Sunday 1 January 2023

New Years Day, 2023

The new year started with a damp saunter down to the Kirk.  The clouds did their best to hinder the sun brightening the morn.  Few were out this early.  A couple of dog walkers were dragged along by eager pooches, a car passed now and again, and a patrol car containing two sleepy officers wended its way down the road hoping everyone would stay quiet, at least until they were awake.  
Many were missing today from church, family gatherings, the cold bug, and left overs from Christmas keeping people inside.  A lot of old women will not come out when the weather is dodgy either.  Still, we managed to murder a couple of songs, pass our bugs onto one another, discover how many had fallen down or been manhandled by the kids or dogs over Christmas, and made our way home rejoicing, sort off.
I failed to 'see in' the new year last night, I was asleep by 11 pm, and even the fireworks from those who ought to know better did not trouble me much.  On YouTube someone walked about Edinburgh at night, offering the live view of the rain drenched city.  People massed about, glittering lights glittered, and wet streets offered an opportunity to break a leg or two.  The thought of mixing with crowds was far indeed from my mind as I watched.  I was glad to be sitting here wearying myself watching others.  
It is now when I come to understand the attitudes of the older generation I knew when young.  Why is it we understand things long after the time when we require to understand things?  And why do young folks have all the energy when people like us, over 35, need the energy more than they do?   
Life can be so unfair!
At this time people tend to either look back or look forward, to my mind it makes no difference.  Whether it is the 1st day of January or the middle of summer life, will go on as it is.  There will be hard times, tragedies, sad occasions.  There will also be good times, excitement, joy and happiness, often.  Just as life normally offers.  
You go into the year trusting yourself, and that has seen you through so far hasn't it?  I go trusting Jesus, well usually, knowing he will always be there, usually gnashing his teeth and asking "Why did you do that?"  He has been leading me for 50 years or so and I cannot fault him, though I have let him down often.  He is our only hope, in good times and in bad ones.  He never fails.
I hope you have a 'Happy New Year' indeed.

Saturday 31 December 2022

Happy New Year 2023

 A Happy New year to one and all.
May this year bring happiness to you.

Terms and Conditions Read?

Us dreich, miserable, types arose on the last day of a dreich, miserable year, to venture out into the dreich, miserable damp day to collect the several items forgotten yesterday when we visited Sainsburys.  An early start in the mirk was required as the rain lessened and the met office live map indicated very heavy rain to follow shortly.  They were correct.  As I huffed my way upstairs the rain had already began the days offering.  This the result, they say, of cold weather pushing down into north America thereby shifting the jet stream to the south.  This brings mild, but wet weather, or the Atlantic Ocean as we call it, upon our heads.  Climate change ensures this has made things worse than usual.  Rivers are higher, some places flood more, but at least the Water Companies sewage floating therein is swept away more quickly.  Touching innit?

At least the post is catching up.  The cards have been arriving, a parcel or two also, and a delayed box from up north has arrived full of excellent goodies.  I do not deserve women like these girls.  Of course the 'Private Eye' mag from three weeks ago has not yet appeared, and I am unsure if one ought to have arrived this week.  No doubt there are other items lingering in those large sorting offices placed at the edge of towns which will arrive in due course.  I understand how this happens, a 'York,' a large stand upright basket if you will, full of mails in bags arrives, it is pushed to the side with all the others.  Day after day, strike after strike, more mail arrives and the 'York' is pushed to the back.  Therefore later mail gets through first, until someone realises what is happening and changes things around.  This kind of thing, believe me, is easily done.  The dreich, drookit and miserable postman delivered my box today but without a smile.  Mind you, in all the years I have known him smiling was not seen as his normal habit.  Anyway, that's more chocolate for my few remaining teeth, a pullover that fits and another book to read.  This is a good one.  She has always chosen very good books for me, though I suspect her son helps, and this is another good one, which you will hear about in good time I suspect.  

