Friday 10 August 2018

Rain, Books, Read....

OK! OK!  We wanted rain but you can stop now!
Passing showers they said, they did not say how slowly they would pass.  Still this will soak into the ground and ease the grass around us.  It also keeps kids at home out of the shops and that is always a good thing.

It has been one of those weeks when it was difficult to read.  The mind found Calvin's 'Genesis' a bit hard, similar readings made the brain work to much and nothing else was easy reading to my mind.  This comes from the heat of recent days leading to unsettled sleep patterns, doing too much (Ha!), and the knees being very troublesome this week making things difficult.  All in I found little to hold onto either on TV or in books.  
This is annoying as little can be done when in such moods.  I have done things of course, some cleaning has to be done whatever, yet the desire to move has been lacking.  Now the weather has become normal I hope this will die away.
Funny how I can stand in front of a bookcase and not find a book.  None fit the mood, are easy enough to read or interest me at the time.  Yet all have played a part, some were marvellous and will not be found again in a charity shop, others were dipped into as required and may be read properly one day.  Saying that it does appear a shame that so many words just lie about, this leaves me wishing I knew someone who could make use of them, yet retain them in my bookcase!  Consider how many words lie on the shelves, not all good ones of course, some pretty rotten, but the vast output from someone's mind that has played a part in my, and others, lives.  Our thoughts put in print to change the world.  Hmm, I wonder how changed it has been since I started scribbling...?



Suza said...

I wish we had some Rain here.

Adullamite said...

Suza, Rain is coming. Normal service soon returning.

the fly in the web said...

Rain bucketing down now...but luckily not, so far, at Lords so at least I can listen to the cricket while being forced to do some housework.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Not today, no rain so far. Typical summer.