Wednesday, 5 February 2025


Storm scene - Harper's - 1909   William James Aylward (1875-1956)

This was my morning, everything going wrong and too strong a coffee not making my mood any better.  British Gas of course did not help.  It's bad enough informing me I am 80p in debit yet I have used less gas than last year but to tell me I must first fight through the log in process.
Until recently this has been straight forward, now they ask if I am human!  What would AI say to that?  Anyway as I click on the space provided up comes one of those unreadable US Verify pictures.  'Select bicycles,' it commands, which I do if I can see them.   Yet this is rejected, as is 'Stairs' and 'Bridges,' until I get in!  I am very easily roused these days, my temper is not lost it is always with me and British Gas are not helping with these absurd verify pictures.  What is a 'Crosswalk' anyway?
I am now planning to find a million pound somewhere and buy a small croft far form humanity that requires little work yet offers a good view.

 An abusive Hibs fan with a record of domestic abuse, found his wife down in Muirhouse, the home of 'Trainspotting,' and run over her, twice, with his car.  The judge sentenced him to 7 years for this, not 11 as warranted as he had pleaded guilty, and the wife, still suffering from the effects of this as you may expect, criticised the sentence.
How human life, and female life at that, is considered worth little in today's world.  A road accident caused by drugs or drink might mean 5 years in jail, and only half of that served.  Human life is cheap, and the antics of politicians in recent days has not lessened this.    

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