now, this may not be wise, and I am sufficed with a warm glow at the moment in spite of the open window.  I believe all my goods have arrived, no more goodies of any worth to come and my wallet is showing signs of wear and tear.  Hopefully I need only by things that matter now, meat, milk, bread....


Wednesday 19 December 2018

'Angels' on the Fence

As I sauntered out towards St P's and the sorting office this morning I noticed these 'angels' on the fence opposite.  It appears to be the thing these days for women's groups to knit such items for Christmas, sometimes decorating pillar boxes and other street furniture in an attempt to promote 'good feelings.'  It is happening in many places and was seen last year also if I remember right.  There are one or two groups who make use of our hall on occasions to sit and knit, croquet, spin and gossip for a few hours and occasionally put on a display.  I suspect they have a hand in this.

The sun took some time before it beat off the cloud cover, making this chopped down tree stand somewhat bare against the sky.  I would have had more pics but I was carrying cards to the church on my way and carrying a packet back from the sorting office afterwards.  The postie woman claims she knocked but I never heard her, she would not lie but she finds it difficult to hammer the door, the other man who does this round manages that well!  So I had to walk down not knowing what I would find and all I found was 'Nutmeg' a Scottish football magazine!  This thick item is too thick to bend and will not go through so that meant walking for a mile or two just for this.  I might get round to reading it eventually, so far I have three book tokens to make use off, and I am smiling as I think there is one more on the way.  

I failed to take the angel home, who knows where that might lead?  Instead I was satisfied with photos and notice many have already made homes for themselves, the brightly coloured ones first of course.  I will be out in town tomorrow (twice! Such excitement!) and who knows what these wimmen will have done elsewhere?  

Jeremy is in trouble apparently for calling Theresa 'Stupid!'  Quite why this is bad I fail to comprehend, are we not allowed to be honest?  On top of this manufactured row the Speaker himself was confronted by (a Tory) female MP claiming he had called her 'stupid.'  How strange that such an attitude can be found in the House while yesterday a Scots MP was told to 'Go back to your own country' by Nicholas Soames (Churchill's grandson) and yet this was not considered racism and dealt with by the speaker.  What is more serious, racism or speaking the truth?

At least we are not the US...

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Last Day for a While.

Last Tuesday at museum for a couple of weeks, well until next year of course, and this was my day, cutting and cutting again all morning.  Apart from a small school that arrived before we were open,  the phone ringing and people giving orders the day was to go well.
Chocolates were in abundant supply, as one young lady going in and put just to swipe one at every passing understood only too well.  I hope her teeth fall out.  Now I must find something to do next Tuesday instead of being here at the museum cutting my way round reindeer antlers.  No thin tape that requires cutting in half and then chopped up in lengths just for the kids to fiddle about with, no more attempting to read about Jose being sacked while people come in to spend cash, tsk, you would think they could wait until I had read the news.
Now I await the football and sleep, possibly both...


Sunday 16 December 2018

Christmas Rush...

Advent is upon us, the clerics are wandering from Carol service to Carol service, schools and churches making demands on them at this time.  Shops are filled with the sound of 'Christmas music' almost all of which was written down in 'Tin Pan Alley' during the 1930's by Jewish writers satisfying the demands of Hollywood moguls.  There were none of those available during this mornings service!  
As I discussed matters of great importance with Gordon (His team's game was happily postponed by an icy pitch yesterday) the vicar approached us smiling.  This I knew from Gordon's look meant trouble.  He was correct and there was no way out of this, we now must attend next weeks Carol service as we will be doing a reading therein.  It is always difficult to refuse the demands of a woman who smiles.  Not that we had any choice of course.

Naturally enough having given out all the Christmas cards to church folks that I needed, including several over the internet to save money if not time, I found several from people whom I had forgotten.  I also discovered several over the internet also forgotten and may have to seek new cards
if this goes on!  Naturally I was also ensuring one young lady does not get caught up in the need to give cards, she found three awaiting her and will by now be scribbling replies.
I also realised I need something more for the girls at work, not that I will get much back from them! However that must be fixed tomorrow.  Whatever I do they will say was needless, if I don't they will wonder why?  Wimmen....

This at a time when I am attempting to catch up on all the books I bought this year from charity shops and through gift cards (two already arrived this year) and also attempting to work my way through the 'Spring clean' which has been unfortunately delayed somewhat again.  Christmas itself you will realise is a week and a couple of days away.  Are you ready for this....?

