Monday 4 October 2021

Lying Conference


The Tory lying conference is well under way.  I am avoiding watching this as I can only take so many lies at a time.  There is little expectation that Boris and his cabal will offer anything but lies, half truths, and deception once again.  

Nothing has changed except the Tories are working harder at lying.  Indeed bare-faced lies are the thing today.  They all do it, no-one appears able to stop them, and they know now nobody can stop them.  The press is on their side, keeping the Tories in power is what matters as Labour might stand up to the press, any Tory will do, even these 'UKIP in suits Tories.'  
The problem is that many are happy to accept them lying and vote willingly for this.  Not just in the 'Blue areas' such as this one but in the 'Red Wall,' the areas who vote Tory for racist reasons and care not that they are suffering because of this.  
The desire to consider others has long since left this nation. Those that endured poor housing, poor schools, no NHS were keen after the Great War to see improvements.  Many were offered but none came under a Tory Chancellor.  
The depression that saw many suffer and use soup kitchens led to a determination to ensure a better society was created.  After the war the Labour government of 1945 set about doing just that.  Many Tories/Liberals agreed and a consensus to improve things for all remained in the UK until Thatcher the milk snatcher came along and worshipped money.  
Since then considering others has ended.  Those on benefits are all 'living of the state,' or 'my taxes,' and the sick have 'nothing wrong with them.'  That attitude fills the right-wing press, owned by Billionaires, and read by those desparate to believe the lie.  

Boris has made a career out of lying, it is in his blood, and now he happily divides the nation just to ensure he keeps his job.  'Divide and rule' has always been the way, the Tories today excel in this lie.  They encourage hate against asylum seekers, unemployed, sick, and the hungry.  They tax the poorest to prevent the rich suffering, they encourage race hate and walk away with none able to stand up to them.   Yet, if Boris goes for a 'snap election' he could be here for another ten years.

Saturday 2 October 2021

Saturday Laptop

My spare laptop, the only one with a CD/DVD bit on it is so sIow and driving me mad.  So, having more money than sense I bought a new, cheap, spare one with a DVD/CD bit.  
I have spent HOURS installing everything I can find, including the Microsoft downloads, and then searching vainly for passwords for things I have added.  
It was lunchtime when I started and it is now getting dark!
Going between two laptops and my phone while checking emails, passwords, or whatever, does not increase one's mental wellbeing.  
Also, Microsoft, in their wisdom, insist on sending a security number at one point in the proceedings, this however does not arrive as my phone number is a landline!  That is too outdated for them.  Too late and bothered to insert my mobile number now, another task for tomorrow.
All however appears well so far, and naturally the DVD/Rom/CD is the one thing I have not yet tried!
Too late now, BBC Alba football soon starting.
ps. It's raining, and I have just looked out my heavy pullover!  October is here.


Friday 1 October 2021

James Bond & Brexit Petrol


There has been a great deal of fuss in recent days concerning the latest Bond film.  This has moved me none, films are things I rarely watch, 5 minutes and I am turning off and doing something useful like reading a book.  Most are just repeats in a different setting, many porn (how do I know?), many junk, and within a few minutes the unrealistic acting turns me off.  I have however, seen several 'Bond' films, especially the earlier ones with a proper James Bond, a tall, debonair, cultured Scotsman.  This I think was what was in Ian Flemings mind as he wrote the books in a Scottish outpost in the Caribbean.  
Today's 'woke' think Bond a rapist, a woman abuser, an altogether nasty man, and indeed in real life Sean could be a bit of a rogue.  It is clear such 'snowflakes' have not lived through a war situation, have never feared an attack on the nation, nor indeed seen real life!  
Some believe Bond to be an image of a real everyday British spy, however, I do not consider this to be the case.  Real spy work tends to be boring, secrative, and far from glamorous, though some do 'disapear.'  Spies are usually attached to embassy outbuildings.  The Soviet Delegation high up on Hampstead Hill was a nest of Russian spies, none found in the Embassy itself, apparently, and when we occasionaly sent spies back home they usually came from Highgate.  I suspect little has changed there under Putin, the 'Workers Friend.'
Now arguments are raging as to the next James Bond, always a demand he is a black, or that he is a she.  That might well be the case these days of course.  Bond has to be a man, and a Scots one at that, there can be no alternatives.  There are plenty of tales regarding women and blacks acting as spies, make up a new series if that is what you want to see I say.
Will I go and see the new film?  No...

