Tuesday 15 October 2024



This morning I drew back the curtains to let in the morning light and the room got darker.  Someone had left the clouds out over night and they were refusing to move.  It was a dismal beginning to a day.  Scrambling through Twitter, emails, and the English media I decided to scribble words onto a screen.  By that time light was offering mere grey clouds instead of glowering black ones and as a result I decided to exercise.
Yes, exercise, something my heart is keen on but does not meet often.  Five minutes here, a bit of stretching there, a wee walk down to the basement to read the meter, stretch again, lift a weight, ooyah, put it down again, and return happily to the chair.
That slim exercise does indeed make me feel better.  Breathing improves, the body benefits, and I even smile at the mirror, this does not smile back.  Having done myself no geed a few weeks ago I am able now to exercise a bit and hopefully benefit more often from this.  Usually however, exercise brings out the bugs that follow me, and as I am supposed to go for a 'flu' jab I am now in two minds.  I could have a jab but fear this may stimulate a cold type situation.  I have to seek a Covid jab, but that also might have a reaction.  Now I am nonplussed as to what to do.  However, I missed both last year, I had Covid at the time, so may not bother again this year.  As per usual, whatever I do will be wrong.

A squabble has arisen over the return of Alec Salmond's body.  A request for the RAF to collect the body has been rejected as this, 'Is only for Royalty.'  £600,000 is supposedly the cost of returning the body but England do not appear to be in a hurry about it.  The government claim talks are under way, but that means little, I can see a 'Crowd funder' required to pay for this soon.

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