So, we leave this year of joy and happiness, several Prime Ministers, umpteen Chancellors, and goodness knows how many cabinet ministers have come and gone.  The stability under the teeth now residing in No. 10 is based on making more money for the rich, not upsetting the 'wide-eyed loons,' and selling off whatever is left on the Tory ideology list.
More strikes then?
The year makes no difference.  Life goes on whatever the year.  We decide what happens, and the Good Lord rules over all the feeble upstarts leading the nations, both good and bad, mostly it is true, bad.    
No need to despair, Jesus continues to rule, our lives will have their ups and downs, there will be good times and bad, tragedy and laughter, and hopefully you will enjoy much laughter in spite of the many tragedies that we will face.  

Thursday 29 December 2022

Now normally, I am not one to Complain, but...

So, being desperate to post a packet to my latest Great Niece I hobbled unwillingly down the road to the PO.  My knees expressed their dismay, my tired body indicated my bed was the other way, and the sun cheered me up by shining in my eyes from a very low angle generously blinding me.  I was surprised to find the smiling lady not at work, the sub PO was closed.  "It opens at 10am," said the man running the shop and doing about 96 hours a week.  Holiday arrangements I presume.  Vexed, my knees considered murder and mayhem as I trudged back the way I had come.  This was not the day to fail, I was too tired to cope, and I therefore did not cope well.
Back home I considered my position, I considered lying flat on my back the best option, however, needs must, so I rose and continued the joy filled day.  The router is still slow, speed of 11, instead of 50.  I was thinking of playing with it again but instead I began to make soup.  My good day was to continue here.  All went reasonably well, though the suitable ingredients were hard to find, anything and everything was thrust in.  I continued with other important work such as clearing the mess left by this soup operation, and realised the soup was burning!  I now have four more bowls of vile burnt soup to eat, with a smile.  I know it is vile as I had two bowls and suddenly understood why Indian and Pizza takeaways are so popular.
Then I had to remove the rubbish for the men tomorrow, or whenever they come.  I also had to clamber down to the cellar, find the electric meter readings, and struggle back upstairs, smiling all the way.  Already the electric people have sent letters warning of increased prices, but not of how they use the money for their advantage and not mine.  I expect in February when things change I will be robbed blind!  

Wednesday 28 December 2022

Tuesday 27 December 2022

A Boring, Nothing Happened Day


Greeted this morning by glimpses of vaguely pink tinted, yellow sunlight, attempting to break through the cloud cover.  This looked destined to fail.  The chill in the air forces the heating on, the few dog walkers wrapped up in heavy winter outfits, occasional dogs wear bright coloured and soundly disliked outfits, it is obvious their owner is female.  A car or two passes slowly as the day begins and Christmas wears off the populace.    
Naturally, as I coughed my way around to a very quiet Tesco the cloud cover had disappeared.  Instead the rising sun hovered just above the rooftops, forcing the cloud towards the south.  The quietness allowed the birds to freely roam in the trees and front gardens.  Robins bounced, a Magpie fluttered and even a Jay was spotted above me in the tree.  Each flew swiftly away from the few pedestrians, keen to end their hunger, the birds that is, not the pedestrians.  If people are out it probably means they have been fed, unlike myself who was surviving on instant cappuccino coffee and one old banana.
However, I obtained a Persimmon, whatever that is, at Tesco and have just enjoyed one.  It looks like, apart from the price, these may be coming here more often.

Like everywhere else little has occurred today.  I fell asleep watching the football, nothing to do with the Brandy, and have done little bar scribbling a card or two, mostly to use up all the 2nd Class stamps I still possess.  The old stamps run out at the end of January and I may not have enough demand to use up the 10 I have left!  

