Monday 30 November 2020

Andrew the Saint


Who was this Andrew?
He was part of a decent fishing business up there in the north.  He and his brother Simon, working alongside Zebedee and his young sons James and John, were doing well on the Galilee lake.  John would take the fish as far as Jerusalem to sell, numbering the high and mighty Sadducee Chief Priests among his customers.  Andrew and his brother, indeed the whole family, were working Jews, living out their lives faithful to their God as well as possible.  However, Galilee was also a conduit for outsiders passing through and open to many non Hebrew influences.  Andrew's name reveals one such influence, it is Greek, not Hebrew.
However, the arrival of a Prophet at the Jordan was newsworthy enough for Andrew and the rest to head south to hear what this man had to say.  No prophet had appeared for amny years, this was a world shaking event and the people all wanted to see what it was all about.  Crowds gathered from all regions while day after day this man, called John, dressed in his quaint outfit, one of camels hair and held together with a leather belt, preached his word warning of 'One' who was to come and demanding repentance from the people.
This John demanded the crowds returned to Gods rule, he offered a Baptism in water for those who repented of their sins and returned to their God.  He also indicated answers to the many questions regarding how to do this all in line with the scriptures held in the synagogues everywhere.  
John demanded soldiers did not abuse their position, and held little back in his contempt of the Jewish authorities with regards to what he considered their hypocrisy.  His position was therefore a dangerous one, as authorities do not like being exposed.   They were also always on the lookout for religious troublemakers, and there were plenty in 1st century Judea and Galilee, Andrew, by becoming one of Johns disciples risked all by his adherence.
John referring to himself as a forerunner of "One who is to come" was likely to create many different images of this 'one.' Many differing ideas were in the heads of Johns disciples, did he mean a warrior perhaps, or a new King?  

It is clear Andrew was looking for something and he found an answer with John the Baptist.  Many of the soon to be Jesus disciples were also in attendance and it is unlikely Simon his brother became a disciple of John, I suspect he would mention this in later years.  He was however still in the vicinity.  When one man from Nazareth came to John, underwent Baptism, and then disappeared into the crowd, it is likely Andrew never noticed him from among the others going through the water. John however, had declared him to be the 'One' yet Jesus remained almost unnoticed in the crowd.  
It was when Andrew and another of John's disciples heard John say "Look, the Lamb of God," that they went up to Jesus.  What do you say to a man a Prophet has proclaimed as 'The One?'  The two were dumbfounded as Jesus turned and asked "What do you want?"  A bit stunned they merely asked "Where are you staying?"  I think this a brilliant question when you meet someone considered more important than a prophet of God!    
Clearly impressed after an evening with Jesus we see Andrews reaction, he seeks out his brother Simon claiming "We have found the Messiah!"  Some statement as many were to be found at that time in the land.  No hesitation here, solid assurance that this man, here at the Jordan, was the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Christ!  Simon must have been a wee bit astonished himself when he meets this unknown man, he will at least the Galilean accent.  Jesus soon informsehim that he would change his name from Simon to 'Kephas,' the Aramaic for 'Rock.' (Written in Greek the New Testament uses the Latin term 'Petras' for 'Rock' as this would be better known to the readers. Hence 'Peter.').
The action speeds up here, Jesus returns to Galilee but first picks up Phillip, also from Bethsaida, Andrew and Simons home,  with the words "Follow me."   
A simple but life changing request.
Phillip is impressed and seeks out Nathanael who appears unimpressed by a saviour from Nazareth, indicating its lowly position.  Only when Jesus reveals his knowledge of Nathanael's inner spiritual life  does he then fall in.  
All these men were seeking something from John the Prophet.  I suspect all were baptised by him but this is never stated, all were Hebrews from the north, all faithful to their God as much as possible, all, like the rest of the society in which they lived, looking for the Messiah.  Now Jesus had his first four men and yet they did not understand him or really know who he was.
The timeline is not clear but it appears back home they return to their work, they may well have been away for sometime.  As I read it Jesus speaks to a crowd while standing in Simon's fishing boat, the crowd being too deep and close for him to be heard.  He teaches from the boat and afterwards tells Simon to go out and fish, even though Simon is doubtful.  He goes but he has been out all night and caught nothing, yet he goes at Jesus request.  An enormous number of fish are caught and when they return to shore Simon, with Andrew in attendance, falls at Jesus feet, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!"  For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.  Andrew and the rest had met with Jesus, talked with him and now had a glimpse of the supernatural reality of this world.  Simon Peter understood this and had only one choice and that was to admit his natural sinful nature, the others will have been undergoing a similar experience.
It looks like Jesus let them go back to work to consider what had occurred then comes to the shore and calls them, along with James and John to 'Follow.'   Andrew the fisherman joins with the three and follows Jesus not knowing what lies ahead, leaving behind a good business and facing possible death.
The reality of life had hit Andrew and his fellow fishermen.  No matter how good the business a new reality forced them to face up to life. 

