Showing posts with label Theresa May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theresa May. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Museum Tuesday

This somewhat distorted view from my seat this morning was the result of two things.  First I was getting bored as being half term people take off for a holiday, not by BA I hope, and the town is quieter than usual.  The other reason was playing with the wee camera and trying to get something out of it, this is not really working for me.  I suppose I am too used to the big one and this is a wee bit fiddly point and shoot affair.  
This is not to imply nothing was happening, sixteen children attended the workshop this morning and all were very happy as they left, two grannies being the happiest as they appeared to enjoy things more than the kids!  The parents who left their and went off to other duties were clearly happy to have two hours to themselves, one managing to get so much done she struggled to comprehend what was happening! When the kids are not around things are so quiet and housework gets done!  Lovely kids all of them today I must say, and the owners are good folks also.

The other pictures were not up to much also and when the museum is quiet like this it gets a bit wearying.  Occasionally there are things to do that fill time but there was little to accomplish today as most of it was up to date.  There was of course dust to remove from the shelves and window ledges but somehow I managed not to see that until I was going home... 

There is an election ongoing at the moment and the media, owned by right wing barons, appear to consider Theresa May the one who will win.  The fact that those who saw her performance on TV being questioned by a journalist and then members of the audience say she revealed her weakness and inability.  Poor girl I feel sorry for her  Another who was desperate to be PM and desperate to hold on to office but has not got the personal and political ability to sustain her desire.  She probably means well but has little comprehension of how the world sees her and the fawning Tories around her do not help here.  While the Conservatives may well win the election with a majority I suspect she will soon be stabbed in the back and exchanged for a better man...if there is one.  

Two bombs went off in Baghdad the other day, one at an ice cream cafe and a car bomb not far away.  Altogether twenty seven people so far are dead and many wounded.  More than died at Manchester, more that died in many outrages in Europe in recent days.
Where is the media coverage?
Certainly it has been mentioned, certainly people 'tut-tut' about Arabs and bombs, certainly it is condemned but where are the people 'Standing with Baghdad?'  Where are the 'I Love Baghdad' badges and social media support?  Do football teams hold a minutes silence?
When a bomb goes off here we over-react, vast column inches are given over to somewhat ignorant speculation re the cause and who was at fault and 'why was nothing done' type articles.  When it happens in the middle East we just shrug our shoulders and say 'typical Arabs.' 
It is right to support your own, it is not right to ignore the suffering of others even if they have been doing it for thousands of years.  The West cannot claim a high ground when much of recent trouble began with ignorant European and US involvement in the Middle East.  I offer no simplistic answers, there are none among a people who hate one another as Sunni and Shia Muslims do, we could however attempt to help rebuild broken nations and encourage peace rather than sell billions off dollars worth of weapons to them to continue their wars.  Or is there something in all this for us...?


Thursday 18 May 2017


For years I have used the 'Windows Live Gallery' to sort pictures.  It was simple, straight forward and done the job easily and very well.  Since the problems with the laptop my copy of 'Windows Gallery' has been lost and we now have imposed upon us 'Photos' which is neither easy or good! I am irked.
I found one or two other types to play with but these are far from straightforward and not as good as the Windows Gallery.  
When I try to download pictures Win 10 forces them onto 'Photos' even though I have set it to the new, not easy, gallery.  I may eventually find how to fix that but it does annoy.  Not that I can take many pictures as I am now into Spring cleaning and while the rain falls this is the best option.  The weather may be warm but it still rains, at least the farmers are now happy as the rain up till now has annoyed me but not watered their fields properly so far.  It has done today!
You will also note the spellchecker has disappeared.  I only noticed this when someone commented on a Tweet on that Twitter thing.  Now I have to search how to get one of those, in English not American, back on. Ha!  I have just found is does, it just does not appear to work for me.  Bah!  At least Blogger has one.

