Saturday 16 January 2021

Snow Saturday


As promised, we had a touch of snow today.  Nothing like that experienced in Scotland of course, still, this little lot will cause havoc with the local traffic.  This did not stop me reaching Sainsburys however, but it does encourage me to sit by the ehater all day watching football and reading books.
Unfotunately, I was unable to read books today.  Instead I made soup, probably one of the worst soups I have ever made.  Lots of veg involved so it is healthy, taste wise it reminds me of hot dishwater after use.  I was forced to eat two servings while it was still in the pot so I do not have to eat it every day this week.  What started as a good idea did not finish that way.

The football did its job, eventually.  While some cynical types considered our team a wee bit wan and empty when the teamsheet was announced I was always confident in victory.  This confidence evaporated as the game went on.  Eventually however we managed to secure another win and fool ourselves into thinking we are about to be champions.  I suspect we may be but clearly 'Must do better,' needs to be written on the report cards here.

A quick look out the window shows just how much I need to clean them.  It also reveals the rain has taken the place of the snow and soon all that white stuff will vanish again.  No loss I say, bring me sunshine not snow, warmth, not cold, gentle breeze, not the north east wind shaking the windows.


the fly in the web said...

Stay warm! Think of the poor posties and delivery men forced to work in all that...and stop smiling!

What went wrong with the soup? Was it a supermarket chicken you used?

The note reminded me of the old cartoon of a husband and wife soaring through the roof of their house with the csption ' the last time we went out together was when the gas stove blew up'.

Adullamite said...

Fly, The posties have not visited for a week! The soup is awful!