Saturday 15 December 2018

Freezing Early Saturday

Long before i was awake this morning I trudged out towards Sainsburys.  Yesterday I went round the shops for the things I forgot, this morning I went back for the other things I forgot.  I really must get used to writing these things down.  Of course of I write them down I forget the list! 
The sun had yet to rise, that came at just on eight this morning, and the gray sky did not ease the cold wind blowing from the south east, neither did it offer much light.  The lack of light made the lit up shop windows appear cheery,the main one in sight cheers many people I think.  This shop has been here for some time now, not that I ever notice anyone going in or out, and on the occasions when the proprietor is noticed standing outside, cigarette in hand, I become aware that she has not had much use for what is on offer for a while, since round about 1958 I guess!  Online sales must be good!  Actually they are not, I have just found the website and it is 'under reconstruction' and nothing is available.  Hmmm... just who is sneaking in I wonder.  Maybe if I set up a camera opposite...

Coming out of Tesco with the remembered forgotten items I grabbed a shot of one of the two fruit stalls in the market.  It was the bright lights cheerfully failing to detract from the icy wind while the staff grabbed as much cash as possible from the customers.  I prefer the other stall myself. 
I have remained glued to the laptop since attempting to avoid the ironing that remains and keep warm.  I must give in and do something now. 

OK, hours later and I failed to do anything but eat and no watch football while also 'discussing' Brexit with brexiteers.  When I said they had no argument to put forward one immediately replied 'We don't need to as we voted for it.'  Hmmm...

Friday 14 December 2018

Freezing Friday

This freezing Friday was cheered somewhat when the EU spokesman made use of the word 'Nebulous' to annoy Theresa.  She appeared irked, and made a public show of this in a vain attempt to get some publicity, and attempted to handbag the poor man.  Speaking the truth does not go down well with politicians.   It is clear however that either deliberately or not Theresa faces a vote in the House that will end her Brexit policy, this could lead to changes, a No Deal or a Referendum, some say, and fun and games continuing into January and on.
Like most I only read the headlines and the important bits of those now.  Surely with Rees-Mogg and his minority right wing group silenced for now it is time to remove their left-overs and call a second referendum and end this farce once and for all.
So cold today I went out to the shops late afternoon just to avoid putting the heating on.  This also would avoid me wandering about tomorrow with the rain threatening.  Naturally now I am home I find I forgot chips!  No chips and I will die!  Back to Sainsburys in the morning...
I hope all is well with you in the real world.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Future is, er.....

As I scribble this the House of Commons, the tea rooms, library and individual office spaces are filled with backbiting Tory MPs promising each and every candidate for tonight's 'No Confidence' vote that they are on their side!  Loud assurances to the media confirm MPs position either for or against the present PM.  Of course this reminds me of the last time Kenneth Clark stood for the leadership, after the vote (the numbers may be slightly out here) over a hundred Tory MPs shook his hand and said "I voted for you Ken."  He received around 87 votes!  Never trust an MP at such a time.  Tonight the votes will be cast either for or against Theresa May, this would lead to a leadership election in which several totally unsuitable candidates will be put forward, none of whom will put the country before their own personal ambition.  It might of course, if May loses, lead to a general election, possibly a hindering of Brexit and maybe even the desired second referendum, this time without foreign money.  By the time you read this the result will be known and the UKs future will remain as clear as mud!

Having waddled down to the church for the morning advent prayer time it was lunch when I got back.  This meant I had no time to do anything else except fiddle about with chocs I bought for the kids and sort them out, the chocs not the kids.  A few tokens for Christmas just in case they don't get enough!  
The Dove squatting upon the aerial has little info regarding Theresa's troubles yet he appears not too worried about this.  This is a good sign as it indicates problems that fill the media may not alter the fact that the world keeps turning whoever is in charge.  We spoke to the man who is in charge this morning and left all this fuss with him, he has seen worse.  Tomorrow in spite of it all I will visit Sainsburys early just the same, though I might stock up on medicines, corned beef and beans just in case!  

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Museum Day

The plants in the museum garden were white with frost when I arrived at 9:30ish this morning and these sit in a sun trap.  I was glad the museums new heating system was working, it is now so hot even the women don't complain of the cold!  In fact one said it was too hot!  That makes a change. It was busy as browsers browsed and some even spent money.  It was a good day on the whole even though the 'Classic FM Christmas music I provided (50p in charity shop) was too highbrow even for me.  I listened to one tune attempting to know what it was and had to resort to the disc cover, this unknowable music was 'Away in a Manger!'  I changed it for something more appropriate.
I then was offered a job for a stranger finding info on V1 and V2 rockets by a man with a strange reason for his quest.  This I started today and then found Googlemail wanted my password, this is fine except I did not have it as it has changed!  So all I collected to send home for further views is still lying there and I will have to start again tomorrow.  Bah!