I nipped downstairs to post a wrongly delivered letter this afternoon, once the torrential rain ceased.  As I looked down the road I could see the road blocked at Sainsburys garage.  They had a delivery this morning and being Friday the cars are already forming a long queue.  Friday of course is when people shop, the vast traffic from Sainsburys up the road meets the queues down the road.  I do hope they, and the people coming from the industrial estate do not run out of petrol in the traffic.  
Brexit, the success that never ceases to give!

Thursday 30 September 2021

Murder, Rain and Passports

Rain kept me in today while the need for Batteries for the radio in the bathroom and other things took unwillingly me out.  Naturally, as I left the building the weather changed and stopped raining.  It must be my personality.  All morning however, I was forced to exercise, read Twitter, laugh at Farage being hit by a van while looking (he said) for petrol and finding none in 7 garages.  I also took a delivery from Hermes which was not lost, then discovered the petrol situation was fine here, and now try to live on a diet of strawberries and yoghurt, tea and coffee.  I am still one pound above 15 stone!  
I also spent too much time looking into the rape and murder of the young lass by a London Police officer.  Usually these cases I just glance at but something in this one made me look deeper.  What was he thinking?  Such murders are nearly always solved, much easier and with more committment than the run of the mill burglary.  How did he think he could get away with this?  Another strange one is the Albanian who belted a woman on the head in a park for no known reason.  What was the point in that?  Some things are relatively easy to understand, anger, passion, resentment, theft, all can lead to violent outbursts but such callous murder does not make sense.  Human nature, which most of my readers share, is capable of the worst outrages, and the truth is we can all do such things if pushed.  We ought to be glad that we have been kept from actions this dangerous.  History reveals the human heart, it is not a nice thing to investigate.

I looked into obtaining the vaccine passport, not that I am going anywhere, and got confused by the words!  I think I was a bit tired at the time!  I have to get tested first, even though I have been jabbed twice?  Do home tests suffice?  I need to study the paperwork again as I may have to visit Edinburgh soon.  Much better to go before Christmas and avoid the crowds.  However, lots of talk of passports and all this tech stuff on phones (how does a 'code reader. work?) confuses me.  I was not born to think without a 13 year old I could enquire from near at hand.  (I bet Prince Andrew has no 13 year olds near him!)

Wednesday 29 September 2021

The Labour of Hermes


Today Keir Starmer delivered his first speech to the Labour Party conference.  I didn't bother to notice it. I expected little and it appears that is what we have been offered.  He did not say anything revolutionary, offering some leadership, or suggestions to take the nation out of the mess into which it has sunk.  My reading of the far from enthusiastic responses to his speech indicates no changes from Labour regarding opposing the Tories.  The nation will continue under this inept government for some time, another, possibly 'snap' election is possible soon, and after that Boris victory the Tories will reign supreme for some time because Labour have failed to oppose him or offer solutions.
What a mess.
What should he have said?
Had Keir made clear Labour would return to the EU, nationalise the main society supports, the buses, railways, NHS, gas, electric and water, for a start, he would have found a strong support from millions fed up with private profit while their fares and costs soar under any excuse that fits.  This however, is not something he would ever contemplate.  I understand there were no references to Clement Attlee in his speech.
Clearly supported by Lord Mandleson of disrepute, he instead just wishes to continue as a 'Red Tory,' teaching the youth to learn 'how to live with it,' and 'make the best of it.'  Super!  Nothing planned to change the way things work or find a better way for the future?  Get used to Boris, he will be around for ever if Keir remains in charge of Labour.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Nothing to Say Again

