Or is it mine?
When I posted that last lot of tripe I noticed that some of the words had become mixed up.
What ought to have been on one paragraph began some where else. This has happened to me before and at first I took it to be my mixed up brain. I am thinking it is a fault on Blogger.
Anyone else notice this, or is it indeed my failing intellect?
Nope, everything looks good here on my end....
I mean...
Everything looks good. I dont see any muddlement, more than normal anyway...
So it's just me that's wrong eh?
Typical women's response, blame me!
So it's just me that's wrong eh?
Typical women's response, blame me!
I kept having this happen, post an entry, edit it, and see a wall of text appear...
It seems to be if you are using the new blogger (Blogger in Draft) When you publish a post, it's all good, but when you click the Edit Post button from the blog page, it edits it in standard blogger which is slightly different, and messes it up :)
Hope that helps matey :D
1st Lady's end looks good to me too - sorry, your blog looks fine, auld fella.
Blog looks ok.
Thank you Mike! These footie shorts dont look too bad at all really. The vertical adidas stripes are very flattering.
Adull, have you straightened your new lampshade yet?
Ah Dan! It takes a man to put things right! I knew there was a problem. Thank you! I will watch this carefully from now on.
Mind you, it made more sense when mixed up....
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