I did find this today.  It came from the old high school building and I was playing about with the names from there wondering what happened to the original memorial when I walked into it standing up in the museum lobby!  No-one had mentioned the things existence yet it appears it has been here for years.  Typical!  Unfortunately with a delightful small school in I could not get into the hall to set up so had to 'make do and mend' as it were.  The good news is the WW2 memorial, much lighter and strangely with more names upon it, was also in store.  I really must wander around in there one day but this is impossible with it being locked usually and the curator watching me with her beady eye.  She is scared I might find something....

Monday 10 December 2018

Women's Work!

It's been a day of women's work!
From the off I was setting the washing machine in motion, then hoovering the floor with a broken Tesco hoover before attempting to clean the layers of putrescence that lay in the bathroom.  Just who uses a place in that state I ask?
When I had finished annoying the neighbours with noise, hopefully they were out but with the hoover and the washing machine I could not tell, I then went off to town to visit the 'Savers' shop which my sister informs me is cheapest for cleaning stuff.

There I discovered that indeed in many ways they were cheaper even if the one thing I really needed as opposed to buying because it saves doing so later was not available.  I did however get a look from the local gay boy that left me considering pouring a bottle of 49 pence thick bleach down his throat.  That look was in no way similar to the one offered by the badly paid not over keen lass at the till.  I considered smiling but I thought that might produce a case of hysterics as in her case it was not something she would be familiar with.  I produced my bag and she deliberately rang up the small items first, doesn't she realise you always put big things in first?  How do these folks get a job?  I know how, they accept jobs that pay low wages for a while and go back on the dole while moving from one low paid job to another.  If they have any talent they chance of showing it is hard to find and as I know only too well decent jobs are few and hard to find around here.  It would not surprise me if this woman has to use one of our two foodbanks.  Remember we are a Tory area and our MP is a junior minister on the make yet we have two such places!  He does not visit them.

My pitiful lunch was followed by my pitiful falling asleep, from overwork I think, which led on to ironing shirts for the week.  It was at this point I phoned the job centre and advertised for a wife.  
Just put a card up for me I said but received a somewhat strangulated reply from the feminist at the other end. When I suggested she came round and did my ironing for me, as that is what women were made for.  She rang off saying something I didn't quite catch.  Still the worst is over, bar the bits forgotten, just don't look at the sink, yet this will have to do as tomorrow is museum day and I am so looking forwards to seeing all the young ladies there and asking if they can spare ten minutes to do a small job for me...  

Once again we find ourselves in the dark re what is happening re Brexit.  May has called off the vote she would lose, MPs are annoyed, the country fed up with it all and the future still bleak.  She returns to the EU to beg for amendments she will not be given all this to save her job.  Her party squabbles are more important than the nations health.  No change there with Tories. 
I have spent some time today irritating Brexiteers on the local MPs facebook page by asking for a sensible comment re Brexit, such as 'Give one positive result.'  All I got was insults,nothing regarding an argument to persuade me Brexit will work.  The fact is people vote emotionally and the whole vote is based on a fantasy that people by into even if it will not work.  Facts are ignored while emotions are roused and all we here is 'It was a democratic vote.'  Actually it was far from that as foreign money was involved so it was illegal.  Now we sit and wait while the local MP desperately seeks which possible next PM he should keep in with.


Saturday 8 December 2018

Wasted Saturday

A three football match Saturday today. Not that I was able to watch them all the way through with making a broth of sorts while the first was on and falling asleep while watching Livingstone and St Mirren, a response that St Mirren will often produce.  Now Leicester are playing Spurs but I am finding my mind wandering to other things while I scribble this.

The town centre extravaganza offered sheep, white ducks, a donkey and a couple of goats, including this one who appeared more than happy to look down his nose at passers-by.  This pleases many and I suspect next week, or the week after reindeer will appear.
Otherwise it has been a wasted day, just as well as I did not wish for anything else today.

Friday 7 December 2018

Christmas Lights, Rain and Moaning!