Monday 26 December 2022

Boxing Day 2022

I have no idea how I got fat, I ate only morsels and chose carefully at that.  Possibly all those puddings made a difference...?
Anyway, I had a good Christmas Day.  A trudge down to the Kirk, here I handed out chocolate to the ladies and miniature whisky to the men, I had promised them all a bottle of whisky for Christmas...
I felt welcomed, even before this, and obtained a lift home easing the walk, and enjoyed a decent lunch.  It was good day I must say.
Today, I remained indoors eating a veg type diet.  I need more veg and mostly that was called for today.  Very enjoyable, if you put cheese on the top!  
A walk round yesterday revealed a very quiet scene.  Today is no different, apart from kids making use of scooters, bikes and who knows what few are about bar dog walkers.  Traffic is sparing, and while one or two shops may open today most will be closed until tomorrow.  In big towns many will crowd into shops for bargains, as if they were indeed 'bargains.'  Having no obvious needs to purchaser and no desire to be ripped off I remain indoors quite happily.
However, news come through of most spending required.  My nephew has just had a baby, or at least his girl has.  Two kilo's in weight and looking fine.  This requires more spending on uncle's part, though I am glad to say uncle's nearer at hand will do all the work, thankfully they are 200 miles away from me!
Once again I will trust the Royal Mail to deliver, sometime in the next four weeks!  Another girl on the family, her cousin now 18 months old, and her arrival gives all the women something to purr about.  That is, they also are miles away and not called upon to do anything!  Purring is best done from a distance.
Nothing else has happened.  Other than the router playing up, speed down to 13 at times, other times it is slower.  Something must be done but all are on holiday.  Ah well, Wednesday maybe.  I may have to visit Tesco in the morning, I expect it will be full of people desperate for things they do not require alongside the few they do need.  I may be one of them.  

I hope my readers have had a decent Christmas.  Commemorating God taking human form is always good, and celebrating the solstice at the same time also worth while.   Jesus was probably born in March or April but as that is too near Easter it cannot be remembered then can it?  I hope your family gatherings were enjoyable and fun.
My family appear a bit disparate at this time, so many going in different directions to visit people who must be visited makes one day together difficult.  I must get up there one day however, just to annoy them.   However, when their cards and gifts eventually arrive I will love them more.  I need the socks...
Happy Christmas...

Saturday 24 December 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

At this time of year there are lots of tinsel covered cards doing the rounds.  The religious ones tend to feature a baby in a wooden crib, crowned with a yellow halo, as indeed are the loving parents featured beside.  Three men dressed in ornate robes, presents in hand stand along side a handful of grubby shepherds carrying a lamb or two.  From the child a glow emits, lighting up the stable and much of the world around, while high above a bright, huge, star glints as it lingers in the cloudless sky.  A touching scene, much loved by many.
However, (the cynical bit begins here) this is not what happened.
Certainly we are told Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, certainly we are told there was no room at the 'Inn.' Clearly there was little money for this pair as Joseph could not bribe his way in.  The implication of a 'manger' implies they found rest, either recommended by the 'Inn' or by themselves in a stable.  Clearly also they remained there for some time, all this with Shepherds and Magi may not have taken place in one night, so they had permission from someone to remain there.  Later, on the eighth day Jesus was presented at the Temple, the offering they gave was the cheapest, another indication of poverty.  A young couple, she possibly 14, he only 20, trying to care for a child, yet without revealing Gods words to anyone.  They both come across as worthy individuals.  
This is not the picture we have on Christmas cards.  This is a struggle, similar to many since and at this moment, who bring a child into the world with little resources with which to keep him.  This one however, under the care of the Father God is born, after a long walk for Mary, no donkey for these two, and born in such wretched conditions.  Unlike most in leadership Jesus started at the very bottom, and he was the one through whom this world had been created!  The mother walking, nine months gone, from Nazareth to Bethlehem, up hill and down dale.  Finding nowhere to sleep, giving birth in a stable, with or without animals.  At least they would create warmth, and an interesting atmosphere.  Alone, only the visit from the shepherds and the Magi is recorded, possibly Joseph went out to obtain food, possibly the stable owner cared for them while tending any animals.  Then the presentation in the temple, the words from an old man and an old woman indicating the future, in a distinct manner, and then the warning to leave for Egypt and another long walk carrying the child this time. 
No halo's, no false sentiment, just the Father's provision, childbearing, walking and an interesting future both Joseph and Mary were leaving in Gods hands.  How would you cope?
The child went on to learn his dads business, to learn his people's history, and to teach for three years before being arrested, tried unjustly, beaten, scourged and crucified, while having committed no sin.  He did not die by mistake, he, God in human form, accepted the Father's will as a way of paying the sin debt of all.  He endured this for me, for you, and for all who would believe it.  Not much sentiment there, just a loving God dying for his people, and one that wants us to believe him and rest in him.  He will never fail us.

