Thursday 2 July 2020


Another day of sudden downpours, thunder and lightning.  Lovely to see, from the window at least.  
Other than visiting Tesco in the bright, reasonably warm sunshine at 7:30 this morning I have avoided polluting the streets.  Instead of original thought or real purpose I have merely eased my ears - my sister phoned last night - and concentrated on staring into space.  This some appear to consider wasting time but I prefer to see it as pondering life.  
Once, full of zeal and little sense, I wished to be out there!  The world was full of adventure and excitement.  There were places to go, things to experience, action, friends and whatever.  Not now.
Much of it I have seen, the excitement has lessened, and a dog speaking to me as I made my way home is more than enough friendship that early in the day.  Much joy can be had waiting on the postman or those white vans that draw up and pull out parcels.  Never it appears for me however.  
Of course I could buy something but I would rather it just arrives as a surprise.  That would be good.
However, with everybody broke, unemployed, locked down, or merely going off their heads I suppose surprise packets will not be arriving any time soon.  Maybe I ought to send one to someone else? I wonder what item (cheap) I could go for?  Of course once I start going for something some fool will put a price tag on it (plus P&P) and put me off.  Ah well.
No football tonight either, though what has been available has mostly been poor.  OK then, back to listening to the wireless!


the fly in the web said...

It's the Black Douglas! I was wondering where he'd got to...

Come to Costa Rica if you want to relieve the boredom...

you can ride shotgun with my neighbour who rejoices in a car without number plates and a Whatsapp device to tell him where the traffic police are lurking.....

or you can make an appoointment to pick up cash at the bank, only to be told on arrival that they don't have any....if Leo had only inherited the scythes my mother used on the hubs of her wheelchair that would have been an end to the bank manager....

or decide on where to put the strongbox when money eventually disinterred from bank - current vote Einstein's kennel -

have heated argument with a man trying to flog subscriptions to a T.V. channel provider which works on cable when no cable provision exists down this road...

there is even football on the box...

Adullamite said...

Fly I see your next blog is under way....