Enough is enough! Being weaned in Edinburgh I am used to rain. Gray skies are my birthright! However I do think this constant gray sky and rain is a bit much. Now as you know I amnot one to complain, and I am grateful this rain makes up for what we have missed, and this will benefit us all when Farmer Jones gathers the crops, however I could do with sunshine again. We had some yesterday while travelling to Chelmsford, and more on Monday so I am grateful for that, but it seems to never end, a bit like a normal Edinburgh summer really. Having endured the '76 drought in smoggy London, and having been evicted chosen to move to the country I expected that sunshine, green views, peace and quiet and all day long blue skies would be mine out here in the wilderness. However the 'driest county in England' proved, during my time as a postman, to be a lie. As indeed was the idea that Essex was flat, I can tell you it aint mate! However this constant gray skies, rain, and smiling weather forecasters warning that more, much more is to come, and from the freezing north at that, then I begin to think it is time to be peeved. Now the advantages of rain is to be seen everywhere. The park is covered in Daisy and Buttercup (the flowers not Farmer Jone's milk cows) as you can see. This is wonderful to me, and attracts lots of wildlife, at least those that have not been drowned or frozen already! Only people who have to cut the grass object to such rain! I watched some Starlings bounce off the tree in the park and flounce around like House Martins. Lovely I thought, but when the rain, and it will be torrential, comes tonight where will they nest? Mrs Blackbird passed me earlier, her beak stuffed with hay like items, heading for her nest, I wonder how she will fare tonight? I cannot understand how birds survive in such times? Some will however.

As you bring out the galoshes cogitate on these:-
Jesus loves you. Nice to hear in church, terryfying to hear in a Mexican prison
How many Spanish guys does it take to change a light bulb? Just Juan.
Two negatives make a positive but only in Scotland do two positives
make a negative - "Aye right."
After announcing he was getting married, a boy tells his pal he will be
wearing the kilt. "And what's the tartan?" asks his mate.
"Oh, she'll be wearing a white dress," he replies.
Haha, love the jokes. Also the beautiful green grass.
pretty buttercups!!
Jenny & RDG, you will both be pleased the grass & buttercups have been well watered the last 24 hours! It has just stopped raining now.
Excuse me, sir! I think those are dandelions...
The starlings are fine, don't you worry about the starlings. they try to roost in our attic. I have to send in the cat every so often to persuade them it's a bad idea.
A, Ah yes you are indeed right, but by the time I realised I used the wrong word it was too late! No-one else noticed.....
I noticed. Just too polite to mention that you don't know your clutterbups.
Soub, Bah!
What's a clutterbup? If you are referring to those yellow flowers, they sure are pretty. Oh how I wish I lived near a field full of pretty yellow flowers...with chirping birds flitting about. Yes, I would like to see lots of chirping birds flitting about over a field full of pretty yellow flowers. Well, it feels like the meds I borrowed from my mother-in-law are starting to wear off. It was sure good while it lasted.
Jerry, I think you have been mixing drink with those pills....
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