So there I was the other day cutting the bread. It was a three day old loaf, and beginning to get a little stale. Having bought it because it was going cheap I tolerated its somewhat hard exterior quite happily. However while slicing away I inadvertently cut into my thumb. This I thought to myself was a mistake. I was right. There then followed an interesting experience of searching for an Elastoplast to stick over it. In the cupboard, the one with those red marks all over it, I found a box with a few ageing plasters there. With the cut being on my thumb as I attempted to open the paper in which the plaster was enclosed I discovered what disability means. These things cannot be opened with one hand, and the lack of a thumb makes life impossible! If you wonder if God exists or whether we evolved from monkeys question the thumb. Without a thumb we could do nothing, how lucky one evolved! After a short fight I won because my teeth are better than the paper and soon I was placing the plaster in such a manner as to keep my thumb together. Relief all round!
The next day I had been using a lot of water, in spite of the cost, for the monthly wash, and in the course of this the plaster went AWOL. However I found this could be beneficial as air is good for minor emergencies. (I know it is minor as that woman at the ambulance station would not send paramedics, and indeed could be said to have been somewhat rude about it!) During the day I had occasion to slice one of the onions I found after the market was closing the other day. Would you believe I caught the knife on the previous wound! Once again, but clearly practiced, I bled onto everything and reached for the plasters. However this time I had replaced the ageing plasters with a box of new ones from Tesco! This proved even harder to open! Bleeding profusely, it seemed to me, I used one hand, half a hand, and several teeth to attempt to prise the plaster free but it stuck to the paper! I thought maybe the paper was meant to be there, but no, it was mere spite on behalf of the (probably Chinese) maker!
I am reminded of this now as that plaster has just walked away from me and I am also reminded as to the reason I never made the attempt to become a nurse. I wonder if I can convince the NHS to send a nurse round to check me out? If they did this could be useful as she can do the ironing that has lain there for yonks at the same time. Well, she is a woman isn't she?
Talk about a bloody saga. Ever thought of becoming a politician? They have the ability to rabbit on for ages about absolutely nothing. I don't know how you do it! :)
I learned from listening to the girls!
Hey, hope y'all are all good. Listen, thanks so much for the dinner invite at your place this weekend. But, um , yeah, well.. I am just not going to be able to..ahhh. it looks like it's not going to work this time...schedules and the like and blood alergies, what not. So, let's try to plan something for another time real soon, k?
I had a plaster episode 2 days ago. I stood on a noticeboard pin and it went right into my foot, my surrounding people were laughing as I couldnt pull it out, so I'm hobbling around calling for a plaster in a wee bit of pain and nobody helping :( THEN.. the other week I stabbed my palm with a pen, the nib went right in, I still have a deep pierced spot of grey ink, it'll be there forever. If I survive this year without needing a tetanus shot it'll be a miracle. Hey, this comment deserves a post of its own, and hey, who's Eve and where's MY dinner invitation?!!
Hello Graham,
You know the line: Thank you so much for the laughs.
Peace and blessings
Your too funny! and I take it that plasters are band-aids?
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