You have to laugh! Each night this week and last, there has been a five minute 'Party Political Broadcast' on behalf of a political party. The main ones had their say last week, and may have another according to the system used here, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats, and the daft...sorry smaller party's with more limited viewpoints, The Green Party for instance. Tonight however it was the turn of the 'English Democrats!' Their main beef (roast beef perhaps?) is that Scotland and Wales have their own parliament so why does England not have one? Incredible! They naturally did not say this straight out, they questioned the amount of money paid to 'Johnny foreigners' railways in Europe and asked why EU money is not spent here on ours? The speaker ignored how much we actually get back from what we pay in. Probably he, like the rest of us, has no idea about that. Then he returned to his real problem, the Scots getting 'our' money, and he quoted the 'Barnett Formula' a system used for dividing money between Scotland and England. "They get more than us," he huffed, stamped his feet and threatened to hold his breath until he went blue in the face, ignoring again the fact that this is not quite true.More English area get handouts than Scotland, and all get more than the Scots do. In fact only Norfolk, Surrey and London get nothing, but all this money talk depends on using the figures that suit you. The real fact is English oppression forced Scotland by economic bullying into a union they did not want, took away the parliament powers, and made Scotland subject to their over lordship! Since then Scotland has been considered second class and ignored by the English racists! They even changed the name to 'North Britain,' and when that was turned down they took to referring to 'Great Britain' as 'England!' They ED did not object to this? This is their problem, the domineering imperialists hate it when their country is regarded as no more important than all the rest. They consider invading India and Africa and the rest but do not let their folk come over here! The BNP are of course in the forefront of this racist agenda! The English Democrats may not wish to repatriate any 'coloured gentleman' but their institutionalised anti-Scots racism is seen most clearly in the picture of their leader standing their demanding an 'English Parliament,' while in the background is seen the Houses of Parliament, a place that has been, and remains, England's parliament! Since 1707 the members of that house have worked on the basis of 'England's needs and England alone!'
Only the blind self obsessed imperialist English would be so blind as to never see this.
Independence Day -it's not far off.
What a joke. The Scots have made Anglophobia a national sport.
Even the SNP have stopped talking about "Shcor' ish ahndaypandance" preferring to whine about wanting Scotland to have its own Eurovision Song entry.
We've listened to Scots bragging about how wonderful they are running the Empire and the UK while finding time to invent everything. Now they are are getting some home truths thrown back at them, they bleat 'racist'. What was it David Starkey said about being feeble?
We've been in a union with Scotland for 302 miserable years. Let's hope the English Democrats get some MEPs because Scots will never summon up the courage to vote for independence.
Boy, you have to cry after reading a blog like this. Where to start on this rant of hatred and misinformation? Let’s have ago…
Tonight however it was the turn of the 'English Democrats!' Their main beef (roast beef perhaps?) is that Scotland and Wales have their own parliament so why does England not have one? Incredible!
Yes it is incredible. You could also add “unfair”, “unjust”, “unsustainable” or plain “wrong” but your 'wee Scotlander' mind just couldn’t see it.
…he quoted the 'Barnett Formula' a system used for dividing money between Scotland and England. "They get more than us," he huffed, stamped his feet and threatened to hold his breath until he went blue in the face, ignoring again the fact that this is not quite true.
It is true and you know it don’t you? Scotland gets more public money than EVERY SINGLE REGION IN ENGLAND AND WALES. See here for the “facts”… http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/economic_data_and_tools/finance_spending_statistics/pes_publications/pespub_pesa07.cfm
The real fact is English oppression forced Scotland by economic bullying into a union they did not want, took away the parliament powers, and made Scotland subject to their over lordship!
Stop talking about “real facts” when you should describe then a "Anglophobic bile". Scotland was bankrupt in 1707 (Scots’ skills in banking and running an economy were obviously as lamentable then as they are today) and England was forced to bail her out (plus ca change)after her disastrous attempts to form an empire. Look it up here http://www.goscotland.info/sections/?Section_Id=4&Page_Id=31
They even changed the name to 'North Britain,' and when that was turned down they took to referring to 'Great Britain' as 'England!'
