Friday 15 January 2016

Friday Night is Music Night, at least on here...



Music to make the head think and the heart leap!



Lee said...

Early Saturday morning here...and I've just turned on the coffee machine...a high (and low) wind is a blowing and my brain has begun to kick into gear - something some would say is an impossibility!

Have a good weekend, Mr. Ad-Man. :)

Lady Di Tn said...

Mr A
To answer your question, more than she will ever spend. She has children older than him.
Music is the humming of the Soul. Go for it. Peace

Dave said...

Good choice of music there, roughly from the same era as me. My quess you were born somewhere around 48?

Unknown said...

Whoa, is this site under new (and greatly improved, I might add) management? For these are all American bands! Although, the Spirit song sounds like something that The Moody Blues or Pink Floyd could have came out with. Jolly good show, you bandi-legged ole coot.

Adullamite said...

Lee, Coffee did you say...?

Lady, My soul hums to these.

Dave, er, ..I'm 27 "cough"...
These came from the CBS sampler 'Fill your head with Rock' or was it 'The rock machine turns you on?'

Jerry, The music is indeed good and most probable west coast.
Is is a surprise to me that others never post such music but insist on posting dross instead!!!