Why are TV adverts for cars so bad? They are all about image, nothing at all about performance, and none of them make any sense to me! Who buys a car because of the TV ad? What small minded cretin is convinced any car is for them when it is advertised driving across a desert, or in the fantasy world of the Audi advert? What does this do for them? One featured cars attached to balloons floating into the sky. Why? What cobblers! Just give us the details and....oh, of course, if we know all about them we would move on and buy a better car wouldn't we? So instead of facts we get 'image!' This car makes you look 'top dog' instead of a nobody! This car makes you look attractive, powerful, strong or manly, instead of the wimp like loser you really are. These adverts are aimed at men, and I thought women were daft!
Well, my self-esteem has been dashed.
Well, I don't own a car nor will ever in the foreseeable future, so what does that make me?
It's also funny how they never or very rarely mention the price. Driving off the forecourt would reduce me to tears just thinking about the money I had lost. A modern day manhood extension is my opinion.
Fishy, have I upset you. :)
Isiah, Neither do I own a car, and if I fail Mondays driving test I never will. But I will be more choosy if I ever have the cash!
Martyn, some mention prices but usually the car shown is not the one the price refers too!
Well, I was curled-up in a corner for a while, but I'm better now. Thanks for asking.
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