In several streets locals have paraded their infatuation with large electric bills by hanging millions of coloured lights over the front of their houses.  Some people think this sweet, puritanical types,e.g. me, think what a waste of time and money.  While decorations and twinkling lights do brighten the dingiest of streets none of the streets involved are in need of such brightening.  If I dare to ask what plastic snowmen or even more plastic trees have to do with Christmas I get funny looks and/or blank stares.  Worse still are those desperate to be the first to erect hundreds of such idol worshipping lights and also the ones with the greatest electric bills.  These happen to be the usual 'Daily Express' reading little englanders who sped their time worrying about immigrants living off the country.  
Wandering around the other night I passed this lamppost with the towns lights twinkling upon it, to me it looked somewhat cheap and nasty, which it is as there is little money to spend in the towns Christmas fund and cheap lights satisfy or you do without. 

As you can see I am full of the Christmas spirit!  This is partly because I have just eaten a rotten cheap dinner and exhausted my weary bulk by looking out for one decent Christmas card for someone forgotten, spending £13 on cards and still not being sure if this one will do, it will have to now!  At least I have several good cheap ones for next year.  
The idea of imposing the nativity on the mid winter festival may have appeared clever at the time but there was no St Nicolas stories then and the commercial pap that surrounds us alongside all this Santa nonsense, snowmen and plastic trees does little to convey the real story.  Arguing with people on forums reveals how little people, even those in their 40's, understand of the Christmas story.  The populace is not only unchurched it is ignorant of what churches do, except maybe marry or bury people.  This makes discussion difficult when you have to explain as you go along basic things people once took for granted.  The mind set has changed and not for the better.  
Living in a world of rain does not help the mood either.
Much better here than in the west of course, but farmers and ducks are apparently happy with things as they are and would like it to continue well past the Brexit debacle.  I would be pleased if my shoes hold out and water does not come through them again.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Wasting Time.

Just an old picture to try and remember what life was like before the rain began to fall.  Gray skies and wet roads all around.  I also forgot to write something here as I was busy doing nothing all day.  It has to be said I did it well and avoided the crowded shops and dreich weather.  Of course I did nothing anywhere bar write a couple of emails, they have waited a while for a reply.  Tonight I was going to post something wonderful but got into a twitter argument I was losing so I came away and found last night match was on the iplayer, that now fills my life, well for another 45 minutes at least.
In spite of the BBC stupid idea of fiddling with the iplayer I can still find most things I want there, but they have not improved the thing in any way.  Why change what works and at great expense (£10  million) wasting time and money when it is not required, that is Theresa May's job.
I did spend time however watching this today, I find these fascinating.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Wednesday Rant

The SPFL, the Scottish Professional Football League, has forced all the clubs in the league to support this LGBT organisation on the grounds that this is 'inclusive.'  If any one club was to oppose this move they would of course be harangued by the mob and classed as 'enemies of the people.'
I for one object to this and I am not alone.  Fear of such mob rule has stifled debate, not that there was any debate allowed, as to whether it is right to push such a lifestyle on people.  The lack of opposition means that homosexual and lesbian lifestyles are now offered as 'choices' and wee also have the spurious claim of 'trapped in a wrong body' demand now being pushed by the 'trans' lobby.
What a confused world.
Science has proved we cannot be in the wrong body, those who think they are are confused and require help to sort out their minds, as indeed do gays as they were not 'born that way' either as far as I can see but something or someone has brought them into this way of thinking.  It can be changed.
As we grow we are afflicted on all sides by parents, neighbours, circumstances, war, deprivation and assaults of various kinds, often these occur long before our minds are able to understand and many things that affect us today happen in the first two years of life, a time from which we have usually little memory.  Our reaction to the world around us as we go brings inward changes which in my view can lead to gay attitudes or indeed trans feelings.  Parents who fail in their role can also be a cause if they follow a false 'liberal' attitude that lets the child follow their own way, often with disastrous results.  
The good Lord died so that we can be saved, not just in the long term after death but beginning here and now, this requires total obedience to Jesus and he will lead us through all our failings to the abundant life he offers and wishes us to grasp.  The seriousness of the situation around us today does not move many however.  The lie of 'love' which allows people to do that which destroys them really is no more than an excuse to allow themselves to do their 'own thing' and not consider consequences.  If you 'love' people you speak truth not lies to them.
The Scottish government wishes to pursue a LGBT teaching in schools, indoctrinating children in lies, and this on a subject they do not require until adolescence.  Organisations are quick to jump on the LGBT bandwagon to avoid being out of step with the mob, the SPFL are usually out of step with Scottish football so why did they jump on this bandwagon?  I made comments to a chief constable the other day on twitter regarding his flag flying for the 'trans community.'  I wanted to know why he does not fly flags for old people, victims of crime or anyone else.  He had no answer, I did not expect him to, the PCs are so PC especially at a high level as it gets them promotion.  The power of the LGBT mob is growing and those who oppose are being beaten down, only Christians stand up against this as they care for people and wish truth to reign instead of lies.  Mob rule under a government that has no morality, an opposition with no teeth and a population that wishes for an easy life has been seen before, we know where this leads...