There now follows three tough years of discipling.  
Following Jesus was no picnic, for a start there were 12 Jesus had called 'apostles' and among the crowds were many equally close to Jesus, let alone the women who provided for him as he spread his message.   Andrew, though Simons brother, was not given the privileged acess to Jesus that his brother shared with James and John, I wonder if was jealous?  He did see the 5000 fed, Jesus walk on water, provision at wedding and the raising of the dead along with all sorts of healing.  The hardest job was the attempt to control the crowds, just imagine a Middle Eastern crowd!  along with the others Andrew was sent out to proclaim the message, heal the sick, cast out demons and call the nation to repent.  He had seen the power, but like the others he all too often did not comprehend what Jesus was talking about.
Andrew was in Jerusalem at the end, partook of the 'last supper' and was in Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested.  Like the rest he ran and hid while his Messiah died on a cross.  Only young John and the women stood near.  
Andrew was with the 12, now 11, when news of Jesus resurrection came through.  What did he make of it all?  Whatever he thought he was heartened when Jesus appeared amongst them, though they as loyal believers naturally thought he was a ghost!   Andrew also received the Holy Spirit and the commission to 'go and make disciples.' He was there on the day of Pentecost when full of the Holy Spirit the disciples spoke to Jerusalem and the world of Jesus rising from the dead and announced the one way of salvation as open to all.
As often happens in scripture what matters is Jesus, God is important and honour must go to him.  Therefore few details of the end of the apostles can be discovered, indeed many would honour them and pray to them rather than Jesus more willingly if they could indeed discover their burial place.  
Andrew, some claim, went to Sythia and Thrace proclaiming Jesus and his death and resurrection.  Others believe he went to Ukraine.  All this is possible but little evidence can be found.  Churches in some places often determine who founded them according to how many visitors this would bring to the church or monastery.  
It is claimed by some that Andrew died on a cross at Patras in the northern Peloponnese.  The story goes he felt unfit to be crucified on a cross similar to Jesus and chose a 'saltire' cross instead.  It was not unusual for Roman soldiers to play with those condemned to death and often used various crosses and means of death.  Sympathy was often lacking.  If he died in AD 60 as some claim he would have been a mere 50 years old at most.   

 So, how come Andrew became patron saint of Scotland?

Wiki tells us this.
Several legends state that the relics of Andrew were brought by divine guidance from Constantinople to the place where the modern Scottish town of St Andrews stands today (Gaelic, Cill Rìmhinn). The oldest surviving manuscripts are two: one is among the manuscripts collected by Jean-Baptiste Colbert and willed to Louis XIV of France, now in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; the other is the Harleian Mss in the British Library, London. 
They state that the relics of Andrew were brought by one Regulus to the Pictish king Óengus mac Fergusa (729–761). The only historical Regulus (Riagail or Rule) whose name is preserved in the tower of St Rule was an Irish monk expelled from Ireland with Saint Columba; his dates, however, are c. 573 – 600. 
There are good reasons for supposing that the relics were originally in the collection of Acca, bishop of Hexham, who took them into Pictish country when he was driven from Hexham (c. 732), and founded a see, not, according to tradition, in Galloway, but on the site of St Andrews. 
According legendary accounts given in 16th-century historiography, Óengus II in AD 832 led an army of Picts and Scots into battle against the Angles, led by Æthelstan, near modern-day Athelstaneford, East Lothian. The legend states that he was heavily outnumbered and hence whilst engaged in prayer on the eve of battle, Óengus vowed that if granted victory he would appoint Saint Andrew as the Patron Saint of Scotland. 
On the morning of battle white clouds forming an X shape in the sky were said to have appeared. Óengus and his combined force, emboldened by this apparent divine intervention, took to the field and despite being inferior in numbers were victorious. Having interpreted the cloud phenomenon as representing the crux decussata upon which Saint Andrew was crucified, Óengus honoured his pre-battle pledge and duly appointed Saint Andrew as the Patron Saint of Scotland. 
The white saltire set against a celestial blue background is said to have been adopted as the design of the flag of Scotland on the basis of this legend. However, there is evidence that Andrew was venerated in Scotland before this.
Personally I prefer the story of the monk in a wee boat who landed, co-incidentally at St Andrews, with a bag of bones he claimed were Andrew's bones and the local Pict King welcomed him and thus Andrew became a Scots saint.  Hmmm...  

