Sunday 9 January 2011

King James Version


This year sees the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of the translation of the bible authorised by King James VI & I.  This has become known to most as the 'Authorised Version and to the Americans as the 'King James Version,' as they like the historical side to it. It is interesting to note that this programme, made by non Christians, uses the term 'King James Version.' The BBC is responsible for several programmes mostly concerned with the historic reasons for the translation and the 'poetic' language used therein. None in these programmes appear concerned with the God who breathed it at any time!

1611 saw the 'Union of the Crowns,' when James the Sixth of Scotland also became James the First of England. (Always known by the racist English as James I !) One of his problems concerned the religious strife since the reformation. Different Kings and Queens had gone from Catholic to Protestant and back again, usually without becoming 'Christian' in the process, and this caused much suffering and needless strife throughout Europe. This was amended in England by Elizabeth when she attempted a policy of 'tolerance.' However this met some opposition from Puritans (this term covered many 'types' of Puritan) and the other 'protestants' of various types. Their religion often meant less than the politics of the day and this created many difficulties for the King when he arrived. However in Scotland the highly competent James had already dealt with the Calvinist leftovers and his theological and academic knowledge was considerable. During the many discussions with the clergy concerning the nations future the idea of a new translation arose. James was not keen on the 'Geneva' bible used by many at the time as one phrase appeared to doubt the 'Divine right of Kings!' This helped encourage his desire for a new translation.

This was undertaken by the very best scholars of the day, working alone and in groups, each dedicated to a specific potion of scripture, then checked by others and rechecked and edited later by the 'top dogs' at St Paul's leading eventually to the 'Authorised' bible. When completed all previous versions were banned from use in churches throughout the land. Thus removing any wrong influence from previous versions, although this version took much from them. This was indeed a 'poetic' version of scripture with lines that were easy to read, and who's phrasing aided listening at the time. In the late 18th century the words were 'modernised' and the book was revised again in the 19th century. The words have indeed penetrated to all corners of the world, although the 'British Empire' helped here!

Many people know vaguely about a flood, Noah's ark, Jesus and Paul the apostle. Most know little else beyond this today. One reason is the media's use of the 'Authorised version' when quoting scripture which tends to give the impression the bible is for the past and not for today, most Christians of course have used more readable modern versions for thirty years or more. Society also is no longer forcibly 'nominally church going' so bible knowledge is dying. The majority of people born in the last forty years confronted with the quaint, but attractive, language of this version are put off as it is impossible for them to understand. This is a shame as the reason such books were translated was to bring the 'Word of God' to each individual, as opposed to the Roman Catholic manner of keeping it within the church of Rome. In the years following the publication the majority of the population were better educated by hearing this book than many today after ten years of schooling! Many learned to read, discovered they were important to God in spite of their place in society and as a side issue the language of the nation was altered for ever as this book represented what today we call 'Queens English.'

The BBC programme The King James Bible contains a variety of artists reading portions of this book. Like other programmes in this series there are some explanations along with each programme again concerned mostly with the poetry of the words, the 'literary style' rather than the content thereoff. Still, Jesus speaks through this book to many, as he did to me, and he has never let me down in spite of my self centred life. Maybe he will speak even yet through these readings. They can be heard for seven days although I am not sure if this can only be heard in the UK. The bible is a book, actually a collection of books, that tell us about our relationship with God himself. Actually it is about his desire and longing for his relationship with us, 'we love because he first loved us,' and while used and abused by many it still changes lives for the better!


Saturday 8 January 2011



The rain that decided to fall somewhat heavily last night left behind thick gray clouds this morning. At least by the time I dragged myself out of the pit of sleep the rain had ended and only the clouds with their occasional glimpses of blue were left. Proper winter has arrived at last, you know, the cold wet winter that we are used to. No snow or horrid stuff like that, we left that in Edinburgh where it belongs, just rain and miserable looking postmen pushing paper mache through the letterbox. However just in case it decided to snow I remained in doors most of the day venturing out only for veg, a losing Lottery ticket and my copy of 'Private Eye.'

Today is 'Cup football' day in Scotland and England so I was able to find myself bored by Arsenal cheating Leeds United out of a victory. I did however have the sniggers when I discovered the Hibs fans distress at their teams performance in the 0-0 draw with Ayr United. How football makes you hurt, although for some of us we are enjoying this season and have every hope of another cup win ourselves. Excuse me while I take up the 'smug' position for a while. To stop smirking I wandered across the park and pictured the bright evening sky provided by the advancing dusk    


Friday 7 January 2011

Fat Slob


As the year has advanced so far I decided it was time for the first bath. I took my self off into the bathroom, blocked up the gaps that allow the cold air to creep in and spoil everything, cleaned the grime from the bath, and turned on the hot tap. This always makes me shudder as when the gas boiler lights the meter turns so quickly it would make anyone but a Conservative minister quake. Add to this the cost of water and watch the shareholders gather outside to applaud my actions. However I kept the light off to save money as I can bathe in the dark, I know where most things are, but was forced by the cold hanging about in the air to use the bar heater! How annoying! The electric, naturally, costs more than any other item used! The stupidity of selling off the nations energy for short term gain may be lost on a wealthy Thatcher but this now means we pay vastly more for a dubious service than we would have done under the crumbling previous system. Still, some folks make money from it, certainly the Conservative MP's and their lackeys, plus all those foreign power owners! In the nineteenth century Joseph Chamberlain,  who became one of the major movers in Empire building, nationalised the various Gas and water companies to benefit the people of Birmingham where he was Mayor. How come Thatcher could not see that as sensible?  How come her small shopkeeper approach put money before need?

