Sunday 23 February 2020

Sunday Blether.

Another weekend of rain where it is already flooded.  Terrible for those living in such conditions.  Made worse by the ignorant response of this government.  Boris still hides away making no comment.  I suppose he has their votes...
Rain and wind for us also tomorrow but nothing like that suffered up north.  I suspect many homes will be up for sale in the next year or so unless better flood defences are installed.  Whether this government will see these as urgent enough or indeed more important than any of Boris's vanity projects and spend money where it is required we have yet to see.  I would not place bets here however.

The streets were wet this morning as I awoke, around 5 am this morning.  Rising early is an indication Spring is close as the early morning get me up early.  The rain persisted for a while as I pondered the walk to St P's.  There was no choice for my lazy tired body and I decided to remain indoors while enjoying my own Spiritual time, reading the book, Jeremiah 27 & 28, and pondering on the result.  I also tuned in to our clever curate who broadcasts his sermon on his page.  Therefore I got that and was able to criticise in a holy manner while chomping on home made soup.  He also cannot disagree with me.
So often we read of people claiming they have had a 'spiritual' experience.  It turns out they have been out in the country, by the seaside or just away from the built up area for a while.  Good for them I say.  This however is not 'spiritual' but it is refreshing, recreating if you like as it changes our thinking by allowing us to wander amongst green places, or by a sea view hopefully not crowded with sunseekers.  I longed for such times when in London and still today look forward to Spring so we can get out and about.  This does not equal spirituality however that only comes from meeting 'spirit' either good or bad!  I was seeking to meet the good.

The problem with seeking the good is that it reveals how bad I am!  Therefore it can be a tough, rather than a pleasant time.  The good Lord has standards and each time I investigate his book these tend to appear.  This changes my behaviour, sort off and improves my life, but it is difficult.  Maybe I ought to join one of these modern liberal churches where they use a 'loose-leafed' bible removing pages they do not like or are making life hard.  The type that talk about 'Love' but ignore 'holiness.'  Easier on the life but such an approach does not bring you closer to Jesus.

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