Friday 23 December 2022

Wet, Boring Christmas almost Eve

After last night I spent a short time cleaning up, returning things to a normal state of chaos and dust.
I woke at 6am again, dozed until 7 am, then while considering rising to shop early, I noticed it was almost 8am!  Heavy with sleep I rose and prepared for an early trip to Tesco.  How does that happen?  If I am awake at 6, why am I not awake at 8?
I dressed for the heavy rain coming straight down.  I made my way to Tesco, changing my mind and stopping off at Sainsburys as it was closer.  Here, just after 8 am, the place was full of people avoiding the crowds, thus crowding Sainsburys and getting in my way, one who went early to avoid the crowds.
My basket heavy with overpriced goods I joined the happy throng at the checkout, too much there for me to fight the self-service.  The cheery lass enjoyed the fact that I was wet through and she would go home the minute the rain stopped at lunchtime.   I wished her a happy Christmas!
Back home I put away the drookit shopping and fought the desire to throw Brandy down my throat.  My head was still asleep and the rest of me wished to join it.  However, there were things to do, drying washing to find, who put that there?  And then rest my bones in front of the laptop while the router once again switched itself off for no reason and limited the speeds for me.  I checked the responses on my emails, the Irish song went down well, though one lass in Costa thought she had heard it before.  With no post again, another days strike, no post till next week sometime, I waited for the bell announcing another delivery from one of the other 'white van men,' but it did not arrive.   
Only an after lunch sleep did my mood change, and then nothing happened.  Isn't it always the way?
Things I was going to do never came to mind, until it was too late to bother.  I intended to walk out again but thought better off it, the traffic has not lessened since this morning meaning the shops, town centre and everywhere is packed with people offering 'Goodwill to all men' if they get out of the way!
Christmas increases feelings of 'love' I find.
Good news!  The PM has appeared, mumbled about being carful about using railways, and not budging on strikes, that is the ones he has heard about.  He gave the impression he neither cared or indeed had  noticed any problem.  He may have been spending too much time checking the 'Financial Times' to see how his wife was doing.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Ironing Wine

This was my day.
Washing on, ironing on, downstairs to answer door, downstairs to answer door again, downstairs to throw out rubbish, not a moment to myself and my knees require peace and rest!  It's a good job I'm not one to complain.
Anyway, while planning my repast a knock on the door, well the next door actually.  My downstairs neighbour invited herself and her man up for a Christmas drink.  "See you in 30 minutes."

So, after a manic cleaning session, hiding the drying washing, pretending all else was normal, and ensuring glasses were washed, they arrived.  A bottle of wine and a card, and an hour or two of conversation which I enjoyed thoroughly.  We accidentally opened another bottle, and had they not got to go we may have accidentally opened another.  Altogether a very good evening chatting with neighbours I rarely see.  I was pleased with it all, I hope they were also.  Of course I gave them a bottle for their Christmas also!     
Unfortunately, while happy, I am losing interest in scribbling for some reason, the words dart about the screen.  Maybe I ought to do this happy stuff more often?  But that might lose my 'miserable old git' prize.  The man next door is well on the way to claiming it already.'  