The water rose as quickly as my overdraft as I divested myself of my filthy garments, hmmm might be time to use that washing machine, and then placed my lithe 8 stone body onto the scales. Then it was I heard a creaking sound and the platform on which I stood leant over to the left and a bent piece of metal flew out the other side and embedded itself into the cheap hardboard that forms the side of the bath. The dial raced round so fast it came loose. Hmmm I thought, did I overdo the Christmas sweets?  In this state the machine managed to inform me that I was now just over fifteen and a half stone of slob and not what I had been considering myself to be. This was a disappointment and means I must start those exercises I keep beginning and forgetting to finish. In fact lifting a few weights, walking - in a downpour - and running on the spot may well be good for you but doing housework is actually using more muscles. I think dancing to the Beatles early tunes also has beneficial effects - as long as no-one is watching! So that is now what I must attend to, however I think I may well have lunch first, just in case I am too weary to finish...


Wednesday 5 January 2011

How to be an idiot No 48



For the idiot the kitchen is one of the wonders of the world! Here he will find so many areas in which to make his mark that he may well begin hyperventilating at the thought of what lies before him. Let us notice how an idiot deals with the microwave. He, his spouse or indeed his nurse, has produced some excellent home made soup. All our hero has to do is place this in the microwave oven to reheat the stuff. Simple enough! Well no actually. You see  a suitable dish is required for this job and Mr Idiot has already placed some soup into a china bowl and watched as this cracked apart and flooded the microwave with his dinner. Next he used one of those tinfoil ones that hunks of expensive meat arrive in. This resulted in an electrical storm such as those usually found only in the Serengeti National Park! However after much practice and a few words of advice from the woman in his life (Why isn't she doing this? That's what she is there for!) he chooses a suitable container, sets the time dial and stands back. Several minutes later he anxiously removes his soup and begins eating. This quickly ends as he discovers that he has set the time dial but not the temperature and is now eating tepid soup. He rushes back to the brute and inserts the soup somewhat angrily into the thing and sets both time and temperature correctly! Just to ensure success he adds another minute and retires grumping as he does so. Hunger is beginning to produce some irritability it appears. As the 'ping' sounds he rushes to the oven, grabs the door open and retrieves the soup. He does this in such a manner as to allow his now, 'piping hot' lunch to spill out and cover his the fingers! His screaming of unholy oaths encourages the container to be dropped onto the floor followed quickly by the contents. Standing by the freezer, his hand thrust inside in an effort to lessen the searing pain against the ice, he contemplates both the mess on the floor and his beloveds "Have an accident?" 
"No thanks, I already have one," he mumbles from behind the freezer door.
The red marks on the fingers disappear after a few weeks.

Ah, the freezer! While we have our hand inside it is noticeable that the ice has indeed began to clog the freezer cabinet. This calls for Idiot once more to show his qualities. The idiot looks upon such work as a bit of a nuisance as he has better things to waste his life upon. However to ensure the fridge freezer runs smoothly it must be defrosted every so often, about once every ten years or so, and now is the time to do this! He has in his mind a freezer compartment completely cleared of ice, the contents aligned in a practical order, and the machine running with a smooth gentle burr throughout the day. He of course deludes himself!
Mrs Idiot, not an idiot in herself but daft enough to end up with him, she would tackle this problem in a simple manner, after all that is one of her jobs innit? She who must be obeyed would have ensured the contents of the freezer compartment were allowed to run down before the operation began, she then would switch of the freezer, leave the door open for thirty minutes and then, in a smooth swift manner, remove the ice which has by now gathered on the floor of the compartment. This naturally is too much for an idiot.

His first step is to empty out the many frozen items found within. The second is to run around the floor retrieving the frozen peas that were in the upside down bag at the front, and also put back those garlic bread lumps that she insists on feeding him.  All items are dumped on top of the freezer cabinet in a higgledy piggledy fashion These include that green odd shaped thing  he found in the corner whatever that was! 
Work may now begin.
The idiot, who may or may not have switched the thing off, will grab a knife or some other dangerously sharp object and attack with a will the ice flows sufficient to worry shipping in the north Atlantic that has been allowed to dominate the brute! He cuts and thrusts with this impliment, shaking the cabinet and within minutes the floor is once again covered with frozen peas, hamburgers, and frozen peppers. These escapees will take several days to collect having found the strangest of places to run into, and even then will be discovered many weeks hence, usually sqashed and smelly, under his slippers. The pies which have removed themselves will be returned to, probably, their boxes whether covered with dust or not. With today's shop bought pies this may well make them more nutritious!

The chasing of the peas will not introduce any wisdom into our hero's mind. He will continue to cut and stab at the ice which slowly is beginning to give way, just as the remnants of  contents atop the freezer are also giving way and colapsing around the floor once again. His efforts to catch them as they fall enables the idiot to knock over the bottles at the side, breaking one and allowing the sauce therein to mix well with the floor beneath. While doing this the knife will enter under his left thumb and the red stain may well remain where it lands for some time before noticed. Much, much later, the ice removed, the floor mopped, the freezer is switched on again, that's if it had been off in the first place. The idiot has a large lunch. This is not because he requires one after his exertions but because he has taken so long to do the job that that most of the contents have begun to thaw and must be used immediately! His dealing with indigestion will be dealt with elsewhere!

