Sunday 23 October 2011

Railways 1946

21 mins long!


Relax Max said...

Yes, 21 minutes. But well worth it. I love steam.

Unknown said...

Yes, that was indeed well worth it, and I fully agree with the supposition that shoveling a tonne of coal into the firebox every hour or so would be something like work. That is, unless a tonne of coal doesn't weight nearly as much as a ton of coal, of course, and even then, I suppose it could still be considered something like work.

Relax Max said...

Amen to Fish. I once loaded 16 tons of #9 coal and the old straw boss said well bless my soul.

Adullamite said...

Max, Indeed!

Fish, He didn't say tonne he said ton, were you not listening?

Max, Pah! Chickenfeed!