Saturday 29 June 2024

Nothing Election

I've found the place I want to live, it sums up my life today.
The fact that it is deserted, and even the Google maps wee yellow man will not go there, tells you something.  The Highway passes by, an area is used as a truck stop, a couple of huge Ariel's reach high into the sky, and all around the desert sits burning and awaiting the careless.
My sort of place.
The 'nothing happens' attitude is what fills my days now.  Especially after macho like I scunnered myself this week.  I was hoping to get out and about but that may be the end of next week.  I have a book token that must be used, and the big town is where the bookshops are at.  It has been several years since I was last there.  I wonder if they will remember me?
Until then, nothing happens bar awaiting Thursdays great event, the election!

You will note I say little about this.  No wonder!  What a motley collection we have on offer.  Our man is Home Secretary, hopefully he will lose.  'Reform,' with their one cause 'Stop the boats,' will get support but will only harm the Home Secretary and will not win.  'Labour' might, all he has going for him is he is from a close by area, and represents 'Labour.'  Against him he has 'Labours' disgraceful Trans policies and imitation Tory policies which will not get my vote.  The 'Lib-Dem' is the youngest county councillor and not up to MP standards, the 'Greens' have a good reputation at the local council as they work with several independents though all to often they are mental, and as usual, one independent is standing, but who is he, I know nothing?
So where does the vote go and vote we must?
If 'labour' put up a 'name' they would win easily, and may yet with this unknown fellow.  But I am wondering where to place my X on the day... 

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