Shall we regale you with his ability to place plastic items on the electric hob and turn on the wrong switch? Do you wish to know about his desperate opening of windows and doors to remove the acrid taste of plastic from the home? Is there really a need to detail the long and arduous struggle to replace the melted kettle, that bowl he never understood the purpose off, or his scraping the hot plastic from the (new) hob surfaces? I don't think so. Mr Idiot and his beloved, that's her holding a half empty (cheap) vodka bottle in one hand and a golf club in the other, need to be left alone to discuss his desire to be helpful around the house. I think it better we left them alone to do this, don't you?


Monday 3 January 2011

The Archers


Incredible! That's the only word for it Incredible. I don't mean the programme, nor the absurd and meaningless story lines. I mean the fact that the BBC has the 60th anniversary of this tripe mentioned on every programme the BBC produces! I am just amazed it wasn't mentioned on 'Match of the Day!' Especially as they have, for no good reason, a woman doing some of those programmes now.  The news mentions the anniversary, and worse, is going into detail over the latest 'shocking' storyline and debating why it is not 'shocking' at all.

This overload is another sign of the desperation these 'soaps' and their makers for an audience. The 'Coronation Street' anniversary was likewise stupidly put into the ITV news broadcasts I'm told, so the Beeb feels free to copy this and I cannot imagine how bad it will be at the next 'Eastenders' anniversary! 'Eastenders' is of course the programme that above all other events in the last thirty years has done more to destroy the moral fabric of the nation than any thing else. The idea of loud confrontation, so common at all levels today, was allowed free reign with the introduction of this vile programme. Their next anniversary will probably lead to a war of some sort!
Bah! Humbug!


Sunday 2 January 2011

January 2011


The first photograph of the year. Taken in the dank, damp evening, while the dark sky above still contained a blue tinge proving that the nights are getting shorter and Spring is coming our way! Today as I rose, slowly and heavy with sleep, I noticed the growing lightness in the sky through the holes in the ragged curtains. Indeed the sun is arriving earlier and now very noticeably, especially when those gray clouds move on over to France, and the light lingers longer in the evenings. This makes the world a better place and the heart sings as I sit here contemplating my navel. That, if you are interested in such things, reflects this place in general, it is full of dust!

Are you suffering the winter bug? Swine Flu has been hitting hard it appears and I am bearing with my usual good nature the bug that has irked me for a few days. Certainly not one of the bad ones that floors people but a right nusciance just the same. Almost as big a nusiance as a spell checker that cannot find the proper spelling of nuisance! It must be American, so I will just have to use one of those British dictionary things again. Once more I need to find a correct spelling but require to know how the word is spelt before I can find the word I need to know how to spell! Life is a game innit!

Ah well on with the year/ Whatever else happens, like the 'e' on this keyboard sticking constantly, the cold weather hanging about still, the bug, the lack of money and little job prospects, (learn a trade kids) I will continue to seek to let God love me and me seek to love him, (Jesus will be surprised to hear that) and I will continue to enjoy the many and wondrous outpourings of my internet friends. Indeed their problems and joys, their wit and knowledge continue to make the dullest day bright! 

Here's to you.
Who's like you?
Gey few,
And their all deid!


Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011


A good new year to all my readers.
May this year be everything you wish it to be!

Happy New Year 


Friday 31 December 2010

31st December 2010


Goodbye to that. 
Rotten year. Nothing went right.

Now I look forward to what 2011 brings.....


Wednesday 29 December 2010

What a Gray Day!


The temperature rises to just above 'bloody cold,' to 'Crivvens, Help ma Boab!' and we spend a day totally  immersed in dull gray mist. Another sign that Spring is on its way!  With the atmosphere being as it is, my inability to change the weather to my way of thinking showing through, I decided to flounder all day. Some rude and needlessly cynical folk have suggested, and you will not believe this, they have suggested I 'flounder' a bit too much. Had this not been true I may well have been cut to the quick, but as it is I am merely 'nursing my wrath to keep it warm!'  I exercised the weakened body, the bug, the lack of vegetables, too much chocolate and nans making it weak this er.. week. This stroll through the heart of the town indicated the majority of the citizenry were hiding indoors, those not queuing at the Argos counter that is, or visiting those family members who they had hoped to ignore but could put off no longer. The market surprisingly had several stalls working, either they were bored, desperate for cash, or wishing to avoid mother-in-laws. None were worth visiting so no change there! The supermarkets were busy however, the car parks full and the dagger filled eyes as folks fought for the better parking spaces glowered everywhere. Happy Christmas to you also! Now I sit with my feet on the radiator, discovering how depressing scouring the job sites can be, and now awaiting tonight's football. 
How exciting my life is, are you jealous yet?

Today's thought to remember:- There's room on this earth for all of God's creatures.... Right next to the mashed potatoes.



Tuesday 28 December 2010


Early yesterday morning, having breakfasted on Nan bread left over from Christmas Day,  I slithered my way to Tesco’s on the icy pavements to check out the Microwaves. My aged and somewhat foul machine is falling apart from the inside and desperately required replacing. I noted the prices and observed the cheapest at £32.95 for a basic machine of 700 watts, or 'D' capacity, enough to meet my needs. I headed for Argos and here I purchased, for a couple of pounds less than the Tesco’s price, the same machine under a different name. The last time I ventured into Argos I waited so long I was tempted to lie on the counter and play dead! In the store behind headless chickens ran about while a queue stood expectantly as the disembodied voice cheerily announced "Number two hundred and seventy five to your collection point please," all the while ignoring the fact that number sixty eight was still waiting! The lass at the till that day noticed the people waiting to be served by her, she also noticed those awaiting delivery of their items, which appeared regularly as a headless chicken dumped them on the shelf, and she took immediate action, she disappeared! This time a bright young thing took my money, almost immediately, another stamped the ticket and off I went, within minutes! Wow!

