Saturday, 1 February 2025

Orange Balloon

The madman liveth!
I had to laugh the other day, the tragedy where a military helicopter crashed into a commercial airline landing at Washington opened the door to Trump to spew stupidity.  He did not respond with the gravitas expected of any leader, oh no, he immediately claimed it was caused by DEI, the 'inclusivity' deals at air traffic control.  
He took this further a day later, claiming the helicopter pilot was a 'transgender' who deliberately crashed into the place.  The next day that particular individual appeared in the press stating 'I am alive, here I am!'  Which kind of goes against what Trump was pushing.  I expect another day in court for the orange balloon.
I do not disagree with his ending the encouraging of deviant lifestyles, except he must consider them as people requiring help, an idea that has never crossed his mind regarding anyone anywhere.  
N one is trans, you are either male or female, however, life brings problems, and we react in different ways.  Those with such tendencies, or indeed any other tendency, there are many available, require our care and help, not to be targets for vote catching amongst the less well-educated, which is what got him elected in the first place.
Certainly there is no room for special days for gays or any other deviant behaviour, there is nothing to be proud about here, but we ought to be stating truth to people, not encouraging the lowest common denominator which in the end destroys them.
oops, I forgot to finish this today, I got caught up in the football.  Still, we won 6-0!  Hooray!


the fly in the web said...

The Americans here are panicking as their social security cheques aren't arriving....

Adullamite said...

Fly, No wonder, Musk now controls the finance!