Nothing to say again.
This does not imply I have done nothing.  Although, to be fair, I have done nothing.  Not quite true, I exercised, though no gym would actually charge me for what I was doing.  Then, to 'warm down,' as they say, not that I was even warm, I hoovered the floor.  I say 'hoovered,' but I actually mean 'vaccuumed,' but I canny spell that.  Then I had a poor, skimpy, lunch.
There will now be a pause as I contemplate staring out the window in a manner similar to what I was doing after lunch.
For some reason I appeared to be running ahead of myself.  By noon I was free from the 'to do' list and wondering what to ignore for the rest off the day.  To avoid mistakes I drank tea and watched the YouTube videos of Championship football from the weekend.  
Then I searched Twitter for excitement.
None came.
There will now be another pause.
I then became adventurous.
So I dressed in the high quality charity shop clobber and moved out and went through Sainsburys.  This to avoid an early start in the morning to avoid the market day crowds.
Sainsburys was busy, and it was striking that so many people there were not wearing a mask as I was.  I half expected some half-wit to reproach me for wearing a mask as happens to so many people these days.  The vast number of people educated by social media on the covid virus astounds me, especially as they oppose wearing masks, taking a life saving vaccine, and being sensible with people.  Indeed some oppose the vaccine violently, and go as far as abusing hospital staff.  I am yet unaware of this governments attempts to end this.  Possibly a quick law banning opposition and a government that leads from the front would be good.  However, the childish manner in which Tory MPs, on Boris's orders, refuse to wear masks, and the opposition making it clear they do wear them in the House, sends a very dangerous message.  Maybe one or two cabinet members could die and allow sense to return?
One good thing about being outside was I could meet some of my women.  One was looking, not too eagerly, for her lost husband, she had not found him by the time we parted, and the other heading for a flu jab.  I have not yet been offered one, why not doctor?  How nice to meet good people, this is something I do not do much these days.  Usually this is satisfactory but occasionally it is welcome.  The trouble with wandering about in a small town is that you are always likely to meet someone, often the wrong someone!
I returned home to my instant dinner.  Too lazy to cook and glad something in the fridge needed no help.   
Then I glanced at the budget.  'British Gas' moved me onto what they call 'British Gas Evolve.'  This to my mind is another money grab by the company.  I note they have increased my direct debit by £7 and yet I am unable to turn this down.  When I clicked the 'contact' button nothing happened.  The price increase means I am using the boiler as little as possible, but of course winter is coming.  The crooks know this and are lining their pockets.  Where is the government?  Lining their own pockets!  I will be spending much time in the dark this year.


Sunday 26 September 2021

Queue For Fuel

Just after 10 this morning I passed this queue at the petrol station.  
As I returned near 12 noon this was the sight before me.  Whether the black car jumping the queue was allowed in I know not.  This has continued for some time, not helped by the Sainsburys petrol station offering a 'Sold Out' sign since morning.  Whether that is genuine I know not.  It has calmed down outside my window but unless this garage has a 'Sold Out' sign up, the long line of cars, most with engines rumbling, will continue. 
Another success for Brexit!
Of course this is not just Brexit, however that has caused a lack of drivers, trained petrol tanker drivers are in short supply, have some moved to large wages elsewhere I wonder?  The shortage cannot be made up, an HGV licence is required, but also a tanker driver licence, this takes more tests and costs more, so they will not be rushed to be introduced.  While EU may also have problems, they can work together to fix them, sovereignty means the UK requires forelock tugging and friends in appropriate places to get fuel.
In October things get worse!

Saturday 25 September 2021

Market Day Clouds

The morning being gray, cloud covering the land and dampness covering the pavements, it is no surprise to see Englishmen out early dressed in T-shirts and shorts.  One lass was making use of tinted sunglasses, not because of bad eyes I note.  What is the matter with these people?  This happens every year, the sun goes in, the temperature drops and the English dress as if on holiday in Majorca!  Had any of these individuals gone to the Arctic for a cruise I suspect they would dress in similar fashion simply because they see the sun shining.  All that fast melting white stuff would possibly not register with them.