(All persons who become Christians become 'saints.'  There is no special role as a 'saint,' all believers are 'sanctified,' that is 'set apart,' for Gods use, therefore 'saints.'  Andrew, like all other 'Saints' who are prayed to are in fact dead and as such unable, and I suspect, unwilling to answer prayers.  We pray to God through Jesus the Messiah only.  That way brings us to God.)

Saturday 28 November 2020

Saturday Delicacies

As I sit here, chomping on a 'Murdoch's Macaroni & Cheese Pie,' I contemplate the day before me.
I should be fussing with the water in the washing machine but instead I had to dismember the chicken from last night and boil the bones for stock.  It is now almost noon which shows how slow the day has been.
I suspect I will begin with Morecombe v Solihull Moors in the English Cup, or if they insist on the useless female commentator I will revert to Sky for Reading v Bristol City.   
After this comes the big game of the day, I have booked my ticket (£12) on the Alloa website and will enjoy the Alloa v Heart of Midlothian game in what is now called the 'Betfred Cup.'  How these names annoy!
This finishes on time for me making use of the chicken, now in the fridge, for tea and being prepared for the other 'Betfred Cup' match between St Mirren and Aberdeen.  
If my eyes still focus I may watch Atalanta v Verona or West Brom v Sheffield United.  Of course I may just be asleep by then, or if the Heart of Midlothian loose I may be round the corner sitting in the local Police cells being asked about things flung from windows in an aggressive manner.  
"Not me guv."

While quite used to being alone I have noticed how I have become more aggressive and indeed angry at things in recent months.  Whether this is 'Lock Down' or my tiring mind I cannot say but clearly both are having an effect.  The numpties on Twitter were getting to me so I avoid it now for the most part, but on Facebook similar people arrive and wind me up.  Good job we do not carry guns these days.  Imagine if Donald Trump was to shoot those who opposed him?  Count the bodies...
I looked into those I encounter and find how mixed up many people are.  Confused about life, their place in it, sexually confused, not sure if they are male or female, gay or normal, some politically motivated but appear confused re what their aim is or where they are headed.  A sensible answer to one upsets others, answer them and the first is offended.  
Talking of offended I see one football pundit has been suspended by the BBC for using the term 'Handbags' during a game.  Several people, probably girlies, objected, and the man dumped.  How silly the BBC has become.


Friday 27 November 2020

Mist, Tesco and Max

The mist was hanging around as it does in bleak winter days so I decided that before I eat my 'Murdoch's Pork Pie' for lunch I had best wander out into it and give the world the benefit of my appearance.  What would I see?  I saw mist!  Lots of it.  Indeed as I strolled along, overcoat wrapped around, hands hanging loose to catch the freezing air, the mist appeared to thicken.  It changed moods all morning disappearing for a while at siesta time and now being gently blown away by the breeze. 
The warmth of the locals was also out in force, one man muttered, almost, a greeting as he, even slower than me, passed in the opposite direction, women crossed the road to avoid me, men heads down stared ahead, tough like, as they passed.  Only one woman almost greeted me while she waited with an impatient dog for me to pass.  All were well wrapped up while wishing they were indoors.
few, apart from those with a camera, would be cheered by days like this.  

I so enjoyed trailing the streets I went back to Tesco tonight.  I was not intending to buy, I just wished to change an LED lightbulb.  John, the landlords man, insisted I use LED bulbs as they are brighter, cheaper, longer lasting.  However, the one I bought the other day was a screwfit not bayonet fit, I forgot to look!  The girl told me "upstairs and change it, and I will fiddle the till," or something like that.  So, off I goes, no escalator, so another stair to climb slowly, behind someone almost as slow as I.  No straight swop, so two slightly different bulbs bought and then slowly down the stairs again.  Those stairs are higher than they used to be!  A quick change at the desk, an extra £1 paid and off I rush.  However, an old woman was slowly struggling along in front, how I wished she would hurry!  Funny, how people waited for me as I struggled up and down the stairs but I wished to rush past another.  What a git!
Back home I replaced the bulbs and discovered that they are indeed brighter.  I also discovered how difficult it is to fix them in with grubby, dust covered shades on them.  Well, one shade, the bedroom one accidentally ripped apart as I worked on it. Still, I have bright light, cheaper also they say, and electric is the higher of the bills that rip me off.  
I heard on an old tape how Victoria, once queen, scribbled a diary daily.  Before Albert appeared she apparently read some, wrote a letter, ate at 7:30, then 'sat on the couch' with two Ladies-in-waiting.  What a life!
I thought life here was boring, no wonder she grasped Albert when he came!

