Thursday, 18 June 2020

Second Covid 19 Virus Wave approaching

I notice how the media today is filled with people desperate to get into the local pub.  Café's and restaurants seek urgently to open, at least in part, and it appears the threat of a deadly virus has faded somewhat.
It is understandable that a business wishes to reopen, much loss has occurred and many may never recover, this is extremely sad, especially for the small coffee shop close by that we had begun to frequent on occasion, I doubt he can have much cash put aside.  MP's and MSPs are pressurising the leaders to reopen everywhere, Cafes, restaurants, shops, Zoo's, almost anything and everything that has been closed down.  Of course in some areas the public reaction has been to make out Lock Down has ended anyway so lets just get on with it.
There is a problem with this, Covid 19 is still around.  What drugs that have been found to work are still only a partial help, and then only for some.  The deadly virus is still with us and while returning to normal is good it may also be deadly! 

Only a few days ago while I was out there were few people to be seen.  Tonight I visit Sainsburys and the car park is busy.  While we all avoid one another it is clear people have forgotten about the danger.  This is not completely forgotten just pushed to the side a wee bit.  I suspect large town centres where large shops are considering opening are less safe than Sainsburys.
The second wave is on the way...


Dave said...

Unfortunately it is a possibility which nobody wants to happen. But once you start opening shops etc up social distancing goes out the window, I have just read that Wales is still sticking to the travel restriction of 5 miles, but shops are opening. This will mean that the 5 mile limit is not feasible for many people, and also impossible to police.
It looks as if we shall have to wait longer to see family and grand kids.

Suza said...

You are right. We need to be careful.
Best regards

Adullamite said...

Dave, I canny wait until they attempt 6ft distance in pubs! It's a shame re grandchildren mind. Several here are missing theirs.

Suza, Yes care is still needed, stay safe!