Monday 12 November 2018

Quiet Monday

Some semblance of normality returns to the world today.  Already the remembrance events have fallen down the newspaper page, royalty, celebs, politics and nobody's return to the forefront.  
I suspect many who ventured out to a remembrance ceremony yesterday will fail to make it next year, but maybe I am cynical...?
At least I was able to aid two or three people with info on their family, some family rumours dispelled and others connected to men they never knew but will never now forget.  These people will remember next year.

Global warming continues to keep this area full of sunshine, ending only as evening came on, and promising more tomorrow.  My one time dream of living in the joy of happy sunshine filled California besides al the rich folks will never happen now, not just because I am poor but because global warming has destroyed the place.  The cynic rises again and thinks it would be better destroying Las Vegas or such like rather than all these rich folks houses in the woods but maybe that's just me.  Such fires appear to be all too common in a state with poor water management and too many trees.  The land will recover but whether the people will is another thing.

A vain attempt to clean the house ended when I had hoovered the floor and poured bleach into the sinks.  It was all too much to do anything else, such work gets done and then needs done almost immediately again, something ought to be done about it, but I just put it aside and will do it tomorrow...

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