…and the English became known as British, a label we're tring to shake off, so what?
They consider invading India and Africa (along with Scotland)and the rest but do not let their folk come over here!
Yes we do! Ask your dole office for a one off, educational payment to visit England, then you might have a better idea of what you’re talking about.
The BNP are of course in the forefront of this racist agenda!
The BNP? Do you mean the BRITISH National Party, led by a Welshman? What exactly has that to do with English natioanlism? Boy you’ve come to a fact based argument completely unarmed.
The English Democrats may not wish to repatriate any 'coloured gentleman' …Why on earth do you use the phrase ‘coloured gentlemen’? Are you in a time warp up there?
… but their institutionalised anti-Scots racism is seen most clearly in the picture of their leader standing their demanding an 'English Parliament,' while in the background is seen the Houses of Parliament, a place that has been, and remains, England's parliament!That’ll explain (but only in your head) why this English Parliament has a Scottish Speaker, Scottish Prime Minister and Scottish Chancellor of the Exchequer then!
Only a blind self obsessed Anglophobic Scot would be so blind as to come out with twaddle like this.
Eh up, it's another rant from a chippy Scot. What the hell is the matter with you? Why do you feel so threatened by our growing desire for our own national empowerment through our own parliament?....
I am afraid your argument, (such as it is) is nowt more than the usual racist default rant so enjoyed by some folk from north of the border.
I and millions of my English countrymen really do hope that Salmond carries the day on his independence referendum - then just maybe, we too can achieve some FREEDOM!!(If it's alright with you Scots, obviously).
What a ridiculously Anglo-phobic rant. Read your history books mate, especially regarding the English "forcing" Scotland into the union.
I thought the Blair b*stards where stupid; then there along came dumbarse Gordon Brown bottle. Then again, this moron takes the biscuit.
How old are you jimmy, I mean sonny?
I can't wait 'til we're free of you.
Why be an English nationalist?
I am an English nationalist! How did I become an English patriot? I simply watched, listened and most importantly learned.
From childhood, I have watched English people being put down!
From childhood, I have listened to England being put down!
I have, over the years, learnt that the anti-English are not interested in listening to what I have to say in the defence of my heritage and/or country. I have learnt that if I beat them in a debate they’ll just change the debate and carry on slagging off England. I have learnt that they are bitter, resentful, self-rightous and bigoted! I have learnt that they are correct no matter how many times I prove they are wrong. I have learnt that they are like automatons. I have learnt that they have “issues” when it comes to assertive English people. When English people are assertive and confident they say we are aggressive and arrogant! There does seem to be a major flaw in their argument though because according to the anti-English, when scots/welsh/irish/somalis/israelis/pakistanis/indians/africans et al are assertive and confident they are not being aggressive and arrogant. They are merely exercising their Human rights! Yes, the loony left fall over each other trying to help those people mentioned and yet they do the opposite for the English.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, lets just state that the anti-English are obsessed with the English! Sometimes I am not sure why. Is it because of the British empire? If so, then why don’t these people feel antipathy towards the Scots, Welsh, NIrish, south Africans, New Zealanders, Canadians and Australians? I think I have the answer. All the people mentioned have managed to claim some sort of victim status and wormed their way out of getting the blame for the British empire. Note I typed BRITISH empire; NOT English empire! Well this is not on. Ever heard of New South WALES in Australia? Ever heard of Nova Scotia in Canada? (Nova means new and Scotia means…Scotland) What about the town of New Scotland in Albany county, New York? What about New Edinburgh in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada? The list goes on! Nova Scotia even has a new Glasgow town! What about Glasgow, Kentucky? What about those welsh who emigrated to Patagonia in Argentina? These people were colonists.
