Thursday, 13 February 2025

Annoying Twitter


Twitter is very annoying these days.  With the majority of thinking people moving to 'BlueSky' this means the loss of their posts opens up spaces that must be filled.  Twitter does not care what fills the space as long as something does, hence the masses of junk that greets us in the morning.  
So far, recent days have offered masses of junk regarding what Americans call a 'Super Bowl.'  This is a tedious event no-one outside the States cares about however, big money is on offer and in the US that makes it important.  I have daily vast amounts of posts to block, and I still cannot fathom, or care, who won.  
Brazilian posts, mixed with Argentinian have flowed for days, Nigerian homemade porn also, though that may be mixed with US porn, it is difficult to say, and of course hundreds of tweets regarding the actions of one Donald Trump, the orange balloon who has sold the US to Musk.  Nigerian Christians also abound, but I am sorry to say many of these I worry about, how genuine are they?  WWE wresting abounds, alongside Ice Hockey, both of which hold no interest, both of which appear as false as Nigel Farage.  My dad used to watch the wrestling on TV on a Saturday in days of old, that was fixed, and we all knew it, he had twice been in the army in the real world, yet he laughed his way through the afternoon watching this rubbish.  No doubt the glamorous, totally false WWE has similar audiences, but really how does it survive?  Add to these important items the number of women posting on celebs who are chasing rich sports stars, or what some girl is doing with some male.  The world faces WW3, and they spend their lives wondering what Travis is saying to Swift, or whether Meghan is better than Kate!  And they can vote!  
I have bruised my fingers just blocking all these yet still they come.
People really want their opinions known on all these, and many important subjects also, which is fine, we all wish to be heard, but genuine tweets are hidden under the rushing flow of tat.  
'Tat' brings to mind all the Conservative MPs posting on farmers.  None of them have the word 'Conservative' next to the MP bit of their name, it's almost as if they were ashamed of that.  All repeat the same phrases, none care if you believe them, many do not allow replies.  Which brings me to Labour MPs in Scottish seats.  So many of these are English, live in Surrey or Walthamstow, fail to open an office in the Scottish constituency, no phone line there, no email bar the Westminster one, and they never visit way up north and claim the fares either.  However, they can be seen at PMQs asking the PM the question the whips have given them to ask.  
Of course, I use Twitter for the remaining good things, the vast number of football related posts, Scottish tweets, some good, some bad, and other items that have as yet failed to make the move to 'BlueSky.'  So I continue to use this dying system, at least until my favourites are moved to a better place, but it is tiring some days, very tiring.


the fly in the web said...

Father too watched the wrestling...though I think that was as much for the old ladies with brollies as the 'sport' itself...he used to laugh right through it all.

the fly in the web said...

Oh, I forgot...there is something on the lines of the super bowl called the puppy ball where shelter and disabled dogs potter around after balls in the hope of being adopted....probably more skillful than the super bowl with cissies in armour.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Did I mention the landlady at the Rugby League game, she entered the field with a brolly to defend her tenant who was struggling under big opponents?

Adullamite said...

Fly, That's a good idea, let's try that at cup finals!

the fly in the web said...

She meant to safeguard her rent!