I carried this brute home, a huge distance for one as fit as I, walking on the cleared road to avoid the ice bound pavements. The next few hours were spent struggling to get it out of the box and removing the old one. I then tested the thing with a cup of water. It worked! Hooray! I noted some condensation on the front glass but this appeared to have no effect so placing a bowl of Flanders Soup' inside it ran happily for ten minutes. Shortly thereafter I then placed the small Xmas pudding inside, switched it on and Phut! It said, and died! Ten minutes worth and the guarantee was for a full year! Later I realised, as I ought to have done immediately, that the glass ought not to contain condensation as electric machines do not require it. I later repacked the brute and staggered back to Argos wondering why the thing was heavier once repacked than it had been carrying it home? I dumped it on the counter ans wheezed my complaint only to be told to take it "over there." I left it and wandered 'over there' noticing the lassie had brought the box round for me, smirking at my lying on the floor on all fours attempting to get my breath back. The bright young lass (where do they all come from, they appear to be missing in such shops usually)    convinced me to choose a different version. This in fact turned out to be a cheaper version in stainless steel (we shall soon see how stainless this remains) looks much better! £27.95 I ended up paying, having £2 whole pounds given back to me! Hooray! Once again carrying the thing home was lighter than taking the other back. Why?   

Naturally as I woke this morning I ached all over. Muscles that are usually 'resting' do not like Lactic acid or whatever it is running around inside them. I tend to agree with them at the moment. Why me? Why can I never buy things in a straight forward manner? It's just a good thing that I am not one of those miserable people that complain a lot, for if I did folks would here about it I am sure.

Top Gear, that excellent BBC programme, took it upon themselves to attempt to recreate the journey of the Magi (that's the three wise men to you) from the East to Bethlehem. It is fair to say that this programme was as biblically accurate as much of the Church of England's preaching, so that gives an indication of how far from known facts they were! However it was once again a programme worth watching. The fear of being shot in Iraq was somewhat exaggerated but an excuse to run around in a fast car chased by a helicopter was typical Clarkson. However the plane failing to land and going round again was a delight to watch. The problems on such trips are always magnified, although James banging his head and being rendered unconscious was not planned, and if nothing else I enjoyed a view of the countries they passed through that is not often given by news coverage. James's bang on the head was worrying for a while, but not as much as three men dressed in Burqas driving into Damascus. Why they were not shot as suspected suicide bombers I cannot tell. Some may well have decided Clarkson was being rude while imitating a cut down Jesus at the Sea of Galilee but I don't. Nor did the final ending upset as I burst out laughing in a way I haven't for some time. This was the usual 'Top Gear' send up, funny and cheeky but not offensive, quite unusual for Clarkson right enough! Possibly you will be able to access the BBC IP site and find the programme 'The Three Wise Men.'  It's worth a look!


Monday 27 December 2010

Red Hot Chilli Pipers


I've just discovered the 'Red Hot Chilli Pipers.' How slow am I?


Sunday 26 December 2010

Boxing Day


Boxing Day brings it's own problems, and I don't mean transporting the kids to aunts and grannies to collect more gifts. I mean standing on the weighing machine and wondering why the spring flew out, I mean looking at the collection of dishes filling the sink and wondering why there were so many as, in my case I ate only once and alone! How come that tin of 'Quality Street' looks half empty when it was full to the top last night?  How can I feel that tired when I finished off the apple tart this afternoon, was there too much left over custard on it perhaps? I suppose this is a result of eating in a considerate manner all year and foolishly letting myself  eat slightly more than normal over two days. It is not often I sit wondering why the TV is so poor at nights but find it difficult to get up and switch it off (oh where is that remote?). I did manage to wander across to the church opposite this morning, that's almost 150 yards you know, and then slither my way back home again. Walking on hardened ice is quite tiring and I suspect that walk is why I am tired, not the nan bread and chocs I ate for breakfast.  Ah well, back to the routine tomorrow, after I finish of that tin of chocolates as no-one else has come to eat them......


Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas


from an old Grouse
to all my readers


Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve


Ah Christmas eve. Little kiddies staring out of the frozen windows searching the sky looking for a fat man on a sledge, and this pulled by reindeer! People travelling home, often late at night, by road, rail and hitching a lift. That is unless they are trapped in the terminus or on a main road by weather or delay of course. Cards fill houses, often from people long forgotten, portraying robins in snow, Victorian scenes depicting happy people (yet missing out the rickets, hunger and workhouses. What makes a Victorian Christmas special anyway?), others favour three men on camels pointing to a star in the sky, three men each with a vacuum flask of coffee and a pack of sandwiches for their long dangerous journey at that! Some portray a child newly born in a little wooden stable, a golden glow around his head, while shepherds, western looking at that, bow before him. Hollywood has a lot to answer for! Ah Christmas eve, a time of 'magical' experience according to brainless blonde bimbos that bounce across the telly each year. For these women it should be 'magical,' they record the programme in May and she is paid well enough to afford Christmas! Repeats of old comedy on TV as the new stuff is not funny enough,  films of varying worth take up the space broadcasters have not got the brains to fill properly and News men forced to work over a quiet period hope for a major disaster to fill time otherwise they remain well paid for being bored out of their minds for three days. 