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Christmas Wooly Angels


It is Christmas week and once again the great nits have been er, hold on, that should read 'Great Knitters' have been showing off their talents by knitting small angels and placing them on railings across the town.  This has become another of the many Christmas activities that we now must have, or the season loses something.  I note passers-by have taken all of them, one by one.  The post box has not been crowned with a Xmas hat as yet, at least not one near me anyway.  Other places have covered all sort so things with such needlework.  I suppose they enjoy it, they gather together, make friends, have a laugh and enjoy the hobby.  No harm in it.  I have not joined them however.

Christmas joy continues with Rishis refusing to budge on nurses pay.  I wonder why?  He will not interfere in the rail strike, apart from paying millions to the rail companies, and has ignored the postal strike, as far as we know.  Clearly they are out to ensure leaving the EU meant making the most of turning workers into serfs.  Rishi would like this, I suspect he considers himself a Maharajah.  
Jeremey Clarkson has encouraged stripping Meghan and parading her through the streets, but he has mumbled an apology, far down the Mail Online.  
Ambulance staff are striking, at least those not worn out by exhaustion, as indeed the nurses striking have been.  The millionaires with their private health hospitals care not.
People are watching prices rise, the water people have just increased by monthly bill to £19, I suspect to pay for all the dumping sewage fines they have received.  Gas and electric rises will come in a couple of months. 
My latest pie delivery arrived in time for Christmas.
Nicola meanwhile is trying to allow men in skirts to be called 'women.'  This is another of the satanic episodes that have been unleashed in recent years in the UK, and indeed elsewhere in the 'west.'
First it was accepting gays, then same-sex marriage, now it is 'trans.'  We are plumbing new depths of lunacy in the nation.  The churches which have failed to oppose this are dying out, those who follow scripture will grow but face constant opposition, much of this from the police, who are now the 'Thought police' in the UK.  I almost said 'Stasi.'
Christians must be aware this will increase, and soon prayer and Christian activities will be 'hate crimes.'  I have mentioned this before, but few are listening.

Saturday 17 December 2022

Success Saturday!

I am flushed with victory!  I went out, trudged manfully, and lower than ever, across the wild Arctic like landscape (That will be flushed away by the rain tomorrow), avoided the penguins and polar bears said to be in the neighbourhood, posted my last card, collected money from the 'Hole in the wall,' and made it home again without falling over.  
OK, I admit that the council have cleared much from the town centre, that some roads are so busy they are almost clear, but still, I promenaded happily and spent not a penny!  This in spite of the temptation of shops and stalls that are out on the make.  Home to dump the cap, gloves, big boots and big coat, to eat lamb chops (reduced), drink tea and await the football at 12:30.  

Nothing else happened.
I fell asleep....

Friday 16 December 2022

Me, a Fall Guy?

Like the view?  
This was mine today.  At least it was after I slipped on the ice just as I stepped down out of the gate.  I made a grab for the iron railings but found myself upside down on the ice.  No harm done,  though the council will wonder why the paving slab under the ice has cracked.  I rose to my feeble feet as quickly as a panther rising to chase his prey.  An ageing, arthritic panther that is.  A passing car slowed down and waved, I waved back, and slithered off towards Tesco, walking on the road as much as possible.
I am glad I am male.  Women's bones are more susceptible to breaking as they get older.  The Infirmary in Edinburgh always had at least five women in for broken 'leg of femur,' while I worked there.  A couple of men, caused by a combination of ice and drink, were also to be found, but mostly women.  Female bones are more open to arthritis as they age, which does not help them here.
I had already been out quite safely.  Earlier I had walked via the roadway to Sainsburys and back, but as always I must go to Tesco for things only they have, and indeed much cheaper than Sainsburys.  All was well then, even though the car park had not been gritted as it usually is.  I bought what I thought needful, aware that next week the shop will be crowded from early on, and paid an enormous amount of money to the struggling supermarket.  
Having raised myself from the ground and slid around to Tesco I made a point of only obtaining what was required, so naturally I found other things also and spent another bundle of money.  Delighted that I could use the bag as a weight to help me keep my balance, or at least that was the idea.  I propelled myself slowly along the side road, and carefully over the pavement back home.  
For some reason I have several muscle pains tonight, I wonder why?

