I'm annoyed!
Now as you know I never get annoyed. That is one of the disadvantages of being so nice! However, I always remain calm in all situations - not counting hurling bricks at those brats screaming past on their Vespa's of course, and using the chainsaw in the market place that time, but other wise I am always cool, calm and collected - oh yes I forgot the problem at the Hibs ground when the goal went in. Suggesting that Leith docker could go, er chase himself, was probably unwise with hindsight. Anyway I did get truly upset last night, so much so I even did the 'Daily Mail' thing and wrote to the BBC!
A British (which means she was probably not English) female tennis player was being interviewed after her defeat. She was somewhat emotional and instead of informing them where to go as she ought to, the lass burst into tears. Now in my mind the thing to do here was back off and give the lass space, but oh no, this is television, so the camera closed in, changed angles, and got a close up of her tears. The bastards! I was so angry at this! Clearly she was upset (clearly she was also rubbish!) but to use her tears because this is 'good television' was just wrong! I was so angry I spent a good long while attempting to e-mail the Beeb, (and this is not easy). Of course such shots are considered 'good television' in the business and are to be found in all reports from troubled regions. No war zone is complete without the crying women and bandaged children! To me using her this way was heartless! The picture has of course been repeated many times since, and "Dearie me," the commentators said, "Poor lass," but they use her just the same.
The bastards!

I'm still annoyed!
Stickies! These are wonderful things! Post it notes for the PC screen (That's Personal Computer not Political Correctness Dummy!) and I use them all the time. Excellent things I find. Even better they are FREE!!!!! However I have an annoying problem. Along the top of each one is the white control bar, and I use this to move each one into position. However I moved one small yellow Sticky right to the top of the screen and the white bar along the top went to far. Now I can't get the thing back down again!!!! I am right annoyed again!

Now I am about to watch Spain play the USA! USA! USA! at the Confederation Cup nonsense and the aerial is giving trouble again. But I am not one to complain.....Unless Spain lose to the Yanks I suppose...
You need to get out more, auld fella...
Oh please no, Scot Ska Mike. Don't encourage him to get out and about more. For he will undoubtedly just find more to be nice about.
P.S.: Real Americans don't play footie!!!
LOL, good one Mike. ;D
There seems to be a very bad case of the grumps going on over in your place, perhaps I will send over a cheery little (uh, big) dinosaur named Barney, or perhaps a beebo whatsit, or even a doodle bob. (all a bunch of nutty things made up to drive parents crazy!!) Actually my little one's stuck on "My Little Ponie," quite different from the stuff you've been "entertained" with lately. ;p
(oh, and heck yah they need to leave tearful ladies alone!! Good on ya' for pointing it out) ;D
M, I am NOT auld!
F, I am always nice! And it is NOT footie! And the US didn't win, Spain lost!
SG, At least one nice person is on here!
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