Everybody is happy on Christmas eve! Well dad is still peeved. The middle class female head teacher would not let him take pictures of the lassie at the Nativity play, just in case he was a paedophile! Dad's answer to this, along with several other dad's, contained little suitable for Christmas broadcasting. Mum is peeved because she is the only one who can wrap presents properly, she says, and she has to do 'everything' because he can't do anything properly. He ignores this rant as most men know that what 'has' to be done does not really have to be done anyway.  Shop staff look forwards to the crowds easing so they can head for the pub to rest their feet and join those who have already left work long before to worship in Hogarthian revelry the birth of the saviour who came for them.

Ah yes him. Born in a cave most likely, not a wooden stable, smelly shepherds, the lowest of the low in society of the day alongside the Magi did worship in his crowded stable. No glow around any of them, especially Mary who may well have been exhausted, you know how women fuss over such things, and she may well have been only fourteen or fifteen years of age. (Don't tell the headteachers for crying out loud! They will blame Joseph!) The arrival of the Magi and their large following would certainly surprise the folks there, as they did Herod! One thing Herod was keen on was to keep his position, kings tend to be like that don't they? His reaction of killing a dozen or more toddlers would surprise none in those days, and few would write about it even if they were able to write. Such murders occur in the Sudan and the Congo today and we never notice or care, why should anyone then? The Magi's understanding of the 'star,' possibly a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, may well have satisfied them and off they would go, leaving the folks puzzled but a wee bit wealthier. 

Was this really God in human form? Did God really come to earth among the lowest of the low? If he did, and if he died for us some thirty years later we need to understand why, and what to do about this great event. Victorian cards, robins sitting on snow covered branches and piss up's in pubs and their after effects do not tell us much about Christmas. This is merely a midwinter festival as we look to the shorter nights and the coming of Spring glorious Spring! Jesus himself was wise enough to arrive in the much warmer April or possibly June. No fool he! The anti climax that follows our Christmas's may possibly be lessened if we saw Christmas for what it really is rather than what the commercial world would have us believe. There is more to life than entertaining pantomimes, watching the kids open their gifts, good though that is, and a 'magical' but cold winter festival. There is something greater we should grasp.


Thursday 23 December 2010

Almost Christmas


It was as I strolled on the white sand, hand in hand with a brunette beauty, glancing at the turquoise beach and the blue sky as we walked, and enjoying the warm sun settling on my back that the alarm went off and I flowed quickly from being Robinson Crusoe to  became Nanook of the North! Divesting myself of my dingy army blankets I dressed in my dingy clothes and nourished by a cheap nan and cheaper coffee headed once more into the day. (That's nan as in bread nan as opposed to nan as in Grannie by the way!) To Tesco I slipped and slithered on the icy pavements cheerfully ignored by the council gritters. My intention was to grasp if I could those items forgotten yesterday. My awful forgetfulness is a problem these days and once more this let me down. Today I forgot to take the chainsaw with me, I find it enables me to pass through the masses to the checkout much easier! However after a mere short and very uncomfortable lifetime I was free once more to slip on the ice outside, fall flat on my face and return home without the Cayenne Pepper I went for. I really desperately require this as it puts life into my cooking! Bah Humbug I say! Drat, I forgot the Humbugs also! More Bah!

Ah but it's great to be alive! The sun may be hidden by clouds, the pavements ice covered, money flowing like water from the wallet (not here mate!), and all around miserable faces greet the weary traveller, but we are alive! The robins still sing in the bushes, the stomach has more than enough grub inside, the PC brings good people to your heart, and we are still healthy enough to enjoy walking through the park, breathing the air, and observing the world around us! Ignore all the bad things, we think about them too much. Concentrate your energies on the things you like, the people you love, indulge what makes you laugh, what builds up and does not knock down (chainsaws exempted) and determine to enjoy your world in spite of everything!


Wednesday 22 December 2010

Goodwill to all men?


Yesterday as I fought my way through the hordes of women gouging the eyes from one another in the shops I became aware of the 'Christmas Spirit!' Trolleys barging into one another, men meandering around hopelessly lost, separated from the one who knew what she was doing, desperate girls looking for exactly the right item for Christmas dinner, you know the item, the one they have run out off, yes that one, and swarms of miserable gits seeking to bring joy to one another. One Sainsburys lass was surprised that I was happy to join in her merriment, "They are all so miserable," she said in a surprised tone. "It's Christmas," I replied,"Goodwill to all men etc." We pondered the human species at this happy time and were not overjoyed with our findings. However I continued to search for a Madras Curry for my Christmas dinner and waded into the cheerful throng. My joy was complete at the checkout when two aged crones rushed for the empty space behind me, playing dodgems with their trolleys. Almost 150 years Christmas experience between these two and 'thinking others better than ourselves' was not one of the lessons they have learned in that time. What joy to think the respectable behave just like the neds in our society, what joy to consider that this is our human frame. There again, that is the reason Jesus came into the world, to stand in our stead. It's a good job he knows how bad we really are, because we sure don't see it ourselves.


Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Best Day of the Year!