The council have spent much time publicising the 'Saturday Market,' and the wide variety of stalls on show.  This happens several times a year in an effort, somewhat vainly, to re-establish the market in a market town.  The sheep and cattle no longer fill the Market space and instead we have on show today the usual fruit and veg, sweets as in picture, and dresses, among other regulars.  The new 'special' stalls sell overpriced cake, candles, smelly stuff and a wide variety of items aimed at women who have too much time and money to waste.  Even the Dinosaurs on show in the shopping centre did not endear me to them, too small for the phone camera to see.  The kids however, including one brain damaged man in a  wheelchair, enjoyed the Pterodactyl eating his hat.  
Interesting to note the many pizza, beer, and fast food stalls did not appear this time, have they gone bust I wonder?  Not that I care, I canny afford them!

Friday 24 September 2021

Saturn Tonight, Far Off

While normal people were watching Arbroath playing Kilmarnock, and an excellent gave it was, some daft bloke took advantage of the half time break to attempt to catch Saturn, with all those rings, hurtling along at some many miles per hour.  I had to make use of my small hand held tripod to keep the planet from darting all over the place.  The Lumix made a grand effort but it is not possible to get closer, and the rings appear as just wee bright dots at the side.  The appearance of the stars round about made the picture better.  However, it took some manipulation on the laptop to make things clearer.  I was then able to go back and enjoy the game.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Christmas Moon?

This morning I began Xmas shopping in earnest.  That is, I trudged up to Sainsburys for a few bits, glanced at the area where toys, fripperies, and books are kept, noted that Christmas stock is beginning to appear and that empty shelves near the toys are now filled with wine and shampoo. Sainsburys continue to pretend Brexit is not hindering supplies.
I then trudged round to Tesco.  There I glanced upstairs at their toys, etc and managed to avoid buying anything for myself.  I did however buy the first of the gift cards (Embaressed somewhat I bought Amazon cards as it is easier, even though they still only pay £4 an hour as far as I can see) and made my way home rejoicing that I can still walk.
Then, being brave, I took my knees, now aching, up to B&M and browsed their several aisles of toys and stuff, Christmas is here all year as far as I can see, and bought one or two small things used as 'Thank you's,' to various peoples.  No miniature whisky this year as yet, I suspect they are sitting in a lorry at the Scottish border.  No paperwork hold ups there, just the driver having a kip.
So, now I am browsing the list of what came last year, who has died on the card list, who can be dropped, and beginning to work out how much will be required.  (Note, none have been added bar NIck, the new great nephew.  I'm good at making friends.)
Ha!  You thought there would be no more moon shots!  Wrong!  After 30 minutes of struggle I managed to gather this one, though it required a bit off work on the laptop afterwards.  The moon does not appear to have changed any since last year, though it was higher in the sky, or could I have been lower on the ground?  It is all so confusing.  What is really confusing is having a clear sky, no clouds and the chance to picture the moon, so unusual!

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Harvest Moon Plus


Harvest Moon time again, at 20:21 BST the equinox occurs, not at midnight as I thought.  Thus indicating that today is the first day of Autumn, that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  However, because of lorry driver shortage that may mean less fruitfulness than usual.  I tried a shot of the bright yellow moon last night, but the brightness did not come out well in the Lumix.  Large and bright the moon was but several settings could not reproduce the colour.  Of course it was not easy to catch through the kitchen window, especially as it was trying to hide behind the beam.  I would have waited half an hour and tried again but my feet were turing into ice and so I manfully gave up.  I may try again tonight, clouds willing.

