Monday 27 April 2020

Monday Mumping

So, Boris returns, the media are ecstatic, 'The Boss is Back' they proclaim.
They fail to question why he was not around when people were dying and why he failed to take appropriate action to prevent such deaths.  The 'Nightingale' Hospital, and all similar ventures, have proved to be yet again empty gestures.  No patients admitted there unless they bring the staff to work on the also.  Along with imitation 'Churchillian' phraseology we have empty hospitals and no equipment nor staff.  Very typical Johnson.
He has however made it clear there will be no quick end of the Lock Down, this is good, however we know he speaks out of both sides of his mouth and I expect his paymasters will be getting some money opportunities very soon indeed.  
I wonder if he will take PMQs on Wednesday or avoid it through a doctors appointment perhaps?
I wonder of Keith has the ability to actually oppose him if he does take the stand.  This will be interesting, even though I am not sure I wish to sit through 30 minutes of disappointment.

There is a blindness in many people these days.  I found it clearly in those who voted for Brexit, there was no room for an alternative, Brexit was all, no-one wished to debate, Brexit or nothing was the idea.  In the US we see similar happenings.  Crowds gather to oppose Lock Down as they do not want the government telling them what to do.  They gather because the usual suspects, the anti- climate change, anti-Vaccination, and anti- whatever is popular people tell them to gather.  Obeying them is OK, especially when the President tells them to oppose the local Governor.  
The President himself, not renown for intellectual offerings, has in recent days Tweeted many confusing Tweets, including revealing a desire to find a new TV station to replace 'Fox TV' because it no longer appears to believe him.  Having told people to inject disinfectant to cure a virus, his friends say it worked, and now appears to have tipped over the edge finally will it be possible that he can be removed and sectioned before the November Presidential vote?  Possibly his daughter might bump him off and take his place, she would like that...


Dave said...

Boris clearly models the delivery of speeches on Churchill and I think these temporary hospitals were built just top show the public that if China can do it so can we. The issue of efficient testing the population still hasn't been sorted and will future budgets address the under funding of the NHS? Time will tell.

the fly in the web said...

As always, lots of blah blah but the muddle continues...

Adullamite said...

Dave, You sum it up well. Mostly show while people die.

Fly, Blah Blah Blah indeed...