President May has announced the Conservative Party's lies for the election.  It is noticeable that it was referred to as 'My Manifesto' and not the 'Conservative' manifesto.  Behind her we see the words in large letters 'Theresa May' and 'Strong and Stable.'  Hmmm.  This reminds me of Eastern Europe 'democratic' nations where the individual is prominent and the party behind him, clearly May has allowed ego to dominate while she sets her party on a differing road to filch from the weak and keep the real money in her own hand.
I am becoming convinced we are under a judgement in the west.  Why else would we find Trump as President of the US and May dominant in a UKIP style Tory Party?  The differing style of Conservative she is offering is no different from what went before, it's just that the 'Toff Boys' have been shoved aside for the middle class girl, no difference for the people however.  What a mess politics has become today.  Sturgeon, for all her faults, represents a politician with some idea of what the nation needs, the English offerings are just not up to the job.
One thing I noted was Mays warning that of Brexit negotiations fail the nation will suffer because of this.  Why is she telling us what we told her?   She opposed Brexit because she knew we needed to remain in the EU but when the chance of glory came she jumped ship and now is taking us into disaster, yet she warns us?  How come missus?  If negotiations fail, and your negotiating style has been abysmal so far Theresa, you will be responsible for this mess, you and Dave, Boris, George, Gove and other self seeking wee boys who have been playing games with the nation.  Somehow I suspect you will manage to be alright, you all keep sufficient Cash in Luxembourg and elsewhere to stay afloat while we sink don't you?

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Quiet Tuesday

My view, almost all day today.
Certainly people came in, two to donate, two to browse, one to ask re a query, two to visit the exhibition.  
Not exactly busy today.
However the good news concerned the girls replacing things in the renovated kitchen ensuring my supply of tea will resume promptly.  Surely that is a good thing?  Of course no-one can find anything now.
The highlight of the day was the chat with a couple donating stuff and with the chap later donating a book relevant to the Americans who once blossomed around here.  Good stuff to receive. 
Otherwise it were a bit boring, just what I required today.
My women behaved magnificently as always, I got a bit stale cake with my tea after they finished, they worked hard all day leaving me to deal with the hordes of people not coming in.  I managed that and the one phone call for someone who was not in!  I scrambled through that one.

This is one of the creations people come to see.  Somewhat spoiled by not changing the filter on the camera actually and creating a kind of yellow light rather than the proper one but it leaves a nice pic I say.  This small camera does not work light the proper one.  

The early morning saw the sun appear for a while so I took advantage and wandered about the garden.  These orange things (I forgot to look for the name) in our organic garden are doing well and in real life give a bright colour to the place.  One lass does all the garden, she belongs to an organic society and ensures plants are tended properly.  The results are excellent and there is a wide variety of colourfull plants at all times, even in winter it is a decent show.   On occasions she runs classes for kids and they go off with plants and instructions how to make them grow.

"Wash me with Hyssop and I shall be clean," the well known biblical phrase from the psalms.  This refers to the once a year 'atonement' when the High priest went into the Holy of Holies and used Hyssop to spread the blood of the sacrifice over the ark as a means of propitiation.  This was the first time I had ever seen Hyssop regarding it as something found only in the middle east.  How little I know.  Jesus today stands before God the Father pleading our case in similar fashion using his own blood of his sacrifice, no Hyssop required.  This has been there for a while yet I never saw the plant as I was walking with my eyes closed, I note only the coloured things.

The sky above was blue, the wind a light breeze, a visitor mentioned how nice it was and I thought 'How long will it last?'  Within 30 minutes the clouds came over!  I do not foresee a long hot summer ahead, just a normal one.

No news as always, just elections in France, local elections here on Thursday and Theresa May hiding from everyone while her yes men hide behind her and blether their election slogans, most of which mean nothing.  Weeks of this to come yet...

Sunday 30 April 2017

Sunday Snooze

I have been in snooze mode all day.  While in St P's this morning I listened attentively to Colin but could not stop my mind drifting onto lesser things.  He spoke well but my mind kept wandering all over the place.  It has not yet returned.
I keep finding days like this partly because I try to lose weight by eating less and when I eat less my head dies.  My beer belly does not however.  I really need a better breakfast to see me through the day until evening.  Today I woke about 5:15 and desired urgently a pizza!  This has not happened before so unless I am pregnant I must not be eating properly.  Chips are required to make my mind work by that appears too easy an option early in the morning.
Keeping this hulk going while losing weight may be beyond me.  