Today is my favourite day of the year! That is because today is the shortest day off the year and from this moment on the nights grow shorter and the days grow longer. How good is that! Quite how folks cope in those parts of Scandinavia that suffer six months of darkness I do not really understand. Depression and alcohol abuse is widely reported, and no wonder! It is bad enough wandering about wearing a hat with horns sticking out of it (something the Vikings never did) but to do this in  the dark must be wearing I'd say. The six months of never ending daylight would be a wow however and must make for a more tranquil mind. Yeah, okay it didn't do much for the Vikings but they were worried about being unable to plant crops in their hard ground and that sort of thing upsets a farmer doesn't it? Just imagine it, sunlight all day and everyday! Wonderful! This would lighten the mind, remove depressions and enable even the worst farmer to dig his cabbages out of the ground! 

Time and Date explain in simple terms, which my readers require, why the solstice occurs. The tilting of the earth, the sun moving around to annoy us, especially me, and such like. Very interesting indeed. Naturally many of the trendies will be hanging around places like Stonehenge, if the snow allows them through, to pretend they care about this. Large groups of ageing hippy's (or is that hippies?), gray haired middle class women desperate to fill the empty gap in their life, 'Guardian' readers believing they are holding back global warming and making a real impact on the earth will be everywhere wasting their time at dawn this morning gathering mistletoe with golden scythes and murmuring prayers to the pagan gods and suffering frostbite for their pains.  

It says something about the human condition that we seek solace in that which is beyond us, something greater than 'Sickly Come Dancing,' or another of Simon Cowell's money making schemes (no jealousy here!).  Events around us like earthquakes and eclipses would worry men of old, but with today's supposedly educated people we still find ourselves asking questions. Some use them for their esoteric purposes  (I used to know 'eric' quite well) and others take a more sanguine approach, "Pass the brandy luv." Only the existence of God can answer such questions, but even at Christmas folks look in the wrong place. Whatever I, unlike my niece, who is well old enough to know better,  I did not rise at dawn to watch the red eclipse this morning, oh no. I remained lost in my dream world under the somewhat ageing army ex-blankets as per usual. It is the days I like not nights, sunshine, blue skies and warmth. When I win the lottery that is what I will acquire, by moving to Cyprus or Malta or some such place. I doubt they suffer much from dark nights.  


Monday 20 December 2010

Sunday 19 December 2010

Snow Sunday


Wonderful use of snow is to keep folks indoors. So few people about the streets today. So few cars churning the stuff into slush that until late the streets were merely dangerous, and not dangerous and messy! Wonderful chance to take pics, and many who did venture out were doing just that. 

Pictures in cemeteries are enhanced by the snow. I must state that I did however have permission from the various bodies concerned. I followed the tracks of what I think was a fox that had made its way through here after the snow had ceased. I often used to notice them when a postman, one would cross my path as I went to work at 4:30. This may be him still or one of his offspring. He managed to follow the path under five or so inches of snow better than I. I kept standing in holes and toppling over. 


Saturday 18 December 2010

Saturday Night


Bit of a change from last night and lovely sunsets! Just after two this afternoon it began to snow, and by five it was about three inches thick! The traffic has slowed to ten miles an hour, tonight almost nobody moves around, and I successfully discovered how to get the 'Night' mode work on my little camera. Now that I call success. The fact that the amber light has come out a strong yellow is irrelevant. In spite of my dislike, nay hate, of horrid snow I really enjoyed walking alone across the park with the snow and cloud giving a delightful light all around. The cold, the accidents, the people stuck on major roads nationwide mean little when a fall of snow makes the world a different and delightful place. Tomorrow I will attempt pictures of the snow covered world in daylight, and by Monday I will be heartily sick of it all in a more normal manner!

I suppose you all noticed that the Heart of Midlothian drew with the ever improving, defensive minded and hot on the break, Inverness Caledonian Thistle. A one all draw is sufficient especially when the side worked so hard to win the game in difficult circumstances. Third place and with rival clubs gathering many postponed games to make their lives difficult in the next few weeks we can sit back happily and enjoy their suffering. By the way, Hibs got beat, and Lee Miller got sent off and may well miss the Ne'erday Derby.  Shame that!

Friday 17 December 2010



Wandering along past the old gasworks, head bowed as I searched the gutter for dropped coins, I happened to look up as I crossed the road just in time to miss the dentist delivery service van as she cornered while on the phone and eating her lunch. I was nearly blinded by the low setting sun, and it was only twenty past three! It shone Mediterranean like over the old gas container and reflected of the dodgy computer repair shop. It was lovely to see, although of course I couldn't see anything having been blinded by the glare. It takes ages to get rid of that little blue blob in the eye doesn't it? As I came round by the playing fields, tripping over the cheerful faced dogs allowed to run dangerously loose by their gossiping owners, female of course, I could see high above the pink layer on the clouds, and through the gap in the hedge got this shot. The colours are not quite what the eye sees of course, sometimes they are better, sometimes not so, however this occasion leaves me quite happy with the result. I reckon one of the easiest ways to get a good picture is the sunrise or sunset. No matter what rubbish is around you it is enlivened or, as here, blacked out for the most part by the light. Brilliant help! 

This time next week the great anti-climax of Christmas will be upon us. Many will be without goods as the weather hinders parcel deliveries and that ought to make us wonder just what Christmas is about. But I doubt it. Instead disappointment and anger, blame and buck passing will result. Certainly many will have their good time spoiled and that is rather sad. However most will be enabled to make the most of it. Those able to get around will have the joy of crowd filled shops to waste their money in. What a joy that is? Today I was struck by the women slowly gathering in the needful's while a retired husband, totally out of his depth and lost in an alien world, obediently pushed the trolley. I was my usual helpful self to such men, I have become this way ever since the great 'chainsaw' incident in Somerfields. I doubt I will ever eat black pudding again after that! 

