That constant pain in my sid....friend Mulled Madness, has presented this award to me, one who does not agree either with awards or with the 'Tag' that follows. In this case I need to present this to eight, yes eight (*) friends. Well I assure you that in all my twenty four years on this earth I have never had eight friends, unless you count the motley collection on that supporters bus we don't speak off. Friends may not be the word to use their, acquaintances may be preferable! However I add this to the others (I say humbly) I have received from others duped by my scrawls, and pass this to other charmers, whether they like it or not.
They naturally will detest this interruption of their happy lives, but can I make it clear that Mulled Madness is responsible. Feel free to pass on your complaints to him.
Scottish Diary, and their two charming ladies.
Mom's Crazy Life. For not being a crazy Mom at all.
Sicarii. Just to annoy him
As the Crackhead Crumbles. For the same reason.
The Bible Thumper, for returning to posting once again.
Crotchety, who is far from crotchety in my view.
Auld Reekie Rants, who for reasons I fail to understand has never received any awards.
Channel of Healing, for her sterling service.
And may God bless all who sail in these awards.....
Thank you so much for the award. But I'm not sure what it means or what it says. :) It's pretty thought. :)
God bless,
Godbless you Sir am grateful to God for this.
Thank you so much
Thank you, thank you. According to my Spanish knowledge the Blog award is about writing in a vest with no phone credit left.
I'm sorry for taking so long to respond. For we were finally blessed(?) with a new computer, and I am feeling quite overwhelmed right now. Alas, much has changed since 2000.
Anyway, thank you for this honor(???). Your intentions have succeeded brilliantly.
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