Now I must go to Max the Dog in California to stop someone feeding his dog whisky.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Maradonna & Christmas Virus's

Every football team these days has a group of ex-players, some in their 40's, an occasional one in his 50's, who play football against similar sides for charity and exercise.  The Heart of Midlothian team in the past went by the name 'Old Hearts,' whereas tday they are called 'Hearts Legends' even though some never player for the club.  The word 'Legend' is put about with all the authority of a Goverment cabinet minister these days, and with all the honesty that implies, however, when we talk about Diego Maradona as a Legend we mean it.
Beginning his international career with humbling Scotland as an 18 year old he went on to say "Scotland loves me, England hates me," and this was true, as the ''Hand of God' enabled all Scots, as well as Welsh and Irish, enjoy him putting one over on the imperialists.  
His height was low, making some think him wee and easy to push around, instead it gave him a low centre of gravity which he used, combined with natural and well developed, strength to barge his way past the most experienced of defenders.
His talent was not just scoring with the 'Hand of God' he revealed his talent by running through the English defence not long afterwards and leaving them well grounded.  He won World Cups, and many other trophies, especilaly in italy when the best payers in the world, and some of the dirtiest, plied their trade.   
It is not well known but while in Argentina bringing one or two Agentines to his club the then Sheffield United manager (name forgotten) wished to bring a 16 year old also.  United's Board refused as there was a lot of youth talent in Sheffield they said, why bring one from the other side of the world.  Diego Maradona thus lost out his big chance at Sheffield.
Getting mixed up with gangsters in Naples and then with drugs ruined his career and life.  He played out his career but his public image and his mind was warped by drugs and emotional turmoil, a sad end to a man of such stature in the game.  Not all 'legends' end this way, some carve out good lives, I always thought that his move to Napoli rather than Milan ended his good side.  Rather sad he dies in this manner, a much missed genuine 'legend.'  

I see people are getting angry that they canny get together at Christmas.  One man, famous for his Great War historical work, was grumbling about Teir 3 and all that. I thought it strange that a man who writes about war cannot cope with a lock down.  Those who lived through near 5 years of the Great war and seven of the second may wonder what the fuss is all about.  Certainly in those days people grumbled at loss of freedoms, though most understood why, but today there is a great many who feel they have the right to do what they want irrespective of the situation.  I fear these will gather at Christmas in unthinking groups endangering themselves and granny.  I expect the NHS will soon know about them.


Wednesday 25 November 2020

Stuffing Face or Saving Face.

In spite of dreich weather, thick overcast clouds dampened the streets and the hearts of many this morning, in spite of this my delivery arrived from Foress via Inverness, Newcastle, Harlow and looking at the friendly driver, Morrocco at 1:40 ish today.  Two frozen sachets kept the pies cool, most now cooler in the freezer.  At least I hope it is safe to freeze them, I will find out soon!
One now awaits me, I felt it right to ensure they taste right before going on, and then I can get back to what I have not done while awaiting the van arriving.  So, that was alright, I may need to eat one or two more tonight.

The smiling immigrant at the Despatch Box has announced a cut in foreign aid.  Success for the 'Daily Mail' reader!  A miniscule amount of cash, that possibly aids this country more than any other, now cut to serve ideology and stupidity.  Will this aid the Billions squandered on Brexit?  Will it aid anyone bar the money changers on high?  With a claim that 2.6 million will be unemployed next year - 2.6 million!  yet there is no apology for Brexit which caused it, nor for the mishandling of the virus which exacerbates this.  Still, they and their money changers will be OK.  
Millions unemployed, no leadership at the top, gangster attitudes, incompetence, graft, and a pretence to care for the economy?  How did we get into this mess?

Tuesday 24 November 2020



Woman's Work
The JOY continues.
I awoke with the Larks this morning, or at least the Blackbirds, Pigeons and Rooks.  I could not sleep, I was too tired to rise, but I rose.  Breakfast took forever as I kept forgetting what I was doing.  Then I had to look at the washing machine.  I looked, considered, and decided it was time for lunch.
Where did the time go?
As I was searching the web for washing machine info my great niece began to question me re family history.  This meant looking out photos and sending them on.  She is very into this just now. 
Then, joy of joys, a man arrived at my door unexpectedly.  An electrician come to do the work he outlined weeks ago.  No-one mentioned this to me, the Landlord forgot to phone me.
When he had begun to break things, bang a lot, hammer here and drill there, she called. 
"Is he with you?"  She asked sweetly, her voice full of guilt.  
He still has to fix the other flats and she was unsure who would be in, I promised to keep his visit secret.   
He is still here!
He has put on his radio.
Some local rubbish station that I would not dream of using.  He did not ask, I do not mind but I do not wish to lower my mind to this bubblegum pop dross with cheery conversation in between.  He is used to working on his own, in empty flats, I do not blame him for that.  I would prefer working alone if I were he.  I just wish he would finish!
I canny get much done and need my siesta.
He is still here, banging and thumping.
Much later.
At last!  peace for my siesta - before I start clearing up.  Then I can play with the washing machine again.   Oh and by using my hoover he knocked over the kettle, don't ask how, l now need to add that to the shopping list tomorrow.