Around a billion people were in Tesco's alone, and by alone I don't of course mean 'alone' as they often had people with them, so they were not 'alone' as such when I said 'alone.' I used the word al.... forget it. Anyway I went there to take advantage of my rewards voucher and naturally, while I perused the frozen oven chips, I realised I it was still lying here on the foul microwave! Bah! I could have been in the closer Sainsburys and now I was lumbered with all the heavy stuff to carry and nothing off to show for it! Bah Humbug! Finding the young lad at the checkout speaking in an almost polite manner I realised he was the new guy that obtained the position I was looking for! I assure you it was an accident when that vinegar jar fell over and broke across him, honest. I wandered out head held high in an effort to avoid the woman with a collection can for some local charity. I did wonder how many would give a few pence to her while paying £30-100 for their important buys. I also wondered how much of what is bought gets thrown away? Now that is something I rarely do as I hate wasting food, and have done so ever since learning about the million or so who will die today through malnutrition. I don't help them by this but it does at least seem the decent thing to do.  
Once again the streets elsewhere are deep in snow. Once again no gritters can get through because the vehicles block the roads, and once again it is all someone's fault and they should resign! Hmmm Scotland lost one transport minister because the snow came, I suspect they will want to change another by Monday, not that there is anything more that can be done. My nephew was driving in it earlier today but got home OK having left as the snow was arriving and had it chasing him home. He drives a forty ton truck and some of those were getting stuck on the icy slopes and blocking all the traffic for miles around. I had the feeling he would be half way up an 'A'road somewhere, very comfortable, but bored.  However I too am OK so no-one needs to worry about me, at least until the heating bills come in.....


Tuesday 14 December 2010

Private Eye


I like 'Private Eye,' yet reading this copy I find myself somewhat depressed. While the cartoons and articles can satirise the world around us, and can be very funny when hitting nails on head, it also leaves me profoundly depressed with the state of the world and this nation in particular. Page after page show corruption, insider dealing, governments allowing themselves to be used by big business, the banks, or indeed anyone who has clout. Individuals in high places putting themselves before the people and, in short, the corruption of power! It is a disgrace the way this nation is run, and we have the cheek to complain about others?

Africa, we frequently are told, is owned by the politicians who put 90% of the cash into their own pockets. This may well be true, but it goes on here also. It always has and it always will! Integrity in public or business affairs is always to be doubted, even from those you know to be on the whole honest. For example, the Motherwell manager Craig Brown has moved camp to Aberdeen. Now he is blubbering that folks doubt his integrity during this move and threatening any who insist on questioning his motives. Hmmm sounds guilty to me. Had he notified his chairman, had Aberdeen done the same through politeness, then nothing would have been said. He was not on a contract and could walk away. A bit of openness and honesty would not have gone amiss. Iam afraid in my eyes he now has less integrity than McGhee, and he had none! He stayed in his job until he was sacked, long after he had given up making any effort. A bit of integrity may have led to a 'mutual agreement,' but money talks. 

A glance through the latest 'Private Eye,' shows such lack of integrity everywhere. Vodafone, owing £6 billion in tax, come to an agreement, led by a Tory donor allegedly, to pay £1.25 billion instead. (welfare cost £5.5 billion said Cameron). Now it appears they don't have to pay up front but can stretch this out over years. This company also owes the Indians a similar amount, watch this space I say. Honesty is lacking in the media ("What, really?" you say.) with the press rehashing old stories and even publishing invented ones found on Wikipedia! However at an all party Commons committee on the future of the Welsh language TV channel S4C it appears everyone who is in favour of the millions wasted on a channel nobody watches appears to be the ones working for or providing programmes for this channel. Integrity where art thou? We fond man of the people 'Dave' Cameron's party receiving donations from people who live in million pound houses and make their money out of bailiff work, throwing the debtors onto the streets so the 'Daily Mail' can shout about their benefits. The Office of Fair Trading have had to step in on this company to hinder its manner of dealing with people. Does 'Dave' know I wonder? We find dirty dealings, which cost us, in the energy business, overpaid executives in the BBC talking about cutbacks, but not for them, high ups in the NHS holding dubious enquiries about Bristol hospitals in London and even more dubious goings on among town councillors.   

As I read I get so depressed. While many people do show a great deal of integrity in the way they work or run their business it always appears that those at the top soon get corrupted into 'the ways of the world,' even if they start with good intentions. Having spent two years in the NHS offices I can tell you many care nothing for patients and just live to expand their empire, and wage! How many 'suits' are there increasing their salaries while reducing the number of staff? How many little deals are greased through 'legitimate' gifts I wonder? Reading this magazine I wished I had stood at the last local election. I have nothing to say to a Tory dominated group, but I could at least ingratiate myself with the developers, business folks, and those looking for a fast buck. It appears that is the way forward, everywhere!


Monday 13 December 2010

Why does......


Mike S. come to, tell me that?


