Friday 6 March 2020

B&Q For the Loo.

Cleaning the loo is one of the joys in life is it not?  No it isn't!  Just a routine job that is required when the grime begins to block the plughole.  While I was scraping away at this I also got the seal gun out and filled one or two gaps, realising the stuff I used last time was not much good and it all requires complete overhaul...tomorrow.  Then the loo seat, reasonably new, fell apart!  That is the reward from buying from cheap shops that stock Chinese made goods.  Looks good but the meta bits are cheap and worthless.  They are also all over the floor.  
So off I trot to the free bus heading for B&Q.  As I hobbled up to the bus the driver helpfully closed the door, a quick tap and a grumpy reopening and we were on our way.  The drivers of the free bus are usually cheery souls happily chatting up the mums and getting nowhere.  I was of the impression that the last person to chat this chap up was his Probation Officer while on Pentonville.  It was clear from his driving style that he may not actually possess a driving licence, possibly 'Arriva' ought to be told.  
A long walk across a car park followed.  Nothing helpful for those with no cars in this pace, it is made for the mobile shopper, not the one of the free bus.  In the far corner, having evaded several drivers who pull out without looking, drive while seeking their seat belts and wander across the while lines helpfully drawn all over the car park I made it to B&Q.
Where do I go?  Follow the signs.  There is no suitable sign.  Wallpaper, Paint, Garden, Electrics, and eventually, in the far distance, Plumbing.  However, what I wanted was not there.  On my journey I passed two miserable members of staff, I remembered the online questionnaire for job seekers this company used.  How did so many miserable, grumpy people get through that while I, happy, smiling, lying in my teeth, did not?  Maybe it's changed, maybe they now employ anyone from the job centre for a trial.  These two would be found guilty, and they did not even speak!  I deferred asking as I reckoned this would waste time.  Aches told me to hurry and in the last place I looked I found what I was searching for.  I hurried to the checkout, while many were using the M&S Food Store the shopping was very quiet for a Friday, Chinese Flu limiting the numbers again, and few were at the checkout.  One woman was in front of me, unable to understand the straight forward instructions regarding where items were placed.  This conversation involved lots of looking into the far distance and very little 'getting on with it!'  Eventually the also grumpy cashier took my cash, failed to smile, and I headed for the grumpy free bus driver again.

Possibly the driver recognised me even though he failed to recognise many of the rules of the road on the way along the five minute journey.  In the distance I am convinced he saw me, judged I would take ages to hobble to him, closed the doors and ran.  I wandered around the shops in the sunshine but hiding from the chilly west wind behind a wide variety of overpriced outlets.  While the car parks were busy the people were not to be found here, where were they?  They cannot all be in M&S Food Store?  
Eventually grumpy returned, I clambered aboard, took a seat at the back and watched as we drove stutteringly back to base.  We all said 'Thanks' as we got off, normal practice in these parts, but this time we were just thankful to get off.
From a standing start this morning I intended to have a clean house by now.  Instead I have several items to fix in the loo, seal to redo, "Can this wait?"  Then those other jobs require attention.  Trying to lever open the painted window that appears stuck may be one of them.  
Can't I just read my books instead...?

Monday 2 March 2020

Paint Shop

Painting the window frames with a cold draught coming in under the bottom window, slightly ajar, while having the heat full on to keep the rest of me warm is not great I must say.  However that is one of three windows that require gloss paint, the others can wait until it gets warmer.  
These frames have been there since 1812 as far as I can see.  That is when the house was built, before it was amended as most houses here of any age have been.  Being listed Grade II the windows have to remain as they are.  The rear of the house had new PVC ones put in a year or so ago but alas we have to do without.  This means painting the frames every so often, or in my case, not so very often.  Fiddly frames, dust appearing from nowhere, spiders webs also, and the great temptation to drop the tin on passers-by outside.  Still that one is done, the rest will be done soon.

Tomorrow I must go shopping.  I need to panic buy for anti-virus shopping.  Tinned foods for self isolating, disinfectant for touching people and actual food for my stomach.  I had better clear space in the freezer, I may need to buy a lot.  Someone in the county, somewhere, has the dreaded virus.  I must say this is not the time I would wish to be sitting at a checkout dealing with the public.  I have seen people coughing over the checkout staff with no conscience, the girls have to just sit there and take t, many managers put the customer first, not the staff.  I hope they disinfect the cash that is handed over, you never know where that has been.

