So I got up this morning at th usual six thirty, glanced at the blue sky outside, switched of the alarm, rose slowley and looked in the mirror to check I was still alive. A strange gray face stared back at me and for a moment I wondered who this was, then realised I was looking at a black and white photo of my late aunt. I am not at my best early on.....
After a cup of rotten 'Fairtrade' coffee I looked at the gear shift on the bike. A few moments maniplutation and it fell apart completly in my hands. Engineering was never my thing, I'm more of a 'buy a new one' type of fella. Remember if you will the time I made my intention of fixing the electric socket and was confronted by two neighbours making fire engine noises and understand my levels of ham fistedness can reach proportions Michael Crawford would fail to equal! However the effort was made so I cursed it in love and retired to attend to breakfast. That was rotten also!
So later, with a smile and joy in my heart, I headed for the shops to spend more cash I don't have on a black cartridge for the printer. This was acquired at high cost from Argos, and leaving me peeved at the price, and soon I was struggling, amid foul oaths, to push it into the appropriate slot. Once done the blessed machine insisted the colour ink was 'incompatible!' "Incompatible," I asked? "Yes," It replied. "HOW COME IT IS 'INCOMPATIBLE' WHEN IT IS ONE OF HP'S OWN CARTRIDGES THAT WAS WORKING FINE THE OTHER DAY?" I requested. "Incompatible," it said like a call centre employee reading the script. I screwed up the various packing material and stopped myself stuffing it in the printer by sheer will power. I wanted to speak to one of the HP employees and inform him of my thoughts but do not have a number. I searched online for an answer THAT DOES NOT EXIST and the blessed thing will not print even the black words unless the colour is also working.
Excuse me once again...
your blog put a big smile on my face, I could see you trying to push the cartridge into the slot, the whole thing was a great visual, funny sitcom to me. I loved it, keep on writing, I ll be back for more.
My wife and I were quite pleased with ourselves for purchasing a new Dell printer to go with our new computer last fall. For the printer had all sorts of bells and whistles at a substantial savings in comparison to other printers. Well, we proceeded to use it, and that is when we found that a standard yield color ink cartridges will print around 20 pictures, and the black does not last much longer. So, we endeavored to purchase high yield cartridges next, which promised to print more (obviously). To make a long and painful story somewhat shorter, we have subsequently discovered that high yield can only be ordered directly from Dell, and that they will allow for the printing of maybe 25 pictures. We are no longer so pleased with ourselves.
It's the way now with all printers.
This one lasted a very short time.
Ugh, I hate the way the set up the ink robber baron system! That is what I feel like, that I am being robbed. I saw a comparision once on the price of gas per gallon compared to ink per gallon, ink costs about $8,000 dollars or so per gallon, so there is the truth of it! What a bunch of balloney! I too have an HP printer and it will not print if one of the cartriges are low. So yes it is frustrating. I have heard that Cannon carries the best line of printers, if that is any help.
(oh, and thanks for sending some concern my way... this is a confusing time for me. I hope to sort it out soon).
Try pressing the Printers off switch to on.
Here to help.
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