The 'Strong and Stable' Kim Jong May has made an appearance in Scotland.  The Tory media inform us Scotland is turning to the Tories so the Dear Leader ventures to meet her people in a village hall in Crathie.  
Crathie!  It is the village where the Royal Family of benefit scroungers go to visit church when staying for three months at Balmoral Castle.  What they do there is a mystery but there it is.  The Dear Leader went unannounced to the village hall, the notice said a 'Children's Party' had booked the hall, and no press were allowed and no questions from the invited guests (all party members).  Instead of being interviewed by the media Ruth the leader of the Scottish Tories asked Kim Jong May the questions she was told to ask.  The great one then fled back to Englandshire.  She avoided Edinburgh, the capital city, Glasgow, the largest population, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Perth, Dunfermline, Kilmarnock etc but managed to visit an obscure village where the locals were not told she was arriving.  
Indeed the country is turning to the Conservatives.   

Tomorrow is a bank holiday, the May Day Holiday Mrs Thatcher banned because it was too Communist.  The Labour Party reintroduced it when they returned, at least that is how I remember it.  Thatcher did not like people enjoying themselves when they could be working for low wages in poor conditions.  Not that much socialism will appear around here tomorrow.  Those who can have gone away already, those who can't will do little bar sit around eating or visiting the shops, I suspect they will be open.  Socialists working therein might get extra for it but I doubt it.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Surprise at Work

Several surprises at work today, the worst being made to transfer the kitchen stuff elsewhere while the builder rebuilt it!  Long before my starting time I was lugging things about and sweating in a manner not known for many a day.   This is not a situation I wish to repeat.  It does show however how much is contained in a small kitchen and questions must be asked about most of it.  Still the builder is a good guy and soon we will have more space in their yet I bet the majority continue to dump everything in the sink and do a runner as always.  
Good job I am not one to complain or I may have had to when the first visitor arrived as I opened the door intending to sit, drink tea made in the cleaning sluice, and instead I was forced to chat in an inane manner while she looked for gifts.  I just wished to lie back and breathe without gasping.

As we are in a mess at the moment, one exhibition comes down and the second begins to claim space, the museum is flooded with helpers running around with little idea what to do.  I help by keeping out the way or removing white 'Blutack' from the back of information cards.  The woman in charge muttered something about me 'finding my place,' stole some of my chocolates and disappeared in a whirl of waste paper and exhibition stuff.      
I however continued with my work, two male visitors, one Museum Friend and two more helpers for the clean up, two phone calls booking events, all this while attempting to read one of our books and doing without tea as mine went cold and no-one was free to aid my distress.  So I filled in time by taking pictures of stock with a small and not too good camera to see what I could get from it.  This entertained me if not being very productive.  

Another surprise came at lunchtime when one of the women Generals came out of her interminable meeting with the big boss to inform me of Theresa May's decision to have a General Election on June 8th.  Naturally this is interesting news and reveals something of the impotence of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn.  Had he been a successful leader she would not risk this.  
It is right that the Brexit farce requires a General Election not a referendum in which the people were lied to as a mandate for Brexit.  However as the Conservatives are 20 points ahead in the polling it suggests she will win, wipe Labour out for years and bring about an even greater chance of Scots independence.  The Conservative policy of making the poorest face the burden of austerity will keep them out of Scotland, other troubles such as the 'Rape Clause' will lead to the Scots Tories suffering badly up north.  I forsee a Tory win but elections are not referendums, voting for Brexit does not always mean voting Tory, especially as the cost will come home to roost soon enough and the Labour voter will suffer much more than the middle class Tory.