There is no more news.
There was no more post.  The postmen are clearly refusing to walk across slippery ground.  This annoys me.  I realise the weather will change on Sunday, wet rain will wash icy snow away (is there any other kind of rain but wet?), thus the postmen can get out and do their job.  Only an occasional van went by today, and they did not stop for me.
I did however, receive via Amazon, a bottle of Viking Whisky!  This came from one of my secret admirers.  The others have remained secret so far, and that for quite a few years now.  Naturally I have sent off her (cheap) present in return.  It ought to arrive about April.  

Thursday 15 December 2022

Card Happy

It was Sir Henry Cole who sent the first Christmas card, and then went on to organise the 'Great Exhibition' of 1851 and the Victoria and Albert museum.  Clearly a man who liked to work, he created the card as he did not have enough time to write his customary Christmas letter.  A good, simple idea, which led onto a big business opportunity.  Cole himself made a thousand cards, kept half to himself and sold the rest through the shop, creating thereby the flow of cars that cause so much pleasure and upset annually.  I suppose it is the simple idea, one that is right in front of us, that once recognised, makes a man a profit.  The yo-yo, the hula-hoop, that plastic thing people use to throw a ball for the dog, those small rubber bands that became a craze for kids the other year.  Simple things which one as simple as I never think off.  
So far I have had one card via the Royal Mail, one handed to me, and hopefully dozens in the post all containing money.  This will be a change from last year, and indeed, all the years previous to that.  With a post strike on several people have indicated they are yet to post cards!  One week to go, a months worth of mail sitting there, and they have not yet posted!  How stupid are people?  These are the types that will complain the post is slow.  I expect they complain about nurses, trains and everything else that has been on strike for long enough yet they have not noticed.
Strikes like this unknown since 1979 yet the government happy to do nothing.  What a shame we have no opposition bar the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists.

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Wednesday Opinion

My opinion is that it is very cold.
It has been very cold for a few days but last night, though the temp offered was no worse than before, it was the coldest so far.  Quite why this is I canny say.  However, the heat has been on, it is still cold when it is off, and it will be like this for a few more days I think.  This may be caused by clear skies above (can you get clear skies below?) and what cloud there is happens t be freezing.  Possibly freezing fog tonight, oh goody.
Rail strikes abound, post strikes continue, and the nurses are about to join in yet the papers are full of Harry and Meghan.  Yesterday it was 'Sickly Come Dancing,' and tomorrow more slagging off the workers.  It is interesting that no-one makes sensible comments about the reasons for the strikes, the media emphasise greedy workers want money, they ignore the cuts to their pensions, amendments to work hours and conditions, and support one side only, with closed ears to argument.  Cleary the failing government is enjoying this.  They consider this will win them votes, but those have already been lost.
Nothing else matters today.  
The 'coming of the season of goodwill' has caused ructions in shops everywhere, crowded shops, hassled people, few trains and buses crowded also, weather cold, wet, damp and dreary as winter always is, and money we don't have flowing out from every pore.  Just think how much credit has been spent on a wide variety of greedy credit cards?  How will that ever be repaid?  Greedy banks will take the money but care nothing about you!
Happy Christmas...

Monday 12 December 2022

A Trudge to Get Bread

As expected we rose to a white landscape this morning.  Slow traffic edged its was along the highway, occasional workers coughed and muttered as they slipped their way past.  Occasional dogwalkers muttered also while trying to find a clear spot for the dog.  Clearly, not all succeeded.  

Much against my better judgement I joined the cheery throng, once the schoolkids had passed by.  Whether they were off to school or off school I knew not, but I let them go first.  By the time I got fed, dressed and had my boots on, the traffic was beginning to flow normally.  Clearly the majority had remained indoors and only the workers and the desperate went out.  I needed bread... 