Saturday 11 December 2010

Clegg & Cigarettes


How long has Clegg got? This man's desperate desire to sit on the government front bench has turned his party and himself into a laughing stock. Having become a lackey to the similarly desperate Cameron he has brought into power a Conservative government and happily thrown away all his 'beliefs' in the process. There have been more 'U' turns by the Lib-Dems in the house of commons than on a major road during the bad weather. While claiming much of the government policy as Lib-Dem in fact the parts that will be put through are entirely Conservative! All their ideas are falling by the wayside and will soon be forgotten. However he is sitting on the front bench, he has a position of 'power' and he is the one that matters not his party or the nation! Not any more! The latest failure, to force his backbenchers to support the government position on student tuition fees was a farce all round. Vince Cable, a Lib-Dem, forced to bring in a bill he did not like, almost refused to vote for it, did so because he had to, and looks as big a failure as his millionaire leader. What a shambles this lot are! How long for Clegg? How long therefore for Cameron, another rich kid desperate for high office and happy to lead an unelected, unwanted government? The worrying thing for us all concerns what happens when this absurd coalition falls apart. The opposition comprises a new inexperienced Labour Party with bumbling fools in charge and they have no policy, no idea, and I suspect no hope! The futures bright, but nothing appears very bright in the house of commons!  

As I was standing at the window, harmlessly watching the girls in the park with my binoculars, I noticed a man standing on the pavement below. He then did a strange thing. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a silver cigarette case, selected one of the white killer sticks inside and placed this in his mouth. Replacing the case he then lit the cigarette and began to increase his lung cancer. Now I was shocked by this as I have not seen a silver cigarette case in use for a great many years. To be honest it was never likely in my family for anyone to have such an item, not counting my aunt, she worked for 'Jenners' (Where the rich shopped) and as such got good things on the cheap! We were only allowed in under guard. The rest of the family continued to dwell in poverty, a habit that remains with me today. During the days of my young childhood, which some suggest still endure, it was common to see folks taking cigarettes from those oblong packets of 'Capstan' or 'Senior Service.' I used to enjoy watching the smoke from my dad's cigarettes slowly curling and twisting into the air. Being told to "Clear off" because I was annoying, did not really compute. It couldn't as we did not have computers in those days did we? The sound of cancerous growths in my fathers lung I must say was not noticed at the time. Both film and TV stars continued to smoke well into the seventies, possibly even the eighties and in the days of black & white films many a director made use of the smoke to create atmosphere. This habit of smoking continued even though we were made aware of the dangers long before we left school in the mid sixties. The site of a lung preserved in an chemical did not stop us obnoxious brats wandering around coughing on our ''Cadets' or 'No 6' brands. It was an important part of adolescence to smoke 'Silk Cut' or some such as everybody else did, although our folks never knew of course. I was somewhat surprised when my dad asked if he could have one of my 'No 6' one day. "I don't have any," said I, "Yes you do they are in your top drawer." Never trust a father! I suspect today's youth know more about 'funny cigarettes' rather than 'Players.' Today China and those nations less aware of the dangers are recipients of heavy advertising by the tobacco companies. Such nations, China in particular, are now becoming aware of a huge rise in numbers of lung cancer victims, yet advertising and peoples ignorance continues. Why do we not ban this foul activity? I do not know? I suggest that we insist that those who smoke wear a black cowl and walk the streets ringing a small bell and crying "Unclean, unclean!"  The banning of smoking in pubs and clubs, businesses and all places where humans gather has already benefited all of us.The air is healthier, clothes worn in public houses no longer reek of others smoke, and only the beer spilled leaves a mark, not counting the falling down stairs and abusing police officers 'student style' of course.  The difference in attitudes over fifty years is amazing. Everyone smoked in times past, pipes, or cigars, then cigarettes became very popular during the Great War, given then to comfort the wounded and often advertised in the press as 'healthy!' Today it is the dumb minority that smoke, Nick Clegg smokes apparently, is this the time to mention this I wonder? It took so many years to realise how daft we were! There again today our streets are filled with the stour pumped out from the back end of oil guzzling motors and this is just as big a killer yet we are slow to develop a better system. The stupidity of the human knows no end.  


Friday 10 December 2010



Time for another steam engine picture I think. 'The Flying Scotsman' heads out on its journey to Edinburgh from London's Kings Cross station. What a thrill for the passengers, not only getting our of London but heading up to Edinburgh! How lucky can you be? Actually I am not sure this shot was taken at Kings Cross, it is some time since I took the journey and few today can afford the privatised prices anyway! From the 70's until the 90's I often took the train north. The best journey not being with the 'Flying Scotsman' but the 20:00 hours Aberdeen train that did not stop at Edinburgh. Actually it did, and arrived there at three in the morning. Even in the eighties they used old compartment coaches on that train, you know the type that only took eight people at a crunch? Few knew about this trip and I always had a dim compartment to myself. Now that was how to travel by train, as long as you didn't mind travelling at night. The best days of rail travel are behind me now. When rich I will buy a Rolls Royce, OK I will buy anything cheap that moves, and trundle around that way. 


Thursday 9 December 2010

An Obituary printed in the London Times -
Interesting and sadly rather true.

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common
Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for
sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago
lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as
having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

- knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- why the early bird gets the worm;
- life isn't always fair;
- and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies
(don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies
(adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when
well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in
place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual
harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from
school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired
for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for
doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in
disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get
parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a
student; but could not inform parents when a student became
pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became
businesses; and criminals received better treatment than
their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend
yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar
could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman
failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She
spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth
and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter,
Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I'm A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was
gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join
the majority and do nothing.


Wednesday 8 December 2010



The village down the road, the one that attempted to stop the plague in medieval times by putting a rope across the street, contains this door. I wonder if......well maybe I shouldn't..... 