I am at the end of this book.  It was required reading as I saw a talk on the parliament channel in which a speaker claimed great things for Neville Chamberlain implying he was quite a good PM after all.  I had to know more.
Being the stepson of Joseph Chamberlain, a man who had revolutionised Birmingham in the late 1800's and reached cabinet level in parliament while his half brother Austen also became a member of the Tory cabinet Neville possibly wished to make something of himself in politics.  He certainly did well in Birmingham as a local councillor and later Lord Mayor, he was an efficient administrator and improved the dire social problems around him in many ways.  When eventually elected to parliament he was a decent debater and as a minister and later Chancellor an efficient   operator.
His main aim was to improve the social conditions of the poorest, a great difference to today's Tories, and some say he did this very well, at least in the Midlands.
Neville did find opposition tiring and was extremely rude to the Labour party members even according to the House attitudes of the day and never bothered to make friends with those who differed in their views.  Underlying this was an arrogance that never left and brought him down.
As chancellor for many years he avoided the worst of the recession of the late 20s and early 30's even encouraging rearmament to some extent building both a fighter and bomber force for the RAF.  This was too little and too late as Adolf Hitler had already a massive armed force and Neville neither wished to figt him when we could not win, not fight at all if he could avoid war.  This from all the right reasons but failing to comprehend the mind of Hitler in any way.
His efficiency as an administrator is seen when Churchill put him in his cabinet to do all the paperwork he despised, a job taken over by the equally efficient Attlee on Chamberlains death.  His death came when all his good work was undone by his abject failure to appease Hitler and avoid war.  It is said that had he resigned in 1937 rather than become PM he would be greeted as a great statesman, instead his failure is all most of us know about him.
This failure was not just caused by inefficient intelligence operators, nor was it bowing to a bully, but a main fault was the arrogance that grew within Chamberlain with the idea that only he could prevent war and this stopped him from having a clearer view of the world around him.  His failure depressed him and no wonder.  He was the last man to declare war and yet that became his duty.  It is not difficult in some ways to feel sympathy for Neville Chamberlain but that does not excuse his failure.
These small books on various 20th century PMs are well worth reading.  Not too big yet carrying decent information, I recommend them, if you like that sort of thing.

Monday 3 December 2018

Monday Muse

Mid morning saw me the only person in the queue at the wee post office.  I go there as the queues are less and the Asian lass always smiles at me even if she considers me an idiot.  This was the three important Christmas packets full of rubbish and the cards dumped in the box.  3rd of December and all is done bar two cards I forgot and the local folks who turn up out of the blue.  Many of those will get an email card!  Cheap and miserly I may be but I am happy with that.

Sitting here in the 'Winter Palace,' that is my bed, I was listening to the radio iplayer (now called 'Sounds' for no good reason) as Jo Brand blethered her advice on families.  I was thinking the families she meets are pretty rough, her own had its problems, but thought I my family was quite good, and I suspect most still remain 'quite good.'  Of course we had problems, the usual family squabbles, and most of those around us were similar in approach, the area it must be said was composed of good working class types of the early 50's.  Nearby were rougher areas where at school I discovered families of a more troubled type, their kids were in my class.  This is part of the area in which the book/film 'Trainspotting' was based so you can imagine the type.  
I suspect 'broken families' come from 'broken parents' people who came from such families however you conceive them and lack people around them in the neighbourhood or at work who can coach them into something better.  The faces of those 'wanted' on the local police Twitter site often offer those not quite mentally aware for 'minor crimes.'  The families are usually of similar type.  
While I was listening the phone rang forcing me out of my comfort and made me clamber through to the east wing to answer.  This was my sister and when mentioning the Jo Brand topic she agreed we were lucky to have a decent reasonable family, only one black sheep she mentioned, "Who? I asked, "You!" she said!  I have asked the postman not to deliver her parcel...
It is at times like this I miss the family, I suspect they do not miss me...

The sky is quite good at the moment.  Black clouds threaten rain in the distance much of the time but we get these interesting skies as the low sun heads home.  If only I could get into a better position early in the morning and grab a few shots of the sky then.  Not tomorrow as work calls....