In other news, Boris has fallen flat on his face in the US.  President Joe Biden, wide awake and ready, slammed down his attempt to make a trade deal. Fix Northern Ireland first says Joe leaving Boris to walk away stumped.  I suspect he is lying to himself about a new deal he can invent.  At the moment he is making 'incremental steps' towards what once was a 'trade deal' caused by the UK being  'first in line' for. 
Elsewhere the middle classes have sat outside in the sunshine blocking the streets in a fanciful attempt at forcing the government to do something about climate change.  Personally, in love, I would drive my lorry over them, if I had one, as this dos nothing but annoy the man in the street, as it were.
Pritti Patel is going through the courts to have them jailed.  So outside the Home Office many are now blocking her street.  Not that the street is that busy anyway.
Dominic Raab, as Deputy PM stood in for Boris at PMQs today and was told to go back to his sunlounger by the Labour opponent whatshername.  Comparing the £20 being removed from the poor to the cost of a room at his hotel in Crete, and she emphasised peoples troubles with poverty encouraged by his government while he argues about the 'Grace & Favour' mansion Liz Truss ought to have.  
Nice comparison.
The usual 'celebs' acting hurt, anxious, pained, or just 'baring all' again for the camera.  Age is catching up on many.  I know, I had a good look.
Lional Messi, at £1 million a week is taken off during a game.  He refused to shake the managers hand.  I think he may find he is not the boss at PSG.  However the diving Neymar, the Brazilian genius is reported to be on near half a million a month to keep quiet about Jesus.  Like many Brazilians he has a connection to a Pentecostal church back home.  It appears he is keeping quiet and getting rich. Hmmm.
A scrap man, with a farm or two, died leaving £4 million or so in his will.  The son and daughter argue over this and possibly will continue to hate and bite for years to come.  This does not happen in Scotland.  There, the fortune, around £10:47 in my case, is shared equaly between the next of kin.  No arguments allowed as far as I can see.  Saves court time, saves public fight, all get what there is.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Bad Facebook and Spam

It's a disgrace!
I mean being banned from facebook for little things that offend no-one but facebook algorythms is bad enough, but today I was immediately banned for speaking the truth - again!  The anti-maskers/anti-vacciners were out in force today, all of them being from the USA, as you might expect.  So, quite correctly, I posted that 'All Americans were stupid!'  How can that be seen as offensive when the evidence was right in front of them?  Had facebook, which happily allows many such posts opposing the vaccine and mask wearing, all on the basis of 'freedom,' not banned me I would have posted the link to Kristin Lowery, a US mother of 4 who refused the vaccine, refused to wear a mask, and spoke out strongly against both.  She died of Covid!  'Give a voice to the vaccine uninjured' is the poster she held.  Now 4 schoolkids have no mother!  Those who encourage opposition to vaccines ought to be jailed.
This has led to me being banned for 3 days by facebook.  The post removed by facebook, and the Yanks involved free to continue spouting nonsense.  If this goes on I may dump facebook or they may dump me.  
Twitter is not so uptight, though I have myself reported several sites that were offensive, usually white supremacists, Old Firm fans, or Tory liars.  I never block decent people who I disagree with.  The hypocrisy of facebook knows no end.  I suspect however, they will continue to listen in to all the other things I do on here...

I have been getting a few if these things on facebook recently.  Usually a girl has decided that she must use this and passes it on so all her readers can join in.  They are all cons gathering info, and soon dumping adverts and who knows what onto your screen.  Naturally facebook does not stop them, I suspect they may send them out, but I never find them on Twitter.  Possibly this is because Twitter has a higher class of psychotic inebriate than facebook, possibly they just do not land on my page.  
I glanced at one email offering this morning with something 'FREE' in a bright yellow shade.  However, I dumped it to quick to take note who it was from.  Usually email is a scammer using others hacked address book, with the sending email always obscure.  
Scams appearing to be from E-bay and Amazon have passed through, and in the distant past when I knew nothing I enter details into one page thinking it genuine (about 20 years ago) and had 10 years of email spam, often 20-30 a day, for a long time afterwards.  Changing ISP ended that.  
I suppose after porn the easiest way to get rich quick is spam, or hacking into an account.  I still think getting a job safer mind.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Sunday Rain