Murdoch's pies will arrive tomorrow by FED EX sometime before 6 pm, that means around lunchtime as usual.  Pie for tea tomorrow night.  

Monday 23 November 2020

Monday Joy!

This week will be a good one.  I can tell.
For a start, I woke at 5:45 this morning, I was up by 6, and soon I had been round Sainsburys and back long before I forgot the main thing I went for.
The day stuttered from then on, though I did order some food from an online butcher.  Mince pies, known in this foreign imperialist land as 'Scotch Pies.' I also ordered other varieties with them, as these are impossible to obtain in this area, and this will fill my fridge for a wee while.  They work out at around £2 each, which is not much more than some rubbishy shop pies here cost.  The shop I found is in Forres, way up in the north of Scotland.
I was boasting about my buy, content in spending yet more money to save money when a crunching sound caught my ear.  The washing machine has stopped in the middle of a cycle and died!  I had filled the thing but did not realise what was already therein.  Too heavy for the old girl and something has failed.  Later, when all had ceased, I removed sodden clothes and now finished them, badly, by hand.  The water remains in the machine and I must search the web to work out how to fix or kill the brute.  
I am so happy about this... 

Boris has been spluttering about 'Tiers and'lock down' again.  I didn't catch what he said but will it make a difference anyway?  People will get together at Xmas whatever they say.  In some cases,especially with locked in grannies this may be a good thing, however, the danger will involve passing on a virus undetected.  Families have to make a sensible choice, sadly far too many will not.  January will be busy for the NHS.   
My family will use the excuse not to contact me, they have used it for 40 years so far, I expect little change there...

Just about lunchtime I was cosy, comfortable and just a wee bit tired.  Since then everything has gone wrong.  Now, I have been waiting on my cheap Tesco pie to cook, choosing proper ones made me hungry, I awaited the burning smell that always accompanies my cooking, I waited, and waited.  I then checked on the thing and found it sitting above the oven attracting flies.  Now I must wait again.  It is all joy at the moment.  I bet there will be no football tonight also, just what I want...

Saturday 21 November 2020



It has been one of those weeks, one where there was much to be done and little actually got done.  The shops were visited, foolishly as most were closed for Lock Down so I could not buy the cards I required.  Fancy forgetting they were closed?  That was caused either by age or stupidity, either would give the answer.  The cards I had were scribbled however, the Amazon gift cards inserted, and on December 1st they will be posted.  Always post early, afix name and address label if unsure of recipients address remembering how each postie has a dozen each day wrongly addressed, these are just lost. 
The, far too many, online gifts will be ordered the same day to ensure delivery before the rush begins, which it will, and which with Covid around will hinder the deliveries.  So, while berating those who indecently urge Christmas upon us long before the time I have almost got my Christmas sorted.  
Little else has been done.  

The smirk remains in her job.  Just after Boris announced 'anti-bullying week,' he informs the world that his chief bully will not be fired for her constant well known bullying.  This after an inquiry found she was guilty of bullying and normal protocal would indicate she must resign she does not resign. Boris supports her, and the man responsible for the report resigns as he realises this government does not accept responsibility for anything.  Clearly this woman, not liked by other cabinet members, will remain in her job while unfit, as if we did not know this, as Boris needs her support and cannot accept the loss of another gangster.
Where is the UKs Biden?


Wednesday 18 November 2020

Somme, Christmas


18th November 1916 was the last official day of the 'Battle of the Somme.'  The battle cost around 400,000 casualties, that is, dead, wounded and missing, of the British Imperial Force and probably similar casualties on the German side.  
The choice of the Somme was not one agreed by General Haig, then Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, this was a choice forced upon him, as 'Loos' had been forced upon Sir John French the then Commander in 1915, by the London government wishing to submit to the French.  The 'Battle of Loos' was still being fought, officially or otherwise, in 1918!  The London government at all times sided with the French, ignoring their own officers advice and accepting whatever the French wanted.  This attitude cost more lives than bungling officers would.
The Somme was an area unsuitable for fighting, gently rolling hills, many wooded areas covering one another, and with an army of volunteers with almost no battle experience it was likely to be an interesting place to have a battle.  The end result saw an advance of a few miles, but this advance, though costly, did break the back of the regular German army, and this effect lasted until the end of the war.  The result in November meant that the UK now had an experienced army, many lessons had been learned, tactics changed, commanders exchanged, and a victory won.  
While this battle raged Verdun was the scene of French losses equal to those on the Somme.  The German idea was to 'Bleed the French army dry' and instead it bled its own army at the same time.
In the East the Russian 'Brusilov Offensive' cost over 1,3 million casualties, at least.  In the East the war swung back and forth causing widespread destruction and little advantage for either side.  
1916 was not the year to choose to enlist in any army in Europe.