Sunday 1 March 2020

Engage the Press

Boris Johnson has just announced his new divorce, alimony fight and child abandonment. The nation will wish them well.  Whether either of his previous wives will offer congratulations is as yet unclear, and his many known women have so far made no mention of how much they expect the 'Sun,' 'Daily Mail,' or any Sunday rag to pay for their version of the story.  His children, those not aborted on his orders, have yet to say whether he has acknowledged them as yet while their mothers may well be waiting for the most suitable time to put the boot in/make cash from the story.  
Of course this announcement had nothing to do with removing the Sir Philip Rutman story from the front pages of the press.  Rutman, as you now, is the high ranking civil servant forced from his job by, he says the bully Prita Patel, the Home Secretary.  Whether he has a case or not, and many suspect he has, it is not often a civil servant sues the secretary of his department.  This news has not pleased Downing Street and a much publicised court case will not go down well there either.
Good innit?
We, the ignorant public do not really know if this man was capable, was holding back her Nazi like policies, or just incapable of doing his job.  What we do now is that something is far wrong behind the scenes and with Boris unable to control his men, Dominic Cummings running around doing what he pleases even if rather weird, and we have a government stuffed with 'yes men' who really have no idea where they are heading or how to get there.
The future is bright, if we know where it is...

Saturday 29 February 2020

Where Did They Come From..?

I suppose everyone has a drawer full of cables.  Quite how I gathered so many I am not sure, I suspect more lie under this desk but I am afraid to look.  
Some of these must belong to old computers, others to aged phones or even older computers.  The old printer must account for some but there are more than I expected.  Some have seen much use, others remain in the plastic bags, unopened and without a reason for existence.  Colour coding the cables does not seem to have happened early on, 'you can have any colour cable you like as long as it's black' appears to be the norm.  Each new, overpriced, item comes with cables, that explains why so many are still untouched.  However if I throw one out it is inevitable that tomorrow I will be looking for one so I had better wrap them nicely and hide elsewhere, possibly in the cupboard outside the door.  Actually, that might not be a good idea, I just remembered there is a box full of more such cables and plugs in there!  I shall later spend some time untangling these and that makes me think of a great party game, 'tidy the cables!'  Have several piles off cables lying there and see who untangles them first.  They deserve a prize.

In times past you looked a a large round copper coin and found on one side the King or Queen's Head and on the other Britannia sitting there planning to steal other peoples countries.  On other coins such as the three pence piece you would find a portcullis for reasons I do not comprehend, possibly referring to Parliament perhaps.  Anyway while Britannia, now decked out in charity shop clobber, still retains her place on some coins there is a wide range of events, books, and cut up flags found elsewhere.  
For reasons that escape me Beatrix Potter is found on may coins with her story book characters also to be found.  Some of these sell at high prices, not the ones I find, and others just keep doing the rounds passing through many hands and soon forgotten without anyone looking at them.  I suppose those who write stories could make a tale about a 50 pence piece and its travels.  Some feature the flags of the Home nations, or at least bits of them for reasons that are unclear, artistic perhaps?  One or two of the £2 coins have excellent images of Great War Battleships offered in 2014 to commemorate the Great War itself. Very good I say.  Now of course I will have to make more effort checking my wealth to see if one of the rare Beatrix Potter characters appears, it might make me rich.


Thursday 27 February 2020

Spring is on the Way!

You can tell Spring is on the way, Snowdrops and Daffodils begun to sprout, Bluebells appear and snow lies on the ground for an hour or so bring the entire locality to a halt.  The rain welcomed us today, soon to be followed by thick lumps of wet snow drifting down casually and for a short time leaving a thin white layer on the ground.
I remained indoors.

As is normal, with the snow littering the ground the clouds disappear and soon the sun comes out.  It is indeed Spring.  Therefore, I am able to cross the park and dump a brown envelope into the council offices.  I don't know about you but each time a brown envelope comes through the door fear rises within me.  Even if it is good news it also means lots of figures to be worked out, possibly forms to fill in, sometimes a rebuke, sometimes a mistake, sometimes lots of money.  This, I must say, is rare. 
I wonder who dropped the OHMS from such envelopes and replaced it with DWP?  It happened a long time ago but the second class remains the normal fare I note.  For reasons of keeping people in employment all such mailings come from Belfast.  The poor postman there must have a huge sack of incoming and outgoing mail to collect.  I hope he has a strong bike. 