As we have local council elections on May 5th folks are not happy about another election a month later.  In this area it matters little, this part of the nation is Conservative controlled at local and County level with little room for opposition to show.  Not only do we have the country peoples who are often the bedrock of the Tory Party but we also have the 'Working Class Conservative' who votes  for them because he thinks they give him more money in his pocket.  ON top of this UKIP the loony Conservative voters abound in this area, a mixture of 'little Englander' and 'Racist,' these folks will not even eat curry in case they fail the Empire!  So whatever way we vote the Tory MP will be returned, the majority of local and county councillors will be Conservative and nothing will make much difference for me.  Already the local Labour Party have dumped leaflets on us and in a few weeks we will be flooded by them and the recycling bag will be overflowing with lies, half truths and desperation!
Oh joy!  Two months of this to look forward to.

Once I had hobbled home I was confronted with more surprises.  The boys were fixing the broken flooring in the hall, the flooring that has been broken for nearly 20 years!  I expressed my surprise and was confronted with demands for tea!!!  This I managed to ignore as I pleaded weariness from my mornings endevours.  This obtained no sympathy, workmen I find often fail to empathise with those who do less than they.   Nonetheless I made tea for me and left them to it.  I bet I find the floor totally taken up tomorrow when I go down, just for spite!

Now important things are at hand, Real Madrid playing Bayern Munchen!

Thursday 6 April 2017

Garden Wander

To escape from the laptop I strode manfully through the public gardens today to see what life was like outside in the sunshine.  Being Half Term the place was choked with adolescents shouting at each other with half the gardens given over to toddlers and their neurotic mum's.  This was not going to be the time to catch a Robin sitting on a bench nor really the ideal opportunity to picture Blossom. 

As I wandered around I wondered about the Dear Leader and her entourage.  Theresa May was in Saudi Arabia, a nation we built up under Abdullah, saw it taken during a nasty civil war in the twenties by the Saudi's, and now the home of billions of money Theresa wishes to get her hands on. She kept up the PR stunts of her predecessor, remember taking lots of women to visit Trump in the US?  Well she was at it here refusing to wear a headscarf though she avoided driving just to ensure she made some money.  While not mentioning the cutting off criminals hands, nor the heads lopped off every so often, nor the place of women under the Wahabee  strict rule she did manage to get out a message mentioning the dropping of the word 'Easter' from 'Easter Eggs.'    
Now she is of course right in this, the food manufacturers do not wish to put anything regarding Jesus on their packaging and she ought to embarrass them by asking why?  However her Christian concern would be better appreciated if  the Tories had not chosen this week in which to cut benefits from children who have lost parents, nor to begin cutting money for the disabled and a great many other cruel and vindictive policies which hit the poorest and show no concern for 'Loving thy neighbour!'

A mixture of little Spring plants adorn the front of a house round the corner.  I regard this as the best garden at this time of year.  Little plants of blue and yellow with purple heather and green bits enhancing a very natural Spring garden.  I like it.

I was musing the other day about those poor Arsenal fans who wish their long serving manager to go!  He took over the club about 20 years ago and has given them the Championship, several cups and finished in the Champions League places almost every year, and they want him to go because he has not won the Championship for a long time, nor have they succeeded in Europe.  
Poor things!
I reckon half of those who grumble were not born when he arrived and almost as many were too young to know what was going on, yet they grumble!  Real football fans, that is almost every team in every division of every league at every level have to face the fact that sometimes they have good times and sometimes they do not.  The fans who become used to success, such as those at the Heart of Midlothian, quickly become despairing when success that dangles tantalisingly close is suddenly taken away from them are just as bad as Arsenal fans who are used to success but not regarding the two trophies that now mean so much to them, indeed they believe they now have a right to! 
Silly Arsenal fans.  You only get what you deserve.
No matter how much money you spend you cannot guarantee success.  Clearly Celtic, spending about £700,000 on each player a year will have more chance of success than Inverness Caledonian Thistle who spend £42,000 a year, yet success is not guaranteed even then.  A poor manager, disputes within the dressing room and a variety of bad results can lead to despair and failure no matter how much is spent.  The leading English clubs, Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United and Arsenal have all spent at least a billion and they too go through hard times.  The fans, especially those who were not there during the hard times, are often the first to utter complaints when success is not seen, fans of lesser clubs with little money may never see much success but an occasional cup win but these fans are often more loyal, better behaved, always there even if in small numbers and will still be there when failure comes once again. 
Poor Arsenal fans, come into the real world, there is a place for you.