There is no escape, Xmas is upon us.  OK it may be 6 weeks or so away and we may be in November still but it is upon us now.  Sainsburys this morning had stacked the shelves with Christmas cake, mince pies, puddings and booze, lots of booze.  I evaded them all as I saw the prices!  I have been slowly stacking up for Brexit and now I must begin to store the Xmas stuff.  Not that this means much change for me, however it is now time to prepare.  This means cards and posted stuff must be ready, Covid has hindered Royal Mail and thousands of extra staff will not really cover the work as well as the regulars.  I always post cards on December 1st, this gets mine away well in time and reminds others to send me one.  Some do.  Charge Cards for gifts are different as so many shops have closed.  I noticed 'Peacocks' the cheap clothes store is closing, others have already gone, and charge cards are no use if the business is bust.  Looks like chocolate through the post this year, 'Cadburys' anyone? 

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Tech Problems and Me!


Technology, like spelling, has always been a problem for me.  At school, aged a mere 5 years, I had learned that two halfpennies made one whole penny.  This news pleased me as the 'Beech Nut' chewing gum machine sold gum for one penny.  However, when I inserted my two halfpennies (where did they come from?) into the machine several times nothing happened bar the coins falling out again, I gave up then annoyed that the brute would not give the chewing gum demanded.  
Yesterday I had to record my voice.  I know, you wish to hear this, however copyright stops this, thus I was searching the world attempting to discover how to record on the laptop.  Naturally the answer lay on the laptop itself under the 'Voice recorder' on the Windows start!  Eventually I found this, slowly worked out how to do it, then kept doing it until satified with my 'work.'  Then came a search for how to send the recordings.   Of course no-one indicated that a 'sound recording' file would automatically appear did they.  This was discovered by accident, the recordings, once the majority had been dumped, sent off.
I then spent another eon attempting to join my mobile phone (cheap) to the laptop.  Again no-one mentioned the Start, this was where I found the link I also had spent time looking for.  Then it involved searching for other links, allowing access, clicking here, there and everywhere, by this time needing to shave again, I got it completed.  Thus I can send photos to the laptop!  However, I want to send them from the laptop and so far I have not discovered how!  
I did the right thing, I gave up.
At 7:30 I then continued my technological school by having to work out 'Zoom' so I could see the Logging In of the new Vicar.  No service possible these days, just a technological stramash as 65 of us 'zoomed in' and gave thanks for the 'Mute' button.  Heads popped up, some just the eyes appearing over the bottom of the screen, others full face, sometimes just the light in the ceiling being revealed as we struggled through the service.  I had not realised I would appear at the top of the Zoom screen, I would have washed had I known.  Good job the lights were down.
By this time I was shaking, all this technology, mostly successful, and still working.  I was glad I had not kidnapped a 13 year old to fix things after all, I may have had trouble getting rid of him afterwards.  
Now however, having spent so much time tapping these buttons, several fingers have stabbing pains in them.  I need to lie down.

Monday 16 November 2020

Bottles, Boris & Herod...


The sky was gray, the temperature a high 50f when I took the empty glass bottles up to the reycle centre.  Had I got tuppence on each I could eat meat tonight instead of outdated Tuna!  Where do they all come from?  They must have been left by another.
Unusually the bins were half full, I thought they would have been emptied recently, it seems Covid is delaying even this.  Maybe of course it is just 'Lock Down' encouraging folks to drink more at home as the pubs are closed.  However, I emptied the four shopping bags worth I brought and wandered into town.
Road works still ongoing, masked people still queueing outside shops, strict instructions here, there, and everywhere, and the world as we now know it continues.

Very useful for Boris this self-Isolating.  What with PMQs on Wednesday which he will miss thus avoiding awkward questions from the other side about the shenanigans behind the Number 10 door the other day. How convenient for Boris not to be there!  Of course they will say he wishes to be there to announce his updated programme, but alas he cannot, and how 'updated' will this re-run of old news be?  Maybe he ought to send 'Princess Nut-Nut' to do this instead?  She now appears to be running the country instead of Dominic.  
70,000 dead from Covid or thereabouts and the real headline concerns his latest hanger-on woman.  She, one on the make I say, is making the most of the time before they dump Boris and she has to find another to cling onto.  Dominic, naturally, is not far away and we know which one means most to Boris.  I wonder if he remembers her name?  He cannot remember his childrens names.