To get bread I trudged through the snow, being reminded of how hard this could be.  A few inches lay there, pathways already clear down the middle of the path, and at the side areas where children had sought to be the first to leave their footprints in the large white expanse in front of them.  Who can blame them?  Did we all not wish to do that?  And some of you still do!

One man, dressed for the front room, hurried across the park, pulled out his phone, took a quick picture, and ran away back from whence had had come somewhat guiltily.  The rest of us, warmly wrapped and slow moving, ignored him.  Most offered a rueful remark as we passed one another, one woman annoyed at being 'called in' to work when she wanted to take pictures also.  How cruel life is.  I bet her pictures would be better thought out than mine.

At the far end I snapped a shot from an area dominated by the early, and frozen, dog walkers.  I have taken such shots for years yet little changes.  To think that once this was a school ground, and before that a rich man's house?  Before that it appears to have been a field, an old painting shows this in the 1800s with a cow happily wandering about.  All things must change.

I had hoped to see the birds behind the church but clearly they were struggling for food at the moment.  None bar an occasional wood pigeon flew by, and they were not stopping.  I wondered how they would feed themselves today, though I suspect peoples gardens would be places to find free offerings in this weather.  Not much I can do to help these days.

My route took me past the freezing Town Hall and the old water fountain, it no longer works of course, but there are less horses, pigs, sheep, cows and buyers these days.  Bottled water appears uppermost today.  Council workers were spreading grit around the area, clearing a safe path, and working up a sweat.  Sadly, we have no equipment that allows me to do this here, just an old stiff brush which merely spreads the stuff and makes it slippier!  I will not tell you how I know this.

The only splash of colour comes from the Post Box.  Note the 'Sat' for Saturday tag, indicating nothing was collected that day.  I suspect it was not collected today either.  Vast quantities of mail fills the Royal Mail offices, little of it finds its way to me however!  I am all in support of the striking workers, however, Royal Mail and this grubby government are not willing to do the deal, the failing attempt to turn the people against the strikers has not yet led to a climbdown by government or their men.  I note however, the nurse will not strike in Scotland as the government their has found a solution to the problem.  Why can the English not do the same?  Simple answer, they do not want a solution, they wish to sell off the NHS to their American friends, line their pockets, and care nothing for the people.

Keir Starmer and the 'Tory Two' Party has failed the workers by refusing to back them, calling for an end to strikes, and even claiming it is impossible to pay the NHS staff more.  This is no longer the Labour Party, this is a man desperate for the top job and he will say anything to get it.  It is time for Starmer to go, he could do nothing when the failing Boris was PM, he failed to remove Liz, and now fails with the latest failing PM, it is time for Keir to leave the show and allow a member of the Labour Party to take over.

Sunday 11 December 2022

Sabbath Snow

With freezing hands, I forgot the gloves, I hobbled down the road this morning.  Last night it fell to minus 4 they say, and the place was white with frozen glory.

Normally, we would not notice just how many spiders webs are hanging about us, but today all was revealed as the dew thereon froze overnight highlighting where the beasties had trod.  The mechanical knowledge of wee creatures that are born, find a corner, and design a web so intricate that engineers today would find baffling is something to admire.
The warm hearts at the kirk were welcome but a great many remained at home, thus avoiding the walk or drive across icy highways.  Enough of us gathered however to murder six songs, some of them mercilessly, and enjoy the piano playing, I think by Les Dawson!  

Tonight however, to the delight of children everywhere, and to the annoyance on grown ups, snow has descended upon us.  Snow, which they say will fall until six in the morning, now blankets the area.  Traffic, such as it is, slowly passes, leaving long trails on the road and exasperating many drivers, though the one who passed just now has no worries it appears, either that or no brakes.  
The heating is on, I am fed and cosy, now to spend time praying for the many friends who have serious troubles.  Why so many at one time I wonder?  Who knows, but age has a play here.  My friend Jesus however, knows all.