Monday 3 April 2017

This Thing...

This thing has taken all my attention today.  Adding things, swapping from one to another, working out what went wrong and why, then attempting to put it all back together again.  I am just glad I did not buy one of those expensive laptops, some approaching £1900!  This was vastly cheaper and I obtained a discount to make it almost bearable, almost.  

Because of the busy day, I also had to eat and sleep, I dd not venture out into the blazing hot sun.  Instead I remained trapped indoors.  Occasionally I looked at the park and there, at great distance, I managed to capture a reasonable shot of this Thrush looking and listening for worms and beasties rummaging through the undergrowth, or is that underground?  The birds are fattening up and soon eggs will appear.  Already my feeders are emptying quicker than usual and soon it will be filling them daily I expect.  Of course as I have been in when the sun shone it will rain tomorrow when I am in the museum with hundreds of kids/mums and others.  Half term brings them out and rain brings them in!

The other day our boy Trump walked out of a  meeting forgetting to sign the Bill he went there to sign.  The next day we read he might resign because of testimony regarding Russia that a man is willing to offer, today we read he is instead going to nuke North Korea or share a hamburger with the Dear Leader, or is it Young Leader?  Every day is something new, never safe but certainly new.
Theresa May, the imitation Thatcher but without the intellect, has once again been cunning with the
EU people.  She first threatened to use EU nationals as bargaining chips then run from that one, next she threatened to withhold security information, and that was put down, yesterday Lord Howard ('Something of the night about him') one time failed leader of the Conservative Party blustered about Theresa 'Going to war with Spain over Gibraltar like Maggie did with the Falklands.'  Good grief!  Clearly this has come from No 10 yet it is so daft as to make you wonder what is happening to world leaders.
Putin the gangster is dangerous and mad, Trump is innocently madder, Theresa knows we need the EU yet rushes into leaving it with no plan, the French have a liar and a fascist as potential leaders, the only sane one in Germany has overstepped the mark and suffers for it, and who really knows what is going on elsewhere?  I really am beginning to see the end in sight.  Judgement is falling by allowing such as this to lead us.  Return to morals stability before it is too late and elect proper politicians who rule for the sake of the people and not the lunatics I say!


Wednesday 29 March 2017

Down the Pan!

So the Prime Minister who opposed Brexit because it was foolhardy and would destroy the nation has handed in the notice and is racing to enforce Brexit before anyone can stop her.  She does not believe in it but is doing it just to keep her job and spite Boris and the other public schoolboys.
Of such attitudes are nations destroyed.
Scotland will have a proper referendum soon, Northern Ireland will demand one soon and seek union with Dublin, Wales will so as it's told as it has nothing to fight back with and the little englander racists in this area will rejoice - until they lose their jobs and then blame everyone else!
I have written off to my friend Nicola asking when the Scots passports will be issued.  Then when mine arrives I will boast to the locals trapped in UKIPland that I am off to Torremelinos or Majorca while they will be visiting Skegness or Scarborough.  (Actually I will go somewhere interesting but tell them that to let them stew.)

I'm fed up with all that so here is a relaxing video well worth watching.


Enjoy this, it has kept me sane for hours.

Monday 27 March 2017

Monday Prattle

How nice to get out in the sunshine again.  Much of the time I have been holed up in this aroma filled dwelling so walking in the park has been a delight.  I realise we have had enough Daffodils but in truth there are billions of them lying around at the moment, one of the councils better ideas, and each park and green space has a variety of them livening up the day.  These ones poking through the park bench are good I thought. 