By Gods grace I was given a lift to the Kirk this morning, and indeed back home again.  I needed the lift today.  It was however, a good morning, it is indeed nice to be welcomed, nice to have young women come to me and chat, and nice to meet new people passing through.  All in all I enjoyed the day and indeed felt lonely afterwards.  I did however, have the Dundee derby to entertain me, though entertain in a derby is a rarety.  
Rain had been threatened and in the middle of the afternood it came, bucketing down, sending pools across the street as the drains overflowed, and irritating drivers who had not watched the weather forecast.  
Those who work ourside, postmen, road diggers, farmers, soldiers, sailors, airmen, and dustmen, always check the weather before they go to work.  That way they can be prepared.  Too many others look out the window, see the sun, leave off the coat and wander out.  They can often be standing under trees while the lightning flashes around them, tee hee.
God is good, and I am off to sleep.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Saturday Breakfast

Hazy sun slowly lifts away as I ctoss the park this morning during my five mile jog.  'The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' or at least something like that someone who didn't have to work for a living wrote.  I had fruit this morning, and again for lunch.  The early fruit came via the breakfast cereal the nurse has demanded I eat instead of food.  Sainsburys 'Blueberry Wheats' it says, though how much actual Blueberry is contained within is always to be doubted.  Much stress these days on 'power foods,' though cabbage is better for you, supplies all the same requirements and is considerably cheaper.  I had this cereal with Nescafe Instant Cappuccino, and I mean with Cappuccino!  I use an old very large mug which has long lost the handle for cereal, and placed this next to the coffee cup.  Blueberry wheats inserted in mug, milk added, kettle boiled, and I grabbed the scissors in my bleary early morn state, cut open the coffee sachet and placed the ingrediants into the cereal bowl!!!  There followed several minutes of struggle with a teaspoon to attempt to remove coffee from mug and place in correct mug while the mug himself invented new swear words to encourage himself.  Soon, I sat browsing the depressing online press while eating cereal tasting of cappuccino and drinking coffee filled with shreds of Blueberry wheat!  I then had to visit Sainsburys for more milk and cappuccino, hence the hazy foto, which is I found today is actually cheaper there than in Tesco!  That rarely happens!  Lunch was a tin of Polish Mackeral (cheap) with lettuce and the scrag ends of bread.  No coffee allowed near.

