Saturday, 22 February 2025

Capital of the Mind, Edinburgh, & Submarines

James Buchan discusses Edinburgh during the enlightenment of the 1700s.  Beginning with a description of Edinburgh as it lead up to the 18th century, the selling of Scotland to England by the Lords, followed by the frightening, for some, 1745 rebellion.  Having been virtually broken by the Union Edinburgh was becoming a wasteland.  Charlie's appearance gave some hope for independence, not that Charlie would ever have returned, and struck fear of a Catholic revival if he did win in others.  Only then was action taken, all to slowly, to revive the city.
This book centres on the literature of the day, that is the writings of David Hume, Alexander Carlyle, Adam Smith and many others.  These 'freethinkers' in truth bored me as I trudged my way through their opinions, only Adam Smith offering any real touch of humanity.  Quite how Thatcher thought his book allowed her 'trickle down theory' is a wonder, Smith would not have encouraged 3 million unemployed!  These men all offered opinions based on 'reason,'  that is, their 'reason.'  That is where they went wrong.  Many good opinions are found, much support for helping the sick in aiding the founding of hospitals for instance and education, but in the end it is their limited outlook that counts.
It must be said that none of these people actually worked.  They had money, sometimes did legal or authority work, but none endured the long hours of struggle of the mass of poor around them.  And Edinburgh was full of the poor.
The smell of Edinburgh was not a delight in the 1700s.  Disease was rampant, houses cramped and badly lit, pigs roamed the streets often healthier than the people, with only the rich being able to move to the new housing to the south of the main city.  Edinburgh was not a romantic place when the 'Athens of the North' was being born.
It is a wee bit better now.
This book attempts to display Edinburgh as it was then, I confess I found it a wee bit tedious, though much research has been done.  The book became a slog for me while the author went over his favourites, but many will enjoy the in depth look at these giants who placed Edinburgh on the map.
These men certainly gave Edinburgh a certain place in the world, but surely it was what followed from this, scientific research, medicine, education and industry that really mattered?
Worth a look if you have time to spare.

The main armament of defence in the UK is the nuclear submarine.  The UK has several, based in Scotland far from Westminster, and most are broken.  Last year a trial of firing the Trident missile, at a cost of some £17 million failed.  The missile soared into the air and soon plopped back down into the sea.  It is to be hoped the firing was in a cleared area.  
Both the west coast of Scotland and the Forth of Forth near the Rosyth base where repairs are conducted on some submarines, have radioactive recordings in the water.  Westminster ministers have not noticed this yet.
The broken subs lie awaiting several million pound worth of repair, while it appears only one is actually out there deterring Mr Putin and his like.  Broken nuclear submarines, majority of RN ships in dock for repair, routine or otherwise, and two expensive badly designed and failing aircraft carriers with borrowed aircraft slowly draining the cash from the defence budget.
Maybe it is time for a review...?

1 comment:

the fly in the web said...

MOD procurement is a bad joke.....