I see Boris is playing games with the EU again.  "Do what we want or we walk away."  I know what the EU will say to that.  A 'No Deal' Brexit is what he has been told to go for and that is what is coming, or is it Cummings?  The futures bright, It's in Boris's capable hands!  
Begin hysterical laughter now...

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Cynic, me?

No-one can call me cynical.  I always accept at first hand whatever folks tell me, what else can we do?  However, it does appear to me some folks are always following fashion.  For instance pop singers, for a while they were all 'coming out,' happy to be free of 'pretence.'  Whether they are still 'free' or working as posties, checkout operators or taxi drivers I do not know, I failed to follow up their life stories.  For a while the media was filled with girlies who had 'Bulimia.'  Every day another came to the fore telling us off their problem.  Now it seems almost every woman in the world, at least they who have a singing, acting, look at me career have been raped, assaulted, stalked or whatever.  Now clearly in many cases such things may well have occurred but it is strange to me how so many have managed to hide these stories of suffering and avoided calling the police.  Terrible when women suffer in this way but surely more terrible when innocent non famous women suffer and get little coverage for their plight surely?  
The US film directors have been making hay with many women for many years, now one is off to prison for his sin.  Again I find cynicism arising when I ask why these women did not realise this was an event that was possible to happen in the movie business?  People have been talking about this for years, was it Jackie Collins who wrote books about it?  Anyone in this line would speak off the record re such incidents, so why did these film women get 'used?  Could it be they were happy to use the famous director so they could get into making films which included sex scenes?  Cold they have, surely not, been using the men behind the film to make their way in the world?  Say it not but could these women have been using the men and now wish to make cash out of this?  Just asking, for a friend...
To be honest I have never heard of any of the women involved, but that's just me.

Don't Panic!  Boris is alive!
Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings choice for PM, appeared from amidst the gloom of his Downing Street bedroom where he had been awaiting Dominic's latest policy announcements and showed up at Prime Ministers Question Time in order to pass the buck, avoid answering and go back into hiding all the while 'Getting Brexit Done.'


Tuesday 25 February 2020

Tuesday Lack of any Other Heading.

I suppose we ought not be surprised that politicians, including Prime Ministers and Party Leaders, police and the CPS have covered up the sexual abuse by politicians in the House.  This is the normal way for most organisations.  The BBC covered up Jimmy Saville, the BBC and the people who earned large wages together forgot to mention similar activities in case they lost their jobs, cash and credibility.  Banks, civil servants, churches and any large organisation found it easier to keep the dirt quiet rather than blacken their good name by offering up the deviant for prosecution.  Is it any wonder people believed a deviant sex ring was to be found in the house?  Clearly there are still many there with such ambitions or desires, will their name leak out?  Will the police hide the facts, especially if it is a senior member?  Well yes, of course!
The kids don't matter, and anyway they might wish to be paid off!

Expect lots of news stories re snow, traffic problems, train delays and general mayhem in the next few days.  It might snow in the south of England!  
This is a disaster that the world must know about, the floods still flowing 'up north,' through Wales and leaving government environment individuals muttering about such areas 'may be abandoned' will not get much coverage, what counts is 'US,' the media people, the politicians, the folk who matter, 'US' here in the south east!  London matters, the rest of the country is there to support London and Londoners and where they choose to reside.  Snow here can be dangerous, irritating, hinder the lives of the important but will still not see Boris Johnson emerge to state his opinion on the matter.  He has 'more important' things to consider.  
Anyway, Dominic will not let him out. 

Someone is thought to have the Chinese Flu. (we must not call it that in case China gets upset. I get upset at China burning churches, arresting Christians, forcing Muslims into prison slave labour and killing pets in case they pass on this virus (Animals cannot catch it) and yet we are to consider the Emperors feelings?)  The surgery, whether doctor or administrator I know not, closed at first thought of the virus was in the area, in the end it was declared safe, the patient did not have the Chinese virus, possibly just an English one?  
Clearly the virus is deadly, clearly authorities are correct in taking precautions, clearly we need to take care but I wonder if this is panic instead of responsible actions?  Just asking.