Friday 17 September 2021

Fake History

Otto English writes this book to expose what he considers to be an understanding of History that is incorrect.  He is also having a go at Boris and his fans, which is quite clear throughout.  In Otto's mind we are all believing historical facts that are not facts at all, his mission is to seek out the true situation behind such History.
Obviously some of us with an interest in History will have discovered the truth is never found at first sight, this is even more obvious where a war situation is concerned.  Propaganda, good and bad, is always to the fore during a war.  People's experience, and evidence on the ground added to an individuals knowledge of the war and the situation in which they find themselves concerned means people are not fooled as often as Otto appears to believe.
However, that said it is a book worth reading.
Churchill is naturally the first under review, Flat earth follows, Columbus and all that, War propaganda, the Royals, Curry and other foodstuffs, the Conquistadors and Abraham Lincoln are among the subjects interrogated.  Obviously Churchill is the starting point.  The target of this book other than Boris are the tabloid readers, and hacks, who perpetuate the idea of Winston as the 'Greatest Prime Minister.'  Various people have written about Churchill, including himself of course.  After the war he collected material from the conflict and produced his History of the 'Second World War,' in which he comes over as the great leader, the wise strategist, and the man who won the war.  Lord Alanbrooke of course, who had been Chief of the Imperial General Staff and the man who actually won the war, was not impressed to be mentioned only thrice!  Still, it made money and built Winston's fame, and thatw as what mattered.  Boris Johnson, the fantasist who is now Prime Minister because of the nations sin, also wrote a book about Churchill, poor at that by all accounts.  Roy Jenkins scribbled a fast moving one reviewed on these pages, and no doubt many more will appear.  
English makes every attempt to break into the tabloid fantasy of Churchill and offer the unwritten (in his mind) side of things.  From my memory the 'unwritten' did not require writing as most people during the war well understood Churchill, 'Warmonger' was the general impression I heard, but Otto is writing for the tabloid reader of today, few of whom have read much other than their 'Daily Express' over the last 70 years and are happy with an image that does not demand they think, nor lose their nationalistic fantasy.
Each chapter does swerve away from the main subject thereby allowing a wide variety of stories, usually relevant, to appear.  These are often humerous, always interesting, but not all are surprising to me.  Most people with a History interest will have glanced at such tales before, however, it is good to see so many put in one place.  I enjoyed a great many of them.
However, there are failures.
The writier, born and educated at an Essex public school and now living in gentrified south east London, reveals all the arrogance and self importance of such a background.  Otto, as seen on his Twitter account, does not like opposition, nor does he like to think he might be wrong.  Wrong however he is.  His lack of understanding of the Christian Church is obvious, he reflects the ignorance of the Guardian reader here.  His Essex knowledge of Scotland, one I am well aware off, is as limited as might be expected. To Otto nationalism is dangerous, full of terrors and to be avoided.  Such an attitude can only be found in an Englishman living in England.  His writing re Charles Stuart falls down here also, prevaded as it is with English imperialism throughout.  Charles of course is considered a joke by most Scots.  
Far too much time is taken up by his diatribe on Adolf Hitler not being an artist.  Pages are wasted on Otto's dislike of Adolf.  We have all seen his paintings, nice but not deep, and why so much is written here I fail to understand, a page or two only was required.  Abraham Lincoln also is offered as a man at variance with the public image, and we are left wondering if Otto really cares about this or if he is just attacking people because they are hero's to some?  Indeed a chapter is included concerning Ghenghis Khan as if he was the subject of much discussion in the world today!  When did you last discuss Khan and his empire?  No, not me either.  Much has been written about him but rarely is he mentioned outside of those studying that particular era.  
This is however, a good book, well worth a read.  The 'Daily Mail' reader, who will not read it, is the target of these pages.  And I suspect many of Otto's fans will enjoy this book as they too are ignorant of the tales enclosed.  History is not well taught in schools it appears, however, it is a wide ranging subject which causes many arguements (just ask in Europe 'Who started the Great War?' and see what I mean).  The EU has schools for the children of those working there, no History however, is taught unless by your own countrymen!   I bet Scots History was not taught there!  
It is worth reading, the stories entertain, the facts are usually good (but historians everywhere will pick fault as they do) and a good book for adolescent schoolkids as it is an easy read and I suspect will hold their attention.
Otto English, real name Andrew Scott, is a journalist who has written for many papers.  However, he is also one of those middle class Liberals who does not get out and about much, and is limited in his experiences by mixing with his own Ken.  Such men as you know fail to comprehend things those who have to work for a living have known for years.  Otto's views on life are repeated by his friends and upheld by his Twitter fans, yet they fail to see the world as it is all too often in my view.  I suggest for his next book he travels the nation.  Partly this is because I like such travel books, it is always interesting to see peoples views of what is actually there in the UK and not what they already believe, but also he will meet a wider range of views, some which will surprise him, some shock him, but he will produce another book worth reading.    

Tuesday 14 September 2021

More Tuesday Twaddle

As I stepped out towards the Liberal Club last night I was entranced by the summer like evening.  The warmth in the air, the aroma from the grasses in the park, the setting sun, and the evening light.  All marvellous, though the phone camera is not good enough to record this well.  

On  the way home, under a somewhat darker sky, I attempted to catch the light from the Club window.  There is something attractive about light shining in the darkness, almost but not quite swallowed up by it.  
I did not attempt photos today with any device.  It rained, it rained and it rained.  Therefore I took to other objectives, doing two loads of washing, ironing the shirts, I had used the last yesterday evening, and worked through my emails and other items.  The 'to do' list was touched, but not by much!  The house, because of drying washing, now stinks!  It is however warm...

