Folks are funny are they not? If they steal from you they can always justify this theft to convince themselves they are right. If however you steal from them, dearie me they react with horror! No justification is possible in that situation. The English react like this constantly. Edward ! (Longshanks to you) stole Wales. he also attempted, on spurious grounds, to steal France. Even worse he attempted to steal Scotland! He failed! However his arrogance allowed him to kill, unjustly, Sir William Wallace by hanging, drawing and quartering him. This as you know was the English punishment for treason. Only an Imperialist thug could use this excuse for murdering a citizen of another country, guilty only of defending his people!
The English have followed Ed the Brute ever since! Even today we see their imperialist attitudes, and some of the barbarian hordes were upset when the truth about the English parliament was made known to them. Just look at the comments on yesterdays post. Completely ignoring the point, as always they hurled abuse and contempt with abandon. The reason, they know I was right! Truth hurts! Of course they, like the rest of the English, never joined the 'Union,' this was just an excuse to capture Scotland by stealth. The only good to come out of this was Scotland no longer being forced to spend so much time defending herself from aggression. Instead she defends herself from having to be the engine behind England's rise and yet be regarded as a second class citizen even yet! Only the other day the TV announced trains run from 'Kings Cross to Scotland!' I asked where is the station called 'Scotland?' Are we not in a 'Union?' Or have you forgotten, again?' I await a reply.
Those who commented show the usual signs. Only one has a blog himself. The others were, as is usual with such people, blogless. They do not blog, they merely search the web hoping to be offended. We will not see them again until the next honest post tells the truth they are determined to hide. Why are they like this? Because they have no nation. There is nothing but imperialism and football hooliganism to boast about. While the world welcomes Scots, Welsh and Irish, they feel contempt for the English arrogance and imperialism. OK, I admit Adolf Hitler had some respect for them, but that's another story. Ignoring the 'Daily Star' readers I will however commend to you Terry. He has one or two web sites which reflect his nationalistic English views. While his viewpoint is skewed by false English history teachers, and, more importantly to the conservative English, money! I recommend a look at his sites. he appears to be a decent enough imperialist, but possibly spends too much time with the others. Did you notice how one calls on another to visit and object to sites they don't like. This is to give the impression there is a lot of them, or even to bully folks into submission. You would have thought several hundred years off failed, but constant, oppression would have taught them by now, wouldn't you?
Terry has one site here
And his Campaign for an English Parliament one is found there.
He of course does not need a campaign, the English parliament is found here, where it has been for a thousand years (approx).

Oh yes, that was indeed a response, and you didn't even get as ugly as I know that you naturally wanted to. Did you have a guiding hand as you pounded away on your keyboard?
Alas, it is said that at one time that it was the goal of the English to make this world England, and I am afraid that this torch has been passed to America. Of course, one could argue that the torch was actually lit by the Romans, and that it is meant to lead this world out of darkness, but our Heavenly Father has other plans.
A response they will not read! Still, never mind. They canny help it, being English and all that. :)
It's been read but the best thing to do with anglophobes is deprive them of the oxygen of publicity.
Congratulations jimmy! You are currently top of the "most boring f*ckers on the web" league. Oh make no mistake, YOU sir, are boooring, boooooring, booooooooooooooring. You state the same old claptrap, infact, I am quite sure you are copying what you've read on the net. At least TRY to come up with something original. What? You don't have the intellectual capabilities to accomplish that? Oh well, you are a sweaty after all. Oh am I stereotyping...just like you did about the English. Oh what's the fashionable thing to say now? My bad Ha! ha!
Poor Dull-a-mite! Go stare at the ceiling again you silly little boy! If you are infact adult age then you could always try cutting. I have heard that it takes away the obsession to top yourself! On second thoughts don't bother with the cutting. Yes, I did read your self-centered post about staring at the ceiling. Gawd! What a thrilling post that was. You obviously have depression. My advice: go and do something about it, i.e. stop staring at the ceiling. What f*ckin' good does that do you scotch tart?
Anon, if you post comments don't post as anon. Let us see your blog. But you don't have one do you? You trawl the net looking to be annoyed. I suspect you don't exist and are just one man posting under several names to pretend you are a mob. A mob, the usual English approach to anything!
Blimey jimmy, you do love acting like a little tart don't yer? Do you ever stop fuckin' whining?
I do not show my blog to anyone, especially someone as dodgy as you. Ha! ha! Do you think having a blog makes you a man then? AHA! HA! HA! HA! How old are you? Ten?
Oh yeah, I trawl the net looking to be annoyed. Hey presto! How is a genius like yourself still sitting staring at the ceiling?
How can I not exist and be posting under several names at the same time?
The mob? Yeah, what like all those sweaty socks that ran around Manchester causing all that mayhem you mean? No! Maybe you were waffling shite about Celtic and Rangers "fans". They often form mobs. Typical scotch hypocrite aint yer jimmy?
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