I was informed today that the church will be offering a kind of online advent calendar this year.  This will be based on cartoon characters and various individuals have been asked to play various voice parts which will be dubbed onto the word balloons each day.  For some reason hard to explain he asked me to record the voice of Herod the Great.  Typcasting at its best he says... 


Saturday 14 November 2020

Friday 13 November 2020

Scotland's Success, Dominic's Failure!


Scotland qualifying, the hard way as always, for the Euro's last night was a welcome change from the mass of bumf that fills the screen these days.  By outplaying a feared Serbian side they deservedly won through.  Only Scotland however could allow the enemy to score an equaliser in the 90th minute of this game, an equaliser they did not deserve, and then, exhausted by the efforts over the previous hour and a half, almost throw everything away at the end.  Then, after an excellent penalty shoot out, it would be hard to find nine better taken penalties anywhere, and one excellent save from David Marshall we, at last, get back into the old routine.
In my youth Scotland made a habit of qualifying for such tournaments before throwing away all advatages on offer.  World Cup and European Nations would come and go, the only failure being not getting out of the section once we got there.  Nations close by with easier sections, as always, managed this regularly, even if they failed to make it to the finals in 1994 in the USA.  Now we have once again got back to normal I look forward to a glorious failure this summer, knives in the back for individual stars, and a mess of Bull in all the media.  That's normal in this country.  However, for now we enjoy and look forward with a smile, whatever that is!

Here is an excellent photo, not just because it catches the bright light indoors against the twilight outside, but because it appears Dominic is leaving.  I say 'appears' as we all know how much a part acting plays with this lot.  He may well be moving out, but his henchmen remain indoors, and his contact with his puppet will continue.  
There are those who consider a change is under way, Brexiteers are worrying, IDS and Redwood are spouting, and Brexit is six or so weeks away and many backbench Tories are worried, a 'No Deal Brexit may lose their seat, it may also hurt the nation but they are worried mostly about losing their seat! 
Our Heroic PM, the one hiding in a fridge, I suppose has seen a danger in this, the danger he may be pushed out in disgrace, something he wishes to avoid.  Moving Dominic, if indeed this is genuine, and obeying this weeks girlfriend, might just save his face.  Bidens victory has influencefuture talks.
Biden himself has shown his dark side.  This Roman Catholic, this nice man, has already stated he will give funds to those who murder children in abortion and reverse laws banning this murder.  That may give him support among the selfish but will lose it elsewhere.  This was a foolish move at this time.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Remembrance 2020, Royals,

Because of the virus a shortened Remembrance event was held today at the War Memorial.  Around 20 or so people attended.  One man led, the piper played, the trumpeter offered the last post and we stood in silence.  Short but respectful, as you would expect.  The several hundred that would normally appear at the Sunday service may well have stood for the two minutes silence in shops, streets or elsewhere today. 
One wreath was laid today, added to those laid unofficially on Sunday.  This came from a local school who attend each year.  The children, heads bowed and respectful, always add something to such occasions.  I suspect these will know more about the Great War than the many educated via the 'Daily Express' and 'Daily Mail.'  

Quietly and respectfully the people dispersed, an occasional ex-serviceman was spotted, army cap and medals showing, and the people drifted away, on with their business.

My business took me to Tesco for bread and circus's, hold on, bread and wine, the last being something I forgot.  Plenty of soap however, the girl wondered if I was panic buying or just filthy?  Considering my garb I would have thought the answer obvious myself.
Back home, cleaned up, having posted the pictures on the memorial I rest.  My knees ache from standing around and walking, my head aches from Google Sites new system.  The old system was easy to operate, even if it had limitations.  The new one is not easy, things disappear, squares come and go, understanding what to do when items suddenly shrink or enlarge is not clear, questions are then asked as to the mentality of the geek who originated the blasted thing, and as my views were posted to them several times in the past I could not be bothered passing on my compliments today.  Eventually the two war memorial sites went up, this deserved lunch!
I see the royals are making the most of the date.  Kate is pictured chatting to war widows online, though the 'Standard' just notes the blouse costs £79!  I could buy two suits for that!  As she chats secretly in front of the photographers her husband is talking secretly to troops serving around the world.
Now normally this would be part and parcel of being royal, today it is part of the 'Buck House' way of indicating to Harry and Meghan they are 'out of order.'  Willie and Kate always get good press, and that is never something to put your trust in, Harry and Meghan always get a bad press.  The media love this, the royal fan, and there is lots of them, enjoys the soap opera that lives of the nations tax, and this might be the only way some media survive!  Harry and Meghan did visit a war memorial, this is called a 'photo op' by the press, Kate and William's contact however is called 'caring.'  
Do you, like me, have other words for this?