Monday 13 September 2021

Monday Spiel


Monday Spiel is unavailable as I have been at the Spam meeting at the liberal Club drinking Guiness from tin cans... 

Sunday 12 September 2021

Sunday Spiel

A quite good day today.
I began the day by doing a bit of Trolling.  I went over to the Hibernian FC site on Twitter where they were parading the usual guff before todays Edinburgh football derby against the Heart of Midlothian, I thought I would troll.
Innocently I posted the Historical facts, all the important ones.
Since 1875.  651 Derbies.
Heart of Midlothian won: 286  Hibs 206 Draws 153
6 Abandonded when Hibs went homs in a huff.
Goals: Heart of Midlothian 1100  Hibs 925.

Natural order.

'Natural Order' is a term also used to troll Hibbys.  The number of games has obviously increased by one.  It goes without saying that soon I was inveloped by a crowd of Leith citizens wearing an affronted, sullen and resentful countenance.  I answered all their er, questions, by repeating the statistics for them, some found these unpalatable it appears.  
This did make me laugh.
By the time it came to leave for church I was heading towards a record response for a tweet.  Indeed, many happy Heart of Midlothian individuals also joined me in offering good wishes to the lower orders, but again the response was a wee bit disappointing.
I left them to it.     
With the big game kicking off at noon I wished to leave the church in good time to walk home.  As expected the meeting was slow.  A presentation to the vicar, a celebration for a couples 50th anniversary, then readings, and a sermon, longer than required I say (almost 25 minutes) followed by prayers, followed by slow communion.  After this I looked to the clock, but no, the kids then had something to say, the clock said 'too bad' and I slipped out and hobbled, faster than usual, up the road arriving with two minutes to spare before Kick Off.  Phew!
The great hope I had was that the Heart of Midlothian was easily deal with the foul few from the eastern side.  Had we lost it would not have been a happy time for me on Twitter, a few hundred 'BLOCK' cases might have been called for.  As it is just the residue remains after a 0-0 draw, the fault of a ref who did not help us.  Just why he is a referee I have never understood, he does not know the Laws, does not know the game, and just does not know.  I suspect he is one who votes Conservative.
Anyway, while grabbing poor nourishment for a Sunday I attempted to watch two other games, both English.  However, these mean little and the emotions of a derby day means English football is worthless.
So, the day done I must away and attempt to work my way through the magazine pile that is awaiting my attention.  So much to read, magazines and books as well as online stuff, I just have not got the time.  Of course, I could just be getting slow...

Thursday 9 September 2021

The Lying Press


How depressing are the British press? 
With Boris destroying the nation, the press look the other way and continue to lie to the people and suppoty the bumbling dictator.  Here the 'Express' ignore Boris raising money from the poorest by increasing National Insurance and returns to the usual migrants lie. Now owned by the 'Daily Mirror' we could have expected this rag to be amended and become a newspaper once again.  However, the editor has persisted with the angle that sells, even though few who work there agree with the result. 
The other media also did their best to flannel their way through the day and it is clear a disaster lies ahead for this nation and the majority have their heads in the clouds while judgement is poured out. 
The false morality of the PC mob, the murder of millions of unborn children, same-sex marriage seen as normal, Trans also regarded as normal, a government with no morals whatsoever and no policies bar looking after No 1, with absolutely no opposition bar that from the SNP in Westminster, all leading to a disaster unknown before in this nation.  
The poorest suffering in such a manner which soon will read like the Victorian age has returned, the NHS about to be sold off with the people voting for the party that kills it the worst sufferers from the insurance debacle that will follow, social services dying or dead, press controlled by the dictator, and opposition, even from the legal services, soon to be curbed.
It is not migrants we need worry about, it is fascism and the Good Lord is allowing this to happen as judgement.  The end may or may not be nigh but total collapse of the UK is near.