So anyway, my point is that the English weren’t the only ones involved with the empire! So why do the anti-English hold their views? I think a lot of their antipathy is just straight out jealousy! That and envy!
This English business.....The inherent superiority of the Anglo-Saxon has always mystified me. Considering our barbaric pasts--Celt, Gael, Viking, etc. it's theirs that have the most brutality to account for. I'd like to think what empire the English have enjoyed geographically has been far exceeded by that of the Scots and the Irish. Theirs are the empires of intellect, imagination, and spirit. And their influence is celebrated round the world.
Mike, you seem to have disappeared down a racial rabbit hole here.
Englishness is not about being ‘Anglo-Saxon’ or any other kind of imagined purity of race (we’ll leave that kind of mythology to the so called “Celts”, to which you obviously subscribe).
Englishness embodies the principles of inclusiveness, individual freedom, tolerance and fair play etc. This is why the English have been the most inventive and influential people of these islands. Our contribution to the modern world (indeed its definition) has been disproportionate to the rest of these islands. (This isn't because we are genetically smarter... we're just more accommodating).
I understand why you have to resort to such an ethereal concept as “spirit”, but you’re bound to be shot down in flames if you attempt to argue greater "intellect or imagination" (or less brutality).
BTW, this has nothing to do with race and everything to do with attitude.) So, I’d drop the racial superiority of the “Celts” angle, if I were you.
Oh my, did you hit a nerve or what? I will be very disappointed in you if you don't respond to these comments, my dear Adullamite. Now, you don't have to get ugly, which is hard for you to do, I know, but to leave this as it lies would be to miss a golden opportunity to shine.
Thankfully, Terry - you're not me.
What a surprise - An anti English rant from a Scot...
A perfect example of why the English should vote English Democrats.
As I said on the next post, they search the web looking to be offended just to strengthen their inherent anti-Scots racism. Imperialism never leaves them. Note how they come with their mates and don't read the posts?
I suppose it's a compliment,they are just admitting their inadequacy without us. What, after all, have they produced outside of Morris Dancing?'
The Heart of Midlothian F.C.
Too many mediocre actors getting too much cash for to little real celebrity.
Says it all you nonceboy! Hearts AHA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
…they search the web looking to be offended just to strengthen their inherent anti-Scots racism. Imperialism never leaves them.You’re projecting Adullamite! (I assume you concede all the other points you fail to answer.)
….they are just admitting their inadequacy without us. What, after all, have they produced outside of Morris Dancing?'Ah, the legendary Scottish arrogance! Born of a people who gave the world the rain coat and a bloke who stole designs for the telephone from the US Patent Office.
To answer your question, I could add industrialization, the steam engine, the train, iron ships, the jet engine etc etc, but I think you answer it better yourself when…
You use a computer (invented by Englishman Tommy Flowers*) to come onto the World Wide Web (invented by Englishman Tim Berners-Lee**) and ask IN ENGLISH “What, after all, have they produced…?”.
Can’t you see that your argument collapses faster than a Scottish Bank?
* http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A1010070
** http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/berners_lee_tim.shtml
There's so much racial / cultural stereotyping in this post - started by the Scottish author - and the talk of Celtic blood is little short of the BNP's 'ethnic nationalism'. That said, many of the English respondents don't help their cause either.
The FACT is that most white Britons can trace their history to more than one home nation. And a further FACT is that our ancestors who created an empire, pioneered the industrial revolution, fought against Nazi oppression and so on, did so TOGETHER. The vast majority of these English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish folk have now passed on, and we cannot be held responsible for their wrongs nor congratulate ourselves for their triumphs.
The EDP, SNP and Plaid Cymru seem to be more concerned with democratic and constitutional reform than these petty squabbles.
Just another histrionic, FEEBLE, insecure sweaty attention-seeking website huh?
Oy Jimmy, how come you aint concentrating on the real enemy? The English are not the natural enemies of the scots and vice versa.
Where in Essex do you live? I am from there nd I do not fit any of the IMPOSED media stereotypes.
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