The introduction of the new Pound coin that begins tomorrow caused me to examine the fancy designs on the coins in my possession.  It was then that I noticed this on the back of the Fifty Pence piece.  Here we have a coin of the realm, on one side as always the head of the monarch and on the reverse either a tribute to 'Beatrix Potter' or Jemima Puddle-Duck one of her characters!  These are the coins of the realm with fictional characters on them!
A quick squint online shows some folks might wish to purchase these in time to come so they will rest on my shelf for a while to see if price rises.  As nobody is clear as to how many are out there I may be in for a fat profit, possibly a new pound perhaps?  But really, children's characters on the coins, what next, Jane Austen's people?  

Jemima and her mate did not appear too fussy about being on the back of a coin.  Happily settled into the pond in the gardens these two would prefer people not to throw 50p coins to them as they find them hard to digest.  

I note Theresa May attended Scotland today to ensure Nicola Sturgeon does as she is told.  The few comments noted afterwards indicate intransigent Theresa did not realise that Nicola comes from Ayrshire, I think she knows now.  Clearly a second referendum, IndyRef2, is on the way, Theresa by her continual high handed attitudes will ensure a YES vote far more sure than anything the snooty David Cameron could have produced.  People fell for the lies last time, they surely can tell the lies this time around.  BBC & SKY I note have placed this story reluctantly on their agenda trying to put the Westminster madman as more important even now.  Hmmm that tells you much.

Today I had to march against the biting east wind in an almost hot sun to St Paul's for the last of our Monday meets for a while.  The knees do not like exercise these days, how come it has come to this?  Tomorrow I have a full day at the museum, which means missing my siesta, something that means much to me these days, and assisting with the many 'art lovers' drawn in to hear the talk in the afternoon.  Too many folks on holiday at once in my view.  I suppose we ought to be glad so many showed up for the 'Oscar Ceremony.'

Oh look, more Council Daffs!

Monday 20 March 2017

First Day of Spring

The Year's At The Spring - Poem by Robert Browning

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!

Poem Hunter

I made it back home from St P's today about 30 minutes before the delightful Spring rain hammered down across the land.  I now wake about six in the morning which is good and the day is almost bright, bar the gray clouds that is. 

Spring - Poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Birds' love and birds' song
Flying here and there,
Birds' song and birds' love
And you with gold for hair!
Birds' song and birds' love
Passing with the weather,
Men's song and men's love,
To love once and forever.

Men's love and birds' love,
And women's love and men's!
And you my wren with a crown of gold,
You my queen of the wrens!
You the queen of the wrens --
We'll be birds of a feather,
I'll be King of the Queen of the wrens,
And all in a nest together.

Poem Hunter

Today, without telling the Scots, Theresa May spoke of the date she begins the Brexit process.  The condescending selfishness of the woman is giving many Scots the desire to vote indy!   Today I notice May, in her three hundred pound trousers and several hundred pound outfits posing for a glossy magazine.  How nice to take time of to present yourself, no man would do such a thing.  Arrogant, ignorant to and off Scotland, failing to accept the losses that will accrue she rushes into leaving the EU with no trade deals of any sort ready.  
Disaster awaits.

Oh and there is this!

Stronger in Europe!

Monday 23 January 2017

Lost in a Misty Haze

My mind is lost in a misty haze each day at the moment.  Jumping up out of bed I noticed the world was in such a haze also.  The misty haze arriving when the temperature was below zero left fields cold and white and early risers not much better.  
I notice Theresa May has become a misty haze also.  When asked four times if she had been told of the failed test of the Trident nuclear missile she failed to answer, possibly a wee bit of misty haze there I suggest.  There is also a misty haze when she is asked about Brexit, EU negotiations, cost, and organisation of trade debates with the world and EU and indeed everything else.  Is she up to the job?  