Monday 24 February 2020

Maudling Monday Again

Like our pal on the roof I enjoyed watching the rain from a viewpoint today.  Scurrying up to Sainsburys and back was sufficient air for this lump of fat.  Naturally I scrolled through the papers and discovered that nice Rupert Murdoch's paper 'The Sun' has been losing some £86 million this year.  Apparently paying for all the lawyers that lost the case to the famous people hacked by his editor that did not know it was going on cost around £26 million alone.  He could have bought a reasonably good centre half for that price if he looked around.  He could certainly have obtained a journalist or two for a great deal less.  Still I suppose journalism is not Rupert's way is it.
He did claim that 36 million or more click on his 'Sun' website, not mentioning the 'Mail Online' claims 80 million hit theirs, neither mention that most are the same small number of people going round different items.  The number of 'bots' sent by Conservative Central Office and that nice Mr Putin, a friend of Rupert, also account for a large number of 'clicks' on comments columns.  Still as long as the advertising comes in to pay for it all, what's that?  Oh dear, advertising falling also?  
It could be worse, he could own the 'Daily telegraph' as that has lots a million readers under the present boss.  The Barclay Bros will let you buy it for around £500 million.  Any takers?

I have thought of a new party game.  It's called connect new phone to facebook or BBC.  This entails making the victim install these 'apps' and then log in.  The one who does so quickest, or the one who avoids throwing the phone pout the window is the winner.  Why do these things act like spoilt children?  Why do they not do what I want?  I am getting there but I have to keep lying down in a dark room every so often.   I will however show my great niece I am not a 'technophobe,' unless I fail to get through to her on the text bit...

Sunday 23 February 2020

Sunday Blether.

Another weekend of rain where it is already flooded.  Terrible for those living in such conditions.  Made worse by the ignorant response of this government.  Boris still hides away making no comment.  I suppose he has their votes...
Rain and wind for us also tomorrow but nothing like that suffered up north.  I suspect many homes will be up for sale in the next year or so unless better flood defences are installed.  Whether this government will see these as urgent enough or indeed more important than any of Boris's vanity projects and spend money where it is required we have yet to see.  I would not place bets here however.

The streets were wet this morning as I awoke, around 5 am this morning.  Rising early is an indication Spring is close as the early morning get me up early.  The rain persisted for a while as I pondered the walk to St P's.  There was no choice for my lazy tired body and I decided to remain indoors while enjoying my own Spiritual time, reading the book, Jeremiah 27 & 28, and pondering on the result.  I also tuned in to our clever curate who broadcasts his sermon on his page.  Therefore I got that and was able to criticise in a holy manner while chomping on home made soup.  He also cannot disagree with me.
So often we read of people claiming they have had a 'spiritual' experience.  It turns out they have been out in the country, by the seaside or just away from the built up area for a while.  Good for them I say.  This however is not 'spiritual' but it is refreshing, recreating if you like as it changes our thinking by allowing us to wander amongst green places, or by a sea view hopefully not crowded with sunseekers.  I longed for such times when in London and still today look forward to Spring so we can get out and about.  This does not equal spirituality however that only comes from meeting 'spirit' either good or bad!  I was seeking to meet the good.

The problem with seeking the good is that it reveals how bad I am!  Therefore it can be a tough, rather than a pleasant time.  The good Lord has standards and each time I investigate his book these tend to appear.  This changes my behaviour, sort off and improves my life, but it is difficult.  Maybe I ought to join one of these modern liberal churches where they use a 'loose-leafed' bible removing pages they do not like or are making life hard.  The type that talk about 'Love' but ignore 'holiness.'  Easier on the life but such an approach does not bring you closer to Jesus.

Saturday 22 February 2020

Now, I'm Not One to Complain, but...

