After weeks of cloud cover we at last have blue sky.
We also have blue fingers as it it freezing, but no-one appears to mind that.
An adventurous trip to the charity shop to dump some rubbish used items that no longer fit or are required. Barnardo's gain is no loss to me. Whether they will actually gain anything from that lot I am as yet unsure. Still, it cleared a space and I have already begun filling the next one!
However, as expected the new contract with the landlord might see an increase. I wish I had taken the stuff out now and placed it on E-Bay instead!
More success for privatisation!
Ofclot sorry, Ofcom, the official regulator, has stated that Royal Mail, now owned by a shady Cheque, can deliver 2nd class mail on only 2 or 3 days a week and less on Saturdays.
Now how will this work?
Mail goes through a machine, it sorts mail into little boxes which land, eventually, on a postman's frame from whish he sorts he mail into your pigeonhole. How are they going to separate 2nd from 1st? Will mail be left lying in a box under the frame? Guess what can go wrong here? Will it remain at the main sorting office till the right day, just imagine what will go wrong there, or is it just another balloon to ensure the profit grabbing crooks running Royal Mail can cut the number of employees and increase their profits?
Gas, water, Royal Mail, electricity, buses, railways, you name it and privatise it and watch the service element disappear and the COE and his directors profits increase. The UK is now run by corporate and greedy big business. Keir and Angela from accounts are well behind them and taking the benefits home.
And when you think that the majority of people in the U.K. want essential services to be nationalised it shows just who it is that Starmer serves.
Fly, Indeed!
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