Mondays have changed as each week I am now committed to a meeting at St Paul's when I ought to be enjoying my siesta.  This of course need not hinder my siesta as I can shout my mouth off even if asleep.  However we work our way through the bible making use  of a book called 'The Story,' well they do I read the good book myself rather than a cut down version.  This is good in that I get to know people better and in several cases they already loathe the sight of me, so normal situation appears.  
The problem is time!  This means getting up, waking up, eating and going out at lunchtime missing lunch.  So lunch is early, alongside breakfast to save time, and then I have to prepare my little head and walk down there is the freezing cold weather, not that I was complaining however my knees were!  By the time we finish and I stutter home via the park looking for a picture or two it is time to eat.  So my day has been eat, talk, eat and now ty and scribble something in a blog.  Not easy when you are glaikit like me.

One advantage of the cold is the public gardens are free of children, mums consider their child too precious to go outside in the cold which is good - for everyone else.  However with no kids offering peanuts the beasties have to dig for the many treasures they hid when times were good.  Whether they actually find what they hid or whether they are just grubbing around is unclear to me but several were at it when I approached and none appeared to be successful.

Something very attractive about the sun shining like it does but also very difficult to capture.  Nothing else I tried worked so this is all I can do to catch the sun.  
Scenes such as this, with birds and beasties grubbing all around make me forget the worries of the day and the sights are important when sitting indoors for hours at a time.  When stuck inside for hours it is important to walk amongst something green and see blue sky, or gray sky as it usually happens to be round here.  There is something within us that requires time in the outdoors among greenery and animal life.  I think combining this with the seaside is even better for our mental health, the sights refresh the mind and allow us to think freely, expand the mind somewhat and in truth are just enjoyable if nothing else. 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Beware the Ides of Friday

Much against my better judgement I rose from under the bed and took my frail and freezing cold hulk down to the museum.  Claiming she had gone deaf, no surprise to anyone who has spoken to  her, she has called off the Thursday afternoon.  As little occurs at this time she will be happy enough to be at home in the warm reading rubbish wimmens novels.  
As expected nothing happened.  Two persons entered, two called via the telephone and I opened a box of books connected with the new exhibition.  A full afternoons work.  
The town has a half day/early closing on Thursdays and the place gets very quiet in the afternoon as people tend to stay away, even Tesco was quiet when I went for milk.  In a weeks time however the new exhibition will draw in the 'art' types who will flock to see what is on show.  Already around 80 are expected at the official opening, probably to avoid having to avoid paying when they come to visit the exhibition.   Some pics have gone up but still much to do to set out the show, I am doing my bit - I am clearing off out of the way!

A pathetic attempt at catching the dying sun on my wee camera.  This camera is not made for more than snaps rather than pictures.  Still it took the one of the tree quite well.  Maybe it's the photographer...

Tomorrow is the day the USA begins to wonder if it has done the right thing.  Tomorrow is the day the rest of the world begins to wonder in similar fashion.  We can of course remember that US presidents, for all their power, are in fact limited by so many 'checks & balances' that all too often anything they attempt is hampered by Congress or some Lobby group or other.  Even the UK system is better than what Americans have to endure.  
Tomorrow Mr Trump is allowed to know what no-one bar the president gets to know (so who tells him and how do they know it?) he also gets to carry the code for the nuclear button!

However we need not worry about this as his pal Putin is not in any danger of creating a war, although he might invade Poland, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Czech republic and Hungary and all the rest but he and Donald will not exchange nuclear missiles over them will they?  
meanwhile Mrs Theresa May is going flat out for broke, which is what the nation will be when she has finished.  Only last year she spoke of our strength and economic power being safe only in the EU now she realises her new job and its important powers depend on keeping the right wing little englanders in her party happy and she is not going to lose her new job because of economic collapse and a few hungry people is she?  What with Boris (this man is our foreign secretary!) comparing the French president to Nazis she has one less opponent to fear but others will arise just as clearly as Boris will do something stupid again.  
Normal politics really.  Up there in Elite Land they make their decisions and we don't count until they need us to vote for them.  Propaganda spewed out daily through the gutter press (which the Tories own) and a compliant BBC will be used in any referendum or against those seeking a referendum.  It never ceases to surprise me how the messages are passed by a ' free Press!'  The elite continue to prosper and it is the 'poor wot gets the blame.'