Thursday 7 January 2021

Thursday Blether

It has not taken the Tories long to respond to last nights outrages in the USA.  Boris (who once suggested the Nobel Peace Prize for Donald) offered a mumbling statement condemning violence, possibly written by Donald.  Priti Patel managed not to condemn Donald and muttered away, Michael Gove, Donalds friend, said nothing, Rees-Mogg, once delighted to work with Donald, has not posted on his Twitter feed, possibly he has not seen the news.  At best the insurrection is played down, while most laugh and cheer off camera and hope it happens here also.
A Welsh Tory suggested that those opposing Brexit could riot in such manner, on Twitter, Unionists, possibly Tory members, are claiming similar actions will occur if Scotland seeks independence, others claim SNP independence seekers will behave this way (make up your mind).   
It is clear to all, bar those who thought this was a genuine revolution under way, that Trump has done this just to keep a grasp of power.  When he loses power he can then be brought to account for his crimes, mostly dating back to long before 2016.  No wonder he lies in a desparate manner.
Soon Boris it will be your turn surely?
'Lock Down' will have an effect similar to the last ones.  My hair needs cut, this may not happen until March, Priti Patel wishes people to be ordered off the streets by Police, fined if they do not obey, and shops will run out of so many things under Brexit that soon panic buying will return.  
I have avoided going out, not that I wished to go anywhere, but in the dark, before 7:30 I wandered round to Tesco, coughing all the way and scaring several people heading for work as I passed.  This gave me a laugh and forced them to walk well over 6 feet away from me.  The early morning cough is just that, but they don't know!
Once again I thought I am here choosing bread, once more I collect milk, not the out of date stuff going cheap, once more I ransack the same shelves as before, almost always choosing the same items with only an occasional bright experiment attempted.  
When at school I was jealous of those wandering the streets while I was locked up not learning anything.  It seemed good to be outside wandering to and fro whenever you liked, I looked forward to the time I could join them.  However, I was disappointed greatly to discover that such freedom as I had imagined was brief if it actually existed, work, wages and a hundred other things imprison all of us daily.  
When young life is bright, the future tempts with excitement and pleasures, travel, strange places, new temptations, new pleasures, new people, and adventure moulded to the individuals needs, or so I thought.  Reality was not the same.  Being an adult did not bring much bar wondering what was for tea that night?  What shall I eat tomorrow?  Where can I buy cheap the required clothes?  And so on.  Living in London people spoke of the many wonderful places to visit, the shows to see, the stars, the pleasures available, yes indeed some were tasted, however, travel across London takes time, pleasures are expensive, work tiring and most do not spend their time enjoying the city, they are too busy just living.
Then, suddenly, one day you are a grandfather.  Not that you are a grandfather, it is just that you are old!  In your mind you are 25, in the body 30 years have been added.  The need for distant pleasures fades somewhat, those you once laughed at sitting, possibly in the car, staring out at sea, you no longer laugh at because you are one of them, chomping on sandwiches while staring at the sea suddenly is fun.  The bright lights are faded in your eyes, the joys empty, the pleasures too expensive and not worth much.  Rather the smile of a child in the family, a dogs wagging tail or a cat sitting on the laptop appear more interesting and the joy longer lasting.
This of course does not mean you are dead!  Indeed no, programmes like 'Last of the Summer Wine' which many disliked as the humour was stinted, reflect many a gang of elderly statesmen who, in one way or another, behave in similar style.  The potential for trouble, as any wife will inform you, from the men seeking excitement can suddenly appear.  Those who volunteer in some capacity will always find ways to have fun.  Before the virus many groups aimed at the elderly abounded for those who cared to try them, not me, and aged adventure could be attended to.  Especially if there were three or four silly men involved.  Most such men must be bored now.

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