But, really, has this all got out of hand?
The TV and radio, the press in general, are spending an enormous amount of time of the Chinese Flu coverage.  They took a break for a while while the Caroline Flack death intruded, spent a day or so at the many flooded areas, which appear forgotten now, and are back with the Flu. 
Could it be there is no news available?  Could it be the English xenophobic way?  After all those trapped rather stupidly in Yokohama harbour have spent two weeks in a boring bedroom, now they are being airlifted back to similar accommodation 'somewhere in England.'  Is this story really so important?
I am impressed with the 'Daily Mail' coverage of Meghan and Harry.  Not at any time in the many column inches offered on the 'Mail Online' do they mention that Meghan is suing the paper because of its coverage of her!  Amazing that the paper does not appear to know this.  
However several times today she is seen as sour, vindictive and downright awful.  Harry is sulky, dim and just doing what she says.  While much of this may be a correct interpretation it would be nice if the 'Mail' admitted they are scared  she might win millions.
Oh and i looked at the 'Scottish Sun' again today.  
Don't!  It's just rubbish.
Of course one question not being asked by these papers is what happened to that Russian report that reveals how much Russian money and internet influence aided Boris.  Maybe that being released would be a good idea.

The good news is I, eventually, managed to get the phone working, made a call and then worked out the text setting and had received and sent texts. I expect now my women will be constantly nagging me through this!  I am in two minds whether to share the number.
More good news!
GiffGaff, who I joined on 'Pay as you go' have announced call prices increase from 15 to 25 pence and texting etc is also more or less doubling!  Rejoice, rejoice!!!
As O2 is the basis for all these companies, well many off them, it implies more prices will be going up elsewhere.  I blame Brexit!

Friday 21 February 2020

No Time Today....

In between trying to get this phone to work, I did by 3:30, and doing the ironing, where are those servants?  I had no time to consider drivel to blog. 
 It's a hard life....

Thursday 20 February 2020

Wednesday Witter

The council planted Daffodils did their best to imitate Spring but all around dreichness remained. I was venturing out for the second time.  The supermarket had been blessed by my presence, not that Mr Sainsbury would be enriched by that over much today, and once I had returned home I cogitated  on spending money. 
My sister is in hospital, she felt rough, went to excellent doctor, who dumped her in an ambulance to hospital. A type of heart attack was upon her and now she lies complaining, unlike me, while being tested and manipulated by nurses. I suspect she will be home soon with a box of aspirin and a handful of coloured tablets to take.  I hope so, travelling up for a funeral is expensive!
However knowledge of what is happening there is limited.  I canny phone her man as he is too deaf to hear me, so I relay on daughter, who is not as efficient in informing me as she ought.  I therefore spoke, via facebook, to her daughter for facts.
During this I was called a 'technophobe' for not having a mobile phone and being unable to text. Although I indicated I have no friends and do not need one I was left feeling guilty about this so off I trooped to Argos, the shop not the ancient city, and spent money on a fancy phone.
Starting it up was complicated and eventually we are set. 
Now however I have switched it on and it wants the Pin number for the 'fingerprint' to let me in.
A dozen times I have put in four numbers, all wrong!!!
So now I have a phone I canny use!
I hate my life! 

Much later, after a lot of strange words, some online help, a video or two, and tea I managed to reset things and get the phone going.  Having never used a fancy phone, I struggled with that one that had a dial, and reading instructions that take it for granted you are 13 I worked my way through the encircling mists and succeeded to obtain a working mobile.  
Of course it would not make phone calls.
It took me a moment to realise I had to verify the Simm, so that can be done tomorrow.  My 'technophobe' hat is very much on and my head is spinning with jargon I do not comprehend.  That said I think it will be working by tomorrow, maybe.

Much of tonight was therefore spent glaring at the phone I hoped to use to contact my sister's phone why she lay in hospital.  My normal phone could not contact her either as her phone was switched off.  The reason, she was back home!
At the moment I gave up she called me.
That saved me a fortune, not that I mentioned it.
She has been coming home on the bus, found herself shaking, feeling a bit tight, and as the bus stopped at the surgery she went in.
The nurse practitioner, like all staff there, understood quickly, the doctor also and soon she was in an ambulance waiting at the hospital.  An accident got in before her but after tests, more tests and more proddings the doctor decided she had a small 'blip' interfering with the heart.  It had passed, she could go and take lots of tablets with her.
She was quite happy with the well cared for experience, her grandchildren, all adults (they say) were a wee bit shaken however.  So was I for a minute.  The cost of travelling up there for a funeral is enormous!  
That phone might leave me shaking soon also.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Tuesday Twaddle

