I'm not one for awards, especially when they are only to reflect Mulled Vine and his ravings.
Such awards are meant for truly Christian blogs, and while I recognise Gods gave up his Son, and at what a cost, and the Son gave up himself for me, and , sometimes, I attempt to give myself back to him, this particular blog is not about that. This merely reflects my ravings and my slice of intellectual suicide for all to see. While I would like nothing better than to sit here suffused (good thing thesaurus's) in God and just enjoy him, although living with him is harder but better, I am sorry to say this blog reflects the reality of my life.
Pray for me...........
Do you not remember the tale of the Pharisee and the tax collector, praying in the temple? Which of the two went home justified? Was it not the tax collector who could not even look to the heavens because of his wretchedness. Its not the "righteous" who need a Saviour. God is best reflected in the saved sinner. You fit that bill very nicely, so take the bloomin' award and stop yer whingeing. :)
What Mulled just said.. especially that last line ;)
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