Sunday 7 June 2009

Sunday Evening

Sunday evening and the jacket I wore this morning when taking my morning constitutional has almost dried out. Just what kind of weatherman waits until I am out there wandering about early in the morning to turn on the taps! A few spots of rain I can endure, but bouncing off the roadway? It's a disgrace! I would write to my MP but he is busy negotiating with some foreign banker at the moment. Now of course there is not a cloud to be seen in the sky. A deep blue after the sun has descended behind the trees over to the west (I once saw the sun go down over the sea. There was a terrible hissing and billowing of steam on the horizon as it did so.) yet the light has not yet faded. How I love this time of year, when I can see it through the clouds, the long days, short nights and abundant flowering plant life. Lovely!

1 comment:

Strawberry Girl said...

Hmmm positive or negative post? I am not sure which. Though I wouldn't bother putting it up to the MP, like you said. He probably had a deal with the weatherman to get you wet, so that you wouldn't notice that he was negotiating with the foreign banker (muwahahaha!!) Good thing it didn't work. ;D