Mercury News

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Passchendaele, 3rd Ypres

The 10th of November 1917 saw the official end of the 3rd Battle of Ypres, often referred to as 'the Battle of 'Passchendaele.' The difficulties encountered cause this battle to be wrongly identified as typical of the fighting conditions during the war.  It was however a dreadful place to be for both sides.
Admiral Fisher, the First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy complained they were losing transport ships to submarines.  This was because the Royal Navy had refused to instigate the convoy system as yet, this was soon remedied by London.  Fisher implied the war could be lost if the submarine pens at Ostend, from which U-Boats emerged, were not taken.  The only way to accomplish this was to remove the Germans from Passchendale Ridge and send the British and Belgian forces up the coast to Ostend.  A clever strategy which took no account of unusual, never ending, rain storms.  

The action began on 31st July 1917 with General Gough's 5th Army at the 'Battle of Pilkem Ridge.' All went well at the beginning and a good advance was made.  Each 'ridge' had to be taken one by one and several individual 'battles' comprised '3rd Ypres.'  At first all went well and then the rain came.  This was not a surprise, at that time of year it often rained and 'Flanders' means 'Flooded Land.'  However, this time the rain did not stop, indeed the rain not only continued but it brought downpours unknown in living memory.  
Without the rain it is possible to surmise that the allies may well have taken the village of Passchendaele long before November.  The rain however ended this hope.  The water table is not far from the surface, streams and irrigation channels ran through the area, heavy constant shelling from both sides led to the break up of these and very quickly the land became a morass of shellholes quickly filling with water.  It must be added that this was no ordinary mud, this was a type of 'Blue Clay' which makes walking difficult and moving weaponry almost impossible.  As time passed the army soon became bogged down.  

The battle continued however and General Haig, Commander-in-Chief of British Forces, attacked in the South and then North continuing the battle in spite of the growing difficulty of the conditions.  It became clear that while his generals began to doubt any advance possible Haig considered not just Admiral Fishers fears but also the news that the French Army had gone on strike!  French General Nivelle's failed offensive broke the back of the French Army not the German and in this position Haig was reluctant to cease fire understanding the Germans may be tempted to attack the French. 
His men did not agree!
Wounded men often sheltered in shell holes, these soon filled with water drowning many casualties.  Movement of guns became impossible, aircraft could rarely fly, men could barely walk.  Falling from the duck board pathways often meant being sucked into the mud, few could pull such men out.  Constant firing from distant big guns, machine guns and rifle fire continued at all times.  The German insistance of constant counter-attacking at all times increased the suffering of both sides.  Captured prisoners were often happy to be out of it.
In the end the Canadians, who had been the first Colonial troops to arrive in 1915, finally took the muddy bricks that represented Passchendaele village.  The picture indicates what remained, the church being the only building recognisable, and that a heap of bricks.
The top picture features Canadian machine gunners the day before they started their next phase of attack.  Several men can be seen in various holes which comprised the 'trench.'  Only the man at the machine gun survived to tell his story.  The cost?  About 200,000 men on each side not counting the wounded or those who possessed a memory they would never forget.

Monday 9 November 2020

Vaccine US Politics


Excuse me not joining in the celebrations re the new 'vaccine.' I am of course glad a start has been made but the question is can it be real?  I am sure the people behind it are confident of the worth of the product, I do not doubt their integrity, but even the man from the Health Dept appeared to indicate it was not a cure.  
I remain ignorant of the details, deliberately so, facts have never influenced my opinion anyway, that is a family trait, but the Coronovirus is a highly complicated virus, one man claimed he had found 40 different aspects of the things, and it appears to me this vaccine may be just a beginning, not a cure.  Of course I hope it works, we all do, but Boris and his announcements are always Balloons!  There is nothing this man says that stands up to scrutiny and while there may be merit in the vaccine soon to be on offer I will be wary like many others.  

You may not have noticed but this man Biden is now President of the United States.  Or at least almost President.  The cack-handed US political system makes it difficult to become President without several Billionaires backing you, the vote is spread over days, if not weeks, and the US forces serving abroad must be taken in to account also.  Eventually a man appears to win, however the absurd 'Electoral College' then decide who the President ought to be, not the voters.  Once he has been named in November (Surely it will always be a 'He?' Look at the mess women have made of the UK system) he then has to wait until January, in the cold, to take his place.  This year of course the sulking schoolboy will be attempting to remain in place via the courtroom while he himself wanders around a golf course. One day democracy will arrive in the US.