Priti Patel, the smug self satisfied Home Secretary, has laughed a lot today after ensuring her bill to stop Black people, sorry, poor people, coming into the country has passed in the House.  I wonder if it is possible her parents, and also herself, could be removed and deported for any reason?  I think the Home Office ought to investigate.
Each day passes and more and more Nazi like policies are being worked out.  The many connections to the far right are also making themselves known.  One day a decent paper will take courage and expose the corruption hidden away.  It will not be a paper belonging to Rupert.  
The floods continue to damage the nation, rain continues to fall, heavily in some areas, and Boris continues to hide away with Carrie in the 'Grace & Favour cottage in Kent.  I suppose he needs a break from Dominic's instructions.  He now gets to listen to Carrie's, well until he dumps her.

A little excitement added to the day recently.  Someone parked a police car on the pavement outside, tsk!  That sort of thing gives the house a bad name.  They however crossed into the park and then suddenly moved swiftly to intercept two other constables doing similar.  They ran over to the far side, discussed the day with an individual or two, one who took off and the other who fought back.  One then volunteered to aid the constabulary.
The other day an item on the news indicated some peoples brains were smaller, these tended to be people who were 'hooligans when adolescents and criminals when older.  This chap appeared to fit that bill.  Indeed many on the Police Twitter feed do at first sight.  It is however a short step from there to eugenics! 
Small time criminals, making their way through life the hard way.  Many would be better off if they actually worked.  I suggest however most would be unable to discipline themselves sufficiently.  It is all rather sad in a way.

One of my talented nieces works occasionally on cruise ships for a week or two.  She has just left one ship where she had spent 13 days trapped aboard as no-one was allowed off at any time.  The ship did not put in at any port bar one, and that for supplies, no-one was allowed off.  However they could wander about and were never confined to cabin.  She saw a lot off the sea before landing in Australia and coming home.  I told her to sneeze on board for a giggle but she decided not to...

Monday 17 February 2020

Nicola Floods


Nicola has shuffled her cabinet once again.  The unfortunate minister forced to leave for grooming a young bot chiefly responsible for this.   Once again we see Nicola standing outside the world's centre posing with her cabinet, or at least some of the female members thereof.  Now she has a cabinet dominated by women, she must be happy.  Interesting that while men are involved nine are in the picture.  Once again we see the big failing in Nicola, her  inability to cope with being female.  
Most photos of her feature women, rarely she is seen with males.  Her cabinet is now dominated by women but will it work?  There is no doubt that many of the males involved do not set the heather on fire, possibly they are limited by the chain of the leader?  
Margaret Thatcher was unwilling to have inept women around, how many were members of her cabinet?  Theresa had them in hers but probably ignored much of what they said, she did have trouble listening.  However Nicola has a real problem with men.  She chooses people by their sex not their ability who knows what this will lead to.
She ought never to have read that copy of 'Spare Rib' in the library in Irvine that time.  It has left a mark.

Floods in Wales, floods in Scotland, floods all over the north of England, people are now asking "Where is Boris?"  A minister responsible for such things, whoever he was, appeared on TV this morning claiming Boris had asked him to 'represent' Boris while touring the floods.  This is acceptable up to a point, however Boris, or at the very least Michael Gove ought to show face here.
Of course they will avoid this, not only is it not in Surrey or Oxfordshire it is also an opportunity to 'Meet the people' and Boris knows what happens when he meets the people!  So no visit will be planned.
David Cameron did visit his constituency in Oxfordshire when floods rushed along the expensive houses there.  He claimed we ought to be able to do something about floods as "We are a rich country."  He did not visit the Somerset Levels which also flooded to a greater extent as far as I can see.  I am not sure if anything has been done there.
People flooded out, nothing to do with government mate, anyway Dominic says "Don't go."

Sunday 16 February 2020

Broken People

Digital Spy

The 'British' intellect is a simple one.  The press understand this and follow, or is it lead, that intellect to a degree of profit for themselves.  For days we have been offered sensational warnings regarding 'Storm Dennis' which was about to blow us away and destroy the nation.  It didn't.  The warnings were in every paper, TV and radio also blasting out threats of suffering in 90 mph winds and heavy rainstorms.  In the end they were not much worse than what we usually receive. 
However as this was vitally important information nothing but the most urgent news could shift it from top spot, especially as it was being used to hide tales regarding our inept Prime Minister and his dog Dominic Cummings.
The heart of the nation is revealed (as the headlines would say) to be centred not on obtaining the 'Russian Report,' not on worrying about the Budget, not on questioning serious dodgy dealings in No 10 but instead on the death of an unknown women at 40 years of age.
Apparently this woman took part in a programme I would have thought unworthy of broadcast, but there you go.  As I did not watch 'Love Island' I cannot comment on the content, well I can as I know just enough to make me switch off, and I can say it is something that the death of such a woman is considered fit to splash over all front pages.  What sort of a society watches 'Love Island?'
There are court cases involved which concerned this woman, there was pressure from the media, there was her unstable mind, all these things contribute to her death.
The court case I did not concern myself with, apparently she bashed a boyfriend and the media lived on this for a while.  The media make use of her story and she and others complain she was used.  Hmmm.  These people seek attention and when it comes they cannot cope with it.  Those who participate in such programmes will be hassled without mercy by the tabloids who are clearly out of control.  
Nothing will be done.
Much may be made of her unstable mental condition, however I suggest anyone who wishes to be famous' in such a way, or indeed by being a 'Pop or Film Star' is clearly unstable.  The world is filled with broken people seeking attention.  Possibly  they just require proper 'Love' and 'Care.'  
It is very sad that a pretty woman should be killing herself at 40, or indeed at any time.  It is disgraceful that the media will live on this for days.  It is inevitable that the pother broken people out there will 'read all about it' and see no wrong in their desire to peer into another's broke life. 
The storm appears to have abated, many flooded in the usual places, less articles about them now.  I wonder what the media will distract our attention with next week in between using another young broken woman, and hopefully they say, breaking others for a story?

I was very impressed this morning as I walked to church.  Just before 8 am the rain came down in torrents, it was like looking at a gray mist. I began to plan remaining indoors.  However I was doing the reading this morning, Genesis Chapter 1 and a bit of 2.  This is quite long and the Rev thought it funny!  So I had to be there for that at least.  No offers of transport arrived, I waited for one of my women to offer, none did.  All those Valentine's cards wasted again.  However by the time I left it was dry.  I almost got to the door before any rain developed though I had the pleasure of walking home in heavy rain later.  My big jacket is still wet.  

On the corner near the church was an enormous puddle reaching out into the road, blocked drains must be doing this everywhere.  A BMW rounding the corner almost drove into it until he saw me walking by and moved out to avoid drowning me, thank you sir, but he almost hit a small car coming the other way.  I wonder how many people would have driven through the puddle?  I wonder how many accidents we do not hear about are caused by such? 
I look forward to the end of the great storm, or at least the great headlines regarding the storm.  Daily winter weather is upon us.

Thursday 13 February 2020


Now Sajid Javid was not one of my favourite politicians.  He gave the impression there was little he would not do to reach the top, compromise was OK with him.  Today we see another brighter side to the man.  Instead of replacing all his top Treasury advisers on the orders of Dominic Cummings, our real Prime minister, he has resigned and refused such orders.  
Good man!  
However his replacement, Rishi Sunak, a man with no idea what life is like for 'the man in the street,' has taken his place.  Sunak has only been an MP for 5 years, has little experience of fighting behind the scenes, although he was 'Secretary to the Treasury' and has an economics degree, but is now under orders to change everything to suit Dominic.  If he allows this he may last a while but we know who is pulling the purse strings at the Treasury.
I wonder if Boris knows...?

The removal of some is neither a surprise or a loss to the nation.  The loathsome Leadsom has been dumped and I suspect will not be missed.  On the back benches she might be found sitting beside Theresa May, I doubt they will discuss children however.  
Quite a list head for the door, Dominic has clearly been busy.  Esther McVey, Theresa Villiers,  Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smith, who I think also talked back, Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, he who 'forgot to mention £400,000  and ran an illegal fox hunt on his land wishes MPs to question Judges before appointment, and Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan along with Transport ministers George Freeman and Nusrat Ghani who you had never heard off but possibly disagreed with HS2 so get dumped, all these go.
New names of the unknown take their place.  More nobody's you have never heard off, more mistakes, buffoonery and false promises to come.  The future is looking good innit?  Another election within a year I say?